Sitting in the garden, I decided to wait for David's reaction before writing another word. If he turned it down, then ... then what? Then I'd remain broke and have to find a job. Pushing the book out of my mind, I closed my eyes and relaxed in the afternoon sun. Pondering on anilingus and anal intercourse, I grinned. I'd experienced more crude sex in the last week or so than I had in my entire life. My grin fading as I recalled pissing over Alan's face, I again wondered what he must have thought of me.
And as for Jackie ... I could never face her again, I was sure. She'd witnessed my vile act and must have thought me a filthy little slut. A cum-slut. A piss-slut.
I was surprised when she turned up that evening. Inviting her in, I could feel my face blush as we walked into the kitchen. No doubt she'd come to question me, I mused. Watching me piss over Alan's face must have shocked her to the core. There again, the things she'd done in the haystack with Jenny Hardbrooke had quite taken me aback.
“What time did Alan leave last night?” she asked as we walked out onto the patio.
“He left this morning,” I replied. “And, before you ask. No, he didn't sleep with me. I left him on the lounge floor.”
“What?” she gasped. I spied her pink tongue and imagined her licking my cunt. “You left him tied up all night?”
“Yes, in way of punishment for his cheating and lying. By the way, Crystal Marshall wasn't a prostitute.”
“People are saying that she was.”
“I heard on the news today that there's still no sign of her. It seems that there was a struggle in her bedroom and ...”
“How do they know that? I mean, she might have just left the room in a mess.”
“Apparently, ornaments were smashed and the room had been turned upside down. Anyway, I bumped into Brian Marchant this morning.”
“He's a friend of Ian's, my ex. He said that Crystal was running some sort of business from the cottage, which backs up the prostitute rumour.”
“No one knows what it was, but she had plenty of male visitors. She was on the game, Jade. There's no doubt about it.”
“It does look that way,” I sighed.
“How's the book coming on?”
“I posted the first seven chapters to the literary agent this afternoon, so it's fingers crossed.”
“Are you going to let me read it so far?”
“No, I'm not.”
“Just a quick look?”
“No, you’re not going to read a word of it until it’s published. Jackie, have you ever had anal sex?”
“Well, almost,” she giggled. “It was with Ian. He couldn't get it in. We tried, but there was no way he could get it in. Why do you ask?”
“I was just wondering what it's like. I'm bringing a scene into my book and ...
Having never experienced it, it's not easy to write about it.” I daren’t tell her the awful truth.
“That's easily put right.”
“Jade, after what you did to Alan last night ... I think the time has come for me to teach you a thing or two. I realize that you're trying to experience various sexual acts for ... Well, for research purposes.”
“What are you getting at?”
“Jenny Hardbrooke ... I'm still in touch with her.”
“Yes. I wasn't going to say anything, but ... Jenny and I ... We still, you know.”
“God,” I gasped. “You have sex with her? But she's married and ...”
“She's having an affair with me. And has been since we were at school.”
“I don't know what to say.”
“There's more. I'm only telling you this because you seem to have come out of yourself recently. There's no way I would have said anything had you remained the prude you were. Anyway, Jenny and I have these parties. There's one tonight, that's why I've come to see you.”
“I haven't been to a party in ages.”
“Yes, well ... It's not a party, exactly. Jenny will be there, and me, of course.
So will her husband and two other men.”
“Is it at her place?”
“No, my place this time. Interested?”
“Yes, I am.”
“We all have sex, Jade.”
“What? All at once?”
Stunned, I held my hand to my mouth. I'd thought I'd known Jackie ... I'd thought I'd known myself. Three men, Jackie, Jenny and me ... No, I couldn't do it. I was sure. The experience would be more than helpful, but there was no way I was going to strip off and have sex with three men and two other girls. Crystal would have joined in.
“Be at my place at eight,” Jackie said, walking into the kitchen. “If you want to experience real sex, then be there at eight.”
As the front door slammed shut, I stood on the patio frozen to the spot. Finally managing to look at my watch, I wondered what to do. It was already seven o'clock. I had one hour to make up my mind.
Three men?
I pondered, picturing three erect penises stabbing at my pussy. And my bum and my mouth. This was a chance in a life time if ever there was one. But I couldn't do it. My mind whispered to me, goading me to go to the orgy. But I knew I couldn’t do it.
I'd set out on some daft quest to experience unusual sexual acts, and that quest had already taken me across thresholds I'd never dreamed I'd cross. I'd had notions of ghosts, I'd masturbated, had anal sex with my ex-boyfriend, pissed over his face, had lesbian sex with Jackie, sucked Alan the musician ... My life had run wild. Everything turned upside down and inside out, I'd lost completely my direction in life.
Ambling down to the end of the garden and gazing at the bushes, I wondered where Crystal Marshall was. Had she been abducted? If she was still alive, she might be enduring crude sexual acts. I imagined her tied up in a basement, her naked body abused by her abductor. If she was dead, then ... The police had to find her, and soon.
All the time I didn't know whether she was dead or alive, I couldn't think straight. The girl's face in the bush, the cottage, chapter six ... I had to know one way or the other.
As I was about to head back to the kitchen, a crazy idea came to me. My back garden was completely secluded. No one could see me, spy on me. The evening sun warming me, I slipped my blouse off and tossed it to the ground. Tugging my skirt and panties down, I kicked them aside and unhooked my bra. Standing naked on the grass, I moved forward and walked into the bushes. The sharp leaves and branches scratching me, I forced my way past the bushes into the small clearing by the fence.
I didn't know what I was doing or why as looked about me. I'd had the crazy notion that the ghost of Crystal might have been attracted to the bushes by my nakedness, but the idea was ridiculous. Had Jackie seen me, she'd have suggested that I visit a psychiatrist. I felt strangely aroused as the leaves caressed my naked body.
Like a thousand tiny fingers, they stroked me, tickled my naked flesh. The fence giving way as I leaned against it, I just managed to keep my balance. To my surprise, the fence wasn't a fence. It was a gate opening onto a narrow ally.
“That's where the child came from,” I murmured, peering into the ally. I felt such a fool. The ghost of a dead girl peering out of the bushes? I must have been completely mad to think that I'd seen a ghost. And standing naked in the bushes, I 138
reckoned that I
need a psychiatrist. Forcing my way though the bushes to the lawn, I grabbed my clothes and dashed into the kitchen. “Bloody kids mucking about,” I breathed irritably, rubbing my scratched arm as I dressed. “What a bloody fool I've been.”
Pacing the lounge floor, I didn't know what to do about Jackie's so-called party. Half of me wanted to go but the other half told me to keep away. I was torn between trying to return to some sort of normality, and enjoying a life of ... Enjoying life by finding sexual freedom and satisfaction? Pondering on my dirty book, I realized why David hadn't been interested in my romantic novel. “Closing the bedroom door on the horny couple,” I chuckled. Was I closing a door? By not going to Jackie's party, was I closing a door that might never open to me again?
“Sod it,” I murmured, grabbing my bag and leaving the flat. I had to go to the orgy. Losing my mind and standing naked in the bushes, I had to get out of the flat and have some fun. It was a lovely evening. The sun still hot, there wasn't a breath of wind and I decided to cut through the park. I rarely went to Jackie's flat. She didn't have a garden and her place was small in comparison to mine so she usually came to me or we met in the pub. It made a change to get out, I again mused. Stuck in my den wasn't so bad in the winter, but not during the summer months.
“Hi,” someone called from behind.
“Oh, hi,” I smiled, turning to see Alan the musician running towards me.
“I thought it was you. How are things?”
“OK,” I replied. He hooked his hair behind his ears. He was wearing his Jimi Hendrix T-shirt and I wondered whether he'd taken if off since I'd last seen him.
“How are you?”
“I'm fine. I called at your flat a couple of times but you weren't in.”
“Ah, yes,” I grinned sheepishly. “Actually, I was in but didn't answer the door.
Don't take it personally, Alan. I was working on my book and ignored the doorbell and the phone.”
“Oh, right. I'm on my way to the pub. Isn't your friend coming along?”
“The pub?” I frowned.
“I'm playing there tonight. I thought you were going to ...”
“Er ... Saturday,” I mumbled. “Yes, yes. I have to call round to a friend's place first.”
“We start at nine. It'll be great to see you there, Jade. I've written some lyrics just for you.”
“Oh, er ... I don't know what to say.”
“Don't say anything until you've heard the song. I wrote the music a long time ago. Meeting you gave me the idea for the lyrics.”
“I might not get there until after nine,” I said, forcing a smile.
“That's OK. We'll wait until you arrive before we play your song.”
“My song. Right. Well, I'd better be going.”
“OK, see you later. I'll save you a table. And get you a vodka and lime. I have some cash now.”
As he walked away, I felt terrible. I'd completely forgotten about Alan and his bloody band. To be honest, I'd thought it was Friday. That was the trouble with 140
working from home. I never knew which day it was. I couldn't let him down, particularly as he'd written a song for me. But I really didn't want to sit in the pub on my own. Apart from that, I'd made the decision to go to Jackie's sex party. There were always complications, I reflected, making my way across the park. Nothing was ever straightforward.
Sitting on a bench, I had to decide between the pub and Jackie's party. I was going to let one of them down, but which one? Perhaps I could leave Jackie's flat at ten and then go on to the pub. Or perhaps I should go to the pub and then ... “It's my life,” I sighed, again wondering why things were always so bloody complicated.
Recalling standing naked in the bushes, I shook my head. Again pondering on my life and where it was taking me, I wished I could go back to the way things were. All right, my book was no good and I didn't have a sex life. Boring though my existence was, at least I knew what to expect each day. There were no surprises.
Wondering what to do, I checked my watch. Eight o'clock. Perhaps it was best to go home and forget about Jackie and Alan. Watching a young lad walking across the grass, I wished that I could go back a few years to my mid-teens. His hands in his pockets, he was whistling as if he didn't have a care in the world. Nearing the bench, he smiled at me, and I wondered whether he'd be happy in a few years time when he had a relationship and bills to pay.
“Hi,” he said, standing before me. “Cool day, isn't it?”
“I thought it was warm,” I replied, immediately realizing my mistake. “Oh, cool. Yes, I see what you mean.”
“Mind if I join you?” he asked, sitting next to me before I could answer. “I was supposed to be meeting my girlfriend but she didn't turn up.”
“You don't seem too worried.”
“I'm not bothered, really. Well, I suppose I am but what the hell. You been stood up, too?”
“No, no,” I laughed. “I'm on my way to ... I'm just out for a walk.”
“I could have gone out with the lads tonight but it's too late now. I don't know.
Saturday night and nowhere to go.”
“Where were you going with your girlfriend?”
“Only down the pub.”
“To watch a band?”
“No, no. Live bands are great but she reckons they're too loud. We were going to The White Horse.”
“I was thinking of going to a pub this evening. A friend of mine plays in a band and he's there tonight.”
“Yeah? What's the band called?”
“The Gremlins or something.”
“The Gremlins From Hell?”
“They're great. I've seen them at The Frog Pond. I'll come with you, if that's OK?”
“Yes, why not?”
That was that settled, I thought happily as we walked to the park gates. I could watch Alan play without having to sit alone. Jackie’s party ... There’d be others, I 142
knew. Besides, it probably wasn’t a good idea. As we neared the pub, it occurred to me that I didn't know the lad's name. I also wondered whether he was old enough to drink. His dark hair sprouting over his forehead, his fresh face unblemished, I found myself wondering whether he was a virgin. But he had a girlfriend, and I reckoned that he'd at least had some sexual experience.
“What you having?” he asked, pulling a ten-pound not from his pocket as we walked to the bar.
“Vodka and lime with ice, please,” I replied, scanning the pub for Alan. The band were setting up on a small stage but Alan wasn't around. The pub was beginning to fill up and there was nowhere to sit other than a table in a secluded corner. I doubted that we'd have a good view but I needed to sit down. “I'll be over there,” I said as my companion ordered the drinks.