Lust Quest (27 page)

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Authors: Ray Gordon

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Lust Quest
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Whimpering as electrifying tremors of sex coursed through my contracting womb, my cunt overflowing with the double sperming, I wondered whether another two lads would force their young cocks deep into my abused cunt. They’d all have their turn, I knew as I trembled in the grip of an incredible orgasm. Balls slapping between my thighs, my leg lifted high above me, my naked body was like a sex doll.

Fucked, spunked, used and abused, licked, sucked, fingered ... I was nothing more than a slag of a whore-slut.



The penises finally stilling within the bloated spermbath of my inflamed cunt, I rested in the wake of my incredible climax, pondering on the next crude act I was to endure. Two knobs had fucked and spunked my mouth, two cocks had screwed my tight cunt and pumped their sperm over my ripe cervix ... I was sure that they’d try to force three penises into my sex sheath if they could. The wet cocks gliding out of my inflamed sex holes, I lay quivering on the floor as another two young men sandwiched me between their naked bodies.


Someone yanked my buttocks apart as the man in front of me moved forward and pressed his huge knob against the sensitive brown ring of my anal inlet. Suddenly driving his penile shaft deep into my tight arse, he groped between my legs and massaged the wet flesh of my vaginal crack. The man behind me pushing his swollen knob against my taut brown tissue, I cried out in protest. I couldn’t take two rock-hard cocks up my arse, I knew as my buttocks were painfully forced further apart. The first penis withdrawing, the second pressed harder against my inflamed arse ring. Finally slipping past my defeated anal sphincter muscles, the penile head drove into my rectum. Whimpering as both cocks glided along my rectal duct, stretching me to capacity, I was sure that the delicate tissue of my anus would tear.


“No,” I gasped as both cocks completely impaled me, the brown tissue of my bottom painfully taut around the roots of the huge organs. Ignoring my protests, my anal abusers began their illicit fucking, withdrawing and thrusting into me again and again. I knew I’d tear as my inflamed anal tissue ran along the pistoning shafts. The audience chuckling, making lewd comments about my naked body, this was the 248

height of humiliation, sexual degradation. Nothing could be more humiliating, I knew as a finger groped between my vaginal lips and thrust deep into my neglected cunt.


“No,” I cried again, my constricted vagina forced to accommodate at least three fingers. A swollen knob rammed into my gasping mouth, my cheeks bloating, my head was lifted off the floor and moved back and forth. The knob repeatedly driving to the back of my throat as my head rocked, two knobs forcefully fucking the tight sheath of my arse, I knew I’d found the bottom of the pit of depravity. Another penis hovering close to my face, the bulbous knob trying to gain entry to my bloated mouth, I had never dreamed that I’d be treated worse than an animal.


“Fuck her mouth,” someone chuckled as the second knob forced my lips open and slipped into my wet mouth. “Double spunk her little mouth.” Coughing and spluttering as my head was yanked back and forth, the two ballooning knobs fucking my bloated mouth, I shuddered as the penises within my anal sheath swelled. Sperm gushing from the two slits, lubricating the double pistoning, I squeezed my eyes shut as my mouth filled with sperm.


More fingers entering my burning vaginal duct, I choked and spluttered on the gushing sperm as my mouth overflowed. I couldn’t take anymore. My naked body awash with sperm, I prayed for my abusers to leave. I’d thought that I was in control, but they’d taken over. I had no power over them now, there was nothing I could do to halt the dreadful abuse of my naked body.



“Open her bum further,” the man behind me breathed. Hands grabbing my naked buttocks, painfully yanking my anal orbs apart, I struggled to free myself as the double anal fucking continued. Sperm spraying from my rudely dilated bottom-hole, gushing from my fucked mouth, I closed my eyes as another purple knob brushed against my ear and pumped out its sperm. The male liquid filling my ear, running down my neck, fear gripped me as someone painfully pinched and squeezed my sensitive nipples.


My entire body subjected to sexual abuse, I again coughed and spluttered on the sperm jetting to the back of my throat. I wanted Mog to order his friends to leave me, but knew he wouldn’t. I’d instigated this, I reflected as spunk oozed from my ear and ran down my neck. This was what I’d wanted, and was what I’d got. The phone ringing, I wondered whether it was Alan the ex. What would he have thought of me had he witnessed my wanton debauchery? Cum-slut. Whore.


The penises finally slipping out of my inflamed anal canal, the two spent knobs leaving my spunk-flooded mouth, I rolled onto my back and panted for breath.

Completely drained of all energy, totally exhausted, I knew that I couldn’t take another spunking. They had to allow me to rest before fucking my inflamed orifices again. My head lolling from side to side, sperm running in rivers over my flushed face, I looked up to see the shafts of several solid cocks hovering above me. The six boys kneeling around my head, they began wanking their young cocks, gasping as their purple plumbs appeared and disappeared. They were going to spunk my face. No doubt this was to be the last act of degradation before they left.



Their sperm came quickly. Jetting through the air, raining over my grimacing face, splattering my blonde hair, the streams of white liquid seemed never ending.

Gazing through my eyelashes, I watched them wanking, bringing out their spunk as they gasped in their debased pleasure. My naked body trembling, my inflamed arsehole oozing with sperm, my cunt spewing out the blend of spunk and girl come, I spluttered as the orgasmic liquid filled my gasping mouth.


At last, it was over. They rose to their feet and grabbed their clothes, laughing and joking as I lay writhing in a pool of spunk on the floor. They were talking about coming back, asking Mog whether they could fuck me again the following evening.

He readily agreed as if he owned me. I was too weak to protest as they told Mog that several other boys would like to come along. Weak in my exhaustion. Weak in my arousal. As they filed out of the room, I hoped that Mog would stay behind. The murmurs fading, the front door closing, they’d gone.


“Mog,” I called, wiping sperm from my face as I clambered to my feet. He’d left with his friends, left me to drown in the sperm. Staggering to my bedroom, I crawled beneath the quilt and closed my eyes. I should have had a shower, I knew as sperm oozed from my sex holes, the salty liquid stinging my eyes. But all I could do was sleep.



Chapter Thirteen

he morning came all too quickly. Dragging my sperm-starched body out of T bed, I wandered bleary-eyed into the shower. Guilt rose from the turbid depths of my mind. Guilt, anger, remorse ... I was angry with myself. I should have taken control rather than drift along with my life. As the hot water cleansed my naked body, washing the dried sperm from my matted hair, I recalled every horrendous detail of the events of the previous evening.


How I could have done it, why I’d done it ... I couldn’t begin to imagine. It was as if I’d been driven to commit the vulgar sexual acts by some unseen force. My flat had become a den of iniquity, my mind a filthy swamp, my body an object designed purely to satisfy the base desires of both men and women. I was far removed from the days when I’d been with Alan. Writing my romantic novel, enjoying shopping trips with Jackie, a drink or a meal with Alan ... From prude ... I had turned.


Pondering on the day ahead, I tried to push all thoughts of sex and guilt from my mind. What was done was done, and that was the end of the matter. I’d gained the sexual experience and knowledge I’d sought. There was no need to continue my quest for crude sex. I wouldn’t answer the door to Mog and his friends. Ex Alan and Crystal could plan their plans, but I wouldn’t get involved. Musician Alan ... He didn’t really figure in my life. Jackie was Jackie. She’d never change and I didn’t want to change her. We’d remain good friends, and nothing more.



I dressed and had breakfast and then sat at my desk and brought the book up onto the screen. Wondering whether Alan had crept into my flat and read through my work, I couldn’t get the things Crystal had said out of my mind. She reckoned that she met a man in a wine bar and had sex with him. That had happened in my book. Alan must have been into my den. There was no other explanation. Lifting the phone, I called his mobile. I couldn’t concentrate on the book knowing that he might have been poking around in my flat.


“Alan, I’m going away for a few days,” I lied.

“Why tell me?” he asked irritably.

“Because I’d like you to keep an eye on my flat.”

“I suppose so,” he sighed. “I hear that Crystal came to see you.”

“Yes, she did.”

“What was it all about?”




“I don’t understand. Why the mystery? She wouldn’t tell me what it was about.”

“There’s no mystery, Alan. She writes and so do I. We had a chat about writing. So, you’ll keep an eye on my flat for me?”

“Yes, yes. When are you going and how long for?”

“I’m leaving now. I’ll be a couple of days, that’s all. Just call round and check the place a couple of times. Oh, and could you water the Yucca plant in the lounge? It dries out so quickly in this heat.”

“OK. Where are you going?”

“To stay with a girlfriend. I’ll be in touch when I get back.”


“OK. Have a good time.”


Replacing the receiver, I grinned. Water the Yucca plant? To do that he’d have to get into the flat. He still had a key, I was sure. If he hadn’t, then he’d have asked me how he was supposed to get into the flat. No doubt he’d realize that the Yucca could go without water for a couple of days, but it wouldn’t occur to him that I was setting him up. He’d probably call round after work. It would be an ideal opportunity to take a lengthy look at my manuscript, and poke around the flat. What was I going to do? I pondered. Leap out of the shadows and pounce on him?


After a good day’s work, I hovered in the kitchen wondering whether Alan would make an appearance. Six-thirty. If he was going to arrive, it would be within ten minutes or so. I’d slip out to the patio once I heard a key in the lock. He’d no doubt go straight to my den and switch the computer on. I’d catch him red-handed and

... There’d be nothing I could do, but I’d at least know that Crystal had been in collusion with Alan. As to the reason why, that was another matter.


When the doorbell rang, I wasn’t sure what to do. Creeping into the lounge, I spied through the net curtain. It was Crystal. What the hell did she want? I pondered.

Hadn’t Alan told her that I’d gone away? Obviously not. Unless he’d given her the key and she’d come to nose around. She rang the bell again, looking up and down the street as she waited. As she turned and walked down the path, I dashed to the front door. She might have been checking to make sure I’d gone away, I mused as I opened the door. I should have stayed in hiding, but I felt that I had to speak to her.






“Oh, I thought you were out,” she smiled, turning and walking towards me.

“Sorry, I was in the back garden. Come in.”

“Thanks. I was just passing and thought I’d see how you are.”

“I’m fine,” I replied as she followed me into the kitchen. “How’s Alan?”

“I haven’t seen him for a couple of days. Jade, I want to ask you about your book.”



“The strange things I’ve been doing lately ... I know you think it has nothing to do with your book, but I’m sure it has.” Sitting at the table as I filled the kettle, she looked worried. “What have you written in the last day or so?” she asked, twisting her long blonde hair around her fingers.

“Crystal is sexually tortured by a lesbian lover,” I smiled. “When I say tortured, she’s all for it, of course. She falls deeper into the pit of depravity and finds that she can only derive sexual satisfaction from pain, torture. Why do you ask?”

“This morning, I went for a walk in the woods. I was a few hundred yards into the trees when I felt an overwhelming urge to slip my panties off and ...This is going to sound silly. I whipped myself between my legs with a small branch.”

“And you’re saying that this happened because of the things I wrote?”

“There’s no other explanation, Jade.”

“There’s an explanation that’s very simple,” I returned, pouring the coffee.

“Oh? What’s that?”

“Hopefully, you’ll find out very soon. Can you stay for a while?”

“I suppose so. What’s going on?”


“I’m expecting a visitor. Either within the next few minutes or later this evening. All will no doubt be revealed then. In the meantime, let’s go and sit on the patio.”


Again trying to figure out what Alan and Crystal were up to as we went out to the patio, I imagined the girl whipping her vulval flesh with a branch. She was either lying or she enjoyed abusing her young body. Was that why she’d come to see me? I wondered. To try to convince me that everything I wrote happened to her? I’d take a look at her thrashed pussy, I decided. And I might even thrash her myself for her lies and trickery.


“Show me,” I said. “Show me where you whipped yourself with a branch.”

Rising to her feet, she lifted her skirt. “There,” she breathed, pulling the front of her panties down.

“God,” I gasped, gazing at the weals fanning out across the swollen lips of her hairless vulva. “You did that?”

“Yes.” She pulled her panties up and lowered her skirt. “As I said, I had an overwhelming urge to slip my panties off and abuse myself. I’ve never done anything like it before, Jade. I just don’t know what possessed me.”

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