Lust Quest (10 page)

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Authors: Ray Gordon

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Lust Quest
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“You need time to think,” she said, tugging her panties up her long legs and standing up. Moving to the door, she turned and grinned. “This was your first time, Jade. You'll be mixed up, not sure what it is you want. You need time to think about us.”



The front door closing, I flopped onto the sofa. What had I done? I pondered, the taste of her orgasmic juices lingering on my tongue, the aphrodisiacal scent of her pussy folds filling my nostrils. Time to think about us? What had Jackie meant? What had Crystal done? Jackie was my best friend and I'd ... I couldn't face her again. I had to get both Alans and Jackie out of my life and find some normality again. Normality?

I had to get Crystal out of my head.



Chapter Five

'd had no contact with anyone for two days. Working solidly on the book, I'd not I answered the phone or the door. I was pleased with my efforts. Crystal was enjoying one crude sexual encounter after another. She was larger than life, and I believed as much in her existence as I did Jackie's. No longer a fictitious character, she was getting inside my head, goading me to call Jackie and invite her round. There had been times when I'd been hammering the keyboard that I'd thought I was Crystal.

The experience had been almost frightening. Crystal seemed to be trying to take over.


Finally needing contact with the outside world, I called Jackie. She complained about my not answering the phone and, once she'd calmed down, updated me with the local gossip. Alan and Angela were having problems. Giggling, she told me that it might have had something to do with her chatting to Angela and happening to mention that her man was screwing me. For good measure, she also informed the distraught girl that she'd been having a fling with the three-timing bastard.


“You shouldn't have told her,” I said.

“Why not? Anyway, sod her. So, any chance of a coffee if I come round? Or are you too busy writing smut?”

“Yes, come round. There's every chance of coffee.”






“Sorry, I'm not with you.”


“You will be soon. I'm on my way.”

“OK, I'll put the kettle on.”


I knew what she'd meant, but didn't know what to say. Writing about lesbian sex had somehow removed the guilt, my wanton act of oral sex with Jackie becoming fictitious, like a dream. But now that Jackie was on her way, the emotion was returning with a vengeance. Every time I'd thought of what I'd done with Jackie, I'd written another lesbian scene. I'd supposed I was trying to push the reality out of my mind by turning it into fiction. The idea had worked well, but now?


She arrived wearing a red microskirt and loose-fitting white blouse. I made the coffee and we sat on the patio, talking about anything and everything, other than lesbian sex. Her long dark hair shining in the morning sun, her eyes sparkling lustfully, she radiated sex. I couldn't take my eyes off her naked thighs as I sipped my coffee. She noticed my gaze, I was sure as she parted her legs, displaying the tight triangle of red silk covering the swell of her fleshy pussy lips. I’d licked her there, sucked out her juices of desire and taken her to orgasm.


“It's a lovely day,” I murmured abstractly, my stomach somersaulting as I imagined pushing my tongue into wet heat of her vaginal sheath.

“It is,” she replied. “So, you've not seen anything of the infamous Alans?”

“Nothing. As I said, I got stuck into the book and ignored the phone and the doorbell.”

“How's the book coming on?”

“OK. I'm on chapter five.”




“Fifteen, I reckon. Jackie, we're sitting here talking about nothing when ...”



“I don't know. After the other day, I don't know what to think.”

“Don't think anything. After all, what is there to think about? We had some sexy fun, and that's it.”

“You said something about
. My needing time to think about us.”

“Yes, I did.” She fidgeted in her chair and then locked her dark eyes to mine.

“What I meant was ... Should you want to do it again ... Have you thought about it?

Us having sex again, I mean.”

“I've written about it,” I sighed. “I've been trying to push the act onto the heroine in my book. I've been trying to ... I don't know what I've been trying to do,” I confessed. “I’m talking crap, aren’t I?”

“No, you’re not. You’ve been trying to push your guilt onto the character in your book. That’s right, isn’t it?”

“Yes, I suppose so. The thing is ... She's real to me, Jackie. I'm not making sense, am I?”

“Yes, you are.”

“It's as if she wants to live her life through me. In the past, I had control and power over my characters. Even to the point where I could kill them off. But this character seems to have control over

“Well, let's hope that she doesn't want to kill you off,” she giggled, crossing her long legs. “Seriously, Jade, I wouldn't worry about it. I would have thought it a good thing to believe in your characters.”

“Yes, it is. But not to the extent where they take over.”


“You've been working too hard. Take a break and gather your thoughts.”

“I've decided not to work until after lunch. Crystal, she's the heroine ...”

“It's a lovely name,” she interrupted me, her eyes frowning. “But I don't think you should use it, Jade.”

“Why not? I don't know where I got it from. It just sort of came to me.”

“Oh, I thought you'd got it from Crystal Marshall.”


“Crystal Marshall, the girl at school.”

“Oh, yes. I remember her. She was in the class above me, so I didn't really know her. Anyway, I didn't get the name from her.”

“You obviously haven't heard.”



“They reckon that she's dead.”

“God,” I breathed. “She was only a year older than us.”

“Yes, I know. Haven't you read the local paper?”

“No, I've been too busy working.”

“Crystal disappeared a week ago. Apparently, there were signs of a struggle in her bedroom. It seems that she was into prostitution.”

“God,” I breathed again. “She was so attractive and ... Why on earth did she become a prostitute?”

“Why does anyone turn to prostitution?”

“I'd better change the name. I don't want people to think that ...”

“Call your character Jackie, after me.”

“Yes, I might do that.”


Finishing my coffee as Jackie wandered down the garden, I pondered on Crystal Marshall. To become a prostitute and end up dead was unbelievable. The girl, from what I remembered, had been into athletics and very much full of life. And, as far as I knew, her parents hadn't been short of money. But one never knows what goes on behind closed doors, or closed minds. Obviously, something had driven her to sell her young body for sex. What her parents were going through, I couldn't begin to imagine.


“I thought I saw something in the bushes,” Jackie said, wandering across the lawn towards me.

“It was probably a cat,” I replied, looking down the garden. “There are several around here.”

“No, it wasn't a cat. I thought I saw ...”

“What?” I frowned.

“There was a face, peering out of the bushes.”

“A face?” I laughed. “What, a peeping Tom?”

“No, it was a child's face. Are there kids next door?”

“Not as far as I know. I don't know about the house at the end of the garden, they might have kids.”

“It was a girl. She looked about twelve-years-old with long blonde hair.”

“I don't know, Jackie. It doesn't matter if there are kids playing about. Leave them to it.”

“I suppose so,” she mumbled, sitting on the patio chair.

“Are you OK?” I asked. “You look pale.”


“It was the girl's face,” she replied, not taking her eyes off the bushes. “She looked tormented.”

“There's no one there now. I wouldn't worry about it.”


Jackie seemed nervous, fidgety as we finished our coffee. The prospect of lesbian sex had blown away on the wind, which was probably a good thing. I'd wanted sex with her, but knew it was wrong. The battle was still raging in my head.

Right, wrong, immoral ... I wished I'd not experienced sex with another girl. It had helped my writing no end, but also left me in a quandary.
What you haven't had, you
don't miss
, I reflected. But I'd had it.


“I'd better be going,” Jackie said, moving to the backdoor.

“Already?” I asked. “I thought you might want to stay and have lunch with me.”

“No, no I can't. I'll ring you later.”

“OK. How about the pub this evening?”

“Maybe. I'll ring you.”


Seeing her out, I closed the front door and walked back to the garden. The girl's face, or whatever it was, had obviously worried Jackie. I reckoned that, wearing her microskirt and flashing her panties, she'd planned to have sex with me. She must have been concerned about something. It was unlike her to turn down a chance of sex.

Wandering down the garden, I peered into the bushes. There was nothing there, other than a high fence. Kids couldn't get over the fence, and there was no other way into 92

the garden. Jackie had been imagining things, I concluded, dashing back to the house as the phone rang.


“Jade?” a female asked.




“Oh. Er ... Hi.”

“Hi. I'm sorry to ring you but ... I have to know something.”

“What's that?” I asked, knowing what she was about to say.

“You and Alan. Have you been ...”

“Fucking him?” I giggled. They weren't my words, I knew as she gasped.

“Sorry, I meant ...”

“I know what you meant,” she broke in.

“Angela, you stole my man, so don't come whinging to me about ...”

“I didn't steal him, Jade. He came to me because you were screwing around behind his back. I felt sorry for him and ...”

“Is that what he told you?”




“Are you busy this morning?”



“Come round. We'll have coffee.”



Alan seemed to be rather economical with the truth at times. Particularly when it came to pushing his cock into girls' pussies. To tell Angela that I'd been screwing 93

around behind his back was despicable. Jackie had been right. Telling Angela of his infidelity had been the right thing to do. He was going to pay for his bastardry, I decided. And pay dearly.


Angela finally arrived and plonked herself at the kitchen table. She looked dejected. Her long chestnut hair was dishevelled and it was obvious that she been crying. She'd put on weight, I observed. Perhaps I was being catty, but she'd definitely put on weight. Making her a cup of coffee, I thought how funny it would be if Alan turned up hoping for a blowjob. There again, I doubted that he'd show his face again after I'd caught him sperming in Jackie's mouth. He didn't care where he stuck his cock. Any girl's mouth would do. Or pussy.


“You're better off without him,” I said, placing the coffee cups on the table.

“He's such a liar,” she sighed as I sat opposite her. “He told me that you'd been screwing around. He said that you were ...” her words tailed off as she caught my gaze.

“What?” I asked. “What did he say about me?”

“He said that you were nothing but a tart.”

? Good God, he's a lying sod,” I returned. “A tart? I was faithful to the end, Angela. That's more than he can say. Where is he now?”

“At work. He said that you'd seen me with another man.”

“He told me that you two had split up. I didn't believe him, that’s why I said I'd seen you with someone else. He wanted sex and ... I was testing him. Anyway, it doesn't matter who said what to whom. What are you going to do now?”


“It's my flat, so he can get out. Who's that?” she asked, looking through the open backdoor.

“Where?” I frowned, following her gaze.

“There was a girl in the bushes down the garden. She's gone now.”

“Er ... Next door's kids,” I lied, wondering who on earth the child was.


We chatted about Alan and men in general as we drank our coffee, and I felt that we were getting on pretty well. We might even rekindle our friendship, I mused when she said that Alan would be out on the street that night. I couldn't blame her for being taken in by his lies and suggested she came round for coffee again. I couldn't wait to see Alan homeless, and decided to play games with him. Perhaps I'd invite him round and pull his dick out, tease him and send him on his way with his balls full.


“She looks upset,” Angela said, gazing down the garden again.




“The girl. Oh, she's gone again.”

“She's ... she's always crying,” I smiled. “She'll be all right.”

“Well, I'd better get home. I have Alan's things to pack.”

“And throw out into the street?” I giggled.

“And throw out into the street,” she laughed. “It's been nice seeing you again, Jade. We'll definitely get together again.”

“Anytime. I work from home so ring me.”

“I will. And, thanks for everything.”

For sucking your man's cock and swallowing his sperm?
“Don't forget to call me.”





When she'd gone, I raced down the garden in search of the illusive child.

There was no way anyone could get into the garden, I again observed, gazing at the high fence behind the bushes. Jackie might have been mistaken, but not Angela as well. Spending an hour or so on the patio, I saw nothing. It was only when I finally went into my den and slipped into fiction mode that I put two and two together. If Crystal Marshall had died ... My Crystal was becoming frighteningly real to me, a mysterious young girl's face had emerged from the bushes ... And Crystal Marshall was dead.

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