Loving Angel 2 (19 page)

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Authors: Carry Lowe

BOOK: Loving Angel 2
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It was just like him to think that money would keep me from calling him on his bullshit. It was two thirty in the god damn morning. He probably didn’t have shit to do except run to one of his other women. Once again he was planning on leaving me all horny and bothered. I wanted to curse his ass out but I knew better than to mouth off to him. Saying the wrong thing could get me bitch slapped with the quickness. Sometimes I wondered why I put up with his crap but I had been in love with him for most of my life so when he finally gave me the time of day I promised myself that I would do anything to make him happy. I definitely didn’t want to give him a reason to ever leave me.

“I’ll hit you up later,” he promised as we walked to the door. I smiled and waved before slamming the door behind him knowing he just told another lie. It would be days, maybe even weeks before I heard from him again and it would be when he couldn’t stay away anymore because he had to scratch his secret itch.

I walked into my bedroom, removed the red silk robe that I was wearing and stood in front the floor length mirror admiring myself. I couldn’t understand why he wasn’t proud to be with a bad bitch like me.

I looked at my five feet eight inch frame with my long toned legs, small 26 inch waist, and 36 C-cup boobs. My breasts were high and perky from the saline implants I had done and I had a big ghetto booty from all the silicone shots I had taken in the ass. I had to admit that after all the surgery I went through I had a banging body. My face was the truth also with my high yellow complexion, hazel eyes, high cheek bones and thick sexy lips.

Any man would be proud to have a bitch like me walking around on his arm. Yet, to be with the man I loved, I had to settle for secret rendezvous in cheap motels or early morning booty calls.

My boo had ignored me for years until eight months ago. We were at a party at my sister’s house and he had too much to drink. He rubbed up on me while he was on his way to the bathroom, his hand touching on my booty as I was pressed into the wall. I could have taken him bumping into me and feeling my booty as an accident. But the hard on that was poking me in the belly and the lust that filled his dark piercing eyes told me the nigga really wanted me. I followed him into the bathroom that night and we didn’t even have to say anything to each other. He just dropped his trousers and I got down on my knees and went to work. After I was done tasting him he bent me over the bathroom sink and fucked the living daylight out of me. No one had suspected what occurred in that bathroom that faithful night and we had been running around in secret since then.

I had been in love with my boo since I was five years old. Back then I didn’t understand the emotions I was having towards him. All I knew was that he gave me a fluttery feeling deep inside my belly every time I saw him. Over the years my feelings for him only kept growing deeper.             

We grew up in Bronx NY. Lived in the same neighborhood and attended the same high school. But we didn’t hang in the same circles so we only saw each other in passing. He was the good looking popular kid that everyone wanted to hang with while I was the misfit that everyone teased and played practical jokes on. My high school years were the worst because that was when I started coming out of my shell and got picked on the most.

Things still hadn’t changed much even though it had been three years since I left high school. These days he was a boss in the streets selling weed and making mad paper. He had a lot of niggas around him that wished they could walk in his shoes and a bunch of bitches standing in line waiting for their chance to jump on his dick. While I was just a nine to five bitch who worked in a boutique. I had a lot of people whispering behind my back about whom I used to be and the way I used to look. Everybody was living in the past and forgetting we were moving towards the future.

I felt a solitary tear fall onto my breast and I realized I was crying. I wiped it away quickly. I wasn’t going to let the bad memories from my past get me down. And fuck men, they couldn’t be depended on for shit so I wasn’t going to sweat the fact that the nigga had once again left me hanging. I could take care of myself in more ways than one.

I wet my fingers in my mouth and then started rubbing on my nipples. I pictured myself sucking on my boo’s dick earlier and it didn’t take long for me to get in the mood again. My hand moved away from my breast, crawled down my belly and took hold of my caramel surprise. As my palm glided up and down the shaft I thought about last week at the motel when my man had me on all fours and was pounding me in the ass. I pumped harder as I remembered how amazing it had felt and how complete he had made me feel when he came inside me. That was the first time we had fucked without a condom and it showed that I wasn’t a passing fling anymore. I was in his life to stay.

I cried out as I felt my cum shooting from the tip of my eight inch dick. It splashed onto the carpet and some even caught the mirror. It made a slick white trail down the glass, marring my reflection.

I looked at the image staring back at me. It was the reflection of a tall, beautiful, sexy woman but there was just one problem, the dick between her legs where a pussy should have been.

That one small difference between me and other bitches was the reason why my man kept me as a secret lover. And in secret we would play forever because I was transgender and he was a thug who was an undercover brother.








The next morning I dropped into Dunkin Donuts while I was on my way to my sister’s house. I had to wait in a long ass line so that I could purchase two cups of cappuccino and two egg sandwiches. I was leaving the coffee shop when I ran into someone from my past. Crack head Tasha was standing in front of the store with her little druggy friend Lisa. They were both brandishing paper cups, trying to solicit money from the shop’s patrons.

“Hey pretty lady,” Tasha smiled at me showing off a grill full of yellow teeth, “can you spare some change please? I’m mad hungry and just wanna get something to eat.”

It really said a lot when the person you lost your virginity to doesn’t recognize you. I guess my transformation from a man into a woman was truly obscuring my former identity from her. It always made me feel good when someone I was close to in the past didn’t recognize me and Tasha and I had been really close.

I was fourteen years old when I had sex for the first time. Back then Tasha was one of the baddest bitches in the neighborhood. I really wasn’t attracted to females but I figured that she was so fucking hot if I had sex with her she could turn me straight.

The entire experience had been a fumbling mess. We didn’t know what we were doing and even worse, I had been barely able to keep my dick hard. Females just didn’t do it for me.

I chuckled to myself thinking of how dumb I was at that age.

Tasha frowned up her face, obviously misconstruing my laughter.
“You laughing at us because we hungry in these streets?”

“I’m not laughing at you Tasha.”

“How you know my name? I don’t know you.”

“Girl don’t you see it’s that nigga Michael,” Lisa interjected. “He had a sex change years back. Remember the whole neighborhood was talking about it.”

I could have corrected Lisa that I hadn’t actually gotten a sex change but only taken female hormone shots. Changing my sex required getting an operation that would transform my penis into a vagina. But people were so ignorant these days and didn’t even try to learn shit so I didn’t even bother wasting my breath on her.

Tasha’s eyes widened in surprise as she stared at me.
“Oh shit! I remember now. I wouldn’t have recognized you if my girl didn’t remind me. Damn, you look different.”

I could say the same about her. Her once beautiful light brown skin now looked thirsty and ashen. Her killer figure wasn’t looking up to par either. Life had been really hard on her. She had been a straight ‘A’ student in school and had such a promising future until her older brother Denton started
pimping her. And even worse he also got her hooked on drugs. Last I heard of him he was Upstate doing a bid. I hoped he rotted up there for what he did to his very own sister.

“Are you gonna break us off?” Lisa wanted to know.

I fished two five dollar notes from my bag and placed one in each of their cups. I knew my money was going to go towards their drug habit but I guess that was their problem.

They both thanked me profusely as I walked away and got into my car.

My sister Raven only lived a block away from the coffee shop so it wasn’t a long ride to her house. When I got to her place I had to lay on the doorbell for five minutes straight before she answered the door, sporting a short pink robe with her long dark hair wrapped in a towel.

“Damn bitch, you certainly took your own sweet time,” I complained as I entered the apartment.

“I was in the shower Mickey so I didn’t hear the bell,” she said, rolling her pretty brown eyes at me.

Her explanation calmed my irritation.

“I brought you a cup of cappuccino and an egg sandwich.” I presented her with the breakfast.

“Thanks big sis,” Raven smiled as we sat around the kitchen table and dug into our food. “So what brought you to my neck of the woods this early in the morning?”

“Couldn’t really sleep last night so I decided to get up early and make you suffer with me.” I had actually spent the entire night caught up in my emotions. My trip down memory lane had brought back a lot of bad memories. It also reminded me that what I had with my man would forever remain in the closet with all his other secrets.

“Why weren’t you able to sleep?” she mumbled after taking a bite of her sandwich.

“I got a lot on my mind,” I confessed then quickly changed the subject. “You won’t believe who I saw begging in front of the Dunkin Donuts this morning.”

She took the bait.

“That bitch Tasha. Even after all these years she’s still doing drugs.”

“I see her all the damn time. Wasn’t she your only female sexual experience?”

“Yeah, thought she could turn me straight.”

My sister chuckled. “Like that could ever happen.”

“Whatever hoe,” I gave her the one finger salute causing her to laugh harder. “Anyway I’m about to head out because I’ve got to open the store.”

I worked in a high end boutique on Fordham Road in the Bronx. I loved my job because I got all my clothes at thirty-five percent off. The only downside was I had to work with another store clerk named Mary and I couldn’t stand that bitch.

“Thanks again for the food,” Raven said as I grabbed my bag while we headed for the door.

“Anytime baby sis and don’t forget we’re getting together for lunch later this week.”

“Yeah, Mel already called and reminded me.” Melisa or Mel for short was our older sister. “She said she really needs some girl time to de-stress. She’s tired of being cooped up in the house all the time plus Ripper seems to be up to his old tricks again.”

“That nigga is cheating again?”

“Looks like it. He’s staying out late all the damn time.”

“Well if you forgive a nigga once he’ll think you’ve given him the green light to do it twice. Anyway I’ve got to run or I’m gonna be late. Please don’t be late on Friday.” I gave her a hug goodbye.

“I’ll be on time.”

That’s what Raven always said and she always ended up being late.

I hopped in my ride and headed to work. On my way I tried calling
my boo to see if he wanted to stop by later to pick up where we had left off last night but he wasn’t answering his phone.

I shook my head sadly. As much as I loved that man I was kinda getting tired of being put on the back burner.






The clock on the microwave said it was three thirty in the fucking morning and this fool still wasn’t home. For the last couple of months he’d been pulling shit like this and I was really getting tired of his excuses. He was stressing me out and causing me to eat more than I normally did.

The microwave dinged signaling that my food was ready. I popped it open and pulled out my plate of oxtail and rice with peas, a waft of delicious aroma immediately filling my nostrils. This was going to be my third helping tonight. I had slaved over the stove all evening preparing a meal for my no good man only to have him not show up for dinner. And to make matters worse he didn’t even have the decency to answer his phone when I called.

I couldn’t understand why Ripper couldn’t act right. We’d been together since we were only sixteen years old and six years later he was still acting immature. I rode with him through the many discoveries of cheating, his two stints in prison and even when he got that bitch Denise pregnant. He should have been putting a fat diamond ring on my finger. A smart nigga would’ve put a bitch on lock if he knew she had his back one hundred. But I guess my nigga was a damn fool because instead of locking me down he was running around in the streets with those hood rat bitches who just wanted him for his money. I was there for him when he didn’t even have a pot to piss in and when all those bitches moved on to the next nigga with fat pockets I’d still be there.

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