Loving Angel 2 (16 page)

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Authors: Carry Lowe

BOOK: Loving Angel 2
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“Enough with this bullshit hugging and shit,” she said in an irritated voice, but I knew she was holding back her own tears. “Let’s get out of this motherfucker before they leave the basement.”






After peeking outside the door to ensure the coast was clear we made our way out the room and silently crept down the hallway. Luckily for us we didn’t encounter anyone as we traversed the two flights of stairs that took us from the third floor to the first floor. When we entered the kitchen we heard voices moving towards us.

We were paralyzed in fear for a moment
, until I spotted the open door to the pantry.

“In here,” I whispered urgently to Keya, already making my way to the room stacked with loads of canned food and dry goods on
the shelves decorating the walls. She hurried in after me, pulling the door closed behind her, but it wouldn’t close completely because the wood was swollen. There was a small crack that allowed us to see inside the kitchen, although we would remain unseen. I didn’t want to have another altercation, but I still carried my trusty hunting knife and was willing to use it again to secure my freedom.

We had only been hidden for a couple seconds when Dread entered the kitchen with a bitch trailing behind him. She looked and sounded vaguely familiar but I couldn’t remember where I had seen her before.

“When are you going to come up uncle?” She was whining as she wrapped her arms around him looking up into his face with a puppy dog look on her own. She was very short. I’d say around five three, so she was dwarfed by him. “I miss you.”

“Come on now Lee. Y
ou know I got business to take care of,” Dread soothed, running his hand through her short hair. “I’ll be up when I finish talking to Sour and you can tell mi how things are coming along on that move that you’re currently on.”

“I already told you that nigga isn’t taking the bait,” she complained, sucking her teeth. “Any
way, just don’t take too long. You know I’m missing that good shit.” She groped his dick and gave him a heated look before leaving the room. He grabbed a beer from the fridge, lit a blunt he pulled from behind his ear and then he was gone also.

I exhaled the breath I’d been holding. “Who was that bitch?” I whispered to my cousin.

“Dread’s niece Lee,” She scrunched up her face in disgust. “I knew those two were fucking each other.”

“Her face looks familiar.”

“Well try to figure that shit out later. Right now we’ve got to get out of here.”

We slipped back out of the pantry and headed out
of a side door. Keya had swiped a large butcher knife from a cutlery block before we left the kitchen. I guess she wanted to have a weapon of her own also.

The darkness helped to conceal us as we jogged over to
Sour’s Jeep Grand Cherokee. I was a little scared when we opened the trunk and the overhead light came on, but we quickly climbed in and gently closed the door. When no one came to bust us, I breathed a little easier. We waited for almost an hour before Sour got into his car. I was a nervous wreck as I felt him moving around inside the vehicle as he prepared to leave. I was afraid he would realize we were stealing away with him, but he didn’t discover us. When the engine started and the vehicle finally began to move I felt a lot lighter.

It was almost another hour before he stopped driving and got out
of the car. When he was gone for almost five minutes we decided it was safe to escape. I peeked outside the back windshield and realized we were in the driveway of a rundown house. It was probably one they used for trapping. We had just climbed over the backseat and were slipping through the side door when he returned with Kitsune.

“What the fuck!” Sour exclaimed in surprise. “What are you two doing?”

“Angel is that you?” Kit asked with a surprised look on his face. “What are you doing here?”

Keya immediately pulled her knife from her sweat shirt pocket and placed it at Sour’s throat. “Don’t you dare fucking move,” she ordered with deadly intent in her voice.

Both Kit and Sour held up their hands in surrender as I brandished my knife too.

“What’s going on here?” Kit asked calmly.

“The short version is that your boy is a traitor who has been feeding your uncle information on what you’re doing. Your uncle kidnapped me and my cousin and we escaped in the back of this rat’s van,” she revealed giving Sour a mean glare.

“What?” Kit snapped in confusion.

“It’s true Kit. This bitch nigga has been betraying you,” I cosigned what my cousin had told him.

With one s
mooth move Sour pushed Keya’s hand away from his neck and kicked her in the stomach, causing her to smash into the side of the van. As she slid down the side of the vehicle moaning in pain, he spun on his heels and started sprinting away. Without thought I gave chase, ready to plunge my knife in his back. He was a lot faster than me and I was thinking he was going to get away when I heard the blast from a gun behind us. It was so close it caused a ringing in my ear. The three shots to the back had Sour falling face first in the wilted grass on the side of the driveway.

“Now I know who’s been feeding that motherfucker information about my every fucking move,” Kit spat, lowering his gun as he walked over to his traitor lieutenant. Sour was trying to crawl away as he moaned in pain.

Two other niggas ran from the house with their guns in hand, but when they took in the scene they lowered their weapons. “What’s going on boss man?” one of them asked, with a look of surprise on his face at seeing Sour bleeding in the grass and Kit holding the smoking gun.

“This Blood-cloth
fool is the one feeding my uncle information,” he growled, spitting on Sour’s back. “That’s why he knew which of my spots to rob and where I would be and when. I almost died in a fucking shootout with Dread because of this traitor.”

“Damn man, I didn’t see that one coming,” the other nigga said in shock.

“Drag his ass inside and tie him to a chair,” Kit ordered. “I’ll be in to punish his ass in a minute.”

One of them grabbed Sour’s top half while the other took the bottom and they carried him inside the house.

“I think we’ll be going now,” my cousin suggested.

Kit shook his head in the negative. “You two better chill and let me call your husband.” He pointed at me. “I’m sure that nigga is going to blame me if anything else happens to you. Plus
, I want to see the look on his face when he sees that I saved your ass.”

“You didn’t save us. W
e saved ourselves,” my cousin contradicted, but immediately spanned her mouth shut when kit gave her a hard look.

We may have had our trusty knives
, but the nigga had a damn gun. He obviously wasn’t afraid to use it, so we stood by the van while he made the call to Tyga.

“Hey nigga
. I’ve got your bitch,” Kit said by way of greeting when he got my bay on the phone. Tyga must have gone off on him because he then said, “Nigga chill the fuck out. I wasn’t the one who took her. You can blame my uncle for that. I’m just the one who rescued her.” Whatever Tyga said after that caused Kit to hand me the phone.

I breathed. Tears instantly formed in my eyes, but I held them back. I was going to be strong tonight.

, are you ok?” He asked me and I could tell that he was also choked up.


“Where’re you at? Did that nigga take you?”

“I’m good bay, but I don
’t know where I’m at. Kit didn’t take me. His uncle did.”

“Alright, give him back the phone. I’ll be there to get you soon.”

I did as I was instructed and Kit gave Tyga the address. After they were done talking Kit took us inside the house. As I had previously thought the spot was used for trapping.

The living room consisted of a worn out leather sofa set, a big screen TV and a large coffee table that was sporting used take out boxes. The windows were covered with dark roll up blinds
, but no curtains.

The sofa was occupied by Kit’s two henchmen
, so Keya and I sunk our asses in the ratty love seat.

Kit pushed some of the boxes off the table and sat in front of
us. “What the fuck happened?” He asked. “And start from the beginning.”










I scrambled over the side of the bed and sprinted to the bathroom. I quickly flicked on the light and barely made it to the toilet in time to empty the contents of my stomach into the porcelain bowl. It had been more than a month since I had been raped and I was still having nightmares about it. When I closed my eyes all I could see was Ninja’s face as he moved above me, violating my body and draining my soul of its essence. I wasn’t the same person I was before he had profaned me and sometimes I thought I would never be the same again.

After spewing what little food I had inside me, I started dry heaving. I felt my husband’s hands gently pulling my hair back so that it wouldn’t fall into the gunk inside the toilet bowl and my eyes teared up at his considerate gesture. Tyga was the rock that I leaned on in these unmerciful dark days and I didn’t know what I would have done without him.

On the night of my escape, my bay made the forty minute drive from our home in New Jersey to Kit’s trap in Uptown Bronx in less than twenty minutes. I knew he must have driven like a bat out of hell to get to me in half the time.

I had hardened my core so that I could withstand Ninja’s rape, take another human’s life and escape from that house of horrors in NJ
, but the hardness melted away at the sight of my husband. As soon as I saw him I broke down and cried like a baby in his arms. He held it together for both our sakes, but I could tell he was very close to the edge of his control.

After he
reassured himself that I was safe he and Kit went to the back room where they were holding Sour. They spent almost thirty minutes in there with him and the screams that came out of that room were currently a part of my nightmares. 

The information they tortured from Sour not only led to a truce between Tyga and Kit
, but it also led to them joining forces and moving against Dread. First they raided the house that Dread and Ninja had held Keya and me captive, and then they moved on to three other spots.

The house in New Jersey was empty when they got there. Once Dread and his crew realized that my cousin and I had escaped
, they must have known we’d reveal their location and Tyga would come gunning for them. For that reason they ran like the cowards they were. Although my husband didn’t get to take his revenge by killing them, he was able to take some of the edge off his anger by burning their house to the ground, leaving nothing but ash and rubble. Scenes from the fire were on the news the next morning.

They also raided a trap house in the Bronx and killed four guys who were at the spot. They came away with over eighty thousand dollars and sixty pounds of weed. Another trap in Harlem close to Lenox Avenue not only yielded another forty grand and a hundred and fifteen pounds
, but also a high ranking member in Dread’s operation. They tortured him for information before they killed him and what they learned from their interrogation led them to another spot in NJ. The nigga had told them that was where Dread and Ninja were hiding. Instead of finding the culprits they found three hundred pounds of weed, an assortment of guns, and over half a million dollars in cash.

They had really hurt Dread’s pockets from all the money and drugs they acquired from their raids so I guess the Jamaican was laying low for the time being while he recouped.

I got the information from my cousin Daisy who got it from Delco. Tyga was still a stickler for keeping me in the dark when it came to the finer details of his operation.

The flushing of the toilet brought me back to the present. “You’re good now Sexy?” Tyga asked, rubbing my back.

I nodded and he helped me to stand. He turned on the faucet for me while I grabbed my tooth brush and toothpaste to clean my teeth. After I was done he picked me up and carried me back to bed. Once we were situated beneath the covers, he curved his muscular body around mine holding me close while his fingers gently massaged the spot on my lower back where I had gotten his name tattooed. He had been rubbing on that spot a lot lately. It was like by touching it he was reminding himself that even after everything Ninja had done to me I was still

“You do re
alize what’s wrong don’t you?” He asked softly.

“Yeah,” I whispered. I had started throwing up on a regular basis almost a week ago. At first I didn’t want to believe that I was pregnant even though
I had missed my period. I was realizing that I couldn’t deny it any longer. It was time for me to be a grown ass woman and face the music. “I’m pregnant.”

“We can make an appointment tomorrow for you to get rid of it,” he responded casually.

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