Love Is Fear (12 page)

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Authors: Caroline Hanson

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal

BOOK: Love Is Fear
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Hmm,” he said, brows drawn together. “And you want to save one of them? And you think I’ll help?” He looked at her oddly, like he couldn’t believe he was hearing her correctly.

She’s still little. Her powers have not manifested yet. But the witches, if she stays with them, they’ll have her start doing magic early, trying to bring her powers on. And that would turn her evil. Like serial killer, evil.”

He visibly recoiled. “How old is she?”


And they’d have her…killing people?”

She nodded, looking at the ocean and away from him. he didn’t answer. She’d have to say something else. She could feel him staring at her in the dark. Shit, she didn’t have anything else to say that might convince him.

Is that what you did?” he asked, too calmly.

For a little while. Witches have to use their power. And it’s dark. You can’t do it without causing a certain amount of pain. But that doesn’t mean she has to be a killer. Lucas got me out at twelve, and by then, I’d done a lot.”

Why did he save you?”

She smiled at him a little oddly. “I’m a witch.”

Yeah, but…. Why didn’t he take someone else or—”

What are you fishing for?” she said, sounding impatient.

What does Lucas say about why he saved you and what he wants from you?”

I haven’t asked him.”

Why?” He burst out, “How could you not want to know?”

Because it’s the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me

and I don’t think he did it out of the kindness of his heart. He’s of the heart-two-sizes-too-small-variety. I don’t want to know that the best thing that’s ever happened to me wasn’t done because he—” she swallowed hard, “—okay, you know what, I didn’t come here for therapy. I’m going to go in and kill some bitches. They are murderers and fucking evil. I need help getting my niece out and you can do that.”

He leaned forward. “What is your plan, exactly, and why me?”

Any other vampire would use it as blackmail. Witches are supposed to be extinct. She’s valuable. I need someone who’d be willing to protect her…someone good.”

He shook his head and blew out a huge breath. “Good. I’m the good guy.” He laughed.

Have you seen the crowd I run around with? You’re
 a good guy. Always will be.”

He looked at her for a long moment, his hands going up to his hair, raking through it in agitation. “What will you do with her?”

I’ve got a home for her. And assuming I survive this fucking quest for the Fey, I’ll help her out, ”


She chuckled and it was so…pretty that it made him want to smile. “Yeah, me. Maternal instincts. No, seriously, she’s a witch. Witches need to do evil things. Need to harm and hurt to give their magic an outlet. You can’t take energy, use it for gain, without paying a price. But that doesn’t mean she needs to kill kittens and toddlers.”

The enormity of what she was saying and asking finally hit him. His voice was quiet. “Wait. So she really is evil. Why would I want to save her at all?”

She’s powerful. She can kill vampires. What if we find the Fey? They’re scared ofwitches. You want a balance where evil is encouraged to play by the rules. And they only do that if they have something to fear. They’ll fear 

But she’s evil. You just told me that! 
fucking fear her. It’s like getting Kujo because you’re afraid of a German Shepard.”

She is not inherently evil. Her magic is dark, that doesn’t mean she’s evil. We can make her be good. If she’s involved in the human world, goes to school, grows up with someone who loves her, she’ll want to protect people. She’ll know the value of life.”

That’s a pretty speech. What, she’ll be like you? What’s your kill count?”

Are you going to help me or not?” she asked heavily.

No,” he said without hesitation and stood up, ready to go back to the hotel.

Mother fucker!” she yelled at him. “Fine. You want the fucking truth? I have never killed anyone who wasn’t scum of the earth bad. If I could stop Marion, I did. I stayed with her for eighty fucking years because she liked what I did to her. With Marion, I couldn’t cut deep enough. There was 
 enough blood.”

She crowded in close to him, almost eye to eye she was so tall, her chest heaving, anger so high and close that it was like a pulse in the air. He’d back up if he had to, stake her if had to. “Everything I needed, she gave willingly—no, happily. Do you know what it’s like to be evil, to do monstrous things and then have your victim 
thank you? 
To know that you have made their day? It’s beyond fucked up, but I needed her and she gave me peace. I can save Molly, give her a life beyond murder. But I can’t do it alone and if you won’t go with me I can’t ask anyone else.”

If I don’t go, you’ll go in alone?” he asked. She jerked back a step, like she was scared of his voice.

She was breathing hard, quiet for a long while. “Yeah. I think so. I might ask Lucas, after all. He’s in a weird head space anyway. Who knows, maybe he’ll die before he gets a chance to blackmail me.”

That’s bullshit.”

What? Lucas? He’s on the way out. I’d bet my life on it. He’s tried to die, you know. I think that’s why we’re going for the Fey. If anyone has a weapon to kill him, they’ll be the ones to make it.”

He blew out a breath. “Okay, one thing at a time. You’re saying that if we rescue this girl now, she won’t hurt anyone for a decade, maybe more?”


I have something else I want to know.”

Yeah. I bet. What?”

Marion is gone. Who are you torturing now?” His voice was silky soft and she knew why he wanted to know. Felt the threat in the air.

You’d still kill me after this bonding session? You’re a cold cat, Jack. Don’t fash yourself, as my mother would say. The S and M scene in New York is wild these days. I can always find someone. Unless you’re offering?”

Don’t fuck with me,” he said flatly and with total disgust. Revulsion clear on his face.

So your answer is a ‘
’?” she asked exaggeratedly.

He came closer to her and all the air seemed to flow towards him. There was nothing left to breathe. No matter how many breaths she took she’d still need air. He’d always have the upper hand with her. It was a fucking problem. And if he figured out the power he had over her—

Valerie. If she’s with Lucas I want to know. If she goes with him to the Fey, I want to be there. You tell me what the hell is going on and if he makes a move on her. She doesn’t even want to be there and…she was worried about being alone with him.”

I bet she was. Emotionless vampire and a gal whose got more pleasure in the tip of her little finger than a box full of uppers. Yeah, everyone should be worried.”

He looked at her murderously. She sneered at him. “You humans never want honesty.”

I want to be there. Every step of the way. To keep her from him. You want my help

you have to take me along.”

She looked at him for an endless moment. “Deal.” She looked up at the sky, hands on her hips and then shook her head. “Why do I feel like I just made a deal with the devil?” she asked, then turned and sauntered away down the beach. “Well, thanks. I’ll take you out for a burger after.”

Let’s be clear,” Jack said, voice caressing her like a lover, “No, you won’t buy me a burger, go anywhere with me….” An endless silence where she waited in dread for what he might say. The thought was there, the words seemed to be stuck in his throat and when he spoke his voice was gruff, “or do anything with me. This is a job. And if I find out you have been killing people—and let me tell you right now, I’m waiting for it—then I’ll kill you. Really easily.”

Death was in his eyes. He’d kill her and not even think twice about it. He’d do it and be fine with it. Maybe even be proud of it.

Yeah, I got it.



1602 (16 years after the birth of Virginia Dare)

Cerdewellyn unbuttoned his jacket, the warm summer air stifling. Virginia threw him a look that was far older than her sixteen years and drew her dress over her head, carelessly tossing it onto the grass before running towards the water in her shift.

Her hair fanned out behind her, the undergarment’s material almost transparent. He could see the outline of her hips, her smooth back. She turned back and looked at him, beckoning him towards the water.

He shook his head slowly, unable to help the smile he knew was on his lips. Her precociousness and innocence were enchanting. In truth, she was a woman now, and his followers were becoming impatient. Her breasts were developed and full, her body ripe and ready for womanly pleasures.

But he was still waiting.

Laughing, she went into the water, running all the way in, and then squealing that it was cold. He laughed with her and went to the water’s edge, looking down at her as she shivered, watching the gooseflesh rise on her pale arms.

Why do you go in if it is so cold?” he asked, squatting down near a rocky ledge so he could see her face.

I want to get it over with. I think that if I waited on the shore and inched my way in, I would never go. So I do it all in a run, just don’t stop and then—it is too late, I am in!” She splashed him. He ignored the droplets that clung to his clothing and dripped down his cheek.

It is good to see you in such a happy mood. Recently, you have seemed....” He shook his head and let the sentence hang there, knowing she would fill it in.

Virginia looked at her hands in the water, settling them on the surface and holding them still, like they were pressed against a pane of glass. “Won’t you come in?” Her head was down, not meeting his gaze as she asked, her voice a siren’s call, and he felt his body react.

No. I shall only sit here and speak with you. No more.”

 to go swimming with me.”

Yes. And after we are joined, we can go swimming together again.”

Well… why not now?” Her glance speared him. So direct. She looked at his coat, like she wanted to touch it. “Why wait? I am old enough. You are my destiny, Cerdewellyn, and I am ready for it.”

Cer sighed and rubbed his forehead, squeezing his eyes shut, unwilling to look at her. She moved a little closer, so half of her body was out of the water, the material of her fine garment now doing nothing to hide her. Her pebbled nipples and the pink areolas, her flat stomach, and even the shadowed juncture of her thighs.

Virginie,” he said, using his pet name for her. “I know what it’s like to be young. To think you are more grown-up than you are.”

Are you calling me a child?” Her voice rose dangerously.

No. I am saying that I want things to be perfect between us. Not just for you and I, but for our subjects. And for that, we need to wait.”

She stepped towards him, out of the water, droplets falling off of her hair and fingers. “I see the way the Queen watches me.” A lengthy pause. “The world could be ours. We could be together, and yet, you hesitate.”

Virginia dropped to her knees beside him, bringing her chilled face close to his. “I want you. I know you want me.” Her hand reached out, touching his full lips, stroking her finger across them.

Cer leaned back from her and grabbed her hand, hard enough to get her attention. “You are still a young girl. Now you are pretending to be a woman. What we do will remake the world. Herald our return and cause a reckoning. And yet, you are being impatient. I will be your husband—ever your King. Even when you rule all others, I will still rule you. And I say we wait.”

Maybe he had been too harsh. Her mouth was frowning angrily, but her eyes were watering with tears. “I know you are mature, and perhaps you are ready. But, it does us no harm to give you a little more time to prepare. We have one chance, Virginie. Only one. And you must be strong and secure in your magic to help me open the portal.”

Her lower lip trembled. “She’ll kill me, I know it.”

His first instinct was to laugh. “Who? The Queen? No, she will not. What good would it serve her? She knows her duty. These are her people, too. She wants what is best for them.”

She does not put anyone above herself. I feel it in my heart, Cerdewellyn. If she can kill me she will, no matter the consequences.” She wrapped her fingers hard around his, like she’d force him to listen this time. “They all bow to 
 now. I am already Queen to everyone but you.”

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