Love In A Nick Of Time (5 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Jean Smith

BOOK: Love In A Nick Of Time
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She had a long hot bath and took her time getting dressed. She put on her make-up and pulled her hair up on her head just like she did for her dinner with Allen. She did as Jenna said and decided to search for Allen. To her dismay she found a company address for him here in Seattle. She would be in Seattle for the wedding and a week after, time enough to face Allen.


Samantha put on her dress and looked in the mirror. She’d been under a lot of stress lately and lost some weight, but her dress wasn’t too loose. The wedding was supposed to start in 45 minutes she better get downstairs to the garden. Kevin wanted her to meet his boss and the guy she would be walking down the aisle with. She slipped on her shoes, patted her hair in place, grabbed her purse, and left her hotel room.


She got a bottle of water from the gift shop and took a few sips before walking through the garden when she spotted Kevin walking and laughing with a very tall man. Kevin saw her and headed towards her. Se kept staring at the man walking beside him. “Oh my God!” The man was Allen.


“Hey sis you look beautiful today.” Kevin kissed her on the cheek and then proceeded to introduce her to Allen. “Samantha, I’d like you to meet my boss and very good friend, Allen Archer.”


“Hello Samantha’s it‘s so nice to meet you. Kevin has told me so many wonderful things about you.”


The smile on his lips didn’t reach his cold black eyes. Samantha knew she was gapping like a goldfish, but she was in shock. “It’s nice to meet you too.”


“If you two will excuse me I need to talk with the minister for a minute.”


Allen used that opportunity to steer Samantha away from the garden. “Are you still sick? You’ve lost a lot of weight! What in the hell have you done to yourself? Are you pregnant?” Allen hoped so the thought of Samantha carrying his child made him think about their future together.


“No. Nothing. Of course not! We used condoms every time we had sex. Besides that I’m on birth control. What on earth made you think I was pregnant?”


“Well you’ve been sick, you lost weight, and you look tired. I know that condoms aren’t full proof. We lost our heads that night, and we really didn’t discuss birth control.”


“I need to sit down. I just don’t know how all this came about. How long has Kevin worked for you?”


Allen frowned at her, “five years why?”


“Kevin doesn’t work for Techtron.”


Allen smiled at her, so she had been trying to find him. “Techtron is the holding company and Kevin runs one of my subsidiaries.”


Samantha was still in shock, she was so unprepared to face Allen right now. “I find it hard to believe that you were within reach this whole time.”


“You mean you tried to find me?”


“Not at first, about a week ago I start searching for you. I was going to contact you after the wedding.


The sight of Samantha put him in a tailspin. He was happy to see her and still mad that she ran away. “You owe me an explanation.”


“Why are you so angry? We had one night together. I certainly didn’t have any expectations that you were offering anything more!”


If Allen didn’t rein in his temper he was going to paddle her ass right in front of the wedding party. “If you didn’t sneak out on me that morning I would have made my intentions clear.”


“Well you should have tried a little harder. The wedding is about to start. I need to go find Debra and the other bridesmaids.” Samantha was no longer in shock and she was getting a little angry herself. How dare he act like the damn injured party!


“This isn’t over Samantha we’re long overdue for a talk.”


Samantha poked him in the chest, “I don’t know where the hell you get off being so angry. If you wanted more than a one-night stand you had ample opportunity to say something. Don’t try to control me. I told you once before that you’re not the boss of me.” Samantha left Allen and went to search for her soon to be sister-in-law.


Allen watch her walk away and he could feel his erection rising. No woman had ever made him want to strangle her and kiss her at the same time. “Baby your wrong. You forgot that I’m the one that’s always in control.” Allen whispered to himself.




Samantha was enjoying the wedding celebration. She was so happy for Kevin and her new sister-in-law Debra. They made a beautiful couple and she hoped that they had a wonderful life together. Something their parents never seemed capable of doing.


Their mother was on vacation somewhere sporting her new husband. Samantha lost count; was this husband number four or five. Their father was no better, he didn’t show up for the wedding either. At least he stopped marrying his lovers’ three relationships ago.


Samantha knew Allen was watching her. He’d been glaring at her during the whole wedding ceremony. Right after they finished taking the wedding pictures she was chatting with one of the groomsmen. Allen cornered her in the garden promising to spank her if she flirted with another man today. This was not the Allen she remember those few days in Chicago. Right now he was acting possessive, territorial, and just plain rude.


She was deeply attracted to him, but she was still pissed by his attitude. So she decided to ignore him and enjoy herself. She would make him realize that she didn’t respond to threats. Samantha found it ironic that she’d never been attracted to anything but black men in the past. You know the old find me a black prince bullshit her mother drilled into her since she was seven years old. Since her break up with Brian months ago, she’d been approached by men of all races. It was as if she were wearing a sign on her head stating she’s available. She was lost in thought when Kevin approached her for a dance.


“Did you save a dance for your big brother?”


“Of course, I thought I was going to have to make a scene to get you alone. I guess I did know that married men were more popular than single ones, Dad taught us that. If you mess things up with Debra, I will personally kick your ass.” Samantha put her hands on his shoulders as he led her out onto the floor.


Kevin smiled down at Samantha, he was so proud of her and everything that she’d achieved. She was the one person next to Debra who made this day complete. Although she wouldn’t admit it, Samantha was still wounded from their parents’ divorce and all the subsequent bullshit that followed. “I’m glad you came today. I know you been through a lot with the layoff, breakup with Brian, that situation with Jenna, and establishing a new business. I have to tell you I’ve never been prouder of you than this moment. Thanks for making time for me.”


Samantha gazed into the hazel eyes so much like her own. “Dear brother I would have moved heaven and earth to make it here for your special day.” She stood on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek.


“Okay, okay, you two need to break this up.” Debra pulled Samantha away from her new husband. “It’s time for me to throw the bouquet and I want you to catch it.”


“Debra I’m glad you and my brother found each other, but there is no way I’m ever getting married. I refuse to participate in such an infantile tradition.”


Debra refused to be swayed, “please do it for me Samantha you’re the closest person I have to a sister.”


Samantha couldn’t believe her eyes or her ears. Debra actually had the nerve to tear up. “I’m doing you a favor this one time and don’t think I can be swayed with tears.”


“Of course not, follow me to the front of the ballroom pronto.”


Debra reminded her of Jada Pinket-Smith, she was short, bossy, and very loveable. Samantha did as she was told, but she didn’t like it one bit. Her new sister-in-law may be tiny, but she was also devious. It never ceased to amaze her how single women degraded themselves to catch a meaningless bouquet. Samantha she stood at the very back and didn’t even try to catch Debra’s bouquet. Debra turned her back on the crowd and threw the bouquet. Women were on the floor screaming and scratching each other trying to get a piece of the rapidly disappearing bouquet.


“Hey Samantha!”


Samantha looked up just in time to catch the bouquet of flowers that were aimed towards her head. She knew Debra was sneaky, but she never in a million years would believe she was capable of doing something like this. She actually threw a fake bouquet first and threw the real bouquet right to Samantha.


“Come on down and take a seat little lady.” Samantha followed the announcer’s instructions and tried to paste a smile on her face. She flipped her sister-in-law off as she passed her.


“You know I’m going to kick your ass for this.”


Debra couldn’t stop laughing. “The look on your face was priceless and I’d do it again. Now go take you seat and wait for your prince to arrive. Kevin is about to toss the garter.”




Allen had watched Samantha the whole day and she had the audacity to ignore him. He couldn’t believe his loss of control in the garden earlier. Samantha was flirting up a storm and had the nerve to be pissed when he called her on it. Whatever they had was between him and her. He refused to let her pull anyone else into their relationship, especially another man.


He wanted her and he planned to have her in his bed tonight. When they walked down the aisle together he didn’t want to relinquish her at the altar. He could tell by the intensity of her gaze and the nervous way she licked her lips during the wedding that she still wanted him as well. When she danced with Kevin, Allen glared at the dancing couple throughout the dance. At the end of the dance she hugged Kevin and kissed him on the cheek? He was so envious of any attention she gave any man but him.


“I came to keep you company. What are you doing back here in the corner by yourself?”


Allen barely spared the chatty blonde any attention. She’d been trying to cling to him ever since the wedding rehearsal. Just because he was polite to her didn’t make him her date. “Oh I’m just watching the festivities,” Allen said in bored tones. He wished she would take a hint and leave him alone.


“Can you believe that Debra threw out a decoy bouquet so her sister-in-law could catch the real bouquet?”


Allen perked up when he saw Samantha walking towards the front of the ballroom. “What are they doing now? Why are all of the men gathering around?” Allen attended very few weddings and he certainly never stayed for the reception.


“Kevin’s about to pull the garter from Debra’s leg and toss the garter at all the single men. The one who catches the garter gets to put it on the woman who caught the bouquet. Hey, where are you going?”


Allen wasted no time joining the crowd of men. “I’m no fool; I’m going to catch the garter.” Allen could tell by the disappointment on her face that she didn’t want him to go, but that was her problem.


Allen made his way to the group of men and managed to get up front and center. He was a winner, and he knew with great certainty he would catch the garter. There was no way any other man besides him was going to put a garter on his woman.




Allen came and stood in front of the other men posed to catch the garter. His obsidian eyes raked over her as if he were staking a claim. Samantha knew without a doubt that he would catch the garter. The real question was if she willing to take the risk of being with him tonight.


She barely heard the chanting and laughter as Kevin pulled the garter down Debra’s leg and flung it into the crowd of men. Allen never took his eyes off her as he reached up and seemed to snatch the garter out of the air. He was oblivious to the pats on the back and the cheers around him. His attention was focused solely on Samantha.


Samantha felt the wetness in her panties as he made his way towards her, never breaking the intensity of his gaze. He squatted in front of her and slowly bent down and removed her right shoe before he slowly pushed the garter up her leg. When he reached her thigh, his hands kept going as his fingers sought out the juncture between her legs.


Samantha stopped breathing as his fingers rubbed her clit back and forth through her panties. He pulled his hands back down her leg, put her shoe back on, and he licked his fingers. He stood up and took a bow in front of the cheering crowd. He turned back around, faced her, and held out his hand.


“Miss Graham I believe this dance is mine.” Allen wasted no time pulling her out of the chair into his arms. Everyone else joined them on the floor seemingly exhilarated after the recent spectacle. “You’re wet.” Allen whispered into her ear.”


Samantha’s head barely reached his chest, she pretended like she didn’t hear what he said. He pressed her closer to his body so she could feel his erection; his very big erection poking her in her stomach. “Oh.” Samantha felt the heat in her face as her breasts swelled up. She looked up into his gaze and his eyes were full of desire and promise.


“Oh is right! I need you to follow me right now. I would hate to throw you on the floor and take you right here in front of the wedding party and guests.” Allen pulled Samantha behind him out of the ballroom, and he led her into one of the smaller neighboring banquet rooms, which happened to be empty.


Thank God for small favors. He lowered the straps from her shoulders and feasted on her beautiful mocha skin, her chocolate brown nipples were large and very erect. He bent his head and nipped her lips before forcing his tongue in her mouth. She tasted like chocolate and cinnamon, and he couldn’t get enough.

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