Love In A Nick Of Time (14 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Jean Smith

BOOK: Love In A Nick Of Time
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Michael pulled out a chair for Jenna and stood behind her, “that’s just part of our great news. The people we love the most are with us tonight and we would be honored if all of you would be the godparents of our child. We have another six months to go before we welcome our child into the world and we want you to share that moment with us. Thanks for your love and support it means the world to us.


“We love you guys now let’s eat.” Jenna never thought she would experience such happiness she just wished her sister Laura could be here with her to celebrate.




It was late by the time Allen and Samantha made it back home. Allen practically had to drag Samantha into the condo. “You did too much today, didn’t you?”


Samantha was tired and she didn’t want to get cornered by Allen. He was too smart for his own damn good and he always wanted to talk when her defenses were down. “How do you feel about becoming a godfather?”


Allen took of his jacket and threw it on the sofa then he helped Samantha with her jacket. “I think it’s great that Jenna and Mike think enough of me to even consider me as a godfather to their child. I also think it will be great practice for when we have our own children.”


I think you’ll make an excellent father, your children will be lucky to have a father who’ll truly be a part of their lives.” Samantha was in near tears as she went to her bedroom and shut the door. She went to the connecting bathroom and took a pain pill. Not only was she exhausted, but her side and lower abdomen were extremely painful. It felt like someone was pinching her with a pair of pliers. She wanted to be undressed before Allen came in her room. She wasn’t stupid there was no way he was going to drop tonight’s discussion about children.


Allen entered Samantha’s bedroom without knocking. The sight of her lying on her stomach scared him and pissed him off. She did too much today now she was suffering. Damn it as careful as they were this morning she still wasn’t well enough to engage in sex. He knew that and he acted like an animal in rut anyway.


“There’s nowhere else for you to run, you didn’t really think I was going to let it drop? You did too much today now you’re in pain.” Allen lifted Samantha off the bed and carried her to his bedroom.


Samantha had seen Allen’s bedroom, but she hadn’t spent a lot of time in there. He had a custom-made bed in his room to accommodate his height. The bed was big enough for a whole family. “Why did you bring me in here?” Allen slowly undressed her leaving her underwear in place and put her beneath the covers.


“I want you close by in case I have to take care of you. I’m sorry if I hurt you today.”


Samantha groaned, that’s why she didn’t want to have this conversation, she knew Allen would blame himself. Allen left the bedroom and came back with something wrapped in a towel. What’s do you have there?”


What’s giving you the most trouble? I saw you rubbing your side when you got up from the dinner table.”


“Oh baby I’m the one that’s sorry. If I hadn’t been so determine to have sex this morning I wouldn’t be in so much pain now.”


Allen took off his robe and left on his pajama bottoms as he climbed into bed with Samantha. “Sssh, we both were too eager to resume our sexual relationship. I have a hot water bottle it should ease some of the ache. I have a heating pad to but I don’t recommend sleeping with it.”


“My lower part of my stomach hurts the most.”


Allen put the hot water bottle on Samantha’s stomach and wrapped his arms around her and held it in place. “How does that feel?


“The water bottle or you? They both feel wonderful.”


Several moments passed before Allen spoke. “Sweetheart why are you afraid to have children?”


Samantha knew it was time to tell Allen about her childhood.
“I don’t think I would make a very good mother. I didn’t have a very good example of what parenting should be. My father was a pilot stationed at Offutt Air Force Base in Bellevue. My mother is a very controlling and spoiled woman. She wanted things my father couldn’t provide for her. She didn’t like living in Nebraska and the people around here were boring. I can’t tell you how many arguments would ensue because she would leave Kevin and me alone for hours at a time when we were small.


My father was the first one to have an affair. He seemed very sincere when he apologized but he never ended the relationship, he was only sorry he was caught. My mother was not going to take that lying down. She one-upped him by being caught with the neighbor in my father’s bed. The battle was on then, my father didn’t even pretend as if he didn’t have a girlfriend anymore. Sometimes he would leave her at the house to babysit Kevin and me.


My mother came home and found the woman in her house and I‘m amazed Daddy’s girlfriend survived. Then my mother demanded a divorce from my father. He told her she could leave whenever she wanted, but she wasn’t taking his children. That’s when my mother planted her poisoness seed of doubt. She told him that I wasn’t his child and that no judge in Nebraska would split up the children. I don’t know if Daddy really believed Mother, but after that, he didn’t treat me the same anymore.


When he had visitation he would come for Kevin and try to leave me behind, but Kevin wouldn’t let him. Several months passed then Daddy stopped showing up at all. Oh, he sent support checks, but we didn’t see him again until he married our first stepmother. She had two children of her own, two little girls, he adopted them and they carried his name. I know deep inside that he did this to get back at my mother, but Kevin and I were the ones that got hurt.


Mother refused to be outdone by her ex-husband so she began dating service men. Her second husband was Daddy’s commander. Bill was a pretty decent guy. He tried to do family things with Kevin and me, but Mother didn’t like sharing him with us. Eventually, Bill got tired of the arguments and the cheating so he filed for divorce.


I really felt a sense of loss when Bill left. He treated me better than my own father did. I didn’t really have a relationship with my mother. She used to tell me that she couldn’t stand to look at me because I had my Daddy’s eyes. So now you know why I can’t possibly bring a child into the world with my background. I’d probably destroy them especially if I had a little girl. A messed up person like me should never have kids.”


Allen felt the anger deep in his gut. If he ever met Samantha’s parents he would kill them, better yet he find another way to destroy them for what they did to her and Kevin. “I’m only going to tell you this once and we’re going to move on with our lives. You’re not your mother! She’s a spoiled, selfish woman who was overindulged her whole life. You’re certainly not promiscuous I bet you can count all of your lovers on one hand.”


“Please Allen I had sex with you after knowing you for one day.”


“Have you ever done that before meeting me?”




Allen kissed her shoulder, “that‘s because I’m the man of your dreams. You’re allowed to make love with the man of your dreams a day after meeting him. I’m not your father Samantha and I would never abandon my children regardless of what their mother did. My children will never have to wonder if their father loves them because I’ll always be right there.”


Samantha was crying her tears ran down her face wetting the pillowcase. “I want to believe Allen. I really want to believe.”


Allen wiped away her tears. “I’m the real deal Samantha we’re going to enjoy the holidays. Then you’re going to marry me and we’re going to start planning our life together. One day I would like it to include children in the equation, but for now I’d like a little more time with you. I know I’m moving too fast for you. When a man finds the woman who completes him he has to move swiftly before she starts throwing up roadblocks. Samantha do you hear me?” Allen peeked at Samantha and she was breathing deeply. She’d cried herself to sleep. Despite the issues of her past Samantha is a strong woman. He knew that eventually everything would work out fine.



Chapter 13

When Samantha woke up she was alone in Allen’s bed. She could still smell his essence on the sheets. She’d never told anyone other than Jenna and Connie about her parents, but she was relieved that Allen knew about her history. If they were going to have any type of relationship he needed to know. She sat up and slowly got out of bed, her side no longer hurt and there was just a dull ache in her lower abdomen.


She found her robe draped at the bottom of the bed. Allen must have gotten it out of her room. She used Allen’s shower before making her way back to her room to get dressed. Samantha meant to tell Allen that she was going back to work part-time today, just to get her feet wet. Hopefully he would understand her need to get up and about. If not, undoubtedly they would probably have a heated disagreement.


When Samantha came out of her bedroom there was an older woman sitting at the dining room table. She looked up and smiled at Samantha, she had green eyes, and her dark hair had with a few white streaks on the side. When she was younger she was probably a knockout. She was still a very beautiful woman. Samantha offered her hand, “You must be Mary, I’m glad to meet you.”


Mary stood up and gave Samantha a hug. “Miss Graham the pleasure is all mine. I’m glad that you’re up and about, to hear Mr. Archer tell it you’re still at death’s door.”


Samantha rolled her eyes up into her head. “Please call me Samantha, Allen was adamant that I stay in bed for the last three weeks. This was fine when I was in the hospital, but now I want to resume my normal activity as much as possible. I’m going to pop into my office today; my rental car should be dropped off soon. If you don’t mind I’d like to sit here and visit with you.


Mary gushed, not very many people wanted to visit with the hired help. She sensed that Samantha wasn’t like most people. “That would be great I don’t get a chance to chat too often, Mr. Archer keeps me pretty busy.”


Samantha sat down across from Mary, I’m sorry I didn’t get a chance to welcome you yesterday. How long will you be staying in Omaha?”


Mary leaned back in her chair. “Well that depends on how long Mr. Archer needs me to stay. Now that I’ve seen you I can certainly tell that you and Kevin are brother and sister. Kevin is a really nice guy, plus he’s an excellent manager.”


Samantha smiled, liking Mary even more. “Thank you Mary! Kevin is one of the best men I know. When we were growing up he was a brother and father figure. He didn’t have the childhood of a normal boy, when he should have been out playing baseball and football he was having tea parties with me.”


“Yes, he’s very sensitive to the needs of his staff I can almost see him trying to accommodate a little sister.”


“Don’t ever tell him I told you about the tea parties. He gets embarrassed when I brag about him. I’m going to get some juice just can I get you anything Mary?”


“No dear I’m good.”


As soon as Samantha stood up, Allen came in the front door. “Hey baby.” Samantha moved toward Allen and gave him a kiss.


Allen frowned, Samantha was dressed for the office, he wanted to demand that she go lay down, but he didn’t think that would get him anywhere. “I take it you’re going to the office today?”


Samantha kissed on the lips again for good measure. She poured herself a glass of juice before responding. “Yes, I know you don’t approve and I promise to only stay for a few hours or until I get tired, okay.”


Allen hugged Samantha and gave her another kiss. “The problem with that little scenario is that you’re a workaholic and you don’t know what a few hours mean.”


She drank half the juice, Samantha looked at her watch realizing she would be late if she didn’t hurry. “Sweetie I promise I’ll be back before noon.” Samantha went back to the living room to get her briefcase and purse. “Mary it was nice meeting you, maybe I can take you out to lunch soon.”


“That would be great Miss Graham.”


Samantha frowned at Mary. “Please call me Samantha I refuse to have a formal relationship with anyone.” Samantha was moving towards the door before Allen grabbed her arm.


“How are you getting to the office? Do you need me to drive you?”


“I’ve got it taken care of; a rental car is being dropped off as we speak.”


“Are you sure you’re up to driving?”


“Only one way to find out, do you want me to bring anything back?


Allen stole another kiss. “Just drive carefully and call me when you get to the office.”


“Don’t be such a worrywart. I’ll be fine.” Samantha blew him a kiss and left.


“I like Miss Graham. She’s a very giving lady.”


Allen stared at the door. “She’s too giving and hasn’t learned how to take. I want to give her things and take her places. I can afford to give her anything her heart desires.”


Mary went back to work. “Miss Graham isn’t a materialistic woman she works hard for everything she has. I bet she’s very loyal as well. A smart man would hold on to a woman like that.”


“Don’t worry Mary, I intend to.”




Samantha’s first day at work was extremely busy. She followed up with business prospects and made new contacts. She lost track of time and didn’t end up leaving the office until 1:00 pm. Samantha got in the rental car and called Allen. She was already late and she didn’t want him to worry; she got his voice mail so she left a message. “Hey baby, I’m running late I’m going to make a quick stop at my house before coming home. See you soon. Love you!”

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