Love In A Nick Of Time (8 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Jean Smith

BOOK: Love In A Nick Of Time
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When Allen pulled out of Samantha he was still semi-erect. There was no way he was ever using a condom again. He unlocked the handcuffs and released Samantha’s hands she rolled over onto her stomach push her ass in the air. He knew what she wanted; he just didn’t think he had the energy to do it


“Take my ass Allen I want to feel you deep inside of me.”


Pure lust suddenly pulsed through his veins. Samantha was teasing him with her gyrating ass, and he was going to give her what’s she’s asking for. “Get on your knees now!” Allen smacked her ass when she moved too slowly. “Now means now!”


Allen grabbed her hips and dipped his cock in her honey pot which was dripping with both of their cum. He pulled out then he stuck his fingers in her hot core and began playing with her puckered rosebud. This is as far as they ever got before, but Samantha wanted more, he slowly fucked her with one finger until he felt her loosen up, then he added another finger.


“I want to feel your cock in my ass.”


Allen wasn’t hard enough; he needed some time to get fully engorged. So he decided to take his time and drive Samantha crazy. He opened the bedside table and took out a tube of lube and prepared her tight hole. Allen divided his time between her vagina and ass; he eased his forefinger into her tightness waiting for her to relax. He felt her sphincter muscle give and then he added another finger to loosen up her backside.


“I’m ready Allen, take me!”


Allen needed no encouragement he slowly pressed his cock into her ass, it felt five times as tight as her vagina. Shit, he might cum before he got all the way in. He wrapped his arm around her lowering his hand to her pussy, pinching her clit.


Samantha felt full and constricted, she had anal sex before, but Allen’s penis is a lot thicker and longer than her previous lovers. She buried her face in the pillow as Allen took his time easing himself into her tight rosebud. It hurt so good! Allen kept pulling out slowly and pushing his way back in telling her to let herself go and push back. She came crying out his name and then he began to pound her ass. He climaxed shortly after Samantha. He pulled out of her ass and picked her up taking her to the shower.


Samantha wrapped her arms around his neck. “You’re going to be the death of me and you made me realize how insufficient my toy chest really is.”


Allen smiled down at her and kissed her cheek. “I believe in keeping my woman satisfied, remember I’m the only man who can make you feel this way.”


“No one has so far.”


“I’m the only one.” Allen put Samantha in the shower then he grabbed a washcloth and a bar of soap off the shelf and climbed in behind her washing her back and her ass. He turned her around and proceeded to wash the rest of her. She took the washcloth from him and returned the favor, spending and most of the time washing his cock.


“You're so beautiful, it’s like looking at a work of art, bend down.” Allen lowered his head and Samantha took the shampoo bottle from the ledge squeezed a little in her hand and proceeded to wash his hair. ”I love your hair, if so fine just like a baby’s, why do you keep it so short.”


“I keep my hair short because curly hair looks cute on babies not on grown men.” Allen rinsed his hair then he took the bottle and squirted some shampoo in his hands and began washing Samantha’s hair. He had seen it in several different styles: pinned up, straight, but he preferred the curly spirals. He rinsed her hair, stepped out of the shower, and grabbed two towels. He wrapped one around her head and proceeded to dry her with the other towel. When he was through he wrapped the towel around his waist and put his robe around her body. Allen picked her up and carried her back to the bedroom placing her on the bed.


By the time Allen got back with the hair dryer, Samantha was fast asleep. She looked like a little girl who’d had a rough day playing. She had a right to be tired. He’d been at her night and day trying to bind her to him with his lovemaking. Samantha almost let it slip that she loved him; he hoped so. Women were more content in a relationship if they’re in love. He didn’t know if he loved her, but he damn sure couldn’t live without her.




The drive back to the office would take maybe 20 minutes. Samantha thought she should probably stop and get something to eat. Her meeting with a new client went extremely well; business was booming and her personal life was riding high. Allen was coming into Omaha this evening and she’d been floating on a cloud all day. Her house was clean, her refrigerator was full, and she was horny as hell. Allen was wrong their last night together wasn’t enough to tie her over. Matter of fact she’d been horny since her first night back in Omaha.


Samantha had a few drinks with Jenna and Connie last night. She updated her toy chest with purchases especially with Allen in mind. Although she didn’t drink much she had a slight headache from their get together. She talked about Allen all night and Jenna and Connie humored her. She knew she was wearing her heart on her sleeve but she couldn’t help it. Allen was staying with her until the first of the year and she was looking forward to spending the holidays with him. Usually she shuffled along wishing the holidays would pass by faster.


It was almost three weeks since she left Seattle, but she heard from Allen at least once a day through e-mail, texts, or phone calls. Last night they had phone sex, listening to him talk dirty kept her wet. She masturbated while Allen told her all the things he was going to do her when he got into Omaha. He said she’d be lucky if they made it back to her house. Samantha was excited about the prospect of making love to Allen in the Airport parking lot.


The only downside is that Brian still thought they were getting back together. He wouldn’t leave her alone. When he wasn’t calling her he was sending flowers and other presents. She was going to speak to Mike about obtaining a protection order. Brian was not going to ruin her budding relationship with Allen.


Everything in her world looked a little brighter. Samantha stopped at a red light and thought about the closest place to get her salad. She looked into her rearview mirror, a truck was coming up behind her and it wasn’t stopping. She braced herself because there was nothing she could do besides get hit. The truck hit her SUV sending her into oncoming traffic to get t-boned by a minivan. Samantha was blacking out, something wet was running down her face and she was in so much pain.




Allen was anticipating his reunion with Samantha; talking on the phone last night was almost his undoing. He didn’t like jacking off and listening to his woman come while he’s in another state. None of that mattered now; he spent the last couple of weeks clearing his calendar because he was going to claim his woman.


He was deliberately keeping Samantha in the dark about his intentions. Based on the things she and Kevin told him, she really didn’t believe in love and marriage. That was exactly where their relationship is headed as soon as he convinced Samantha that she couldn’t live without him. He was packed and ready to go; he had one more meeting with his project managers before he left for Omaha.




The meeting went off without a hitch, Allen was happy with the progress his staff was making in development. His company is in good hands and now he can focus on his woman. Allen is determined that his relationship with Samantha is going to work. If that meant he would have to relocate to Omaha, then so be it.


He couldn’t see Samantha moving to Seattle, as long as he had his laptop, he could work from anywhere. Allen would leave his main office in Seattle; his people were the top engineers in the field and he didn’t want to displace them. He was laying the groundwork for his future with Samantha and the 60-80 hour workweeks had to go.


Allen dismissed his managers and was engaged in after meeting chatter with Kevin. “How was the honeymoon?”


“The honeymoon is still going on. What about you and Samantha? I still can’t believe that you guys hooked up at our wedding.”


Allen saw no reason to correct Kevin. “Your sister keeps me on my toes. I just spoke with her last night and she can’t wait for me to arrive. We’re going to hole up in her house for at least two days.”


Kevin frowned, he was glad that Samantha and Allen are getting along, but he sure didn’t want to hear the details. “Allen please have a care man that’s my sister you’re talking about. When you talk about holing up with Samantha, my big brother instincts come out.”


“Well you need to relinquish that title because I’ll be taking care of her from now on.”


Kevin’s mood became serious, “I really hope you guys give it a go, Samantha hasn’t had a good example of how a healthy relationship should be. Our parents were useless. I’m five years older than Samantha and was basically responsible for making sure she ate dinner, did her homework. Hell I even did her hair. I’m probably more of a father figure that a brother. But she was predisposed to fall for you anyway.”


“What does that mean?”


“Didn’t Samantha tell you that she’s a huge martial arts fan? She was in love with Bruce Lee since she was a little girl? Seeing you at the wedding was probably a wet dream come true. You’re like Bruce Lee, Russell Wong, and Jet Li all rolled up into one package.”


“I don’t look anything like Bruce Lee!”


Kevin laughed. “Well you really do look like Bruce Lee. You’re Asian, got black eyes, you’re in excellent shape, and you walk like a man who’s always in control.” Kevin went back to the executive table to retrieve his notebook.


“Enough of that crap, I’ve got a plane to catch.” Allen saw his secretary walking towards him with a somber expression. This couldn’t be good, “what wrong Mary?”


Mary hated to give bad news and this was the worst. “Sir I got an emergency message from Mr. Graham’s wife and…”


Kevin heard his name and made his way over to Mary and Allen. “What’s going on Mary I heard my name?”


Mary was in near tears. “Kevin you’re wife called with terrible news, it’s about your sister Samantha. She was in a horrible accident and they don’t know if she’s going to make it. She wants you to call her right away.” Both Allen and Kevin were trying to digest what she just told them, she cleared the conference room and waited for her orders that would surely come. She knew that Allen was sweet on Kevin’s sister and was in the process of going to see her.


Allen came to his senses and started giving Mary instructions. “Get my pilot and driver on the phone immediately. Mary scurried out of the room, as Allen turned to face Kevin getting bits and pieces of the conversation. Kevin was on the phone with Debra and he was falling apart in front of his eyes when he needed him to be strong.


Allen took the phone away from Kevin and started talking to Debra. “Hello Debra this is Allen. I’m already headed for Omaha, you and Kevin can travel with me on my plane. I’ll have my driver pick you up and take you to the airport? Kevin and I will be waiting for you.”


“Oh Allen it’s bad,” Debra cried into the phone. “Samantha was hit by a minivan earlier today. Her vehicle was totaled and she’s in surgery right now. Oh my God, she has some broken bones and a lot of internal injuries. Where’s Kevin?”


Allen took control of the situation with more calm than he was feeling. “Debra, Kevin’s here with me, and I think he’s in shock. I need you to stay on the line with me. Now, Kevin is going to come to the airport with me, throw whatever you can in an overnight bag. We’ll get anything you need once we reach Omaha. I need to know what hospital Samantha’s in and any other information you can tell me.” The line was quiet and Allen was afraid that Debra had hung up. “Debra are you there?”


“Yes Allen. Jenna, Samantha’s partner called, she’s at University Hospital. I don’t know what else to tell you, Jenna thought that Kevin’s needs to hurry if he wants to say goodbye. Right now Samantha’s fighting for her life.”


Allen felt and emptiness in the pit of his stomach. Samantha had to make it; she was going to be his wife and the mother of his children. Before he could respond to her declaration Mary was back in the conference room. “Debra are you at home right now or are you still at work?”


“I just got home.”


“Good my driver will be there in twenty minutes or less I need you to be ready to go.” Allen handed Kevin back his phone as he sat there staring off into space. Allen turned his attention back to Mary.


Mary was out of breath from running. “Sir, I have your pilot on line one and your driver is waiting for instructions.”


“Mary I need you to provide Kevin’s address to Pete and have him pick up Debra and bring her to my plane. Tell Dan, I won’t be flying as planned and I’m bringing two passengers with me. We’re also going to need a car to pick us up from the airport in Omaha. Tell the driver we’re headed for University Hospital.”


“I’ll take care of everything, don’t worry, I’m sure Miss Graham will pull through.” She patted Allen on the back and left the conference room to take care of the arrangements.


“Kevin we have to leave for the airport, now.” Allen didn’t mean to snap at Kevin, but he was rapidly losing his patience.”


Kevin got to his feet and followed Allen to the elevators. “I’m sorry Allen. I lost it for a minute.”


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