Love In A Nick Of Time (7 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Jean Smith

BOOK: Love In A Nick Of Time
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Allen found his discarded tie and he came to the bed to tie her hands together. “When you come I want you to scream my name. I want you to acknowledge whose giving you pleasure.” He started off by messaging her feet as he sucked her toes and kissed his way up her body. He totally ignored her vagina stopping at her belly button. “Did you know that the belly button is supposed to be one of the most undiscovered erogenous zones on a woman’s body? Let’s put it to the test.”


Allen dipped his tongue inside her belly button then he began swirling it round and round. She felt an electric shock all the way to her clit; she could feel the wetness on her legs. “Please make love to me Allen.”


He got between her legs and pushed her legs open as far as they would go. “You are so wet for me. I love watching you come. Did you know that your eyes change colors when you’re aroused?”


Allen loved her beautiful brown skin and he liked seeing his hands on her body. His cocked jerked when he thought of the beautiful babies they would make. He entered her slowly and drove into her tight sheath until the root of his cock met the lips of her pussy. He began to move back and forth making sure he stroked her g-spot, he knew she would come sooner than later. Tears were rolling down her face as he continued to pump in and out, never breaking his concentration.


“Allen don’t stop!” Samantha started screaming his name over and over again as she came. She felt Allen’s climax as it hit she felt him jerking within her.


Once day soon Allen was going to feel that again, but when it happened, there will be no latex between them. He wanted to mark her with his seed, like a lion marking his property. He could barely move, but he took the time to untie her wrists before lying on his back.


She traced one of his nipples with her finger. “So what’s on the agenda today?”


Allen wanted to say, sex, sex, and more sex. “Well I guess we have to attend the post wedding brunch, but after that I’m free what about you.”


“Yeah, I have to attend the brunch or Debra and Kevin will worry.”


Allen pulled her on top of his body, his cock was twitching already as he saw the knowingly look in her eyes. “How long are you staying in Seattle?”


“A week, then I have to go back home.”


“Where is home?”


“Omaha, Nebraska, a long way from Seattle.”


The last thing Allen wanted to talk about is her departure from Seattle. “Not too far away for what we have. I want you to come home with me after the brunch.”


Samantha was at a loss for words. She broke eye contact with him as she spoke. “I want to, but we still have a lot of issues between us.”


Allen was frustrated by her response, but he understood where she was coming from. “Now that I’ve found you again we can work it out.”


“I want to believe that, but the reality is when this week is over I’ll still be going back home. I don’t think we can maintain a long distance romance.”


Allen kissed her long and hard sucking her tongue, and nipping her bottom lip. “We’ll worry about that next week. You still haven’t answered my question. Will you come to my home? There are so many things I want to show you. I want to take you in my pool, on the kitchen table, and I certainly want you in my bed.”


Samantha got wet just thinking about having him again. “I would love to come to your home.”


Allen gave her another quick kiss. “I’m glad but I don’t think I can wait to get you home. I’m ready to go again right now.”


Samantha sighed and slid back onto the bed. “Don’t look at me that way, I think you broke my vagina or at least killed it.” She started laughing as Allen tickled her.


“I’ll have to see what I can do to revive it.



Chapter 6

Samantha’s head was resting on Allen’s chest. Their week together was almost over and she didn’t want to leave. She wanted to stay in Seattle with Allen forever. She liked the state of Washington; everything seemed so fresh and clean. Plus it was the greenest place she’d ever seen.


Allen lived on the outskirts of Seattle up in the hills. His nearest neighbor was miles away. His home is a beautiful split-level, with an indoor pool. The kitchen is a cook’s dream. It was like walking into an industrialized kitchen, every gadget, saucepan, and grill was in Allen’s kitchen.


The house had three bedrooms upstairs each with its own bathroom. There is another bedroom and full bathroom downstairs, including Allen’s office. Allen didn’t lie to her when he said he wanted to make love to her in every room in his house, they did that and so much more.


Allen took the week off from work and spent every moment with her. They went downtown and to the water front. Mostly, Allen cooked for her and man her baby sure can cook. While she enjoyed these things the man she was with made it all special.


“What are you thinking about?” Allen flipped Samantha onto her back and settled himself between her legs.


“I was thinking that as special as our time has been together, I still know so little about you.”


“Okay, I’m between thirty-five and thirty-seven years old. Mom and Dad didn’t know my rightful age when they adopted me. I celebrate my birthday on April 23rd, the day my adoption papers were signed. My favorite music artist is Billy Joel. Of course I have a certain fondness for the O’Jays, my parents’ influence. My favorite movie of all times is ‘The God Father’. My favorite food is hot sauce. My favorite dessert is lemon meringue pie. My favorite color is anything you’re wearing.”


Samantha wrapped her arms around Allen’s neck and pulled him to her for a much-needed kiss. “I was being serious; we’ve talked about many things, my business, your business, politics, and sports. We never talk about your family. Is your family dysfunctional like mine? If so I know why you don’t want to talk about them.”


Allen knew he couldn’t avoid this discussion forever. He used his fingers to trace over the features of Samantha’s face; her high cheekbones, luscious full lips, and stubborn chin. “I don’t really like talking about my family because it makes me think of all the things I’ve lost. I don’t know who my natural parents are. I vaguely remember my mother, she was Asian. I’m guessing she was Vietnamese. I always figured my father was of another race especially because of my hair and height. I don’t know if he was African American, Italian or Caucasian. Does that matter to you?”


“Your ethnicity doesn’t matter to me. If it did I wouldn’t be here right now. I want to know what made you into the man that I about.” Samantha almost slipped and said loved to Allen, she couldn’t possibly be in love with a man she barely knew.


Allen kissed her on the lips and cupped her breasts. “I care about you too.”


The last thing Samantha wanted to talk about was feelings. Allen didn’t mention her slip of the tongue but he gave her a knowing look. “What happened to your mother?” Allen abruptly stopped caressing her and flopped down on his back. He picked up her hand and entwined his fingers with hers.


“I don’t have a clue what happened to her. My memories of my mother projected a very sad woman who struggled a lot. One day I was with her then the next day she was gone. I used to pray that she would come for me. I don’t know if she left me in foster care or an orphanage.


The people there were decent and there was plenty to eat. My mother never came back for me, but when I was a little older John and Mildred Archer came and adopted me. My life was so different after they came; it was as if I went from being nothing to something over night. I’ve an affinity for math and science and my Mom and Dad encouraged me in all my endeavors.


“Did you ever try to find your real mother?”


“I tried, but I didn’t have a whole lot of information to go on. The only thing my parents told me is that they found me in an orphanage near the Cambodian border.”


“You should try to find her again. With all the social networks out there today you might get lucky.”


“I already consider myself lucky. My parents couldn’t have children of their own. They had a lot of love to give and I was the recipient of that love and I’ll never forget them. They died in a plane crash on the way home from my college graduation.”


“I’m so sorry for your loss. I know they would have been very proud of you.”


“They helped me to become the man I am today. My Dad taught me that pride goes before the fall. My Mom taught me to mind my manors and never look down on those who are less fortunate. Both of them shared their love of Al Green, Marvin Gaye, and Aretha Franklin.”


“Wow! You parents were pretty hip.”


“My parents were Caucasian, but I definitely didn’t live a white bread life.”


“Really, so who taught you how to be an insatiable horn dog?”


“We’ll let’s see I’ve been a horn dog since I was fourteen. That’s when Tanya Richards promised I could kiss her for 30 seconds and squeeze her breasts, if I helped her with her science project. Being smart had its uses, after Tanya the sky was the limit. It’s amazing what girls will do for a passing grade.”


Samantha didn’t want to hear about his conquests, she was sorry she brought it up. Hell, she didn’t lose her virginity until she was twenty, a very naïve twenty at that. Back then she still believed that sex equated to love. She always had to learn things the hard way especially when it came to relationships. “That’s interesting, even nerds have groupies.”


Allen could tell that Samantha was getting pissed; her eyes always gave her away. She’s just as possessive of him as he is of her. “Don’t pout sweetie, all those groupies help prepare me for the real thing. I didn’t become insatiable until I met you.” Allen reached across to get a condom out of the bedside table and laid it on the bed.


“Allen this week with you has meant more to me than you’ll ever know. I may be able to come out around Christmas time and stay a few weeks.”


Allen pulled the sheet away from her body and studied her as if he were filing it away for those long months without her. There’s no way he could wait that long to see her again. “I find that totally unacceptable, Christmas is almost four months away.”


Samantha raised her legs and opened them as far as she could. She cupped both breasts and teased her nipples then glided her hands down her body. “What do you suggest we do?” Allen got between Samantha’s legs, took both of her hands and raised them above her head. Samantha was so focused on him she didn’t know what he was doing until she heard the click of the handcuffs.


“Now I got you just where I want you.”


Samantha loved it when Allen got freaky. “I didn’t know you had your own pair of handcuffs.”


“I have a lot of toys around here to pleasure a lady such as you.”


“I wonder if your toy chest is as large and diverse as mine. I’m constantly adding to my collection several times a month.”


“Uhmm, I’ve been thinking about your departure tomorrow and I don’t want to let you go. If I could I’d tie you to our bed and keep you barefoot and pregnant.” Allen said it jokingly, but he knew that’s exactly what he wanted to do.


Samantha ignored his pregnancy talk. This was the second time in less than a week in which he brought up the subject. There no way she was going to be a single parent, while he drops in here in there to play daddy. Worse she wouldn’t allow any man to take her child away from her. “Did you plan on doing something or are you going to leave me like this all day?”


“I want you to remember our time together because it will have to last you for at least three weeks.”


Samantha frowned at him. “Why what’s happening in three weeks?”


“Three weeks is how long it will take me to wrap up things here so I can follow you to Omaha, and stay until the New Year. That should give us enough time to work through the kinks of our relationship and start making some plans.”


Samantha felt the tears in her eyes. “You would do that for me?”


“Baby you ain’t seen anything yet.” Allen put a pillow under Samantha ass giving him a better position. He reached for the condom on the bed and was in the process of opening it when Samantha interrupted him.


“Allen I’m clean I don’t have any diseases have you been checked recently?”


“I give blood on a regular basis so I get checked all the time. What are you saying?”


“I don’t want you to use a condom, I want to feel the full Allen Archer experience.”


Allen didn’t need to be told twice, he hadn’t been bareback inside a woman in years. He couldn’t wait to feel Samantha’s hot sheath squeezing his cock. She was still wet from their last romp. Allen took the tip of his cock and rubbed it back and forth against her clit. Then he shoved his cock into her wetness until his balls were hitting the cheeks of her ass.


He lifted her legs higher. Samantha was messaging his cock with the walls of her vagina. It felt like a hot fist grabbing and pulling him. They were moving in conjunction back and forth until his cock erupted. He heard Samantha calling his name, tears were in her eyes but he couldn’t stop. He kept pounding into her, over and over again. She was climaxing again when Allen lost control. He kept coming and felt his seed jetting from his body. He wanted to mark this woman as his; he wanted everyone to know that she belongs to him.

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