Love In A Nick Of Time (10 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Jean Smith

BOOK: Love In A Nick Of Time
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Kevin patted Allen on the back. “There’s no definition of love that fits everyone, but what you described sure sounds love to me. I’m sorry for prying into your business, but you had better work this out with Samantha before you start making plans. Marriage is probably the last thing that Samantha ever wants to do.”


Allen didn’t need to hear this shit right now. “As you say this is something Samantha and I will have to work out.”


Kevin gave Allen a smirk; he could tell that Allen was trying to maintain his cool. There were something’s he needed to be aware if he wanted a chance with Samantha. “I’m not trying to preach at you man. Emotionally Samantha has been through a lot, we both have and it’s a miracle that I found Debra. Our parents are the poorest excuses of humanity we’ve had the misfortune to live with.”


Samantha probably wouldn’t thank him for what he was about to tell Allen. Kevin thought Allen had a right to know about their sorted past. “I was ten and Samantha was five when our parents divorced. Before the divorce was a score of infidelities as long as my arm. My mother was jealous and my father was possessive. They both screwed anyone they could to strike back at each other.


The only true victims of their overly played out dramas was Samantha and me. She would probably never admit this, but she always wanted my parents to get back together and provide her with the perfect family her friends had.”


“We talked a little about our families, but Samantha never went into detail about your family. This isn’t a simple case of lust that will wear itself out, what we have is real.”


“Well that’s good to hear. Now if you don’t mind I rather talk about anything else besides love and feelings.”


“Yeah, asshole you’re the one who opened this can of worms. The last thing I ever want to do is sit here and talk about feelings. If you tell anyone that I did I’ll deny it, then I’ll beat the hell out of you, after I fire you.”


Allen got tired of sitting around in the waiting room. “I’ll be back I need to move around before I go insane and before you start talking again.”


Kevin laughed at Allen’s retreating back. “Well sitting around with you hasn’t been a picnic for me either.”


Allen made it half way down the hallway when he saw someone being moved to one of the rooms. He went back to the nurse’s station. “Excuse me Miss, was that Samantha Graham being moved into that room at the far end of the hallway?”


“Yes sir, they just got off the elevator. Please give them a few minutes to set up before you go in. If I may ask are you a relative or a close family friend?”


“I’m Miss Graham’s fiancé!” Allen couldn’t believe that the nurse was flirting with him. Before he met Samantha, he took the scrutiny of other women as his due. Now that he was with her; he wanted other women to know that he's taken. He walked away from the nurse’s station and waited patiently outside Samantha’s room. Several minutes later Allen saw several hospital staff members leave Samantha’s room before he was ushered in by a nurse.


“Sir, you can go in the room now. As the doctor mentioned to you Miss Graham is in a coma, so she will not be responsive.” The nurse quietly shut the door behind her as she left the room.


Allen wasn’t prepared for the sight before him. Stepping closer to the bed he barely recognized Samantha. Her face was swollen and there was a bandage above her left eye. Other bruises and scratches covered her face and arms.


She had tubes in her nose and mouth, even her right leg was elevated. The surgeon didn’t mention that anything was wrong with her leg. He brushed her cheek with his finger and she felt cold to the touch. At that moment he realized that he did love her and would give anything to switch places, especially if it meant sparing her life.


Allen sat down by Samantha’s bed and grabbed her left hand he lifted it to his lips and kissed it. Her hand was so small and dainty. He remembered how she used her hands to give him so much pleasure. He placed her hand back on the bed and leaned over her whispering in her ear. “Samantha baby, I know you can hear me come back to me because my life means nothing if you’re not in it.” For a moment Allen thought her eyes flickered or maybe it was just wishful thinking on his part.


The nurse came back breaking his reflective moment. “Sir Miss Graham’s brother is waiting to see her.”


Allen kissed Samantha’s forehead and cheek. He clutched her hand one more time before leaving the room. The look on his face must have scared Kevin, for he could see the unshed tears in Kevin’s eyes. Without saying a word he stepped into the hall and waited for Kevin’s return.


Allen closed his eyes and began to pray, something he hadn’t done since he was a kid. He remembered praying to God, praying and hoping that his mother would come for him. God didn’t send his mother. Instead, he sent Mildred and John Archer. This time he wasn’t praying for himself but the love of his life. “Lord please let her recover”.




Brian was scared. Samantha was in the hospital, but he didn’t know her condition. He listened to the news and read the paper, still no word on her condition. He tried calling University Hospital, but they refused to release any information over the phone. He could show up at the hospital and try to see her but he wouldn’t push his luck.


Damn. How could things have gone so wrong this quickly? His cousin Bernie was just supposed to create a wreck so he could rush in and play hero. Bernie overplayed his hand and damn near killed his woman. Hell, for all he knew she was dead. He would wait and bide his time. Who knows he may still get the opportunity to become a hero.




Samantha opened her eyes, and was almost blinded by the light. She looked around the room; this was definitely a hospital room. She turned her head and she could see a nurse changing the IV. Samantha tried to speak, but there was a tube in her mouth. She began moving her fingers which caught the nurse’s attention.


The nurse had a round face with big dimples, her hair was pulled back away from her face her eyes were royal blue. “Hello there lovely, it’s about time you decided to join the rest of the world. I will let your doctor know that you are awake.”


Samantha hurt in places she didn’t know she had. She looked around the room, the furniture was sterile gray and the walls were drab white. She heard a commotion in the hall and the first person she saw was Allen. Kevin was in the room right after him followed by Debra, Connie, Jenna, and Mike. Her eyes filled with tears, they all looked tired and a little worse for wear. Her eyes went back to Allen; he looked so beautiful to her, like a tall warrior. Allen grabbed her hand, bent down, and kissed her cheek.


“Baby, I’m glad you came back to me. I will never let you out of my sight again.”


“For corn sakes, let the woman breath.” Jenna elbowed her way closer to the bed. Allen moved over to make room for Jenna but he continued to hold Samantha’s hand. “Hey girl, you gave us quite a scare. Don’t worry about anything. I need you to focus on getting better.” She kissed Samantha on the forehead and moved to the back of the room with Michael.


Kevin was flat out crying and he didn’t care who saw his tears. “Baby sis, I thought I was going to lose you for a minute. Don’t scare me like that again, other than Debra you’re the only one who’s ever been in my corner. Kevin kissed her on the forehead and patted her cheek. Debra was waving from the other side of the bed. Connie stood at the end of the bed waving at her with tears in her eyes.


The doctor came in yelling. “What in the hell is going on? You people get the hell out of here! This is ICU damn it, one visitor at a time!”


Everyone started to leave Samantha’s room, everyone except Allen. He regarded the doctor a minute before speaking. “Doctor we understand the importance of hospital protocol. Miss. Graham is more than just your patient she’s a fiancée, a sister, a good friend. We’ve been waiting around for two days with no information about her condition, not knowing if she was going to live or die. So give us the damn courtesy due to us.”


Kevin grabbed his arm and tried to pull him out of the room, but Allen refused to budge. “I’ve been on the board of many hospitals. I’m sure that with a substantial donation I’m sure it would be a piece of cake to get on the board of this hospital. Let me assure you I would give your contract special attention.”


He purposely walked over to Samantha’s bed to kiss her forehead and caressed her cheek. “We’ll be right outside your room sweetheart. I promise you I’m not leaving.” Allen then left the room without another word. The others were speechless and joined him in the hallway.


Jenna was the first to respond. “No wonder Samantha fell so hard for you. I can just imagine what all the heated intensity could do to a woman.” She started fanning herself.


Debra’s doe eyes came to life with mirth. “Oh that was nothing you should have seen him in action at our wedding. You’d think he was going to slay a dragon the way he behaved before catching the garter at our wedding. The other men were totally intimidated by him.” Debra pulled Jenna aside. “Shortly afterwards Allen and Samantha disappeared not to be seen again for the rest of the night.” All three women laughed like giggly teenage girls discussing their boyfriends.


Connie grabbed Debra by the arm. “Come walk with us Debra and I tell you what Samantha told us on Margarita night.”


The three men watched the women walk to the other end of the hallway. Kevin and Michael were laughing as Allen stood there with a perplexed look on this face. “Women talk too much and what in the hell is Margarita night?”


Michael came and slapped him on the shoulder. “Margarita night is when my wife and her friends come over my house and drink themselves to oblivion after bashing the men in their lives. Buddy you were at the top of the list during the last party. Now after that outrageous display of masculinity we just witnessed, I’m willing to bet that you will the topic for discussion at the next party too.”


After the doctor completed his examination of Samantha he came into the hallway and told Allen his findings. He didn’t make eye contact with anyone except Allen. Mr. Archer your fiancée is improving rapidly. In a couple more days we will remove the tube from her right lung. I believe it will inflate by itself by then; she will be incredibly sore for quite a while. I will probably have her moved out of ICU later this evening or tomorrow morning at the latest. As for visitors, please make sure to keep it to no more than two at a time. Miss Graham needs lots of rest, so plan your visitations accordingly. Mr. Archer I apologize if I was out of line earlier.


The doctor left without a word to anyone else. Kevin just shook his head. “You’ve got that doctor scared to death.”


“I doubt it he seems like a real bastard, his contrition won’t last for long. Allen I already know what I have to say is going to royally piss you off. If you try that bullshit on me like you did the good doctor I’ll clock you, then have you arrested.” Michael watched Allen’s face, but it was impassive so he decided to continue. “I know how much you care for Sam, but you need a break too. You’ve been at the hospital for almost three days and you haven’t bathed, eaten, or slept.”


Kevin piped in, “yeah you have to admit that your mood has been really lousy.”


Allen knew they were right, but he was so focused on Samantha’s recovery he didn’t care about anything else. “Okay, I really could use the rest, especially if I look as bad as you say. I want to see Samantha alone before I leave. We have a lot of planning to do in the next coming weeks and I’m too tired to think about it right now. Allen left them in the hallway as he let himself into Samantha’s room.


He stood at the end of the bed and watched her sleep. Now that he knew Samantha was going to pull through, the wheels in his mind were going full throttle. What did he know about relationships? He’s been a loner most of his life. Would he be able to disrupt his life to become a part of her life?


Allen sure as hell was going to try. Meeting Samantha in Chicago and reuniting with her at Kevin and Debra’s wedding wasn’t a fluke. They were meant to be together. He never thought about marrying anyone in his life until he saw her across the room. The first time they made love he swore he saw his children in her eyes.


Samantha woke up and saw Allen staring at her. What was he thinking about? Was he sorry for coming all this way to Omaha? She wondered how long he was going to stay. She lifted her hand to him and he moved quickly to clasp it. His hands were warm and full of life. Samantha closed her eyes and thought about their time together in Seattle. She was in love with him, but what did that mean to a man like Allen Archer?


Allen stood there holding Samantha’s hand as she went to back to sleep. “Get your rest baby. Now that I know you’ll be alright, I’ll go get some rest too.”



Chapter 10

Allen sat up putting his feet on the floor. When he woke up in the mornings he just got up, he didn’t believe in wasting the day in bed. At least he didn’t until he met Samantha. Looking at the bedside clock it was far from morning, it was six o’clock in the evening. He’d slept for more than 18 hours. Wow, he must have really been tired. He also noticed something else, he was hungry. Allen couldn’t remember the last time he ate. He picked up the phone on the bedside table and order room service. After placing his order he took a long hot shower and a shave.

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