Look At Your Future (9 page)

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Authors: Lucy J. Whittaker

BOOK: Look At Your Future
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‘Open your robe Lily’, she heard in her head.  She slowly
untied the bow at her waist.  She watched with wide eyes as the wolf steadily
approached her, prowling as he circled around her.  He had a dangerous energy
and strength just below the surface of muscles that rippled in his back and
legs as he moved.  All she could think of was how beautiful he was.  He stood
just a bit taller than her, man he was big.  She thought that she should be
afraid of him, but she wasn’t, she stood still as she scented her.  He sniffed
the back of her head and under her hair, his whiskers ticked the nape of her
neck and he let out a soft growl when she shivered.  As he moved around her he
sniffed every inch of her body, and then he turned and lowered his head and
pressed it to her belly.

She reached up tentatively to hold his head to her, slowly
caressing his soft ears, and the delicate fur around his eyes and muzzle.  She
heard a low rumbling sound as she scratched his ear in just the right place. 
She sighed as she looked down into his eyes, why did she feel like she knew

He back up a few steps and he looked into her eyes.  Lily
held her hand out to him. “Please don’t go.”

He stopped and then she watched as his fur started to ripple
across his large body.  She saw what seemed like an aura around him, and heard
a few popping noises, and then suddenly Max was crouched naked in front of her.

He stood and moved towards her; steadily backing her up
until the wall of the house met her back.  He reached up to touch her face,
gently rubbing his thumbs along her jaw and cheeks, as she looked into his

 ‘You are mine Lily.’ She heard in her head, but his lips
didn’t move.  “Max,” she said breathlessly, “I don’t understand… am I

“Not anymore baby, this is no dream.” He said out loud.  “Do
you fear me Lily?” He smiled as she shook her head no.

Lily reached up and touched his face, he had saved her
yesterday.  He had kept her safe all night in the woods.  He was both man and
the white wolf.  She didn’t understand how, but she chose not to question it
and went with her heart.

“I love you Max.” Lily said softly as she met his gaze
again.  “I think you know that already, you can read my mind can’t you?” She
smiled at him as she saw his eyes begin to glow fiercely.  She put a hand up to
her mouth as she remembered what she had been thinking when they first met. 
“You read my mind that night in your study, didn’t you? You knew that I wanted
you.” She laughed when he growled and then he kissed her.  He pulled off the
flimsy pieces of clothing she still wore.  She grabbed onto him gasping into
his mouth and moaning with pleasure.

“I love you Lily, you were made for me.” Max reached down
and gently touched her, he growled low in his throat when he found her wet for
him.  She was so ready.  He turned her around and grabbed her hips, raising her
onto her toes; he hunched his much larger body over her and mounted her from
behind.  Once he was deep inside her he stopped and moved his hands around to
caress her belly and her breasts.  She moaned as she pressed back, tilting her
head to the side to offer her neck.

He kept her up on her toes, forcing her to keep her balance
by holding onto the wall.  Max let a long low rumble out when she offered him
her neck; he didn’t need any further encouragement from her.  He steadily
thrust into her, nuzzling her neck with his lips.  He talked roughly into her
ear.  “You’re mine Lily, wolves mate for life, you are my life mate.” He set a
steady rhythm and she met him stroke for stroke, tuning into the animalist
instinct she now shared with him.  He straightened and grabbed her hips,
lifting her up off her toes as her legs spread around him and he impaled her
with his shaft.  He heard her cry out; he stopped as he bottomed out inside her
and he bit into the side of her neck.  Her body clamped down on him as he felt
his teeth sink into her tender flesh.  Then he continued powering up into her,
she gasped and shuddered around him as she came.  He slowly thrust into her once
more and felt his hot seed pulsing up inside her. Gently he licked the bite he
had just given her, this one had been deep, but it was intended to be, since it
was the last one needed to change her.  He slowly caressed her body, soothing
her with both his mind and his hands; he pulled out of her slick body and
carried her into the house to his bed.  They lay together, watching the room get
darker, kissing and touching to soothe each other.

“Are you okay Lily”

“Yes… Max…I’ve never felt so alive before, it’s like all my
senses are heightened.  What did you do to me?”

“I made you mine; do you think you are ready?”

“Ready for what?”

“To take your true form.”

Lily felt her eyes open wider as she looked at him, suddenly
becoming very still.  “My true form?”

“Yes, close your eyes Lily and listen to me.  Listen to your
heart beat, listen to your body.  Your body knows what to do, your heart beat will
slow down, but it will beat stronger.” He quit speaking out loud and then spoke
with his mind, he watched as her expression turned from apprehension to
wonder.  ‘Lily it will hurt a bit the first time, but you will get used to it,
sometime soon you will welcome the change whole heartedly.’

Lily felt an odd calm come over her, her heart slowed but
each beat reverberated through her body.  She felt tingles rush over her skin,
the she felt her muscles ripple and her teeth and gums sort of went numb, like when
you go to the dentist. She had the sensation of floating and then a wave moved
over her from her head to her toes.  Some popping noises were followed by a
pinching sensation, not unlike when she pulled a muscle, then nothing.

“Open your eyes Lily,” Max demanded.

Lily slowly opened her eyes and looked up at Max, something
must be wrong, he looked so fierce.  But wait, her vision was different; she
could see little specks of color in his gray eyes.  He was so beautiful, and oh
boy, she sniffed, he smelled so yummy! She leaned forward to get a better whiff
of his delicious scent, but her limbs felt funny.  She looked down and was
shocked to see a new body, where she had pale skin before she now had a reddish
silky coat.  She stretched out on the bed and she heard Max chuckle as she
moved her new limbs gracefully.  She closed her eyes and heard a soft rumble
rise from her throat when Max ran his hands through her fur.

“Lily, you are beautiful baby,” Max said as he got off the
bed and then he turned, waiting for her to follow him. “Come with me, love.”

Lily jumped off the bed and padded silently behind him to a
full length mirror and then Max stood beside her as she looked at her

Lily looked at her new self; her blue eyes seemed to glow. 
It was a little overwhelming, given all the new sensations she was feeling. 
She felt Max’s hand on her neck and she looked up into his dark eyes.

“It’s time for a run in the moonlight baby.” He went to the
door and opened it, feeling her brush past his naked body to stand on the
deck.  He remembered the first time they had been out here together; he had
held her as they looked out at the countryside.  It had been a great week for
him, other than last night when he had been trying so desperately to get her

He shook himself as he phased and then he moved past her to
jump off the deck.  He turned and she soon followed, he moved around her
rubbing against her, marking her in her wolf form.  She rubbed her head against
him and licked his muzzle.  Max felt so happy, this was what he wanted; he
wanted someone to love, who loved him back.

They ran side by side through the woods, he explained some
of the rules to her as they ran.  Being able to communicate this way helped, he
wasn’t sure if she would truly be able to hear him, but he had known for sure a
few nights ago when she had a bad dream.  She was stuck in the dark and he had
entered her mind and talked her through her fears.

Lily couldn’t believe it; she now remembered that the last
few nights they had slept in her bed in the dark.  She yipped happily at his
side, and then he swerved into her, knocking her legs out from under her and
they rolled around on the forest floor.  He licked her face and she loved the
low rumble that came from his throat. God he was so sexy, he was devastating to
her senses before, now it was even more so with her new awareness.

They played for a little while, chasing rabbits and some
deer around.  Then they stopped at the stream and took a drink from the cool
water as it moved past.  Max straightened suddenly, alert to their
surroundings, Lily moved closer to him, instinctively knowing that her mate
would keep her safe.  She heard his words in her head a few minutes later.  The
others had arrived at the clearing and were waiting to meet her.  Lily moved
against him restlessly, she understood now who the men were that had tried to
hurt her.  Max assured her that they wouldn’t be there.  Luke was the leader of
a rogue pack, there had been some questionable stories surrounding them, but
they would be dealt with by the local pack, the very one that she now belonged
to.  She didn’t need to worry; she would never see any of them again. Max had
already told the pack leader everything that had happened.  Max explained to
her that his father was a Beta in the pack.  He would have been the Alpha, but
he deferred the job to his brother, after he died or he stepped down Max would
become the Alpha.  It was really like being the boss so everyone had someone to
take their complaints to.  It was a position of power, but only went to someone
who wouldn’t abuse it.  Luke was the self-proclaimed Alpha in his rogue pack,
he was obviously the wrong wolf for the job, and he was dangerous and
careless.  Max had found out that Tammy left her job where Lily worked due to
fear, she had been afraid of Luke and she had left quickly.  She had contacted
her family, but she didn’t tell anyone at work, because she didn’t want Luke to
find out.

Lily shivered as she stood beside Max; she had a lot to
learn from him. Max gave her a knowing look, she was sure she was blushing
right now, good thing her new fur coat didn’t show it.  She looked at Max as he
teased her, he told he didn’t need to see her blush, he could smell her
arousal, he could from the first moment he’d met her.  She stuck her nose into
his neck as he stopped moving, good Lord, she was so embarrassed, and when she
changed back she’d probably blush for a week.

They had stopped in the clearing that Max had brought her
to.  She looked down and saw the moonlight as it lit up the meadow.  With her
improved vision she could make out the other wolves that were waiting for them.
Max and Lily waited as a large black wolf and a smaller tawny one approached
them.  They stopped and Max walked forward and they both nuzzled his head, then
Max turned towards her, telling her to come and meet his parents.

This wasn’t quite how she expected to meet them.  She looked
at them both when they spoke to her in her mind bidding her welcome.  They were
happy that her and Max had finally found each other and were proud to claim her
as their daughter. Lily thought she would probably cry later. It was nice to be
accepted by them.

After a few minutes Max told her to stand still and stay
where she was.  He and his parents moved back behind her, she stood perfectly
still, wondering what was going on.  Max spoke to her it’s okay, just hush
baby. You’re going to meet your Alpha now, this is my Uncle.’

Lily stood still and watched as a dark gray wolf approached
her. He looked her in the eye and she instinctively looked down at the ground.
Her ears lay back a little and she put her head down a bit.  She felt him as he
walked around scenting her, not quite like Max had, just a friendly sniff here
and there.  He came back to stand in front of her, he didn’t say anything to
her, but he seemed to want something from her.  She straightened her back and
held her head up, trying her best to maintain eye contact with him.  He moved
forward and licked her cheek to welcome her to the pack.  Max quickly came back
beside her and then others, too many for her to keep track of so soon came up
to greet her.  Once she had met every last member and a few young ones who were
still cubs, they were able to finish their run.  His parents came with them for
a while and then they decided to meet up the next night for dinner at Max’s

Phasing back took her a few minutes.  She had to find
something specific that worked for her.  Max said he just thought of himself in
his human form, but that didn’t work for her.  Max chuckled as he stood just
inside the door and told her to hurry up he was ready to make love to her in
the moonlight.  She thought about touching and licking him all over and boom
she was back to herself.  Max laughed harder as she ran past him into the
house; the changing back had been much quicker than phasing had.  She smacked
his shoulder trying to get him to stop, although she did have a grin on her
face. It was embarrassing yes, but still it was kind of funny.

“You can only phase on a full moon, Lily,” you are like the
rest of the pack in that respect. “We’ll find out during the next full moon if
you have any special abilities. Don’t worry though, not many in the pack do.
Most were raised as wolves and are purebred.  You however, are very special.” 
He went in and ran a tub for them to share and he told her about the legend of
‘le cadeau’. Lily had to admit she found it strange to hear the story, she
thought it was nice of his parents that they had wanted him to find her. She
was a little bummed that she could never tell Kristi the story behind the
painting she had bought her, and of course her part in the story that was
entirely unintentional.

“Why didn’t you tell me you owned the restaurant we went to?
I couldn’t believe that we got a table without a reservation that night.”

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