Look At Your Future (7 page)

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Authors: Lucy J. Whittaker

BOOK: Look At Your Future
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Ok, Lily thought, I can do this.  She had been worried that
it would hurt too much, but she just had to have the right angle.  She braced
her hands on his hard thighs and started to move, slowly up and down at first
and then she added some undulations, rubbing her clit against the base of his
penis.  Ooh, that feels so good.  She felt Max moving his hands all over her,
evidently he liked this position.  All her intimate parts were front and
center.  She looked down at him again, moaning softly as she hit a good spot. 
He had a carnal expression on his face; he looked like he was in ecstasy. Oh,
right there, yeah that’s it.  She hit it again and clenched against him, oh
yeah, that’s it.  Max suddenly pushed up into her raising her off the bed, she
looked down at him in surprise.  What was he after now?

“What do you want Max?”

“I’m getting what I want right now.  I was just reminding
you to look at me, don’t close your eyes. I want to see your face as you ride
me.”  Suddenly he sat up and faced her and then he grabbed her nape and kissed
her hard.  “Ride me, quit thinking and just ride me!”

Man he was starting to piss her off, she had been so close
and he had stopped her. She rose up on him and let her weight carry her back
down; she alternately squeezed and relaxed her inner muscles around him.  She
heard the groans and growls he released and she looked down at him
triumphantly, obviously she was doing something right.  Oh, she felt him place
his thumb against her clit and he applied pressure as she rode him hard.  Oh
yeah, that’s it.  She raised her arms up above her head, her elbows pointing
towards the ceiling as she looked down at him and exploded around him.  He
grabbed her hips and powered up inside her again and again.  Pulling her down
to meet his thrusts, he growled low in his throat and shouted out her name.  He
tensed as he emptied inside her, and she swore she could feel the hot jets
reaching up deep into her body.  She collapsed on top of him and he rolled,
pushing into her again once she was under him.  He kissed her fiercely and then
latched onto a breast to pull it deep in his mouth and she could feel her
channel clench around him again and again.

He rolled to his side as he pulled out of her, and slowly
rubbed her arms and her back, soothing her with his touch. “I have a meeting
tomorrow evening, can I see you afterwards?”

“I will probably be working late too, but yes I would like
to see you.  Do you want to meet me here?  It’s closer than your house is.”

“That sounds good, text me and let me know what time you’ll
be done.”

“Okay,” she hesitated before asking, “do you have to leave,
or can you stay with me tonight?”

“I’m not going anywhere Lily,” Max said as she relaxed
against him again. “You were perfect you know, you are every fantasy of mine
rolled into one hot package.”

Lily giggled as she looked up at him as he leaned over her.
“You are rotten, you know? I’m going to have a permanent blush on my face for

“Just as long as you remember how it got there, I like when
you blush.  It tells me how hot you are for me.”  Lily laughed again,
screeching when he started to tickle her.  “Oh, you’re ticklish?  That’s great,
I love to tickle people.”

“Max stop,” Lily tried to be stern and spoiled it with a
laugh when he gave her a boyish smile; he looked so pleased with himself.

“Okay, I’ll quit, you’re getting tired aren’t you?” Max
asked her.

Lily stifled a yawn as she rolled away from him. “It’s late;
I’ll be right back, do you need anything, a drink of water maybe before we go
to sleep?” He shook his head no and she went into the bathroom and quietly
closed the door.  She had to take her pill before she forgot.  She glanced in
the mirror as she brushed her teeth and noticed the flush in her cheeks and chest. 
Her expression was very satisfied.  She’d never had so much great sex before,
this time had been a little scary for her, but she had pushed past the fear. 
She was glad she had too; it had been so worth it.  She turned off the light
and hopped into bed, completely forgetting that she was afraid of the dark as
she snuggled back into Max’s arms.


Lily reached over and shut the alarm off, she had hit the
snooze a couple of times already. Each time she had snuggled back up to Max,
she groaned as she sat up and rubbed her face.  She looked down at Max as he
rolled over; she had no idea what time he needed to be to work.  She would love
nothing more than to spend the day in bed with him.  She pulled her robe up
over her shoulders and padded into the kitchen to make coffee.  After it
started brewing she went in to take a shower.  She glanced in the mirror at the
bruises on her neck, she touched it gingerly, it was pretty sore.  She would
have to ask Max about that, he didn’t bite her every time they had sex, and
when he did he seemed very controlled, like he was conscious of what he was doing. 
She had just started to recover her senses last night after another earth
shattering orgasm when she knew he was going to bite her.

She quickly showered; she was going to be running late since
she didn’t get up at her regular time. She twisted her damp hair into a clip
and fixed her bangs.  After putting on a little makeup she went into her closet
to decide what to wear.  It was supposed to be warm out today, so that meant
her office would be freezing cold.  She opted for a summer dress with a chemise
underneath, it was light blue with small flowered designs embroidered through
it, then she pulled a light green sweater from the shelf, yes this would match
nicely.  She could keep her neck covered with the sweater.  This would be
perfect. She put on a pair of heels to complete the outfit.  She stopped by the
bed and leaned down to push a few dark strands of hair off Max’s forehead.  She
was rewarded when he opened his eyes and gave her a sleepy smile.

He looked at the clock and then looked up at her, taking in
her dress and the sweater she had over her arm.  “You look pretty, I’m sorry I
slept through the alarm.  Are you leaving soon?”

“I made some coffee, so help yourself to anything you want. 
I hit the snooze a couple of times today, so I am running late.  I’m sorry I
woke you, but I couldn’t resist giving you a kiss before I left.” Lily leaned
down and gently kissed his cheek, and then ran a slim finger along his jaw,
rubbing the whiskers that had grown there during the night.  “I’ll let you know
when I’ll be done today.” He gave her another sweet smile and she left for

Lily pushed her sunglasses onto her nose and pulled her
sweater on as she walked out to her car.  It was still early and no one was
about yet.  She set her travel mug in the cup holder and started the car.  She
smiled to herself as she maneuvered the car out of the parking area and headed
towards town.  How had she gotten so lucky?  Max was so perfect, he was a
wonderful man, and she was beginning to hope that they would have some kind of
future together.  Her inner voice was all too quiet; it was usually telling her
to wait for the other shoe to drop, since it always did where her relationships
were concerned.  Maybe that was a good sign that it was silent about Max.


Although Max would have liked to lie in her bed for a little
while longer he got up and used the bathroom.  He threw on his clothes and
grabbed a cup of coffee; he had found out yesterday that Lily made great
coffee.  He grabbed his things and shut the coffee maker off, taking the mug
with him, he knew she wouldn’t mind.  He couldn’t believe how much he had slept
the last two nights.  What was the deal with that?  He couldn’t ever remember
sleeping that long before.

He needed to stop by and see his father at the club, he had
texted him yesterday, but he had been out of town.  He would be at the club
today; he knew he’d be there already.  His father met him by the door and then
they went into his office so they could talk in private.  His father was
ecstatic about Lily.  He warned him again about keeping her safe.  The full
moon was just two days away, she would have to turn by then, it was extremely
important that he would bite her twice more.

Max went home to shower and then left to head to the
office.  He would text Lily later, but first he stopped at the jewelers.  He
wanted to surprise her at work, so he spent his time picking out a platinum
bracelet with little sapphires, the piece would look beautiful on her delicate
wrist.  He had it delivered to her with a message; he wanted to make love to
her tonight, her only adornment would be this bracelet.  He smiled as he
thought about the blush that would touch her cheeks while she read his note.


Lily pulled her sweater from her chest and flapped the
material against her skin.  It was just her luck that the air conditioner went
out today.  It was unseasonably hot and the air in the building was stifling. 
She had opened a window in her office, but she had been stuck in meetings all
day, even with the fans running it was still quite warm.  There was no way she
could take off her sweater with the bruises on her neck.

Finally her last meeting came to an end and she was able to
go back to her own office.  She found a smiling Clara by her door holding a
long box with a silver bow attached to it.  She knew it was from Max.  She
couldn’t help the sigh that left her as she took the gift from Clara.  She
opened it and they both gasped when they saw the beautiful bracelet that lay in
the silk lining.

“Oh, my Lily, it seems that someone is quite taken with
you.” Clara said. “Are you going to tell me what the note says today?” She
watched Lily’s face intently as she read her note, when she blushed becomingly
she shook her head; she obviously wasn’t going to read it to her.  “Here Lily,
let me help you with that,” she took the bracelet from her and attached the
clasp around her wrist.  “Lily it is absolutely stunning, this must have set
him back a pretty penny, between the flowers and this jewelry, you sure are

“Oh Clara, I think that I’m in love.”

“I’m not surprised, when do I get to meet the lucky fellow?”

“Soon, I hope.  Let me call him and thank him and then I
have to get back to work.  At least there is a breeze in here; the rest of the
building is so warm.”

“I was wondering why you were wearing such a heavy sweater;
I know it’s usually freezing in here.”  She watched as Lily pulled the sweater
back to show her the delicate bodice of her dress, it had a built in shell but
she only had a thin chemise underneath.

Lily blushed when Clara nodded in understanding. “I wanted
to look nice when I see Max tonight.  If it didn’t have the spaghetti straps I
could go without the sweater…but.”

“I understand Lily.  I’ll be leaving in just a few minutes
unless you need anything?’

“No Clara, I have a few more things to do before I leave. 
Can you close the door for me?  Maybe I can get the room to cool down a bit
with the window open.”

Lily leaned down to smell her flowers, and a light breeze
came through the window and Max’s hand written note fluttered out of her hand
and to the floor.  She bent down to pick it up and noticed a pair of polished
men’s shoes come into view.  Obviously Clara hadn’t shut her door yet.  She
looked up and saw Luke standing in her door way looking at her flowers.

“Someone likes you, huh Lily?” he said to her.

Lily blushed as she slipped the note into the pocket of her
skirt and she rose gracefully to her feet.  “Hello Luke,” she said coolly. 
“What brings you to my office today?” She went to sit behind her desk, he
always made her nervous.  She heard that he had chased Tammy around, but since
she had left he seemed to be searching for someone new.  She wondered if he was
the reason she had left.  He had asked her out, but she had politely declined. 
There was just something about him that she didn’t trust.

“I was wondering if you would have dinner with me tonight.”
He leaned one lean hip against her desk as he came around towards her.

Lily didn’t like the little smile that played on his lips. 
She looked up at him, hating the way he stood over her, like he was trying to
intimidate her.  “No thank you, I already have plans, besides I told you before
I don’t date anyone I work with.”

Luke’s nostrils flared a bit when she looked down at some
papers, dismissing him.  She continued to say no to him, he wasn’t happy about
being shot down again.  He had thought he found the woman who had intrigued him
yesterday.  He thought it was Lily, but she was always so cool to him there was
no way he could tell right now.  If she was aroused, he would know for sure. 
His ego made him think he could get her aroused easily, but he couldn’t do that
with witnesses around.

He gave her a curt nod and walked out of her office.  He’d
come back later, maybe he could change her mind then. His senses got stronger
closer to the full moon.  He would be more irresistible later on. He smiled at
Clara as she walked past him with a haughty look and she closed Lily’s door
after she said goodnight to her. He hid an evil smile as he went back to his
office to wait.

Lily called Max and waited anxiously for him to answer;
after she had gotten his voice mail she remembered that he’d said he had a late
meeting.  ‘Hi Max, I just wanted to call you and tell you thank you for the
bracelet, it’s lovely. I’m not used to anyone spending so much money on me;
it’s not that I don’t love the flowers and the gift.  Oh God, I’m making this
worse, anyway, I should be home around eight o’clock, if I’ll be later I’ll
text you…bye.’

She could hear a few voices of other workers as they headed
to the elevator.  She tugged her sweater from her shoulders and moved her desk
chair by the window.  She wouldn’t have to be worried about being interrupted
now.  She opened some crackers to nibble on along with a small container of
nuts, and a bottle of water she had taken from one of her meetings today.

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