Look At Your Future (6 page)

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Authors: Lucy J. Whittaker

BOOK: Look At Your Future
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“Lily breathe,” he smiled when she sucked in a breath and
then he leaned down to place his lips against hers.  He had missed her, he
heard the little moan that rumbled in her throat and he growled low in answer. 
Man she tasted good, his inner wolf rumbled back, ‘yes she does’.

Max slowly pulled back and waited for her to open her eyes. 
When she did he noticed how dark they were, he didn’t know if it was from the
kiss or the blue dress that she wore.  He smiled and gently touched the lily
she wore in her hair.  She looked delicate and very beautiful.

“Are you ready?”  He asked.

“Yes,” she stepped back to grab her clutch, and took her
keys from a crystal dish on the hall table and then turned back to face him.

“You’re sure?” He gave her a searching look as he asked.

Lily finally realized what he was asking for; she felt the
thrill yet again of having silk thigh highs on without any panties, she felt
her face flush as she nodded her head.  He gave her a little smile and then
took her hand as she shut the door.

Once they were outside Max guided her towards a sleek

“Wow, how many vehicles do you have Max?”

He gave her a boyish smile as he opened her door for her. 
“Ten total, I don’t get to drive them all as much as I’d like.  This one is my
work car.  The one I drove you home in the other day was my
Aston Martin

Once you’ve ridden in them all you can tell me which one you like the best.”

“Which one is your favorite?” Lily asked as she settled into
her seat, she pulled her skirt down when she noticed it had crept up her
thighs.  She could just make out the lacy bands that held her stockings up. 
She looked up and realized Max’s eyes were locked on her thighs.  She took a
deep breath and shivered when he slowly raised his hot gaze up her body till it
reached her eyes.  He gave her a sexy smile as he closed her door and then he
walked around to his side of the car and slid behind the wheel.  He glanced
down at her thighs once more and then started the engine.

, that one is my favorite.  Have you been
to the new French restaurant in the city yet?”

“No, I haven’t, I heard it’s impossible to get a reservation
there, my boss tried to get one a few months before his anniversary and he was
put on a waiting list.  Have you been there yet?”

“A few times, that’s where we are going tonight.”

“Really, what time is our reservation?”

“We don’t need one.”  He smiled as he reached over and
placed his hand on her thigh.  He idly stroked his hand from her knee to the
hem of her dress.  “So how does it feel?”

Lily’s forehead creased in confusion, what was he talking
about?  “How does what feel?”

“Not wearing any panties, do you feel naughty Lily?”

“Uh…um, my God Max, I don’t know how to answer that
question.”  Lily put both her hands up to her cheeks.  She thought he would
just look at her and make her think about it, not actually want to talk about

“Never mind…you can tell me later when I take that dress off
you.”  He said as he lazily trailed one finger up to the top of her stockings.

Lily leaned her head back and put one hand on the door
handle clutching it like a lifeline and rested the other over her eyes as she
slowly relaxed and opened her legs for him.  Waiting breathlessly for him to
touch her, he didn’t make her wait long.  He slid his hand slowly up until he
reached her damp cleft; he gently dipped one finger inside her and pulled his
hand free.  She looked over at him and moaned as he stuck the moistened digit
into his mouth, licking the pad of his finger clean.

“You taste delicious Lily.”

“Oh…my God,” Lily sighed as she closed her eyes and pressed
her thighs together.

Max chuckled and placed his hand back on her knee and gently
squeezed.  “Don’t pass out on me baby, I have to feed you first.”

Lily looked at him again, unsure of what to say.  No one had
ever talked to her like this before; he was way out of her league.  She just
didn’t have the experience to know how to deal with him.  Quit overthinking
things Lily, she told herself, you know what you want, just let it happen, for
once trust your heart, your body already knows him.

Max listened to her while she was quiet, he couldn’t help
but tease her.  She looked like she was completely scandalized.  How would she
act if he used his influences on her?  Would she break through her uncertainty
and take a little control? He wondered if he should try a little domination
with her.  She was ready for him right now, ripe and juicy, like succulent
fruit, just begging to be picked.

He pulled up to the elite restaurant and the valet came
around to collect his keys.

“Hello Mr. Thompson.”

“Hello Jim.”  Max said as he came around to collect Lily. 
He opened her door and held his hand out to help her from the car.  He smiled
as she squeezed her knees together as she turned in her seat.  She maneuvered
out of the car successfully and then stood beside him.  He pulled her close to
his side and put his arm around her waist.

Lily watched as Max chatted with the valet.  They obviously
knew him.  The maître de smiled and nodded his head as he greeted them.  “Right
this way Mr. Thompson.”  She noticed the curious stares from the people who
were waiting in line to be seated.

They were shown to a private booth on the second level.  The
waiter came up right away with water and a bottle of champagne.  Max conversed
with him in French and then he left, quickly pulling the ties on the curtains
and the cozy booth darkened.  There was a small light on the wall and a candle
on the table.

“I hope you don’t mind, but I ordered for you.”

“No, I don’t mind.  How did you walk right in without a

“I know the owner.”

“Oh, you must be close to get a nice table on such short

“You could say that.” Max didn’t elaborate, he owned the
restaurant.  He didn’t like to brag, but more importantly some people acted
differently around him when they found out how rich he was.  Sure his house was
beautiful, but he could afford a much larger one.  He had a private bungalow in
the Caribbean, and a remote cabin in the Rocky Mountains, well not a cabin, it
was about the same size as his house here.  He had a feeling that Lily didn’t
care about money.  He had talked to her boss Mark today, she had been offered a
few other jobs that would have paid her a lot more, but she went to work for
him because she loved it.  He had met Mark a few times for business.  He would
have to make sure that he and his wife got reservations here for their
anniversary this year.  It was worth it since he had let Lily off early
tonight.  He had a meeting tomorrow night, so if she had to work late then he
could see her afterwards.

Lily frowned as she felt Max withdraw from her a little. 
She moved the extra few inches that separated them and put her hand on his
under the table.  He looked at her and his gray eyes caught the light from the
candle just right and they glowed.

“I missed you this morning,” Max said as he leaned towards
her slowly, he gently kissed her cheek and then left little kisses along her
jaw, working his way to her open lips.  He took her mouth expertly, gliding his
tongue over hers, tasting her flavors.

“I didn’t have the heart to wake you, you were sleeping so
soundly.” Lily answered as he pulled back to nibble on her ear, and gasped as
he opened his mouth along her throat.  He reached one hand up to hold the back
of her head and then he worked his way back up to lick into her mouth.  He
gently sucked on her bottom lip and then nipped it lightly.  Lily felt like she
was a jumble of nerves, was he going to drive her crazy all night?  First in
the car and now this, oh, who cares, it didn’t matter as long as he kept
touching her. It just felt so right, like the earth was off its axis and now it
was finally righted.  She darted her tongue out to touch his as he leaned back,
moaning softly as she ran one hand into his hair and pulled on the longer

Max pulled back and ran his thumb along her quivering bottom
lip.  He smiled and then glanced up a second before the waiter came inside the
small room to their booth.  It was easy to forget where they were, he had a one
track mind where Lily was concerned, but he wanted to at least show her that he
could be civilized.

Lily leaned back as the waiter placed a beautiful dish in
front of her.  There were thick slices of beef, done medium rare, long
asparagus spears with a creamy sauce drizzled on them, and fingerling potatoes. 
It looked and smelled wonderful.  She took a bite of the tender meat and let
out a small moan, man this was so good.  She looked up at Max and noticed that
he was watching her.  She smiled, “this is really good.”

He gave her a slow smile in return before he started on his
own plate.  The waiter refilled their glasses, but Max shook his head no; one
glass of champagne was plenty for him.  He didn’t mind if Lily had more though,
he’d like to see what she was like when she was tipsy.  He had a feeling she
would be even sexier than she was now.  When she was almost done with her meal
he casually moved one hand down and placed it on the top of her thigh.  He
tapped his finger idly against the hem of her dress, making it seem like he was
deep in thought.  He picked up his glass of water and took a few sips before
finishing his meal.  He felt her relax again after a few minutes and her legs
slowly opened again.

He leaned down to whisper in her ear.  “Open your legs a
little wider honey.”

Lily looked straight ahead, she picked up her glass of
champagne and drank half of it, and then she opened her legs wider and tipped
the glass to finish it off.  She heard Max whisper good girl to her and then
his hand was cupping her mound.  She felt his smile as he kissed her cheek, his
deep voice rumbled in her ear as he started to run his finger along her slick
cleft.  She leaned her head back against the seat and closed her eyes as he
placed his wet fingertip against her clitoris.  She’d never done anything like
this before.  She vaguely realized that he had refilled her glass and she
quickly reached for it and downed the contents.  He chuckled softly in her ear
and removed his hand.

Max waited for Lily to open her eyes, he could tell she was
close.  Slowly she opened her pretty blue eyes, they were smoky with desire,
and he turned towards her and reached up to hold her head with his left hand
and then reached down and thrust a finger inside her with his right hand.  He
took her mouth with delicious abandon and slowly massaged her clitoris with his
wet finger.  She bucked against him and opened her mouth wider as he captured
her moans inside his own mouth.  He opened his mind to listen to her. ‘oh…so
close…just a little faster…oh, hmmmm, oh Max…please’ suddenly she stiffened and
her legs spread wider under the table, he held her head a little tighter as she
whimpered into his mouth as an orgasm ran through her.

“Would you like some dessert Lily?” Max asked as he leaned
back from her.  He saw her flushed face and the sheen of perspiration on her skin. 
Man he couldn’t wait to be inside her.  He watched as she visibly swallowed.

“Uh…how about we go to my place and you can be my dessert?” 
Lily looked up at him as she licked her lips and gave him a slow seductive

“Check please,” Max said towards the curtains.

Lily noticed the curtains move the slightest bit and felt a
blush rise into her cheeks.  She didn’t know that the waiter was so close, did
he hear her?

“Don’t worry Lily, no one heard you, the speaker for the
music is louder just by the curtains and the booth dulls the sounds inside
them.” He noticed her look of suspicion and gave her a small smile.  “It’s more
for privacy so no one can hear business meetings, I must say though, Lily, I
like the way you think.”

Chapter Five


They arrived at Lily’s apartment a little later.  Max had
her lean her seat back a bit and then he continued to stroke her cleft while he
drove, driving her crazy while he maneuvered the sporty sedan with skill.  They
barely cleared the door when Max lifted her against it.  He pressed his massive
erection against her as he took her mouth again and again.  He reached both his
hands under her dress and grabbed her smooth ass cheeks.  He growled as he
lifted her up a little higher and she wrapped her legs around him.  He pulled
back and ran one hand from her cheek down to her throat and then ran his thumb
across the rigid peak of one breast.  He could feel it through the light jersey
dress she wore.  He watched as she tried to pump her hips against him and made
needy little noises.

He reached up and slipped the dress off her shoulders and
let it hang around her hips, and then he unclasped the front closure of her
satin bra and pulled the straps over her shoulders, effectively trapping her
arms at her sides.

Lily tried to shrug her bra off, but felt Max take both her
hands in one of his and he held them behind her back.  He pushed away from the
wall and made his way into her bedroom.  He grabbed a sheer scarf from her
dresser as he made his way to the bed.  After laying her down on the bed he
pulled her dress off her hips and freed her from her bra.  She reached for the
top band of one stocking to take them off, but he stayed her hands.  She looked
up at him questioningly but he just shook his finger at her.  He stepped back and
pulled the scarf through his hands as he looked at her spread out for him.  It
was just like he said he’d wanted her, naked with just a flower in her hair.

“Do you trust me Lily?”

She nodded her head yes and swallowed hard; she didn’t
recognize the look on his face.  His face was dark with barely held restraint. 
She shivered as he lashed her with the sheer scarf and then let it trail down
over her breasts and then lightly touched her thighs.

He held the scarf taught between his hands and leaned
towards her.  “Put your hands together Lily.”  He smiled as she obeyed with
dazed eyes.  “Lily I want you to think of a word for me, something that would
be easy for you to remember.  If you get scared and you want me to stop, you
just use your safe word and I will stop immediately.  Do you understand Lily? 
I can’t go any further unless you understand.”

Lily leaned forward and kissed him placing her hands
together against his chin to give him a sweet kiss.  “I understand Max, I’ve
never done anything like this before, but I trust you.  I know you’d never hurt
me.”  She put her wrists together in front of him and waited, when she looked
up and saw that he still wanted something from her, she remembered her safe
word.  She gave him a small smile as she looked at him from beneath her lashes.

Max enjoyed the kiss she gave him and waited to hear her
safe word, as soon as she said it he stilled.  He looked into her eyes as she
lay back down on the bed.  He saw trust in her eyes, but something else was
there too.  Did she somehow guess what he really was? No, that wasn’t it; she
looked like a student who was anxiously waiting for her next lesson.  He gave
her a wolfish smile after she stretched out for him and he enjoyed the shudder
that ran through her as he tied her hands together, and then he moved her arms
above her head.

“Hold onto the headboard Lily, and don’t let go until I tell
you.  Oh no, don’t close your eyes, I want you to watch what I do to you.”  He
let out a soft chuckle when he saw her swallow hard.  Slowly he ran his hands
down the outside of her legs all the way down to her ankles.  Then he pushed
her legs apart so her knees pushed out and her sex was wide open to his gaze. 
He ran one fingertip gently down her cleft and smiled when she arched her hips
towards him when he pushed a finger inside her.  She let out a small moan and
started to close her eyes, and then they popped back open when she remembered
his order.  “Good girl, do you know what I see when you are like this?”  He
smiled as she shook her head no and her face flushed.  “You look like a flower
that is just beginning to open; you also give off the most delicious scent.” 
He slowly placed his finger into his mouth and sucked her juices off it.  He
smiled again as she moaned louder, unable to look away from him.  “You taste
like honey, with something else, I haven’t decided what it is yet, but I have
all night to figure it out.”

“Oh…my…God,” Lily squirmed on the sheets waiting eagerly for
him to finish her off.  She’d been ready since they were in the car, but he was
in no hurry.  So unlike the other times they had been together, he’d never made
her wait this long.  “Please…Max… I want you.”

“I know baby, soon, just let me play with you a little while
longer.” He kept his eyes on hers as he lowered his big body between her legs,
and then he slid his tongue along her cleft.  He stuck his tongue inside her
and growled when a new rush of moisture met the tip.  He moved slowly up to her
clitoris, drawing on it gently, and then slowly circling around it.  It
hardened instantly beneath his tongue; he closed his eyes and let her see his
pleasure as he licked and sucked on her hot flesh.  He could feel her body
quivering, right on the edge, and then he pushed two fingers inside her greedy
channel and sucked harder on her tender nub, opening his eyes and watching her
as an orgasm rolled through her body.  She shuddered and arched against him,
calling his name out as her gaze went blind.

Lily laid there unable to move as she felt her whole body go
lax.  Oh my, that had been so good, it was almost sinful how wonderful he made
her feel.  “Is it my turn yet?”

Max slowly shook his head, “oh no baby, I don’t have the
restraint to let you try tonight, maybe another time.  You are so ready for me
now.” He scooted back off the bed and slowly undressed, he watched her face and
listened to her thoughts as he bared himself to her.  For once she didn’t blush
as she looked at his cock.  He was hard as stone right now, he felt it bob as
he moved over her.  He leaned down and lined his shaft up with her entrance. 
He pushed inside her, feeling her tender tissues caress him, gradually letting
him inside and then clenching down on him like a fist.  He growled low in his
throat and reached up to pull her arms over his head.  She was still tied but
now he had full access to her throat and neck.  He wrapped one arm around her
bottom tilting her hips so he could drive deeper inside her.

Suddenly he pulled out and noticed the surprised look on her
face as he flipped her over and quickly pulled her hips up.  He thrust back in
not missing a stroke.  He heard her gasping as he pounded into her.  He reached
down to grab her hips and let his thumbs gently stroke the dimples at the base
of her spine.  He felt her body start to quiver again, instinctively knowing
that she was close again.  He reached one hand under her to rub her clit with
steady pressure, it didn’t take her long and she came, her body clamping down
on his shaft.  He hissed as he rode out her climax.  When she finally relaxed
he grabbed her hips again and then pulled her upper body against his chest,
pulling her tied hands behind his head, forcing her body to arch back against
his.  He moved her hair off her neck with one hand, running his open mouth
along the smooth skin there.  He wrapped his arm around her waist, steadily
pumping into her, he felt his teeth grow longer and then he bit lightly into
her neck as he came in hot pulsing bursts.  Gently he licked her neck making
sure the wound was closed before he let her down onto the bed.

Slowly he let her down, untying her hands and gently rubbing
her wrists.  There were no marks on her skin, but he just wanted to soothe
her.  “Lily, are you okay honey?  I thought you might use your safe word, but
you didn’t.  I hope that I didn’t hurt you.”  He turned her over so he could
look at her face.

Lily let out a sigh, “I’m okay,” she said shakily.  “I don’t
think I have to work out this week, you are wearing me out.”

Max chuckled as he pulled her closer, he hauled her into his
arms as he rolled onto his back.  She ended in a boneless sprawl across his
chest and abdomen.  He gave her a little hmm of appreciation when she slowly
ran her hand up and down his side.  He lifted her head for a gentle kiss.  He
felt his cock begin to stir again.  He had just had great sex and he wanted her
again.  Slowly he ran one fingertip along her jaw; he smiled when she opened
heavy eyes to look at him.  With his other hand he stroked her backside down to
her stockings, and then he quickly pulled one band back so it snapped against
her skin.  He laughed as she jumped in shock.  That seemed to wake her up a

“Max, what was that for?”  Lily demanded, she gasped as he
swatted her butt, it hadn’t hurt, not really, she felt her body flush as she
sat back on her heels and gave him an exasperated look.

“I thought we were still playing, do you want to safe word
me?”  Max asked her, he felt an evil smile hit his lips as she looked at him.

“Uh…I didn’t know…I thought we were done.” Lily looked at
him, she felt so confused right now.  She’d never been spanked before; she felt
a shiver run through her as she looked at Max’s hands.  Oh, the things this man
could do to her.  She raised her gaze to meet his and felt her mouth drop when
she saw the carnal smile on his face, and then she quickly gave him a blank

“You’ve been a bad girl Lily; did I say you could move?  I
remember telling you to keep your eyes open too.” Max grinned at her, it wasn’t
fair; he knew she was aroused right now, even thought she was trying to give
him a cool stare.  “Do you want to be spanked Lily?”  He quickly reached for
her and delighted in her squeal, before she had a chance to think about it, he
had her over his thighs on the edge of the bed.  He gently stroked her bottom,
and then he moved one hand down to her drenched sex and thrust one finger
inside her.  He relished her moan as he watched the muscles in her ass clench
and relax.

Lily couldn’t believe what was happening.  She’d had quite a
few orgasms already and her body was primed for another. What was he doing? 
She didn’t know what to expect.  She had thought he would start to spank her
right away, but it seemed like he had other ideas.  She glanced towards him and
he smacked her bottom as he told her to hold still, oh she felt that, she also
felt him place another finger inside her.  She arched her back to move against
him and he quickly smacked her again.  Each one was a bit harder; she could
feel her bottom heating up.  She tried to stay perfectly still, but she could
feel another orgasm building.  What the hell?  How?  Oh…he curved his fingers
inside her, touching a spot only he knew, and then he smacked her bottom again
and again.  The spanking and his thrusting fingers pushed her over the edge and
she screamed in release, muffling her cry into the sheets.  Oh my, that was
marvelous.  Who knew?  She’d never experienced anything like that before.  She
felt so sated now; she didn’t care what he did to her now.

Max pulled her up onto his lap; he kissed the sides of her
mouth and felt them curve into a smile.  “I knew you’d like that, I know your
body so well now.  It tells me what you want before you even know.  You were
made for me Lily, can you feel it?”

“Yes…I can,” she sighed as she laid her head on his chest,
nuzzling his smooth skin.

“I want you to ride me Lily.”


Max held her as he lay back down on the bed, and then he
rolled them until they were in the center of the bed.  She struggled to sit up
and blushed when she noticed how hard he was.  Max pulled her closer and rubbed
his erection against her.

“It’s your turn to do the work, straddle my waist and put me
inside you Lily.” He laid back and put his hands behind his head.  “Ride me,”
he demanded.

Lily looked down at him as she sat up on his stomach, she
could feel his erection rubbing between her ass cheeks.  Could she do this? 
She made up her mind, she would do this for him, kind of like the blow job the
other day, she was smart, she could figure out how to please him.  Setting her
mouth with determination she slowly moved, rubbing her body against him, using
her breasts, her hands and flexing her feet slowly running them under his
muscled thighs.

After a few minutes, she realized it was turning her on too,
having her way with his body.  She leveraged her hands against the hard muscles
of his chest and rose up on her knees, needing to get higher to accommodate the
length of his penis.  She felt the soft tip of his shaft rub her clit when she
rose higher to take him in moaning at the contact.  She reached back and lined
him up with her entrance and sank down on him.  Shudders immediately wracked
her body; their new position was touching spots deep inside her, like when he
had taken her from behind earlier, he had been so deep.  She felt a touch of
pain as he reached the end of her, surely the head of his penis must be
battering at the door to her cervix, hungry for her womb.

Max listened to her as she climbed on top of him.  He wasn’t
sure if she was going to go through with it until; she got that look, just like
she had in his bathroom the other day.  Sure enough she was thinking of when
she had blown him so beautifully.  He clenched his teeth when she started to
sink down on him, this position made him go deeper than before, she had yet to
take him to the root.  He looked up at her sternly before he egged her on. 
“Take it all Lily, you can do it.”

She looked at him uncertainly, “what if it hurts?” She

“What if it doesn’t?  Lean back and arch your back, and then
let go.” He reached up to hold her hips as he directed her.  He wanted to see
her face when she had him completely sheathed. She did exactly as he told her
and he felt her move down on him, taking him to the root and he could feel her
clit pulsing as he bottomed out.  Her head fell back on her shoulders and she
let out a throaty moan that he answered.  He reached up and squeezed her
breasts and she tipped her head down a bit to look at him and he knew he had a
stupid smile on his face.  She looked like she was in heaven.

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