Look At Your Future

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Authors: Lucy J. Whittaker

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Look At Your Future

By Lucy J. Whittaker


Text copyright ©2013
Lucy J. Whittaker

All rights reserved.
This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part without permission.  This
is a work of fiction.

Chapter One


Lucy sat and watched as her friend Angie danced with yet
another hot guy.  She had a few men who had come up and asked her, but she
wasn’t in the mood to pull hands off her ass all night.  She had hoped this
rare night out would be fun, but it was turning into yet another lame evening. 
She took a sip of her white wine; she had realized that after Angie’s third
beer that she would be the designated driver.  Angie had bought a brand new dark
a few weeks ago and there was no way Lily would let her wrap
that sweet ride around a tree, let alone get inside with Angie behind the

Lily felt a strange tingle on her arm just before a warm
hand touched her shoulder.  She looked up into a pair of warm gray eyes and
felt a little lost for a second.  He spoke to her and she blushed when she had
to ask him to repeat what he had said.  He smiled to reveal perfect white
teeth.  He was very handsome, perhaps a bit too old for her, but no… wait.  She
noticed the ring on his finger and felt a sense of loss.  How odd.

“Do you know Angie?”  He asked pleasantly.

“Yes, I do.”  Lily blinked up at him; he was very tall and fit
so unlike the other men that were in the club tonight, he seemed very cultured
and refined.

“I had asked her to run an errand for me, but she’s had a
bit too much to drink tonight.  Do you think you could take her for me?”

“Oh, or course, I really was ready to leave anyway.”

“Not enjoying yourself,” he said as he smiled down at her.

“You can tell?” Lily laughed.

“So you don’t like to dance?”

“Oh yes I do, just not tonight.”

He looked down at her with a confident expression.  “Could I
ask you to do something for me?”

Lily raised a brow at him, they were complete strangers and
he wanted something specific from her. “I guess that would depend on what it

He smiled again and touched her elbow as she rose from her
chair.  “It’s just a message, but you can only give it to one man, and only
when you are alone.  I can pay you for your time if you’d like.”

“No, that’s fine, it sounds easy enough.  Do you have the
message with you?”

“You don’t need to write it down.  Just tell him ‘look at
your future’.”

“Look at your future?”  She smiled as he nodded to her. 
That was easy to remember.  “That’s it?”  He nodded.  Strange, must be some
kind of code.

Angie walked up and said hello to Nathan.  “Are you ready to
go Lily?”  She’d been surprised when Nathan had approached her about Lily.  She
took the envelope that he handed to her, and turned to follow Lily out after
Nathan said goodbye to them.

Nathan had her bring her friends here for his son to see if
he might be interested in any of them.  So far, he hadn’t been.  She was paid a
finder’s fee, just the same, but Lily didn’t fit the profile that Nathan had
asked for.  She truly liked Lily and had just wanted to hang out with her for
the night.  She felt a little bad.  Her friends had all told her that Nathan’s
son was a jerk.  That was all they ever said about him.

Angie smiled to herself as Lily took the keys from the
valet.  Nathan’s son was in for a surprise when he met Lily.  Instead of a
willowy brunette, Lily was a beautiful, curvy red head.  She could be quite
feisty at times, that’s why she liked her so much, and she was so different
from her other friends.  Once they were both inside the car and Lily turned the
key to bring the throaty engine to life.  Angie turned towards her in her
seat.  “So Lily, spill, what did Nathan talk to you about?”

Lily glanced at her as she pulled carefully into traffic. 
“He asked me to take you on your errand, which by the way you’ll have to give
me directions to.”  She sighed before she added.  “He also asked me to give
someone a message.”

“Oh, what’s the message?”

“I can’t say.”

“Oh come on Lily, we’re friends, you can tell me.”  Angie

Lily chuckled as she glanced at her and shook her head no. 
“Nope, it’s a secret, only he can hear it.  Besides, I don’t think I should get
too involved with this, that’s why I didn’t ask you what he gave you.  I don’t
think I need to know any more than I already do.”

Angie turned to look out her window as she saw the lights of
the city go by.  She smiled again; Lily wouldn’t tell her what Nathan had
said.  All her other friends had blabbed as soon as they got into the car, and
they had also accepted the money he given them.  This could get interesting. 
She gave Lily turn by turn directions till they drove into a very prominent
subdivision.  She had her pull up to a wrought iron gate with a guard standing
outside a small shack.  When Lily rolled her window down the uniformed guard
approached their vehicle, he glanced inside at the two of them. 

He smiled when he recognized Angie.  “Hey Angie, how are you
doing tonight?”

“I’m great Tim, how are you?”

“I’m good; I just got a call that you were expected.”  He
looked at Lily a little curiously, but he didn’t ask who she was.  He went back
to the shack and hit a button and the gates opened smoothly, and then he
motioned for them to go through.

Lily drove up the long drive to a huge house that sat back
on a beautifully manicured lawn.  Bright landscaping lights shimmered across
the grounds and the outside of the house.

“Wow, this place is really beautiful.” Lily whispered.

Angie didn’t say anything.  After Lily parked they both got
out of the car and walked up the huge steps that led to an intimidating
entryway.  Angie glanced back at Lily as she hesitated on taking the first
step.  “It’s okay Lily, this won’t take long.” Angie had never met Nathan’s son
before.  She didn’t even know his first name.  She watched Lily as they waited
silently by the door.

The butler came to the door and motioned for them to come
inside, he talked to them for a minute, and then he asked Lily to follow him. 
Lily glanced at Angie and she just nodded at her and told her she’d see her in
a few minutes.  Lily followed the man a little reluctantly.  Another man
approached them and stopped.

“John, who do you have here?” He asked.

“Jeremy, Miss Angie brought her here tonight, this is Miss Lily.
 She has a message for Mr. Thompson.”

“Hello Miss Lily, my name is Jeremy, I am Mr. Thompson’s
assistant, you can give me the message, and I’ll see that he gets it.”

Lily shook her head no.  “I’m sorry; Nathan said I could
only tell him, no one else.”

“Really and you agreed to this?”  He asked with one brow

“He was very persuasive,” she gave him a self-depreciating

“Yes he can, are you being compensated for your time?” 
Jeremy asked.

“No, Angie had an errand to run for Nathan and she couldn’t
drive, I only agreed because I had to bring her anyway.”

“All right then, if you’ll follow me please.”

Lily glanced at the butler and he gave her a reassuring
smile as he walked away.  Then she followed Jeremy down a long hall way.  The
only noise was from her heels clicking on the marble flooring.  Lily looked
around as she followed him, the house was just so beautiful, and it was very
hard to ignore the architectural details of the rooms they passed. 

Jeremy stopped at a set of double doors and he opened one
and gestured for her to go in ahead of him.  It was a large study.  She saw a
huge mahogany desk strategically placed in front of a wall of windows.  There
were monitors lining one wall showing many different news channels. 

Lily stood in the middle of the room for a second and then
she noticed the man sitting behind the desk.  His dark head was bent over some
paperwork and she watched his large hand writing.  She couldn’t tell what he
was working on, but from this distance she could tell they were very capable
hands.  She watched him as if in a trance.

She shook her head, what the hell was wrong with her?  She
needed to give him his message and get out of here.  She felt him, he hadn’t
acknowledged her presence yet, but somehow she was very aware of him.  She felt
heat flood her body and fought the effort to press her thighs together to ease
the sudden ache there.  Her sleeveless dress suddenly felt very heavy against
her skin.  She could feel her breath quickening and she started to fidget.

She needed to leave.  She had a bottle of wine waiting for
her at home along with her vibrator.  Well if she could find the dam thing. 
How long had it been since she’d had an orgasm?  What the hell?  What made her
think of that?

Lily glanced at her watch.  It had already been ten
minutes.  She looked at Jeremy as he stood patiently nearby, he must be used to
this.  “Excuse me Jeremy?”  Lily asked, when he nodded to her she spoke again,
but her voice was so husky.  She had to clear it a few times then she shifted
uncomfortably and tried to speak again.  “Could you step out for just a second
so I can tell Mr. Thompson his message?  I would really like to go home.”

“Certainly Miss Lily, if you need anything please let me
know.”  He glanced toward the desk and after an almost imperceptible nod he

Lily turned uncertainly towards the man she was now alone
with.  He was quite rude, making her wait all this time.  She walked another
step or two towards him to get his attention.  “Excuse me, Mr. Thompson?”  She
spoke softly, as if she had just become aware of a rule for silence.  His
answer was one hand raised with a single finger extended, wordlessly telling
her to wait.

Seriously, Lily thought, she didn’t have all night.  She
should have never agreed to go out with Angie tonight.  This was her first
night off in months and all she could think of was going home.  Well he had
five more minutes, if he didn’t let her give him his message by then, so be
it.  The longer she stood there, the more irritated she became.  Hell they
hadn’t even offered her a seat.

She released a long suffering sigh. “Mr. Thompson?  You know
what, never mind.  I have better things to do with my time.”  She muttered the
last to herself as she took a step towards the door.

She let out a startled gasp when she felt a hand grip her
bare shoulder stopping her progress.  She turned slightly and looked up into
dark gray eyes.  An impossibly tall, handsome man stood beside her and every
thought she had flew out of her head.

“I was in the middle of something.  You have a message for
me?”  Max could feel the smooth skin of her shoulder.  She really was something. 
She had a nice tight body, but she jiggled in all the right places when she
moved.  Her strawberry blonde hair hung down in soft curls past her shoulders
and she had pretty blue eyes, but his gaze lingered on her full pouty lips. 
This was the first time his father had ever sent him a red head, all the others
had been brunettes.

She still hadn’t said anything yet, she just looked at him,
like she was in a trance.  He listened to her thoughts for a few seconds.  He
had been amused listening to her when she had first come in.  It hadn’t taken
long for her to become aroused; he had to admit he’d never smelled anything
so...exhilarating.  Usually he had to touch them first.  She was definitely
different.  He watched her as she visibly collected herself.  He smiled at her,
remembering what she had said about her vibrator.  She wouldn’t need it
tonight.  He could give her all the orgasms she wanted.  He couldn’t remember
the last time he had wanted a woman so badly.

“I’m sorry.”  Lily stepped back from his touch, and felt
bereft.  She felt her brows crease in a frown.  She was supposed to tell him
something right?  She almost felt naked in front of him with the way his gaze
moved over her.  She liked the sound of his voice; she had felt it run through
her body like a wave when he had first spoken to her, the timber of his voice
reverberating inside her like an echo.  But, wait…how had he moved so fast? 
She looked back towards the desk, she had only moved a step or two and he had
covered half the room in those few seconds.

“I have a message for you.”  Lily said, licking her suddenly
dry lips as she backed away from him.  Only he followed her, almost like he was
stalking her, like she was his prey.  She suddenly felt the wall at her back
and looked up at him.  He was so big, he blocked out the entire room, and he
was so…close to her.  She looked at his lips and wondered what it would be like
to be kissed by him.  She saw his lips tip up a little after she thought that,
and her eyes flew up to meet his, could he tell what she had been thinking just
now?  She tried desperately to keep a rational thought in her head, but all she
could think of was how loud her heart was thundering beneath her breast. 

“Uh, I…” she frowned again.  What was it?  Oh, yes.  “Look
at your future.”

“What?”  Max grabbed her arms and held her against the wall
as he looked at her intensely.  “Say it again.”

“Look at your future.”  Lily said breathlessly.

Max’s thoughts raced, this wasn’t the message he had been
expecting.  By now they were gushing and begging him to fuck them, and then
they would get pissed when he sent them on their way.  But not her, she was

“Can I kiss you Lily?”  He asked, forging into her thoughts
again to hear what she was thinking.  He saw her thoughts, visions really, of
them hot and sweaty, as he pounded mindlessly into her sweet body.  He had
never seen someone’s visions before.

“Why?”  She squeaked at him, panting softly.

“I want to taste you.”  His voice got more forceful.  “Let
me taste you Lily.”

Lily had never wanted anything so badly in her life, slowly
she nodded her head yes, unable to say no to him.

Max leaned towards her, watching as she slowly closed her
eyes.  He touched his lips to hers lightly and saw their future together.  His
father had finally found her.  He saw a vision of them in a meadow.  She was
smiling up at him with green grass all around her and little blue flowers were
everywhere.  She was telling him how much she loved him.

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