Look At Your Future (4 page)

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Authors: Lucy J. Whittaker

BOOK: Look At Your Future
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“My great-grandmother Lucy, she was born in France.”

“Really?”  Ellen said as she cut a quick glance towards

Lily didn’t notice as she answered.  “Supposedly I look like
her; I am the only one since to have red hair.”

Max stood back and watched them talk for a few minutes.  He
looked at John and saw him smile at his wife.  He looked up and met his eyes
and smiled.  Ellen was very particular about people; she wouldn’t still be
talking to Lily unless she liked her.

Max moved forward and pulled Lily back beside him.  He
smiled at them; they all knew he had plans.  They all said goodnight and Lily
gave them a big smile as they left out the back door.

They walked hand in hand for a few minutes before entering a
well-worn path into the forest.

“What did Ellen say to me?”  Lily asked.

“I’m not sure exactly, but it was an old blessing.”

“I like her.”

“Well I could tell she liked you.  I know John likes you too,
but he’ll never tell you.  He is a very quiet man, makes me wonder how him and
Ellen got together.  They are so different.”

“I guess that’s love huh?”

“I guess.  Have you ever been in love before?”  He asked but
he didn’t look at her; he just looked straight ahead up the path they were

“I thought I was once, but I wasn’t upset when we broke up. 
I would think if it had been love I would have been crushed, how about you?”

“No, not yet,” he talked a little bit about his property and
how much he liked the woods.

Lily smiled as she listened to Max talk, the woods were so
beautiful.  She could hear running water.  “Is there a stream nearby?”

“Yes, we’re almost by it, where I want to take you is just a
bit further.”

They walked past a small stream and kept going for another
fifteen minutes or so.  Max would stop to help her over fallen logs here and
there.  He touched her whenever he could.

Lily smiled, there were a few logs that she could easily
have stepped over, but he insisted on helping her.  The last one he had let a
few fingers graze lightly over her ass.  She shivered as she looked up at him. 
She felt caught as she met his gaze and suddenly she couldn’t move.  He put
both his hands into her hair and pulled her close for a deep kiss.

“Oh Max,” Lily breathed huskily, “I’ve been waiting for you
to kiss me again.” Lily moaned as he took her mouth with lazy licks over and
over again.  “That’s so nice,” she shivered as she pressed her body closer to

“Oh baby, how I’ve missed you.”  Max said as he drew her
tighter to him.  He pushed his erection into her belly and growled.  “We have
to stop.” He put her head against his chest and held her to him.  He felt her
shudder as he held her close.  “We’ll finish that later.” He felt her breath
against his skin as she moaned; he stroked her back, calming her.  “Will you
stay with me tonight Lily?”

She took a deep breath and stepped back a little. “You don’t
think that we are moving too fast do you?”

“Honestly no.” Max said.

“Me either, I like being with you.”

“Come on, it’s just a little further.”  Max said, he took
her hand again and started walking further into the woods.  The trees opened up
into a meadow.  The sun was just starting to go down and it filtered through
the leaves in the trees.  They stood on the edge of a clearing and Lily watched
the sun disappear, leaving shades of pink and purple all around them.  She
looked down and saw a bed of blue wildflowers at her feet.  This place was just
so beautiful; she’d never seen anything like it. Max shifted beside her and
then he tensed suddenly, she looked up at him wondering what was wrong.

“We have to head back; it will be dark soon.”  He pulled her
through the woods the way they had come, but he was moving faster.

“Max you’re scaring me, what’s wrong?”

“There are some animals out here that I’d rather not run

“What kind of animals?”  Lily looked anxiously over her


“Wolves!”  She gasped. “Real wolves?”

“Sometimes they come sniffing around, once we get closer to
the house they’ll quit following us.”

“I’ve never seen a wolf before, other than the zoo.  Can you
see them from your house?”

“Sometimes,” Max felt Lily stumble a little; he really was
moving faster than she could with her boots on, but she didn’t complain.  He
picked her up to carry her over some fallen logs.  He knew the others were
looking for mates.  The last thing he needed this week was for one of them to
make a play for her.  He would fight for her when the time came.  He was sure
they could smell her arousal, it was so unique.  He never should have brought
her out here.

He ran up onto his deck outside his suite and set her down
just inside the door.

“How did you do that?”  Lily asked him with wide eyes.

“Do what?” He frowned as he looked down at her.

“You ran all the way carrying me and you’re not even out of
breath.  You must be in great shape.”

He smiled at her, you have no idea baby.  He just shrugged
his shoulders, “I run every day.”

Lily looked up at him and gazed into his eyes.  She felt her
mind shut off as she stood in the circle of his arms.  She slowly closed her
eyes as he leaned down to kiss her.  Within just a few seconds he had her
jacket off and her blouse open.  She gasped when she felt his hot mouth latch
onto her breast, she hadn’t even felt him move the cup of the bra down; it
plumped her breast up, like an offering.  Then she moaned as he laid her on the
bed, he finished undressing her, and then he stood back from the bed.  She
opened her eyes as he grabbed a fist full of his t-shirt and pulled it over his

Lily licked her lips as she watched him undress.  There
hadn’t been many lights on last night and now she was finally able to see all
of him.  She had been way too embarrassed to look very long this morning.  She
saw the chiseled muscles of his chest and arms then followed the hair that
trailed past his hard stomach to his boxers.  Holy shit, are those abs real? 
She had never seen a man so ripped before; he would put any male model or actor
to shame. She felt her mouth begin to water; she couldn’t wait to taste him. 
He paused with his thumbs in the waist band of his boxers and she looked up to
meet his eyes.  She shivered as he gave her a little smile; he knew how he
affected her.  She looked down again, enjoying the show he was giving her, and
then he pushed the material off his lean hips and she felt her jaw slacken in
shock.  He was huge; she couldn’t believe that she had that inside her.  She
swallowed hard as he moved closer to the bed.

Max smiled when he saw her eyes widen as she looked at his
cock.  He took it in his hand and pumped it from root to tip as he looked at
her body spread out before him.  She was perfect; her breasts were soft and
full.  She had a few red curls at the top of her mound, but her sex was
completely bare.  He remembered how smooth and plush she was.  He grabbed her
ankles and pulled her down the bed, and then he pushed her legs apart to make
room for him.  He held her gaze as he leaned down and licked into her.  He
smiled when he heard the keening wale she let out as her head fell back.  He
pushed a few fingers into her, amazed at how ready she was for him.  He licked
and sucked her clitoris, gently at first, and then he sucked steadily when she
started moving against him. It didn’t take long before she climaxed.  He felt
her soft thighs hug his ears as she rode out her orgasm.  When she relaxed, he
started in on her again.  He felt another orgasm run through her as she
shuddered beneath him.  He held her down to the bed as she rose up to meet him
this time. 

He crawled up over her and lined his shaft up with her
entrance.  He wrapped his arms around hers, pinning her to the bed, and then he
thrust inside her, smiling as she gasped into his ear.  He rode her hard and
fast, he felt her hips rising to meet him as he restrained her upper body.  She
moaned beneath him, was she close again?  He released her arms and moved one
hand between their bodies to massage her clit.  She called out his name as she
shuddered and trembled beneath him.  He reached back up to hold her tightly to
him and he lost it, pounding mindlessly into her sweet body. He felt a powerful
orgasm building and he latched onto her neck and bit into her tender flesh. 
She stiffened beneath him and cried out as he felt her blood rush into his
mouth.  Amazingly she came again; her channel milked him intensifying his own
orgasm as it shook his body violently.  He collapsed on top of her for a few
seconds and then he pushed up on his forearms to keep from crushing her.

“Lily, baby, are you okay?” He asked roughly.

She took a deep shuddering breath, holy smokes; she couldn’t
believe how she felt right now.  “Yes…I’m okay.”  She said huskily.  “Is sex
always like this for you?  I swear I can feel every cell in my body.”

Max smiled as he kissed her and licked her skin where he had
bitten her, he still tasted some blood.  He must have been a lot rougher this
time, just a few licks and the small wound closed.  She would be sore.

He leaned up to look at her.  “It’s never been like this for
me.  I’d stay inside you forever if I could.”  He felt his dick pulse inside
her a few times, and then he smiled as he hardened.  He noticed her eyes widen
and he felt her belly tremble beneath his abs.  God she was beautiful, she
really had no idea how much.  He started to move slowly inside her, kissing her
and whispering to her.  Telling her how beautiful she was to him and how good
she felt.

Lily was amazed that he could go again after all that.  She
had lost track of how many times she had climaxed, she knew she would come
again before he was through.  He had been a little rough the first time, but
now he was so gentle.  This must be making love?  She felt a tug on her heart
each time he moved inside her.  She felt tears come to her eyes as she felt
another orgasm roll slowly through her body.  Dimly she felt him kiss her eyes
and gently wipe the tears from her cheeks with his thumbs.  She opened her eyes
to watch, she wanted to see him when he found his release.  She reached up and
placed her hands on his cheeks as he growled and then he moved a little faster
and harder, she swore she could see his eyes glowing, and then they slowly slid
closed as he put his face into her neck.  He stiffened and thrust once more and
then he stilled above her.  She could feel his hot breath where he had bitten
her earlier.  She moved her hands over his shoulders and back to soothe him as
both their heart rates slowly returned to normal.

Max rolled off of her and pulled her close to his side.  He
felt her rest her head on his chest and then she threw one smooth leg over his,
snuggling her curves closer to him, and then he felt her shiver.

“Are you cold?”  He asked her as he slowly stroked the silky
skin of her back.

“Just a little, you are so warm though.  That’s really

He released her for a second and pulled the comforter over
them.  His body heat would have been enough, but he couldn’t explain that to
her yet.  “Sleep baby.”

“Can you leave a small light on?  I’m sorry, but I’ve always
been afraid of the dark.”

“It’s okay, I’ll leave one on, but don’t worry I’m not going
anywhere.”  He flipped a switch and a small light softly glowed from the corner
of the room.  He moved one hand up and down her back, soothing her.  It wasn’t
long before she relaxed completely, and then she fell asleep.

Max brooded for a while as he listened to her even
breathing.  He had a bad feeling about the wolves that had followed them. 
Packs didn’t generally come on his land, unless they wanted something.  He
could still smell the lust on them.  It didn’t matter that they hadn’t seen
her.  If they had they would have fought him for her.  She was worth fighting
for.  He just had to make it through the end of the week.  He would have to see
his father, maybe there was something he could do to stop them from trying to
take her from him.  After all he couldn’t be with her every minute, he would if
he could.  He already loved her.

Chapter Three

Lily felt the hot water caress her skin, the shower was
heavenly.  She felt so sensitive today and she suddenly felt a slight ache in
her belly.  Maybe she was ovulating.  It had been a long time since she had
listened to her body.  She would have to pay better attention.  She ticked the
days off on her fingers; she had five pills left in her pack.  She would start
her period sometime next week.  She never looked forward to them.  The pill
helped, but she would still spend the better part of the first two days at

She would have to warn Max.  She didn’t want him to be
surprised if he got a dose of her temper.  She smiled as she rinsed the
conditioner from her hair.  She had put a few things in her overnight bag
before she came over last night.  She had enjoyed wearing Max’s shirt
yesterday, but she didn’t like the idea of having to wear the same clothes the
next day.  Jeans were okay, but it had been a little embarrassing to wear her
dress home the next morning, especially without her panties. 

She felt a strange tingle run through her and looked up to
find him in the doorway watching her.  She blushed; it was really bright in
here with the skylights in the ceiling.  He could probably see every freckle
she had.

He slowly removed his lounge pants along with his boxers;
she loved the way they hung low on his lean hips.  His gaze held hers as he
moved closer.

Max gave her a little smile, he could listen to her today,
and he knew she had a feistiness about her.  He would be sure to witness it
next week.  He would take care of her if she was sick.  His presence alone
would make her feel better.  He felt his expression turn a little fierce as he
caught the thought she just had.  She wanted to lick him all over, he could
hardly wait. 

“What do you want Lily?”  He smiled again as she raised one
brow at him.  “I can tell you want something, what is it?”  He said as he
leaned down to kiss her.

“Will you let me touch you?”  She asked a little hesitantly,
she swallowed hard as she looked up at him.  He looked so fierce right now.

“Whatever you want Lily, just do what feels right to you.”
He leaned back against the tiled wall of the shower and groaned as she opened
her mouth against his neck, nipping and licking his skin.  How long could he
put up with this torture?  He clenched his teeth as he felt her soft hands move
over him, slowly circling and teasing.

She went to her knees in front of him and looked up to meet
his hooded gaze.  His eyes were so intense.  Did he really want her to do
that?  She’d never touched a man there with her mouth, she had never wanted to,
till now.  She looked down and took his hard length in her hands.  She leaned
forward and very delicately licked the head of his penis.  She heard his moans
as she continued; it was sort of like licking an ice cream cone, only yummier. 
Amazingly she felt a surge of wetness between her legs, pleasuring him was
turning her on too.

She started to experiment with her movements, pumping one
fist like she had seen him do last night, and alternating licking and sucking
as much of him inside her mouth as she could.  His moans of pleasure gave her
the courage to continue, even with the blushes she knew she now sported.  His
deep moans turned to growls, he must like this, she thought.  Slowly she pulled
him into the back of her throat and gagged a little.  She was determined to
figure this out, she wanted to please him.  She took him to the back of her
mouth and swallowed hard, then pushed him in quickly; she felt the head of his
penis slip into the back of her throat.  After widening her lips she was able
to take about half his length.  She felt his hands move into her hair as he
moved gently inside her mouth.  She moaned as she slipped one hand up to cup
his heavy testes, rolling them gently.  He held her still for a few seconds and
then pulled back from her.  She quickly followed trying desperately to get him
back inside her mouth.

Max looked down at her startled expression when he continued
to move back from her.  He didn’t want to come in her mouth; he had listened to
her while she pleasured him.  Between her erotic ministrations and her thoughts
he was very close, he needed to fight for control.  He didn’t think he would
have lasted very long if she’d have known exactly what she was doing.  She was
going to kill him at this rate; his little angel had an evil streak in her and
she didn’t even know it.

“Max are you mad?” Lily sat back on her heels and looked at
the floor for a second, she had been enjoying herself so much, and she had no
idea what she had done wrong.

Max suddenly reached down and picked her up from the floor,
his arms going around her water slickened body.  “No way, I am trying really
hard not to attack you right now.” He growled against her neck. He spun them
around and pinned her against the wall, the spray from the water hit him in the
face, but he didn’t care, he just wanted inside her.  He reached down and
pushed a finger inside her, he growled as he found her soaking wet.  He pushed
her up the wall a little higher and then slowly lowered her onto his throbbing
cock.  He wanted to howl as she wrapped her silky legs around his hips, tilting
her pelvis towards him to take him even deeper. 

“You don’t know what you do to me, you feel so good.” He
shoved his nose into her neck.  He prayed for a little control, but he felt her
inner muscles clamp down on him as she moaned.

“Not half as good as you feel,” she gasped.  She tilted her
pelvis just a bit more and felt her clitoris rub against the base of his
penis.  “Oh…my!”

“Baby, I can’t hold back, hold onto me.  I promise…I’ll make
it up to you,” he said in a rush.

She tightened around him as he pounded into her.  She felt
the head of his penis touch a spot inside her, bordering between pleasure and
pain.  She felt truly possessed by him, and then he hit a sweet spot and she
cried out as he thrust into her faster.  “Oh, oooh… Max!”  She gasped in his
ear and he growled when he felt her come apart around him.

He thrust up once more and tensed as he emptied himself
inside her in pulsating bursts of pleasure.  He moaned her name as he felt his
legs begin to tremble.  He lowered them slowly to the floor of the shower and
then gently pulled her hair from her face.  He felt the wet strands wrap around
his wrists imprisoning him.  He placed his forehead to hers as he breathed

“Did I hurt you?” He looked into her eyes, searching her
face.  Wordlessly she shook her head no as she shuddered against him.

She couldn’t believe that he didn’t bite her this time.  She
had thought that would happen every time he lost control, but obviously not.

They dried each other off and Lily pulled a brush from her
bag and carefully pulled it through her damp curls.  She quickly braided it and
then secured it with a tie she had found in her bag.


He gave her a slow smile as he looked up at her; he was in
the process of tying up his boots.  She felt her heart flutter in her chest,
like a trapped butterfly.  Why did he affect her the way he did? She finally
remembered what she was going to say and sat down next to him on the bed. “I
have a few things I need to do at home today to get ready for work.  Would you
like to come over for dinner tonight?”  She gave him a rueful smile.  “I
realize you are used to Ellen’s cooking, I have nowhere near her skills, but
I’d like to cook for you.”

Max looked at her for a second, she had initiated time
together, he hadn’t used any of his influences on her other than listening to
her thoughts about oral sex in the shower.  She had completely blown his mind,
let alone his body.  He was still reeling, holy shit she was hot.  She really
had no idea.  He had been thinking of a way to keep spending time with her and
now she had given him an excellent opportunity.

“Are you going to do laundry?”  He asked.

“Ah…yeah, I have some work to do too.  Why?”

“Any lingerie? I’d be happy to help with that.”  He smiled
seductively and watched her face as he pulled her panties out of his pocket.

Lily laughed and she gave him a light slap on his shoulder,
grabbing her lost panties.  She felt her face flush; he had such a serious
expression on his face now.  “You are so bad.”

“You’ve no idea,” his smile held unspoken promises.  “What
time do you want me to come over?”

“Anytime you want, I’ll be home all day.” She took a deep
breath as she felt her belly clench from his smile.

“All right, can you stay for breakfast?”

“Is Ellen cooking?”

“Yes,” he answered with one raised brow.

Lily gave him a big smile, “then I’d love to,” soft laughter
followed her answer.

Max smiled again and then pulled her close for a hug.  He
needed to go see his Dad.  Then he would show up at her apartment after.  Maybe
they could spend the day together.  He was ready to see he apartment, see her
in her own surroundings.

“I’ll leave after breakfast then,” she whispered against his
neck, she felt so happy right now.

“Okay, let’s go find Ellen then, she probably already has
something ready for us.”

After breakfast Max walked her to her car and kissed her
goodbye, pinning her against it before he opened the door for her.  He flashed
a grin when he saw her dazed expression.

He ran his thumb across her soft cheek, “I’ll see you in a
little while.”  He watched as she got inside.  After he closed her door for her
he backed up and watched as she drove away.

Lily drove down the long driveway and waved to the guard at
the gate.  If someone would have told her she would fall in love with a great
guy this weekend, she would have told them they were crazy.  She popped in a CD
Three Doors Down
soon blared through the speakers, she decided to
take the long way into town.  She rolled her window down and jammed all the way


“Dad I think I have a problem.”

“Is it Lily?”  Nathan asked.

“Sort of,” Max ran a hand through his dark hair, barely
mussing it.  “I took her into the woods last night to show her the meadow.  We
were followed there by a pack.   If the wind wouldn’t have shifted I would have
had no idea they were there. They managed to stay downwind from me or else I’d
have known sooner.”

“Really, that’s unusual, anyone you know?”

“I don’t think so, they were too far away to tell, but I
knew they were there for her.”  He gave his dad a sheepish smile, “she has a
very tantalizing scent when she is aroused.”

Nathan raised both his brows and then smiled.  “You weren’t
messing around out in the woods were you?  Your mother would have a fit.”

Max chuckled, “no, all I did was kiss her, that’s all it

Nathan stood up and then walked around the room, deep in
thought.  He had never heard of a pack doing this before.  Max had been around
for a while; they obviously knew what he was, but Lily.  It had to be her they
were after.  Somehow they would have to dig a little deeper into her past.

Max smiled and answered his father’s unspoken question. “I
took Lily to meet Ellen last night and she said she got her red hair from her
great-grandmother, who was born in France.  I guess from what she says she
looks like her too.”

“Le cadeau,” Nathan said amazed. 
The gift

Max frowned as he looked at his father. “
The gift
what’s that?”

“It’s a painting based on a French myth.  There is a
painting that had sold in New York a year or so ago.  Our information tells us
that a tall, willowy brunette bought it.”

“So that’s why you’ve been setting me up with brunettes? I
don’t understand Dad.”

“Max you know you are different than the others, you can
hear people’s thoughts, where most of us can only sense emotions.  You can
shift at will, while others can only shift during the full moon. Your mother
and I had hoped that whoever bought the painting would be your soul mate.”

Max shook his head, “that explains a lot, but what does that
have to do with Lily?”

“If her great-grandmother is real, then there is truth to
the myth that I was raised on.  Lily is very rare; you may have to fight the
pack for her.  They don’t usually interfere with soul mates, but if she is who
I think she is you‘ll have to make her yours soon.  You’ll no longer have the
two years that I did with your mother.”

Nathan sat back down and looked at his son, he nodded to him.
He knew he wanted more answers.  “According to legend ‘
the gift
’ becomes
a loving mate and will breed you the ultimate male alpha, he would have all
your abilities, but would be stronger and faster than any other wolf, but she
would have to be yours by the full moon.”

“So how do I find out if it’s really her?”

“Legend has it that the painting is drawn to her, but we
only know that she didn’t buy it.”

“Okay, what does the painting look like?”

“I don’t know that either, it’s different for every woman
who’s had it. Not all were destined to be mates.  That’s why the painting is so
hard to keep track of.”

Max frowned for a second, “how do you know so much about
this dad?”

“I was raised on the legend; I had hoped to have her when I
was your age, along with every other male my age,” he smiled.  “Then I met your
mother, she was my gift, I didn’t need anyone else.”

Max smiled at his father, he knew that his parents loved
each other deeply.  That was all he wanted, but now he didn’t know what to

“Would you die for her Max?”

“Yes,” Max didn’t hesitate with his answer. “I know she is
my true mate, I would fight all who would try to take her from me.”

“Good luck son, if you need me, you know where I am.  I
can’t help you fight the pack, but I can help in other ways.”

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