Lokai's Curse (3 page)

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Authors: J. Lee Coulter

BOOK: Lokai's Curse
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He considered his request for a few moments. “Very well, Garrick. I will wait here while your lady composes her message.” He spied an apple just then and snatched it up for a quick bite.

Garrick chuckled as he left to search out his wife.


Where was the little witch?
His amber eyes glowed with hatred. He had been trapped in this bed for three fortnights! He should be healed. Yet his arm still throbbed with pain beneath the splint and his knee gave out every time he tried to stand. Why was his recovery taking so long? Athor threw his goblet across the chamber, shattering it against the stone wall.

A few moments later he was staring at the statuesque red-head
, her hazel eyes full of fury as she glared at him. His cock stirred.
Damn! She is a fine-looking woman. If she gets close enough I will have her…in spite of my pain. I may even let her live.

“Why have my injuries not healed, Natasha? I should be up and about by now.”

Foolish bastard! He was not even aware that she broke his arm repeatedly after she dosed him with sleeping herbs. It would not do for him to regain his health before she was strong enough to control him. It had taken all of her power to salvage his soul. Even she was surprised at how long it was taking her to recover.

She schooled her face as she strolled towards him. “Your injuries were severe, Athor.
You must be patient.”

“Patient?” he roared. “I have been patient enough! I am wasting away lying abed all this time. I must train to keep my skills honed and my muscles toned.”

A lusty glint sparked in her eyes as they traveled the length of him. It had been quite some time since she had enjoyed that particular body. The thought took hold as she moved nearer. Her voice was throaty as she said, “I cannot help with your sword skills but I could aid your muscles…if you are like-minded.”

Athor captured her wrist in a bruising grip as he jerked her down on top of him. He grasped a handful of hair
and rolled to hold her down with his body. His cock surged to attention as lust tore through him. She struggled to escape him unsuccessfully as his lips crushed hers.

He ripped
open her bodice in one move then squeezed her breast brutally. She cried out in pain, raking her sharp nails down his back…drawing blood. He laughed as he tore off the remnants of her gown. Pulling her deeper beneath him, he forced her legs apart.

Athor rammed his shaft into her hot sheath as deeply as he could, possessing her totally. His body slammed against hers repeatedly…rutting like an animal in the throes of lust.

Natasha had been caught unawares. She did not enjoy the abusiveness of her partner. She prefers her men strapped to the bed so that she was in control. She fought against his attack futilely. As he pounded her body with his own, a fire took hold of her. She found herself responding to him in a rudimentary way. Her hips began to thrust back in response as her body convulsed violently. She cried out in pleasure. A few moments later…he joined her, spilling his seed within.

Not a word was uttered between them as she waited for him to sleep. She slipped
furtively away, hastening to her chambers. Throwing the bolt on the door, she dashed to her cupboard to search for a potion. Natasha’s face contorted as she drank the vile concoction. Still…it was better than conceiving a bastard she did not desire. Once was enough for her. She entered the adjoining chamber and submerged herself into the natural hot pool that was there. Picking up a cloth and strong soap, she began scrubbing vigorously between her thighs.

settled back in the warm water once she was satisfied that she had been cleansed.
That must never happen again! I underestimated his strength. My body will never produce another bastard! I will not allow it. I gave one to Alred then he cast me aside for his precious Corinne. Never again!
She sneered.
At least I had my revenge against her…too bad that I could not kill the child, as well.

Natasha sighed as she began scrubbing herself anew.

Chapter III

Diedre sat in the cool grass staring out at the azure sea, not really seeing it as she let her mind drift. A small degree of melancholy washed over her as the terns swooped down to the water to catch their meal.
Their calls to one another muffled by the surf below going unnoticed in her reverie.

I wonder where Lokai goes when he leaves here. Perhaps he is visiting my father. If I still had my magic I could see him whenever I wished with a snap of my fingers. Surely he is not still angry with me.
She shook her blonde head. For certain, he must be, for her powers had not yet returned. She tested them every day…just in case he forgot to inform her of their reinstatement.

What would she do if she never retrieved them? She needed an alternative
strategy. First of all, she desired to be able to defend herself…just in case. But how? She had no skills with weapons. Her eyes lit up as she seized on a plan.

Diedre jumped up and rushed back to the cottage where she gathered Lokai’s bow and arrows. She scurried off with them to a secret glen she had discovered on one of her forays
in the woods. Dropping her prize, she hurried to a distant tree to mark as a target then retraced her steps.

With tongue-in-cheek, she attempted to string the bow. Try as she might, though, she could not get the loop in the notch. “Oh bother! How does Lokai do this with such ease?” She stomped her tiny foot as she tossed the bow down. It did not take long to recognize that his bow was too large for her. She surveyed her surroundings
until she spied an ash tree.
This will be perfect! Now how do I make a bow from it?
Diedre grasped a low branch tightly and pulled down with all her might. Nothing happened. She glared at the uncooperative branch, then jumped up, hooking her arms about it and proceeded to bounce up and down.

Lokai heard a loud crashing
in the trees as he strolled through the wood. Whatever was causing the disturbance must be quite large, yet he was certain that no dangerous animals resided on the isle. His senses went on alert as he stealthily drew closer to the source.

When he discovered the basis for the noise, he almost burst out laughing. His wee sprite was dangling from a tree spouting curses he had never imagined.
I wonder what that poor tree ever did to earn her wrath.
Shaking his head, he crossed his arms, leaning against the nearest trunk.

“What are you doing, wife?”

She spun her head around, shame-faced, as she eyed Lokai. Should she tell him? Glancing back at the limb she clung to, she saw no evidence of cracking and sighed. If she wanted a bow she would need his aid.

Lokai strode over and grasped her waist in his large hands, gently placing her feet on the ground. He grinned wickedly. “Shall I slay this malcontent? What has he done to anger you so?”

He mocked her! Has he forgotten who her father is? His smile softened just then and her anger instantly dissipated. Grinding her toe in the dirt, she blushed. “I was trying to find something to do with my time when you were away.”

“And you thought attacking trees was a solution?”

“No, of course not, husband. I thought to make myself a bow. I tried using yours but it will not string. It is too big for me.”

He studied his wee wife’s face. Why would she wish to hunt? She could not kill a bug…let alone an animal. He shook his head. Diedre with a weapon was dangerous.

Seeing that he was about to refuse her, she grasped his tunic desperately. “Please Lokai! I get so bored when you are gone…and what harm can there be in learning to defend myself?” She rushed on. “I have no magic to guard myself anymore. As a mortal I need some skill in self-protection…just in case.”

His eyes lit up as she used logic in her persuasion. She had given this a lot of thought and produced sound reasoning in her argument. But he must not give in to
o easily to her request. He kissed her brow.

Allow me time to consider your request, Sprite. For now I shall string my bow and see how you fare. There are precautions you must take when firing such a weapon.” Diedre clapped her hands together with glee as she beamed up at his handsome face. He could not help but return her smile. Perhaps it would be a good idea to teach her.

After preparing the bow with ease, Lokai placed leather guards on her slender arm and hands. He showed her how to stand and draw the string back…with his help.
Satisfied with her progress, he notched an arrow and aided her with the taut string as she aimed and released the bolt. It flew through the air, landing at the base of her target.

“I almost hit it!” She squealed in delight as she spun in his arms. “Was that not grand?” She bounced on her toes. “May I try again?”

Lokai was pleased with his wife. She had done well for a first attempt but he had to be sure that she took this weapon seriously. “Tell me, Sprite, do you know why you missed?”

Diedre frowned as she thought through her actions. She slowly bobbed her platinum tresses as she answered him. “I must have aimed too low. Why else would it hit the ground? Next time I will aim higher.” Her voice grew confident.

He was proud of her. Her reasoning skills were improving every day and she was using them more often without even realizing it. Soon she would be ready to visit her family. They trained till almost dusk then traveled back to their abode.

Diedre fretted over forgetting to prepare their sup but Lokai held up his hand to silence her. “Allow me to prepare our meal since I am the one who detained you.”

She agreed as she sat at the table. She was tired of her cooking. The food always tasted horrible. How did Lokai stomach it? She shuddered.

Lokai could have whipped up anything her heart desired. Instead, she observed him as he chopped up meat and vegetables
, tossing them in the kettle to cook. She even made mental notes to herself so she could mimic the preparation later. Diedre noticed that he threw certain weeds in the pot and frowned.

“Why do you cook weeds?”

He glanced up, arching a brow in question…then smiled. “Those are herbs, wife. They help to flavor the stew. I will teach you about them, if you wish.”

Diedre nodded. “Yes, I would like that.” Perhaps then she could stand her own cooking. She did not understand how he could eat it but, perhaps, men had no taste buds.

Her eyes roamed over Lokai’s handsome face as she sat idly at the table. She was fortunate that her husband was so comely. His blonde hair was darker than most Fae…and shorter. The color of summer wheat, it fell just a few inches past his broad shoulders. His eyebrows and lashes were even darker. His jaw was strong, ending in a slight cleft in his chin, below a wide mouth and straight nose. She sighed as she felt her body heating up with desire.

Lokai’s nostrils flared. He could smell
the muskiness of her desire for him. His eyes met hers as they darkened with need. His shaft hardened.

Diedre quickly glanced away as she recognized the lust in his eyes. Frantically, she searched her mind for something to talk about.

“Lokai? Where do you go when you leave the isle?”

The question unsettled him. He was her husband. What he did
was not her concern. Guilt flashed through him then.
Of course she would be curious. She cannot leave or speak to anyone but me.

“Most times I see to my duties at the palace. This day, though, I journeyed to the Brodie castle. I had business with Garrick.”

“Did you see Seonaid? Is she well?”

“No, I did not speak to her but…since you are progressing so well, I am allowing you to send missives to each other.” With that said, he produced a sealed parchment and handed it to her.

Diedre became quite animated as she snatched it from his hand and broke the seal. She swiftly read the contents which told how she fared and admonished Diedre to listen to her husband so that her punishment might be cut short. She sighed.

Lokai gathered her into his arms as he sat to await their meal. “Is all well?”

She nodded. “Yes. I just wish I could visit with her.”

“Perhaps soon. We will see how things go.
Until then, you may write to your sister. I go to the palace on the morrow but dropping off a missive would be no hardship. You will need to be satisfied with this privilege for now, Sprite.”

“Thank you, Lokai. I will not abuse your trust.” She hugged his strong neck. He returned the embrace, hoping that she was fostering tender feelings toward him. Perhaps she will speak of it to Seonaid. With a wave of his hand, everything she required for writing was on the table.

He gave her a gentle shove. “Go and write to your sister. Our meal will be a little while yet.”

Diedre gave him a grateful squeeze and hurried to the table.
With tongue in cheek she began writing. She had just sealed her missive when Lokai brought her some stew.

watched her expression as she took her first taste of the meal. Her dark lashes rested upon her flushed cheeks as she savored the food. “Mmmm…this is heavenly.” Her eyes popped open. “Simply adding those weeds made it taste this good?”

He grinned
back at her…his eyes sparkling. “As I said, Sprite, those ‘weeds’ are herbs. But to answer your question, yes, they have enhanced the flavor. You approve then?”

She bobbed her heart-shaped face as she shoved more stew into her mouth greedily.
Well…it looks like Garrick gave excellent advice. Mayhap we will not starve to death after all.


It was time to leave the caves. They had been hidden there for several moons now. Athor’s injuries were finally being allowed to heal although he would always have the limp. She was unable to repair that. Her powers were not that strong. Natasha met him in the chamber used for eating.

“I will be gone on the morrow.”

Athor looked up from his trencher a bit surprised. After three moons in her company, he still had no clue what she planned…or why she needed his aid. He glared at her. She treated him as if he were a slave, binding him to his bed as she rode him to gain her pleasure. He liked having her for bed sport but he would enjoy it more if he were in control. If only his magic would return. He would show her true pleasure mixed with pain…the way he liked it. He grunted and returned to his meal, dismissing her.

“Before I go, I would speak of my plans for I
will be gone quite some time.”

“Why would I care? It has naught to do with me…or my quest.”

Natasha turned cold eyes on him. “You are mistaken, Athor. It has everything to do with your quest…if you still wish to be king.”

He sat up straighter giving her his full attention. “What do you know of my wishes?” he snarled. “I have told you naught.”

She eyed him for a moment, deciding how much to reveal. “I know that you are Alred’s cousin and that the assassin, Lokai, is your son.” She ran her finger up his arm as he tensed. “I, also, know that you would see the king dead…as would I.” She studied his reactions as she continued. “Would you see your son dead, as well?”

Athor’s amber eyes glowed as he imagined his revenge. He gave a brusque nod. Yes…he would see his son dead for his betrayal
and his wife as well. “What is your interest in my troubles? Why should you become involved?” He did not trust her.

“I have my reasons as well.”

“Enlighten me if you wish for my aid.”

Natasha sent him a frigid glare. “You should be grateful that I saved your miserable life-force!”

“Regardless, you wish me to risk it again to do your bidding. It does not seem like such a bargain. The cost outweighs the benefits.”

She contemplated his words for a moment. “Very well. If you must know…many years ago Alred loved me. I was to be his queen.”

Athor snorted. He knew that was a lie. He had offered that position to only one woman…Corinne. Seonaid’s mother. No one else.

“You scoff! I tell the truth. Before he met Corinne, I was the light in his eyes. But when I told him of our child he rebuffed me…and the bairn! He tossed gold at me for our maintenance and set us aside
for that mortal whore! She did not deserve him! She refused him and wed the MacGregor!” Natasha trembled with her rage. “But I had my revenge. I killed her as she birthed her bastard.” She took several deep breaths to calm herself.

“What of your babe? I will not have any contenders to the throne.”

“Why…the honorable King Alred took her from me the moment she was weaned. Diedre is her name.” She failed to mention that she had dumped the child at his feet, swearing she would destroy her if she ever saw the babe again.

Athor studied her contorted face. There was so much hate hidden beneath the surface. He could use it if she control
led herself. “What do you get out of this unholy alliance? Revenge? I will not make you my queen when I receive the throne…on that you can rely.”

Her eyes narrowed craftily as she uttered her
falsehoods. “Of course I will not be queen. But I will have retribution and, perhaps… a position as your leman?”

He knew she was
insincere. But he would let it stand for now. She could be useful to him. He smiled as he sat back in his chair. “Perhaps.”

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