Lokai's Curse (13 page)

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Authors: J. Lee Coulter

BOOK: Lokai's Curse
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As he aided her standing, she shook her head. “I believe I can manage to walk to our chamber alone, Lokai. Do not trouble yourself. Stay and visit with our guests. I will be fine.”

“Are you sure, wife? I do not mind.” He wanted to speak with Seamus about Athor but his first concern was his spouse.

She scoffed.
Placing a hand on his arm, she smiled sweetly. “I am sure, husband. I do not need you hovering about me all the day. Just be sure to wake me for the next meal.”

A smile quirked his lips but he wisely did not comment on the amount of food she was consuming
as of late. He watched her waddle off after he helped her down from the dais. She could probably use some alone time but after finding the babe in distress it was difficult for him to leave her be. This time he would honor her wishes and concentrate on the guests.

Diedre had just reached the stone stairway when she heard a young maid call to her. “Yes?”

“Forgive me disturbing ye, m’lady, but a woman asked me to give ye this missive.” The black-haired lass curtseyed then handed her the note.

She arched her brow in query. “What woman?”

“I do nae ken, m’lady, but she said she was your maither.”

Her mother? Diedre’s heart pounded as her eyes widened in shock. She had always believed her mother to be dead since Alred never mentioned her. If she lives…why had her father kept them apart all these years? It made no sense. Her eyes darted to the maid.

“Where is she?”

“I do nae ken, m’lady.” Her voice trembled. “She said to meet her where the
missive says and she would explain. Oh, she said to tell no one and to come post haste.”

Nodding, she broke the seal with shaky hands and quickly read the few words written there. Without looking up she sent the maid to retrieve her cloak. The sky was dark with clouds threatening to burst at any time. She hoped it would hold off long enough for her to get some answers.

Chapter XIV

The small glen had been farther from the castle than she liked, considering the danger that surrounded them. She sat down on a log as her trembling legs threatened to give out beneath her. It was the first time she had used her magic since it had been returned to her but walking this distance in her condition was out of the question.

Diedre frowned. Apparently, using her powers was almost as risky. I did not think that a babe would drain my magic
so much.I will have to be cautious of how often I use it.

A rustling in the bushes caused her head to jerk toward it. Her blue eyes narrowed
at an attempt to pierce the shadows. A moment later, an older woman emerged from the forest.

She gasped as she leapt to her feet. Natasha! What was she doing here? Alred had warned her to stay away from this woman. He said she was evil.
Oh bother! She is going to disrupt this meeting with my mother! I will not have it! She must leave.

“Go away, woman! I do not wish for your company.”

Her hazel eyes hardened as she looked upon the spawn of her loins. How she hated this child of Alred. As quickly as it came, her expression left. Natasha softened her countenance as she held out her hands in a placating gesture.

“After all these years...this is how y
ou would greet your mother?”

Diedre’s mouth fell open as she stood there dumb-founded, shaking her head in denial. “It cannot be! Why would you speak such lies?”

“I do not lie, Daughter. Did Alred never speak of me?”

Tears gathered in her eyes
as she nodded. “Yes...once. He said you were evil.”

She dropped her head in a defeated posture to hide her expression of rage. Her fiery hair effectively shielded her face from her daughter. In a meek voice, she asked, “Naught more? No mention of the love we once shared...the child I bore him?”

“No. Father warned me away from you. That is all.” Diedre’s thoughts were in a whirl. If Natasha was her mother, why had Alred not said as much? Why would he keep them apart? She had known her father to always be fair in his judgements. Why not in this case? After a few moments of silence, a thought occurred to her. “Why have you not come forward sooner? I do not recall that you ever tried to see me.”

Natasha worked a tear from her eye as she faced her. “Your father, the kin
g, forbade it! He snatched you from my arms and banished me from the Fae realm. I had no way to see you until now.”

Her eyes widened in surprise.
Could Father be so cruel?
But she already knew the answer to that question. Had she not just been recently banished herself...before he forgave her? And she was his own blood!

“I do not understand. Why would he take me away from you?”

“He grew tired of my affections, Diedre...but not yours. You are a part of him. He would never let you go. And his interest was drawn elsewhere...to Seonaid’s mother.” She eyed her daughter craftily. “Come...let us sit for a while and share some wine while you tell me of your husband and bairn. Are you happy?”

Natasha could see her daughter’s wariness subside
as they sat and chatted of mundane life.
This was going to be so easy! The silly twit is too naive to realize the danger she is in.Even now her eyelids droop.
She sat stoically watching as Diedre toppled from the log and left her lying in the grass.

Athor strode out from the underbrush where he had been watching the encounter. He leered as his cock began to swell. Glancing at Natasha with a nod, he hefted her inert body over his shoulder and disappeared into the forest.

* * *

Lokai entered the darkened bedchamber quietly so as to not startle his wife.
She must be exhausted to not awaken for the noon meal. It is not like her.
He strode toward the bed to wake her, frowning when he saw she was not there.
Where could she be? She was too weary to venture far.
He closed his eyes as he searched for her in his mind.

His eyes flew open in alarm! He could not see her! Lokai spun around to find Alred blocking his path. With a hand
trembling in rage, he held out a crumpled parchment to him.

There was a look of fear in his eyes as he said, “Natasha has her.”

Lokai’s heart clenched in his chest as he snatched the missive from his hand, quickly reading it. Surely she had not been so unwise as to keep this rendevous! Yes, his naive little wife would have done just that. She had no way of knowing that she was meeting with Natasha. No one had told her the truth. He slammed his fist into his palm, venting his frustration.

He had to find her fast...before Athor got his hands on her. But how?

“Where did you find the parchment, Sire?”

“At the bottom of the stairs...Diedre must have dropped it.” Alred’s brows raised as an idea struck him. “Perhaps a maid delivered it to her. I will question the servants.” He disappeared in a blink.

Running his hand through his dark blonde locks, Lokai wracked his brain for a solution. It was imperative that he find her immediately. A shudder swept through him as memeories of tortured screams surfaced. He paced the length of the room attempting to locate his wife. A view of a small glen flitted past his inner eye. She had been there...recently.

Her father reappeared just then to apprise Lokai of what he had found. “A maid gave her the missive about two hours past but she was of no help. She knew nothing more.” Alred’s eyes sparked with fury. “This is my fault! I should have told her the truth!”

Lokai could not disagree with him but he blamed himself as well. He could have informed her against the king’s wishes. He shook his head. “No, my lord. This is not the time to place blame anywhere. I had a flash of a glen while searching for her. I will trail her from there.”

“I will come with you.”

“No, Sire. You must stay behind to guard Seonaid. Garrick does not have your magic and it may be needed.” With a thought...Lokai was in full armor, ready to do battle.

Alred nodded approval as he followed suit. “You should take him with you on your hunt. He knows his lands better than anyone.”

Grunting in agreement, Lokai was gone in a flash. Alred made his way down to the nursery in search of his daughter. He must not leave her side until this was ended.

* * *

The two contrasting warriors appeared side-by-side in the small glen...one golden, shining like the sun...the other dark and mysterious. Searching the area, they quickly found evidence of her recent presence in the form of footprints. It did not take them long to find the path that Athor took as he stole his wife.

Glancing at Garrick, Lokai raised a brow. “What lies in this direction?”

Gathering his bearings, he gave it deep thought. “Mostly forest. There is a small village about a league away, but I doubt he would take her there. Wait a minute! There is an abandoned crofter’s hut about midway, just off the beaten path! Twould be perfect for him.”

With a determined look in his eye, he gave a curt nod. “Show me.”

Moments later they crouched in the woods outside a small hut. It was surrounded with an odor that Lokai was very familiar with...the stench of death.
Yes...this is the place. I would know it...even without the smell. There are shields in place.

Garrick touched his arm. “I have an idea. Put me in my ghostly form and set me inside. I will scare the life out of him!”

Lokai was on the verge of denying the request when he remembered the shields that Alred had used when he took Seonaid. He had not shielded the land beneath. Perhaps, the same was true here. From his vantage point, he studied the hap-hazard totems intently, then grinned. They were the same!

“Ready yourself. Keep in mind that you are vul
nerable to the Spear of Destiny as well.”

“Aye...I ken. But I do nae believe he has it or he would have acted sooner.
Nay. Natasha possesses the Spear! Twas a woman who murdered Hagar. Now...let us have some merriment.” He drew his claymore and took a battle stance then Lokai transported him within.

* * *

Athor’s amber eyes glowed feverishly as he watched the red-headed witch disappear into a secret entrance at Castle Brodie.
She has the spear! It is a good thing that I did not trust her. She thought to distract me with Lokai’s whore while she stole the throne away from me! Foolish bitch! I have plenty of time to deal with Diedre...later.

Creeping up to the entrance, he slipped quietly inside the dark passageway. It was pitch black except for a soft glow from a torch up ahead of him. Stealthily, he followed as his eyes adjusted to the blackness as much as possible. Soon he would have his prize.

Natasha scurried along the passage as fast as she dared. She did not like this place. What if the rumors about the laird are true? Her hazel eyes hardened at the thought. True or not, a spirit could not harm her. And if he be alive...well, the spear would make short work of him. She jumped as something small and furry darted past her. She stopped for a moment to catch her breath, hand over her heart at the sudden startle.

What was that? Her head shot up at the sound of footsteps in the dark. Cocking her head to the side listening...all was still.
I am just being foolish...letting my imaginings run away with me.There is naught in these tunnels but rats and cobwebs!
Shaking her head, Natasha continued on her way. The uneasiness lingered as she traveled deeper in an attempt to locate Alred. She had the feeling of being watched.

She had been traversing the passages for near an hour before she heard the voice she was searching for. At last...the king! Creeping up silently, she peeked through a secret opening to see who was in the chamber. A malicious smile crept over her lips as she spied Alred speaking with his daughter. It quickly vanished as the MacGregor crossed her line of sight. Blast! She will have to endure this dank, dark corridor a while longer until he leaves.
She cannot handle two warriors at once.

Alred halted when he noticed that he was gaining ground on Natasha. She must have found her quarry.
What is she waiting for?
He settled to a squatting position as he awaited her next move.

* * *

Garrick materialized in a dark corner of the tiny hut, ready to lop off Alred’s head. He was a bit disappointed to find it empty...well, almost empty. On the bed snoring softly lay Diedre, hands tied to the bedpost above her head. He shook his head as he strode to the door, flinging it open.

“Alred is nae here, Lokai, but your
sleeping beauty
lay within.”

The young king rushed in to retrieve his wife. With trepidation, he approached
Diedre. Once again he examined their babe and her, to find no harm done. A great weight lifted from his shoulders as he stroked her face. Fire shot from his eyes as he caught sight of the bindings on her delicate wrists. Freeing her, he glanced about the hut, taking inventory of the torture devices that Garrick was studying. He let out a low whistle.

“It seems that your
has some nasty hobbies, Lokai.” He ran his finger down a razor-sharp dirk.

“Yes...he does. Even my mother was not immune to his habit.” His eyes frosted to almost white, remembering that day. “I thank the fates to have spared my wife.”

Lokai turned his attention to Diedre. She still had not wakened. He would have been concerned if he had not discerned that she had been drugged when he examined her. He kissed her brow lovingly, then rose with her safely nestled in his arms.

“This does not
seem right. While we are here, Alred and your family could be the real target. It feels like a distraction. Come!” The moment they stepped outside, Lokai transported them to his bedchamber.

Sensing no problems, he lay his wife in bed. He shook his head in wonder. She will not even know that she had been in danger.

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