Lokai's Curse (2 page)

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Authors: J. Lee Coulter

BOOK: Lokai's Curse
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Her innocent eyes rounded as she comprehended what he was trying to teach her. “Oh.” She had not thought that way before. Enlightenment filled her countenance as she beamed up at him. “I did not look at all of the angles!”

“Exactly! Sometimes even that is not enough though. There can always be an unknown variable that does not rear its head until it is too late. In that case, there may not be a happy ending. Do you understand that, Sprite? That is why it is often wise to not interfere.”

She bobbed her head slowly as she absorbed what he told her. Diedre’s face brightened after a few moments.

“Since I understand my mistake…can we go home now?”

Lokai’s mouth dropped open before he quickly closed it. She still did not quite understand. Why can she not grasp it?

“Diedre…wife…we are wed now. This,” he gestured around the room, “is our home. And even though you understand the problem, you must learn how to control it. Your father banished you, remember? He will not change his ruling in a few short hours.”

Her lip wobbled as tears threatened but she accepted his word. Lokai had always been honest with her. She trusted him.

“Is being wed to me so horrible, Sprite?” He stroked her silky cheek as he shifted to his deep, melodious voice that entranced her so. “I promise you that you will be glad of it…if you give me a chance to show you the joys of wedded bliss.” The last words were not much more than a breathless whisper as his lips joined with hers.

Fire shot through her veins at the contact. She gasped at the surge that raced through her body. Her arms wrapped around his neck as her senses begged, no…demanded more! She pressed her body tightly against his as her wits exploded like a dam bursting. She wanted him…now!

Lokai’s shaft turned rock-hard at the first contact of their lips. Her reaction to his touch had shocked him. He knew she was a maid but she responded like a wanton. She had turned into a fireball
with just one touch. Not that he was complaining. His bronzed hands roamed freely over her lithe form searching out every curve with abandon. He groaned as she writhed in his lap, stroking his cock with her wet heat. He knew he had to slow this down since it was her first time. Otherwise, he would hurt her.

He reached between them and hiked up her gown to reach the burning flesh beneath.
Nipping her neck lightly, he sought her pearly bud with his finger, stroking her once he found his prize. He pulled the bud of her breast into his mouth through the cloth, sucking hard. She cried out with pleasure, arching her back. Lokai increased the speed of his strokes until he felt her convulse in her climax.

Diedre was shocked at her behavior. What had just happened? She blushed as she glanced at her husband. She expected to see displeasure on his face but it was not so. He looked very pleased.

He stood with her still in his arms and placed her in their bed. His eyes gleamed with desire as he stripped off her gown then removed his own clothing. Her eyes rounded as they traveled down the length of him…settling on his swollen shaft. His finely tuned body was wonderfully muscled…and golden to his waist. His manhood, amply proportioned, nestled in a nest of dark blonde hair. She sucked in her breath…trying to breath.

Lokai lay down beside his bride, pulling her into his arms. “There may be some pain the first time, wife. I will be as gentle as I can. Do not fear.” She nodded.

He proceeded to stroke her velvety skin fleetingly as his tongue swirled around the tip of her breasts. Passing back and forth between the two. He suckled each in turn…seductively, as he began working his fingers inside her hot sheath, stretching the entrance to accept him. Her body surged with renewed fire as she moaned and writhed beneath his touch.

“Please, Lokai! Now!”

“Not yet, Sprite.” His lips traveled down the length of her until, reaching her mound, his tongue separated her flesh, stroking her pearl. She jolted, pulling away, but he held her fast and suckled her nub. She cried out in reckless abandon as a new surge of pleasure engulfed her senses.

“Now!” she insisted.

“Not yet,” he mumbled, then suckled yet again.

As her senses reached another plateau
, she grabbed his hair jerking him upward. “Damn you, Lokai! I…said…now!”

He entered her in one quick thrust and stopped. Looking into her eyes, he saw no pain, only satisfaction that she had reached her goal. “Are you well? Did I hurt you?”

She shook her head. The pinch she had felt was barely a memory now. Diedre thrust her inflamed pelvis against his, demanding fulfillment. He responded in kind, unleashing all of the desire that had pent up inside of him over the years, waiting for this culmination of the joining of their bodies and souls. All thought ceased between them as sensations took over. All that was felt was an overwhelming need. Lokai roared with pleasure as his seed pumped into her womb. She, in turn, keened as she received her own bliss. He collapsed next to her, astounded at their joining. He had never felt such an all-consuming oneness before.

“That was wonderful! Can we do it again?”

Lokai chuckled at her naiveté. She was right, though. That had been wonderful. He nestled her into his embrace, kissing the top of her head. “You will have to let me rest just a little while, Sprite. Then we can continue our bed sport.”

She acquiesced sleepily. A few moments later he heard her soft snores as she slept.

Chapter II

The pre-dawn hours found Lokai observing his new wife. Making love to her was even better than what he had expected. She was an addiction to him. He had not expected her to be so open, so fiery
. She held no inhibitions when it came to sharing their bodies. He smiled as his love for her swelled in his chest. He wished that he could speak of it but knew that would be foolhardy. She would wield it like a sword against him without even trying. He sighed. Mayhap someday…but not yet. He will hear her vows of love before he reveals his own.

He rose from the bed silently as he began his
Her training must begin this day.
She needs to learn how to control her reckless impulses.
First he will show her what it feels like to be at the mercy of someone else’s whim. Experience is a great teacher. Lokai tossed some peat in the hearth then woke Diedre.

She stretched her aching muscles as her eyes struggled to open. Seeing that it was yet dark, she promptly closed them once again.

He shook his head. “Come, Sprite.  It is time to begin our day.”

“Day? My days begin with sunlight,” she mumbled.

“Not anymore. You must rise to begin your daily chores.” He began ticking off on his fingers her list of duties. “First you must dress, then feed the hens as you gather the eggs. Next, you must empty the tub and draw fresh water from the well. There is the bread to bake and porridge to prepare to break our fast. When the sun rises you can weed the garden and pick fresh vegetables. And do not forget to do the washing.” He picked up his bow and arrows as he strode to the door.

She sputtered in her outrage. “Where are you going?”

Lokai glanced back at his wife. She looked magnificent in her tousled blonde tresses…her aqua eyes spitting fiery darts. “I go to hunt for our sup. Any requests?”

Diedre glared at him. “A bath would be appreciated…and something to wear.” She managed to say between gritted teeth.

He appraised her attire before he spoke. There was no one on the isle to see her clothing but he felt that it might hinder her progress with the chores so he acquiesced. “If you wish a bath then you will need to prepare it. As for clothes…” he gestured toward the bed where a wool gown appeared along with some slippers. “You will wear those.”

She gasped in horror as she eyed the coarse wool the color of sage. “You expect me to wear this? It will scratch my skin
and the color is horrid! I need a silk gown to wear.”

“You will wear this…or nothing. The choice is yours.” His icy gaze sent a chill down her back. He meant what he said. She had no doubt. He spun around and left her in her misery.

Diedre glanced about the chamber, deciding that a cold wash was better than none. She gently placed the chilly cloth between her thighs to wash away her virginal blood, gasping at the shock of it. She was sore from the previous night’s onslaught but she did not regret it. Lokai was a masterful lover. She smiled inwardly.

He had always fascinated her…ever since he came to the palace to live. Her father had retrieved him from Athor when he meant to harm him after disposing of his mother. She had sensed his sadness at his loss and had tried to befriend him. But an eight-year-old lass cannot provide much solace to a fourteen-year-old lad. He had been kind to her but rebuffed her attentions just the same. As she matured, her feelings had changed.
She began to watch him more closely as desire arose to bud within her. It was only recently that she had realized that her desire had developed into love. But it was obvious that Lokai did not return the sentiment.

She sighed as she dressed herself.
I might as well make the best of the situation. This is my punishment for being rash. At least Lokai is here with me. I would not be able to bear it if he were not.

Diedre picked up the bowl of meal that her husband had prepared and stepped out into the yard. She eyed the hens, wondering how she was supposed to feed them. Should she simply set the bowl on the ground? She chewed her lip as she tried to think like a chicken. “Yes…I would much prefer a dish so I would not eat dirt by mistake.” With that decided, she promptly set it down. The hens descended on her like a swarm of bees, wings flapping frantically as they attacked the bowl.
She cried out in a panic as they proceeded to dump the contents all over the ground.

“You crazy birds! Look what you have done. Fine…eat dirt! See if I care.” Diedre spun toward the coop to gather the eggs. With that chore done, she returned to the hut cradling the
fragile eggs in her skirt. She had almost reached the door when a hen darted between her feet causing her to let loose of her gown. She screeched in outrage as the eggs tumbled to the earth, exploding on contact.
Well, so much for the eggs.
She giggled.

She retrieved a bucket and filled it from the well. It was full when she started her trek to the door and she was dry. By the time she returned to her home, she was soaked and there was only a fourth of
the water left.

“Oh bother!” She stomped her tiny foot in frustration. This was going to take all day! After two more attempts, she decided that she had enough water.

Diedre tapped her nail against her teeth as she tried to remember the rest of Lokai’s list. She brightened.
Bread! I am supposed to bake bread. It cannot be too difficult. Women make it all the time.

She peered into several containers until she located the flour. She scooped out six handfuls into a bowl and placed it on the table.
She stirred the mixture as she added water until it reached a lumpy texture.  Dumping it on the table, she worked out the lumps with her fingers then placed it on the shelf above the hearth to bake.

Satisfied, she searched out a kettle and half-filled it with oats and water to prepare their porridge.
Placing it on a metal bar, she swung it over the flames in the hearth. She began humming to herself as she cleaned the flour from her hands and table.
Cooking is not so difficult after all. Will not Lokai be pleased?

Her next task was to empty the tub. It took more than an hour and three broken nails to accomplish that chore.

Lokai found her in the garden when he returned. Beside her was a large pile of weeds and vegetables all jumbled together. What in the world was she doing? He held his tongue as he watched from a distance. He soon realized that she did not know which was which. He decided to intervene before she plucked the garden clean.

“I see that you have been busy, Sprite.”

Diedre glanced at him a bit startled, then resumed her task. “I was not sure what to pick so I decided that, weed or no, I could not go wrong since both were to be gathered.”

He gazed at her a bit dumb-founded. He had not thought of it like that…but she was right. “I see. Well, you are correct in your surmise but I believe you should leave some for another day.”

“Very well.” Lokai helped her to rise then began sorting through the debris. Diedre beamed as she turned toward her husband. “I hope you are hungry. I find that cooking is not …difficult…at…all. Oh bother!” She took off at a run toward the hut as black smoke came billowing out of the door.

Noting the danger, Lokai roared, “Stop, Diedre!”

But she did not heed him as she rushed through the entrance. The room was full of smoke, choking off her breath. She ran to the hearth tossing her blackened bread to the floor then grabbed the kettle with both hands. She screamed in pain as her palms melted on the handle.

Lokai’s heart stuck in his throat at the sound. He was at her side in an instant
assessing the damage. The offending pot disappeared and in another instant he was in the yard cradling Diedre in his arms. She had fainted from the pain.

He quickly determined the damage to her hands. They had nearly been burned clear to the bone. He mentally kicked himself as he acknowledged that this was his fault. He should not have given her tasks that she had no idea how to perform. As he mentally berated himself, he healed her wounds good as new.

Diedre peered up at his ashen face. She was certain that she saw tears misting his blue eyes. He cared for her. In spite of his blustering and bullying it was plain for her to see. She locked the information away in the recesses of her mind to take it out for study later.

He stared into her
face guiltily. “Forgive me, Diedre. This time it was I that did not give the consequences enough thought. I must rethink how to teach you your lessons.”

She nodded solemnly. Though Lokai had healed her burns, she had learned a valuable lesson this day. The first was that even Lokai made mistakes and the second was that she was one of those variables they had discussed before.

“I should have heeded you. It will not happen again. Your knowledge of these things is greater than mine.”

Lokai was pleased. It was a hard lesson she had learned this day…but she
learned it. With a sweep of his hand, the hut was put to rights. “Come, wife. Let us sup and you can tell me of your day before I returned.”

Diedre’s mood lightened as she chattered away about the foolish chickens.


Garrick glanced up from the parchment he was studying as he sensed a presence in his study. “Ye are alone?”

Lokai gave a curt nod.

Garrick’s body relaxed. Although he had forgiven Diedre for all her machinations in their lives…he still did not trust her. She made too many mistakes that were hurtful. The last one had almost cost him his wife and child. He peered at Lokai’s face wondering what had brought him.
“Is all well with ye?”

The golden warrior stared back at him. He felt a bit foolish being there but he did not know where else to turn. King Alred had spoiled his wife as a child and
with her being more mortal than Fae for the meantime, he needed some practical advice. “I come seeking knowledge.”

Laird Brodie grinned wide. “Is Diedre nae taking ta her lessons very well? Truly…Seonaid was hoping she would redeem herself quickly. She would wish her ta be here when the bairn is born.”

“That is not the advice I need. She is improving daily on that score. This is more personal.” He eyed Garrick cautiously.

“Well spit it out man! I will aid ye if I am able.”

Lokai almost choked on the words as humility washed over him. “The lass cannot cook! I am slowly starving to death just so I will not hurt her feelings! I tried sneaking away for a bite but felt guilty since she could not do the same. She nearly killed herself and almost burnt down our home the very first day! Now she is determined to master the art and I am her test subject.”

Garrick doubled over in laughter. If this was his worst problem then they would do well.

Lokai visibly stiffened for a moment before he broke down and joined his brother-by-marriage’s merriment. Wiping tears from his eyes, he pleaded, “You must help me. I do not wish to insult her but…I…need…food!”

Garrick called for a gillie as soon as he could control
his outburst, ordering food and drink for his guest. Lokai was about to protest but he held up his hand, stating, “Twould be rude to turn down me hospitality when ye have come calling. Fill up while ye can with a clear conscience.”

He discovered that he liked his dark-haired brother. He could be devious if need be. He attacked his meal with a vengeance when it was delivered. Oh he had s
orely missed his food. With his appetite sated, he glanced at Garrick. “Any suggestions?”

The laird steepled his fingers as he studied the problem. “Ye could visit here more often…especially if ye will allow Seonaid ta send missives ta her sister. I ken that she would like that. She misses her dearly.”

“It has only been three fortnights so far. I do not know if she has earned that privilege yet.”

Garrick shrugged his shoulders. “Tis
stomach. The only other solution I can think of is ta gift her with the ability ta cook.”

His eyes sparkled with the thought then the light faded as he shook his head. “No. That would make me no better than her. Mayhap I could teach her to cook, though. Hopefully, she will not burn down the entire isle.”

Garrick snickered then sobered. “How are the two of ye getting along, Lokai? Do ye see improvement in her at all? Me wife and I pray that her punishment twill nae be overlong. She has a good heart…even if her actions are rash at times.”

“I understand that, Brother, but I would be doing her no favors if I cut short the lessons.” His icy stare softened as his mind wandered toward his wife. “She learns quickly. Her ideas were a bit scattered but they are beginning to line up in a sequence now. I believe she will not be isolated
over long.”

“And is the lass returning your affections? I ken that ye love her but does she feel the same?” Garrick’s sapphire eyes bore intently into his. Seonaid would want to know this information.

Lokai shook his head. “I know not. She is fond of me…but I could not swear to more. Sometimes…there are times that I believe she would say more but she holds back.” He pulled himself from his reverie.

“Then allow the sisters to communicate. It could prove ta be most helpful ta ye about her feelings. And Seonaid would only provide sound advice ta her. Ye ken that her judgments are most constant.”

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