Lokai's Curse (15 page)

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Authors: J. Lee Coulter

BOOK: Lokai's Curse
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Lokai wrapped her in his warm embrace, kissing the top of her blonde head repeatedly in his relief. “I could think of no other solution, wife. Would you have Athor be king? I am sorry that it had to be this way...truly. I cannot fathom a life without you in it...I could not live without my only...”

She sniffled. “You
r only
, Lokai? Is it so painful to speak the words...even to soothe my temper?” His entire countenance softened as he hugged her fiercely.

“Do you not know that I have
cared for you since the first day we met, Sprite? I have no room in my heart for more...it spills out like a river. I am awash in it.” Cupping her delicate cheek, he brought their lips together to meet in a deliciously tender union.

Bitter disappointment engulfed her as she clung to her husband. Why could he not

* * *

Alred’s sword clashed with the Spear of Destiny. The shaft shattered as it fell innocuously to the floor. Athor howled his displeasure, drawing his sword for the next strike. It was a foolish move. Only the spear could kill his rival. In his blind rage reason left him. He struck out at Alred again and again...to no avail. He lost his footing in Natasha’s blood and fell to his back.

“Yield Athor! Meet your fate like a true royal!”
The former king stood over his prone body, sword at the ready. His breathing was steady as he stared regally at his cousin.
How had it come to this? Was Athor defective in some way?
Saddened, he shook his head. Flawed or not, he had to end this...for his family’s sake.

Athor flew up at him thrusting with the spearhead that lay within his grasp. Garrick’s sword flew through the air embedding itself in his heart as the spear sank into Alred’s ribs.

“Da!” Seonaid cried out in panic. She ran to his side as he sank to his knees, blood seeping between his fingers. Turning to her husband, she cried, “We need Lokai! Can ye reach him?”

Touching the torque he wore, Garrick called for his help. “Aye, wife, I have reached out to him.”

Within moments, Lokai and Diedre appeared before them. He went to work on healing the wound without hesitation as the sisters clung to each other. Lokai’s body trembled with the exertion he put forth to restore Alred. A white light shot from his fingertips. It was not working!

“Diedre...Seonaid...we must combine our power! I have merely slowed the bleeding. It is not enough.” The women hurriedly dropped to their knees, placing their hands on his to join their strengths.
There was no change.

Just then, Hagar’s voice sounded in Garrick’s thoughts.

“Ye must join them, boy. Ye have the healing touch!”

Using pure instinct, Garrick knelt down and clasped their hands with his own. A
white light began to pulsate as it strengthened...closing the open wound and leaving a small reddened scar in its place. Lokai released a pent up breath of relief. Never had he had this much difficulty healing before.
It must be because of the spear! The Christ’s blood was embedded in the metal! That must be the reason.
His ethereal blue eyes met Garrick’s as realization struck him. The mortals God was real!

Warm hands wrapped around his bicep as Diedre steadied herself. With all that had occurred the last hour, she was drained of strength. “Thank you, husband, for saving my father.” With a peck on the cheek, she swooned, welcoming the darkness.

He caught her close to him before she fell. Noting the gathering crowd of castle servants and guards, he glanced Garrick’s direction. What these people must think! Before them stood their dead laird, a headless woman, a dead man and a wounded man who is hale now...not counting the magical healing, or his and Diedre’s sudden appearance. There was total silence as they stood there in shock staring at the scene.

Making a decision, the golden warrior grunted to himself, standing with Diedre in his arms. “Gather your children, Seonaid. We go to the palace for a respite while this mess is cleaned up.”

The people gave them a wide berth as they passed through on their way to the nursery. There must be thirty people to deal with! And as far as Garrick’s being alive...I will have to wipe all of their memories of that particular piece of information. Not impossible but monumental in assuring that all were included. He sighed. Reaching their destination, Lokai turned to the crowd that followed. Murmuring a few chosen words, he completed the task then whisked them away to the Fae realm.


Trepidation swept through Garrick as he stared out at the azure sky. The time has come to discuss their future. He feared her reaction when he asks her to become immortal like him. The blame was not hers if she refused. Who would wish to outlive their children...their grandchildren? Seonaid’s arm wrapped about his waist as she sensed his melancholy.

“What troubles ye, husband?”

He gave her a light squeeze as he embraced her. His throat tightened strugg
ling to say the words.

“Ye ken that when Lokai saved my life he made me immortal?” She nodded.
He gazed deeply into her green eyes. “I do nae wish it...without ye. Twould be hell on earth trying ta live without ye.”

Studying his handsome face, her heart swelled in her bosom. She loved him more than life. There was no way that she could survive alone.

“Then do nae.” Her voice was but a whisper.

“Ye will drink the nectar?” Garrick was astonished that she loved him that much. No one ever had before.

“Aye, mo cridhe...I will join ye in eternity. How could ye think that I would nae? Ye are my husband and my lover. There is naught that I would nae do for ye.”

Garrick gave out a whoop as he swept her in a circle with joy. Planting a hungry kiss on her lips, he led her to the bed.

* * *

Once again her golden warrior had held his tongue as he stroked her with his swollen shaft. Diedre was growing frustrated at his reticence.
It is only three little words! Why can he not speak them to me? Now he lies there sated of his lust while I am still unfulfilled for want of three words. I should leave him!
She smiled at her foolish musings.No one in their right mind would leave such a prize. Oh bother! One way or another...she would receive what she craved. With a snap of her fingers she was dressed and gone.

Lokai reached across the bed’s expanse in search of his wife the next morn grasping empty air. His eyes shot open in alarm.
Where is she? It is too early to be up and about...especially for her!
His eyes narrowed suspiciously. Perhaps she has reverted back to meddling in mortals’ lives again. Dressing quickly, he went off on a search of the palace. No one was about. On the verge of panic, he returned to their chambers...scanning the room for some sign of where she might be.

That is when he saw it. There on the floor next to her side of the bed.
Just a slip of parchment...not much larger than his hand. He pounced upon it, pouring over its contents like a starving man.

Husband, I have decided to return home until you have learned how to free your tongue. I have pledged my love for you but you refuse to reciprocate in kind.
This is intolerable! By my reckoning, you owe me proof of your love...without the bedding.Until then I shall reside alone. All my love, Diedre.

Anger flashed in his eyes...then he grinned. She was right. He did owe her knowledge of what lay in his heart’s deepest core.
Well, if a reckoning is what his wife wants...then a reckoning she will receive!

* * *

Where was Lokai? Had she misjudged his feelings for her? She had been on the isle for a sennight now without a word from him. Perhaps she had pushed him too far. It would not be the first time.

Diedre stood in her small garden morose with her thoughts.
Mayhap he does not truly love me?
A tear escaped down her cheek. The sound of cannon brought her head up swiftly. Looking toward the bay, her face lit up in joy. A fleet of five hundred ships approached on the wind! Each one manned by the Royal Guard of the Fae Realm decked out with a myriad of flowers. Standing on the prow of the lead ship was the King of the Fae in all his golden armor...his gilded hair ruffled in the wind. He made a gesture with his arm as he signaled the cannon to be fired. The noise was deafening as five hundred cannon fired at once causing a downpour of rose petals of every color in the rainbow to rain over the isle.

Diedre clapped her hands with glee as she bounced a
round in the fragrant onslaught laughing with joy. Lokai appeared before her, searching her face. She opened her mouth to speak but he held up his hand to silence her.

Tenderly he caressed her velvet cheek. “It seems that I have been remiss in expressing my love for my queen. I am here to correct that oversight.
” He cleared his throat. “You have demanded a “reckoning” of what I owe you, Sprite.” His arm swept out in an arc to encompass all that he had done. “What you see is only a small portion of what I owe. I make you this vow, that from this day forward I will
you of my love daily...and every eve...I will
you. I cannot bear the thought of you leaving me...not even for a moment. I have come to claim my queen and will never release you!” He stood regally before her and held out his hand. “Is your “reckoning” satisfied, wife?”

Tears of joy flowed freely down her cheeks as she ignored his hand and leapt into his arms, peppering his face with kisses. Leaning back to gaze deeply
into the eyes of her husband...her king, she replied, “Oh yes, Lokai, you have surpassed my
for certain!”

they kissed.

The End

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Blessing The Highlander

Tarnished Honor

Highland Christmas

Portals Of Time

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