Lokai's Curse (9 page)

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Authors: J. Lee Coulter

BOOK: Lokai's Curse
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Chapter IX

Garrick stood on the marble balcony of the palace staring off in the distance
seeing nothing. He missed Seonaid and the bairns. He idly rubbed the pain in his chest that ached for his wife. Even in this realm, he was certain that he felt her grief over the loss. She was suffering terribly…as was he. He groaned in frustration. What was taking so long? He had already been here a sennight! If something did not happen soon, he was going home to his family…consequences be damned!

Diedre waddled up to him a few moments later. She had been gaining weight steadily since Lokai left and was surprised that she had actually been craving real food. She had tried a sweet pear tart one evening but quickly lost a taste for it after the first bite. If she did not know better she would have sworn that Lokai spelled her so she would not enjoy the repast.

“You are missing them dearly. I am sorry that I am such a poor substitute, Garrick.” She sighed deeply as she watched raw pain cross his face before he masked it.

He spoke gruffly. “Tis nae your fault…nor anyone else’s. Tis just the way of things right now. But aye, I miss them. The worst part is being immortal now. Seonaid will never agree ta that. She could nae bear the thought of watching our children die…and I can nae blame her. I am nae sure I can either.

“Surely you jest! She loves you, Garrick. Beyond anything that the world has to offer her. And when the children are grown, Father would offer them the same gift if they wish it. You could all live in the Fae Realm…even partition a place to resemble your homeland.”

He eyed her hopefully. He had not thought of that. They could create a never-ending paradise for their family right here, when the time was right. Garrick gave her a slight hug and a peck on her brow.

“Thank ye, Diedre for giving me some hope. Lokai is a fortunate man t
a have ye.”

She sighed
wistfully. “He does not even know I am alive at times. I know that he loves me but, I can feel him holding back. I tend to irritate him quite often in case you never noticed. Not on purpose, mind you, but just the same, I do.”

Garrick arched a black brow at her. “Now
jest, Diedre! Ye are utmost in his mind at all times. He could nae love ye more if he tried. Why else would he put up with all of your antics and predicaments?” He gave her a lop-sided grin. “God kens that I could nae!”

Her eyes widened in astonishment. Could it be true? He
put up with her no matter how serious the crime.

“If you are correct, Garrick, then why has he not told me
so in all these moons? A woman needs to hear the words on occasion. Not too often though or the words begin to sound hollow…like saying ‘thank you’ or ‘good morn’ without a thought.” She furrowed her brow in concentration. “Yes, too often is not good.”

He chuckled. Diedre was so naïve about certain things. It was refreshing to see it. Now he kenned why Lokai adored her so.

“Did ye ever consider that he is afraid ta give ye power over his heart? He kens ye well and understands how ye could manipulate him with such knowledge. Do nae fear, Diedre. He has a great love for ye and one day he will nae be able ta contain it. The words will tumble out afore he can stop them…ye will see.”

“I hope you are right, Garrick.
I would love to hear them at least once in my life.” She yawned.

“Mayhap ye should take a rest, Sister. Ye must nae over-tax yourself and the bairn.”

She nodded. “I am a bit sleepy. Will you be alright?”

“Aye. Ye have eased me mind somewhat and for that I thank ye. Go and rest. I will be fine.”

“Very well.” The air shimmered then she faded from sight.

Garrick stared at the spot where Diedre had been moments before.
I do nae think I will ever get used ta that. Tis very disconcerting.
He shook his head to clear it and groaned inwardly.
Ah, mo cridhe, I miss ye so much.


Garrick? Seonaid hugged herself tightly as she stood on the castle walk. She could have sworn that she heard him call out to her. That was nae possible…was it? Could he reach out to her from the netherworld? Her body shook with the possibility. Perhaps she could reach him as he had reached her when she had been so close to death. She shook her head.
Nay, tis too risky. The bairns need me. I can nae take the chance that I may nae return.

Warm arms wrapped around her startling her from her reverie. “You must come eat, daughter. Standing on the ramparts will change nothing
. You could catch a chill, as well.”

She released a painful sigh, nodding. “I ken it, Da, yet I can nae seem to stop myself. I keep hoping that Lokai is wrong…that he will come galloping toward me
at any moment…hale and hearty.” She choked on a sob. “I thought I heard him a few moments ago telling me he missed me. It was so real! Could he be reaching out to me from the netherworld, Da?” She looked up hopefully.

Alred stiffened. She had heard him? Their bond was much stronger than he had thought. He knew of no one who had ever spanned the two realms with their thoughts. But she did have the second sight and Garrick was an Ancient who has not even tapped the powers within him. It was possible.

“I do not know, Seonaid. Perhaps. But you must remain here and focus on the babes. It is too risky to do anything else. Now, come and eat so your wee ones do not starve.” He gave her a slight squeeze.

She acquiesced allowing her father to lead her to the hall. It was full of Garrick’s kin and loyal warriors murmuring quietly between themselves as they ate their meal. All bowed their heads to her as she made her way to the dais with her head held high. Angus stood until she was seated then regained his
chair. She gave him a weak smile.

His ruddy face looked strained from the loss of his cousin and running the castle
. A task he had sworn to see to until Li’l Garrick was of age to take over his duties. When Garrick had faced Athor a year past he had made the arrangements for Angus to be steward. He did so now reluctantly.

“Is all well with the castle, Angus?”

“Aye, m’lady. How be ye? My Mary says ye have nae been sleeping.”

She smiled ruefully. “My bed lacks the warmth of my husband, Angus. Twill take time to adjust to that.” Seonaid patted his arm. “What of you? Are you doing well?”

Angus was a bit surprised by her show of concern amidst her own grief. His voice was full of emotion as he replied. “Aye…I be fit enough. Do nae worry yourself about my well-being.”

He glanced at Alred as Seonaid nibbled on some cheese. He was worried about her. The light in her emerald eyes had gone out and was replaced with sorrow. She did not eat. She did not sleep. She barely spoke to anyone. Alred shook his head

Her father was equally concerned. She was wasting away before his eyes and there was not much he could do about it. He began to doubt the wisdom of keeping her and Garrick apart. He sighed inwardly. They were two halves of a whole…and it appeared that they cannot survive when they are not connected. This farce would have to end soon whether the traitors made their move or not. At least
she will get some sleep this eve. He had placed some herbs in her milk and was pleased to see her drink it down. It was not long before she went to her chambers, inhaling Garrick’s scent as she dozed off.


Natasha’s eyes narrowed with hatred as she observed from the dark alcove outside of the hall. She must strike soon!

She scowled. It had taken five days to convince Athor to release her! The fool! He had thrown off all of her plans. She wanted them all dead! But the bairns would have to wait. She caressed the oak cane in her grasp as she plotted.
First, I will get Alred to hand over his power. Then I shall kill him. Mayhap, I will force him to watch his daughters die first.
She frowned. Where was Diedre? She had not been on the isle when she checked. Oh well. She would dispose of her once she had the power to go wherever she wished.

With that decided, she crept silently back into the secret passage that Castle Brodie was riddled with.
She would have to let Athor into the passageway within a few days…but not until she had confronted Alred. She must have the king’s power first.


Lokai furrowed his brow. He was not having any success at ferreting out his quarry. He had kept a watchful eye out for Natasha but, so far, there had been no sign of her. Athor was even more elusive. He resided in an unknown body and no longer possessed any magic. Without these things Lokai would have to actually stumble over him to sense the Fae blood in him. He shook his golden head. He needed to find the woman and follow her back to their hiding place.

He had thought he would come across his father at the inn but, so far, he had no luck. Athor liked his ale
…and women even more so. He turned to leave when a conversation at a nearby table caused his ears to perk up.

“Have ye heard any news of y
er Maggie, Thomas?” The thin little man inquired of his heavyset companion.

“Nay. Me wife is beside ‘erself with worry. Tis nae like the lass ta run off. No one ‘as seen ‘er and I ‘ear tell tha’ other young lasses ‘ave gone missing in neighboring villages.” Thomas took a large gulp of his ale. “If I did nae ken better…I would say the Fae took ‘er.”

The little man nodded in agreement as he commiserated with his friend. “Aye. If tha’ be true ye will ne’er see her again.”

Sorrowful eyes looked up at him. “Tha’ is what I fear.”

Lokai left the inn deep in thought. At least this confirmed that Athor was still in the area although it did not bode well for the missing lasses. His father did not usually leave witnesses to his misdeeds. Perhaps he has done the same to Natasha. If that is true, then he may never find him.

No. He needed her access to the castle. He would not kill her…at least not yet.
He wanted his revenge too badly to act too soon against her. Lokai would just have to be patient. Perhaps it was time to bring Garrick back to the mortal realm. Since they believe him to be dead he could watch in disguise. He rejected the thought. Seonaid would sense him immediately. As much as he hated to admit it…he needed to ask his wife of a plan. Her plots were often off the wall with no hope of success, although she might inspire a new train of thought. Lokai smiled as he left for the palace.


Warm lips pressed against her aching mouth with a fervent need. She sighed. What a wonderful dream she was having…so real. Diedre wrapped her arms around his strong neck, feeling his blood pulse through the veins corded there. His tongue darted out, stroking her dry lips.
Tongue? Who is kissing me? Or should I say ‘who am I kissing’?
She gasped as her eyes flew open. She struggled to disentangle herself from the man’s arms.

“Hold, Sprite! It is your husband

“Lokai?” She ceased her struggles as her sleepy eyes began to focus in the dark. He smiled at her dishabille. Platinum tresses f
ell over her heart-shaped face. Her satiny gown of the palest pink clung to every delicious curve of her petite body. His eyes were drawn to the bulge of her stomach. She had grown considerably in the past sennight. He was pleased.

Placing his hand lightly over her womb he could sense that his son was a healthier size now. His hand crept up to her sensitive breast, marveling at how quickly she responded to his touch.
He leaned toward her and began nibbling on the silky juncture where her neck and shoulder met. Diedre shivered with desire, moaning in her pleasure. His cock jerked in response. He could smell her desire intertwined with the fragrance of jasmine…her favorite scent. He inhaled deeply, heady with the urge to join their bodies into one. With a thought…their clothing disappeared.

Diedre ran her fingers through his golden locks as he nibbled, then swept her hands down his chiseled biceps. She kissed his strong shoulder running her hands down his spine to his buttocks, giving them a squeeze. She had missed his caresses, his melodious voice, and his gentle touch. Her heart constricted with the force of
her love of Lokai as her hips thrust toward him demanding satisfaction. His large hand stroked her mound as she parted her thighs to give him better access. A wave of heat rushed through her.

“I cannot wait Lokai! I need you now!” Her voice seductive…raspy with want.

He rose up on his forearms staring deeply into her aqua eyes dark with desire. He captured her breast suckling hard. She cried out in pleasure thrusting it toward him. He moved to the other, licking the peak playfully, then suckling it the same as the first. She whimpered in mindless abandon as he lowered himself between her thighs then joined their bodies in one thrust.

Keeping his weight off her womb,
he propelled his thick shaft in rhythmic strokes as his bollocks tightened against his body. He felt her sheath clench spasmodically as Diedre found her bliss. His body exploded, releasing his seed in violent spurts a few moments later. He shuddered then collapsed on the bed beside her, drawing her into his arms. Kissing the top of her head…he dozed off.

Diedre smiled in the darkness as she felt his hand instinctively cover her stomach in a protective embrace.
Yes…he loves me even if he will not admit it.
She drifted to sleep wrapped in the cocoon of his golden arms.

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