In Sly's Eyes: In Sly's Eyes Marco's MMA Boys Book 2 (7 page)

BOOK: In Sly's Eyes: In Sly's Eyes Marco's MMA Boys Book 2
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Throwing up sucks. Why do they call it morning sickness when it happens all damn day? For almost four weeks this has been happening. It’s getting harder to come up with excuses, especially for Sloan since she sees me all the time. At home it’s not a big deal, well, because Sly knows and Huck doesn’t really pay attention.

Looking in the mirror, I wipe my face with a wet paper towel. Making sure all of the vomit is off of my face before going in to meet with Robin would probably be a good idea. Once I double check my face in the mirror, I step back out in the lobby and have a seat.

Dealing with the sickness only brings on the thoughts of the doctor’s appointment next week. Luckily, I can schedule it on Friday afternoon so Doc and Sloan are none the wiser. I know I’m going to have to tell them sooner or later, but I’d really like to be through the first 12 weeks so I can say that I’m 9 or 10 weeks. That way the story of it being Sly’s is a little more believable. I’m still not certain that it’s a great idea, but he is adamant that it is. To be honest, I guess he’s right. No one would believe after what I went through that I was with a random person so soon, and everyone knows that Sly and I have flirted on and off for a long time. Sloan and Lox think we hooked up a long time ago. What would keep us from doing it again? Huck caught us in bed together and if I have to share a child with someone outside of marriage, I guess I couldn’t ask for a better person. I’m just not sure Sly is as ready as he thinks he is.

Setting Sly’s idea more into stone was the notification I received the other day. There will be a hearing in a month that I have to attend. That’s when the state will present its case against Drake.

“Kara,” Robin calls, breaking me from my thoughts. “You ready?”

I stand up, gathering my purse. “Yes.” I follow her into her office and have a seat.

“So Kara, tell me, how are things going?”

I look at Robin, she’s so calming to me. I feel like she can see through me. That makes me nervous and calm all at the same time. “I got a court subpoena about the hearing for Drake. It’s in a month. My boss wants to shut down the office and show me support by being there when I testify. My friend, Sloan, will have to testify also. All of the guys have to be there to testify. My mom and sister want to be there to support me. It’s turning into a damn circus. I appreciate everyone wanting to support me, but I feel like I’m suffocating. Oh my God, I’m so sorry I’m rambling.”

“Have you told them this?”

“No, because then I would be the person who was ungrateful for her family and friends’ support. My mother doesn’t need all of this stress with her health.” I don’t even realize I’ve started crying until she hands me a tissue.

“Is there anything else? You seem like you’re wrestling with something.”

I shake my head. “No, just all of that.” I glance at the door. I should start rambling about something else.

“Kara, honesty is a part of this process. Something is going on, you’re looking everywhere in the room but at me.”

I wipe my eyes. “I’m pregnant,” I blurt out like verbal diarrhea.

“Is it Drake’s baby?”

“No,” I shake my head adamantly. “It’s Sly’s.”

She sighs, “Kara, remember that all of my opinions are checked at the door. As long as you aren’t endangering yourself or another person, what you say here is confidential. I won’t ever say anything to anyone. It would be a little soon for you to know you’re pregnant by Sly. If the two of you have even had sex.”

I shake my head. “No, this is Sly’s baby.”

She places her hand on mine. “Kara, in order for this to work I need you to be honest with me. Please.”

I continue to shake my head, not wanting to admit it out loud. “A baby would never be safe with Drake. I would never be safe if I had Drake’s baby. So this,” I point to my stomach, “has to be Sly’s baby.”

Using her hands as if in defense, she smiles, “Okay, I get it and I understand. I just ask you to move forward cautiously.”

I lay my head back against the wall behind the couch. “I know. Not only am I dealing with an asshole ex that is a damn ticking time bomb, I’m not sure Sly is as ready for this as he thinks he is. I mean he says he wants more, but Sly has never had
he’s never done a relationship. He says if I don’t want to be in a relationship with him that he’ll still help with the baby. I think it’s too much.”

“Are you afraid he’ll let you down?”

“A little.”

“Are you afraid he’ll let this baby down?”


“I don’t think you’re so much worried about how Sly will be with the baby, as much as you’re worried about your own heart.”

I stand up and start walking around the room. “I don’t know if I can be with Sly. I don’t know if my heart can take it again. Right now, he says I’m beautiful. What about six months from now when I’m swollen and really fat? How will he see me then?”

“Kara, stop pacing and come sit back down.” She turns to me as I sit. “Look, has Sly ever done anything to make you think he was judging you by your appearance?”

I look down at my fingers as I stop to stare out the window. “No. Well, he always says I’m beautiful and sexy, and that he likes my ass. I just wonder when it will end.”

“Does it have to? Can you think of a time when Sly told you that you were pretty when you didn’t feel pretty?”

“After Drake hurt me. He told me I was still beautiful. That I was perfect.” I wipe my eyes with the tissue again, thinking about the sweet things he’s said to me.

She rolls her lips in and takes a deep breath. “I’m not saying you should go full force into another relationship, that’s not where I’m going with this.” She puts her hands up like she’s stopping something. “But, if he’s determined to claim this child as his and you are comfortable with it, you are going to have to accept Sly. It seems to me, in his eyes, you are perfect.” She puts her hands back on top of mine. “Crazier things have come from worse situations, believe me. Just learn to love yourself. Take care of yourself and the baby. Have you had anymore nightmares?”

I pull apart the tissue in my hand. “A few, mostly about Drake taking the baby, but Sly has been sleeping with me so they aren’t that bad.”

“Here’s a loaded question and remember, you can be honest with me.” She sighs, “Have you and Sly been intimate?”

“Yes, the night before I found out about the baby. We’ve kissed and cuddled since then, but he says he’s trying to give me time to adjust.”

“Sounds like he’s thinking about your heart, too.” Her watch beeps and she looks down. “Okay, our time for today is up. I want you to make me a few lists over the next couple of weeks. List number one is ten things you love about yourself, list number two is ten things you want for this baby, and list number three is ten things you want to do with your life.”

I stand up and she hugs me. “I’ll see you in a couple of weeks. Now, that will be right before court, make sure I see you then. We’ll need to talk about some tools for you to use.” She rubs my shoulder. “Okay?”

I nod. “Yeah, I’ll see you then.”

On the way out, I set up my next appointment. As I’m putting it in my phone, it buzzes letting me know I have some text messages.

I open the first one and see it’s from Sly.

SLY: Just checking on you sexy. We’re having steak tonight. I also picked you up some of those ice cream sandwiches you’ve been eating. Hope your appt. went well.

I smile thinking about the sweet little things he does for me. Then I make the mistake of opening the second one.

9043235685: The fact that you’ve become complacent shows just how stupid you are.  You will get what’s coming to you bitch.

I start crying and shaking my phone. The receptionist is saying something but I don’t hear it. She jumps up and calls for Robin.

Robin grabs my shoulders. “Kara. Kara. Look at me. What’s going on?”

“I- I, the ph-phone.” She takes the phone from me and looks over the text. “C-call Sly, please.”

The receptionist sits me in a chair and hands me a cup of water. “Honey, drink this and try to calm down, okay? Robin is calling him now.”

I see Robin on my phone talking and once she finishes, she walks over to me. “Kara, he’s on his way and then you guys are going to see Detective Harmon.” She rubs my arms. “Why don’t you come lie down in my office? Patricia will let us know when he gets here.”

I nod and stand, slowly following her into the room.





I didn’t even realize my brother was in the truck with me until I was already backed out of the driveway. “What in the hell is going on, Sly?”

“Kara got another text. She’s at her damn counseling appointment and she had a breakdown in the office. That was Robin, her counselor, calling me.” I grip the wheel tighter. “Why are you here?”

“Well, when you started slamming shit around and stormed out of the house, I left the steaks in the marinade and ran out behind you. What is going on with you two?”

I swallow hard. “We are trying to have a relationship.”

“Is this because she’s pregnant?” He shakes his head back and forth, slamming his fist on the console of the truck.

“How did you know? We haven’t told anyone yet.” I glare at him.

“She’s throwing up all the time. You’re running around after her like a nursemaid. Trust me, I know you guys think I don’t pay attention, but I do. Everyone else is going to catch on soon, too. I also know that kid is fucking Drake’s. I also know you, baby brother, and I know you’re going to play the hero. You’re going to say this kid is yours.”

“Fuck you, man. She needs me and if I say that kid is mine, then it’s mine. No one can know that kid is his. He’ll kill her or make her life a living hell. Then what about the kid, do you think it deserves to have a father like him?” I slam my hands against the steering wheel. “Huh? Tell me. I care about that girl and I can’t sit by and let her go through all of this alone.”

Rubbing his head with one hand, Huck looks over at me. “Man, I know you care about her. I also know that you’ll be a good father to any kid, but think down the road. You’ve never had a relationship that lasted longer than ‘that was great, here’s your clothes’. Are you sure you want to do this? If you claim that kid and things do workout for you and Kara, are you willing to be in her life for the rest of yours?”

“Yes,” I answer as I take the keys out of the ignition. “Are you coming in with me?”

He nods. “Yeah.”

When Huck and I walk into the waiting room, the receptionist is an older woman with greying hair. She grins, “Well aren’t you two just double the fun.”

“My name is Sly Webb, I’m here for Kara.”

She nods. “Oh yes, dear. Follow me to Robin’s office.” She leads me down a short hall and into the office. “Kara, honey, you have a sexy gentleman here for you. Actually, you have two.”

Kara looks up at me through her tears. She jumps up and runs to me, crashing into my chest. I instinctively wrap my arms around her. “Sly,” she sobs out. “I want it to go away.”

I stroke her hair. “Shh, shh, shh. Come on. We are going to call Detective Harmon and have him come to the house to talk to you, then we are going to get your phone number changed. We should’ve already done that.” I kiss the top of her head and see a short lady standing in the corner.

She steps over. “I’m Robin. Thank you for coming in. She’d just had a pretty good session and then this happened. Make sure she gets some rest once you get her home. If she needs me,” she hands me a card, “I put my cell on there.”

I nod, “Thank you.” I turn, leading her out into the lobby where Huck is waiting. “Baby, give me your keys.”

She takes them out of her pocket and I hand them to Huck. “Here, man, drive her car home.”

An hour later, the detective is sitting in our living room. “We’ll run this number, but it’s always a burn phone. I think you have the right idea by changing her number. I’m sure they just like the idea of getting under her skin.”

“You mean harassing the hell out of her. There has got to be some sort of trail. Something, somewhere,” I say as Kara sits beside me quietly.

“I am trying. Trust me, I have a daughter around your age, I’ll be looking into every avenue. I can only imagine what I would feel like if she were in danger. I’m doing everything I can.” He puts his hand on top of Kara’s. “I’m glad you’re talking with someone about all of this. Robin is a great lady, she’s done a lot of work with victims of domestic violence.”

Kara nods. “Thank you for her information. I like her, she’s easy to talk to.”

He pats her hand. “I’ll get with you on what I find out. I pray I can find something out, but don’t get your hopes up.” He stands and makes his way toward the door.

She looks up, “Detective Harmon?" He looks back at her. “Thank you. I know you’re trying your best.”

He acknowledges her and steps out the door. I follow him out. “I’m sorry I was short back there with you. I just hate to know she’s living in fear of him.”

He puts his hand on my shoulder. “I know, son. You care about that girl. It’s plain as day to anyone that comes in contact with you two. I promise, I’m doing my best to get to the bottom of all of this. I personally wish the bastard would never see the light of day again, but I know that isn’t possible. I’m just going to try and help build a strong case against him so he spends a few years behind bars.”

I give him my best look of appreciation. “Thank you. Just so you know, she told me you asked her if she was running around with both of us. She’s not that kind of girl.”

He shrugs his shoulders with a slight nod and gets into his car. Looking back out the car window, he smiles, “I know.”

I turn and walk back into the house. I hear Huck and Kara talking in the kitchen.  As I enter, they turn and look at me. I pull Kara to me and kiss her on the lips. She rolls her eyes. “Huck has informed me of just how observant he is. I guess I haven’t been as covert as I thought.” She gives me a small laugh.

“I know, right? I really didn’t think he was that smart, either.” She laughs and shoves me in the shoulder. “To be honest, though, you are kinda loud when you hurl.”

She acts like I’ve offended her, but starts laughing.

We follow Huck out back for him to put the steaks on the grill. He takes a sip of the beer in his hand. “So, have you guys really talked about this? I mean what is going to happen when Kara finds the guy she wants to marry and have kids with?” He looks at both of us and puts a hand up. “I’m not saying this to be an asshole.”

I don’t want her to ever be with another guy. I don’t want another man’s hands on her. I throw him a glare, “Really? Because that’s what you’re coming off like.”

Kara puts her hands up. “Huck, we have talked about it. I’m still on the fence about it, but if I’m being honest, I know to protect this baby, it’s going to need Sly’s last name. I can’t just not claim a father, not with Drake around. He’ll know, it’s going to be hard enough to convince him as it is. I just really want all of this to go away.”

I pull her into my chest. “Brother, I know this seems crazy but I do want more with Kara and maybe one day I’ll be the guy she wants to marry. If that doesn’t happen though, I’m still going to be there for this kid and raise it like it’s mine.”

Finally, Huck nods his head while taking another sip. “Okay, you’re taking this seriously, which is what I was checking on. I hate to play devil’s advocate but you’re my little brother.”

Kara pulls her head away from my chest. “Why do you call Sly your little brother? You guys are the same age.”

“I’m a few hours younger than him.”

“He has a different birthday.” Huck smirks.

I sigh, “Huck was born at 10:25 p.m. and I was born at 1:02 a.m. the next day. So he IS a little older and he likes to rub it in.”

She steps back and sits down in one of the patio chairs. “Well, it’s kinda cool that you guys have different birthdays.”

I sit down next to her. “Yeah. When we were really little and Mom was still kinda lucid most of the time, she made a big deal about it.”

Huck slams the grill and goes inside. She looks at me. “What just happened?”

“Huck doesn’t like to talk about Mom at all. Even talking about what she used to do for us.”

She picks up a bottle of water from the table, taking a sip. “So your mom wasn’t always like now?”

Shaking my head, I say, “No, it was a progression over time.”

“What happened to your dad?”

“My dad was a great guy, what little I remember of him. He died when we were five. He drove a semi, there was a huge accident on I-95 and he was killed.” I shake my head. “Little by little after that, she lost it. She was trying to find some way to numb the pain, I guess.”

Huck comes back outside. “Yeah, she just forgot she had two small kids she needed to care for, look after and protect.”

I don’t say anything else to defend my mom because I know that what all she’s let happen isn’t defendable. Kara, sensing the tension, stands up. “Okay, guys, well I’m going to go get the salad together. Are we baking potatoes tonight?”

I smile at her. “No. This week is a light carb week and since Huck is having a beer, he’s drinking his.”

Huck holds his beer up and she shakes her head and walks in the house.

He looks over at me. “So you’re really thinking about the whole lifetime with Kara and the kid thing?”

“Yep. I just have to prove it to her. I’ve never felt like this about someone before.”

He flips the steaks. “Are you sure you aren’t just trying to save her? I know you like being the hero. Don’t get me wrong, I like Kara, she’s a good girl, but she’s going to be a mom and you can’t-.”

Getting angry again, I shake my head. “I know that. No, man, I’m not just trying to save her. There’s been something about her since the day I met her. It just took me some time to figure it out.”

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