In Sly's Eyes: In Sly's Eyes Marco's MMA Boys Book 2

BOOK: In Sly's Eyes: In Sly's Eyes Marco's MMA Boys Book 2
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Marco’s MMA Boys

Book 2


S.M. Donaldson

In Sly’s Eyes

All rights reserved.  This Book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.  This eBook is copyright material and must not be copied, reproduced, transferred, distributed, leased or publicly performed or used in any form without prior written permission of the publisher.

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In Sly’s Eyes is a work of fiction.  All names, characters, places and events portrayed in this book are either from the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, with exception to brand names, Artists named, and their song lyrics, and direct quotes from movies whose titles have been named.  Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, or events is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.


Copyright © 2015, SM Donaldson


Cover by
Sharp Covers


Cover Model:
Michael Swearingen


Photography by
Shelly Sale


Editing by
Chelly Peeler




  • Due to mature subject matter this book is for readers 17+.
  • This book is written in a true southern dialect, from a true southern person. Therefore, it is NOT going to have proper grammar.
    That being said it will not sound like something out of a bad southern movie where every ‘g’ is cut off. It will just sound like normal southern dialog.








Standing in my bedroom, I check my dress one more time in my full length mirror.
Maybe I should just wear pants and a baggy sweater.

Suddenly, my mirror shatters and I can’t seem to find what caused it until I’m tackled to my bed.

“Are you fucking stupid? Did you think I wouldn’t see it? Did you think I wouldn’t know that you’re going to see him tonight?” Drake has his hands wrapped around my throat.

I can’t breathe, much less speak. I choke. His hands tighten. Panic fills me. I close my eyes and silently beg for it to be over, for some escape.
What set him off?

He uses my throat to shove himself off of me. Punishment for what, I do not know, until he picks my phone up off the floor.
Now I know what hit the mirror.
He shoves it in my face. Now, I know why.

I see a text from Sly.

SLY: Sexy, everything is a go. Gym by 7. Be there.

“Is that why I wasn’t invited tonight? You’re fucking that meat head.” He huffs. “How does he even have your new number? I had you change it.”

Finally, my brain stops racing long enough and every breath doesn’t hurt quite as bad as the last one.  I shake my head and feel the tears on my face. “No,” I say, shaking my head harder. “It’s a surprise party for Sloan. It’s her birthday and Lox is proposing. Sly was just in charge of sending out invites. J-Jade must’ve given him my number. You said you didn’t want to go. I was just going to go say happy birthday and then come home. I promise.”

He starts pacing. “Oh, so that’s why you’re wearing that slutty outfit? Gonna try to pick up a fighter while you’re there?” He shakes his head. “Not gonna happen. Hate to tell you but most guys won’t put up with a sorry fat ass like you.” He spins around and grabs me by the hair. “Get this straight. I’m the only person who should matter in your life. Not those fat head fighters. Not that bitch, Sloan, or her fucking kid. Not your momma or your little cock blocking sister. Me. Just me.” He points to himself, letting go of me, and starts pacing again. “You should be glad I love you, no one else would. When I came along you were just a pity fuck to guys like that over grown muscle, Sly. I actually care about you. I don’t want to see you degrade yourself to their level. All they will do is make fun of you.” He stops, putting his hands on his hips. “Don’t you see I’m trying to love you and protect you?”

I just nod and silently cry. I’ve learned over the past few months that it’s easier this way. “Okay. I was just thinking about changing anyway. I was going to change into some pants and a sweater. Would that be better?” I say in a small voice.

He’s across the room and on top of me before I can think twice. He holds me down on the bed. “You. Are. Not. Fucking. Going.” He sits up, straddled across my legs. He punches me and shakes me by the shoulders. “Do you understand me?” This is the first time he’s ever punched me in the face. He’s handled me roughly, shoved me, hit me where I’d be covered and he’s talked down to me, but this is a first for my face. The few times my face has gotten hit in the crossfire, it was small and easy to cover.

“I- I’m s-sorry.  I j-just...”

He hits me again. “I know you’re fucking sorry. I don’t give a fuck what you wanted to do. You aren’t doing it.” He grabs my dress, ripping down the front and snatches my panties down. “You’re mine. I guess I just have to show you that no one else can make you feel the way I do.”

Hours later, I’m still sitting here on my bathroom floor. The shaking has all but stopped and I’ve cried until all of the tears have run out. Finally, he passed out. Things have always been a little extreme with us. I should’ve known that me going tonight would trigger him, even though originally he said it would be fine,he just didn’t want to go. He’s always been tightly wound but tonight, he snapped
Looking in the mirror, I sigh as I reach up and touch my swollen face. I’ve been beaten before, but he’s left me almost unrecognizable this time. Moving, my body immediately protests in pain. I’ve had rough sex before, but he’s left my vagina torn and bruised. He’s fucked me so many times and ways I’ve lost count. I’ve lost everything.

I have to get out of here. He’s going to kill me when he wakes up.

I snatch some sweats out of the laundry basket and slide them on. I don’t care that I’ve slept in them, I just need to get out of here. Slipping out of the bathroom, I see he’s still passed out on the bed. I grab my phone off the floor and pray it still works. Sliding my finger across the screen, I see that it’s working but about to die.

Shaking my head, I hate to do this to her tonight, but I have to call someone.

I slip down behind my couch in the living room as I make the phone call.

She answers on the second ring.

“Hello?” I hear her groggy voice.

“Sloan,” I whisper out, praying he doesn’t hear me.

“Kara? Why are you whispering?”

“I need you to come get me,” I whisper.

“Where are you?” I hear her rustling around.

“I’m at my house, but I need to get out of here. I need to get away from Drake. Now. I’m hiding behind my couch, when I see you pull up, I’ll come out,” I say, still trying to whisper.

“Okay, I’m coming. Stay on the phone with me.”

“I can’t, he might wake up and hear me.” Before I can say anything else, my phone dies.

I sit as quiet as possible while waiting to see Sloan pull up in my drive way. I swear my heart is beating loud enough that it may wake him up. I can’t face him right now. If he sees me, he will see my face. He will remember why he was angry. He will remember why he hit me in the first place and I will be punished again. My body can’t take anymore. I’ll wait until he’s gone tomorrow to come back. I’m scared to see what he’ll do if he wakes up right now.

Finally, I see Sloan’s Toyota whip over to the curb in front of my house. I quickly get up and run out the door, closing it lightly. I run right into Sloan, who is already on my front stoop. Seeing my face, she gasps and cries out, “Kara? Oh God!”

I notice Lox is with her. He’s about to charge into my house but I stop him. “Lox, stop. I just want to leave here. I’ll deal with all of it tomorrow,

I whisper, sending a silent prayer that he stays asleep. Even in the safety of being out of my house I feel the fear that he will get to me again.

Lox’s breathing is rapid and heavy as he points toward my front door. “Kara, he needs his ass beat. Don’t stop me from going in there to do it.”

Sloan puts her hands on his chest. “Baby, stop, please. I’d rather send the police back here to deal with him. We need to get Kara to the ER. I’m sure she has some fractures on her face.”

He finally nods to Sloan. “Fine, but he’ll get his this time. I’m not overlooking anything.”

This time?

Before I can say anything else, Lox sweeps me up into his arms and takes me to Sloan’s SUV.


As I watch the sun come up through the treatment room window, I feel empty. The emptiness hurts more than the fractures on my face. It hurts more than the vaginal tears. It hurts more than the bruised ribs.

The door opens quietly. “Kara, are you ready to go, honey?” Elaine, Lox’s mom and the twins’ surrogate mom, says.

I nod. “Yes, ma’am.”

She rolls the wheelchair over to my bed. “Okay, sweetie. Now, the only reason Dr. Reynolds is letting you go is because Lox and Sloan swore you would go to their house and they would take care of you.” I step into the chair. “I really wish you would’ve went ahead and filed the charges.”

I shake my head. “I know. I just want this to be over with.” The hospital is required to call the authorities when someone comes in injured like I am. To say that the officers were upset that I didn’t want to press charges is an understatement. If the DA decides to, he could still press charges, but with the way our court system is backed up I doubt he will.

Elaine rolls me out the front doors of the hospital. “I know, sweetie, but you didn’t deserve this.”

“Please, don’t tell anyone else about the- you know.”

She gently touches my hand. “Sweetie, you were sexually assaulted, you didn’t do anything wrong.”

“I wasn’t- he’s, I mean he was my-.”

She shakes her head. “It doesn’t matter. You didn’t want the sex and you tried to stop him. There was trauma involved to your vaginal area, which goes beyond rough sex. Even when you’re dating someone, no still means no.”

I nod and climb into Sloan’s SUV that she’s just pulled up to the curb in. She and Elaine help me get into the front seat. I look over to Sloan, “Where is Lox?”

“He’s at the gym.”

I nod. “Can we go by my place later to get some of my stuff?”

“Yeah, maybe later. Let’s get you home to rest.”






“Fuck, girl, that’s it. Take my cock.” I grab the girl’s head on both sides and thrust a little into her mouth. “Shit. Damn, girl. You’re good at that.” Snatching her mouth off my cock, I lift her under the arms and toss her onto the bed. Grabbing a condom off my night stand, I roll it on, ready to go.

I thrust into her soaking wet pussy. She cries out and I groan out loud as I pound into her. Right as I’m about to blow, my phone starts ringing. It’s Lox’s ringtone. Never breaking stride, I swipe the screen of the phone and put it up to my ear. “Dude, it’s three in the morning after you just got engaged. Don’t tell me she’s already cut off the sex. Sloan’s a team player, I don’t see her doing that already.” The girl I’m with moans.

Lox growls over the phone. “Shithead. Quit fucking whatever negative IQ bimbo you’re fucking. Get dressed, we need to take care of some shit.”

Wow, he’s pissed. I still manage to bust my nut with a couple of quick strokes. Pulling out, I stand up and dispose of the condom, then look at the girl. “Sorry. You need to get dressed and go--, girly. I’ve got some shit I need to do.” I pop her on the ass.

She jumps up, clearly annoyed. “This is the last fucking time.” She grumbles some other stuff as she storms out.

Finally catching my breath, I ask, “Okay, what is going on, man? You’re worrying me. Is it Slick or that dick, Lucas?” Slick is Sloan’s son and Lucas is his asshat dad, he’s been known to cause trouble.

“No. Get Huck up, come get me and we’re going to Kara’s. We need to grab some of her shit and if that dickhead, Drake, is still there, I’ll need you guys to stop me from killing him.”

That gets my attention. “What the fuck, man? I knew Kara blew off the birthday party tonight but-.”

He huffs. “Sloan and I had to go pick her up from her house. She had to sneak out. That son of a bitch, pussy ass mother fucker beat the hell out of her. We had to take her to the ER. She’s still here, so I need you to come pick me up and we are going over there. The cops came but she’s afraid to press charges or something. Just come get me, man. I’ll explain more then.”

I run down the hall and beat on Huck’s door. “Get the fuck up.”

I hear him stumble to the door. He swings it open looking pissed. “What the fuck, man? Is the goddamn house on fire or something? I was balls deep in there so this better be fucking good.”

“Throw her out. We gotta go grab Lox from the ER at the hospital.”

He runs out behind me naked as the day we were born,
still on. “What’s going on?”
I shake my head, in true Huck fashion…double bagged. How does he feel anything through two condoms?

Bringing myself back to the current drama, I shake my head. “We’re going to take the trash out at Kara’s place. They had to take her to the ER, that dick beat the hell out of her. Lox says he’s going to kill the mother fucker.”

Without another word to me, Huck storms back in his room. “Get out. I gotta go.” I hear the girl mumble something. “No, fuck, you can’t stay. Get out. It’s that simple. Go away. Don’t go away mad, just go away.”

A half-naked girl storms out of the room screeching some random shit.

A few minutes later, Huck and I are both dressed and walking out to his truck. I look over at him once we are in the truck and he just shakes his head.

Once we get to the hospital, Lox is waiting for us outside the ER. He climbs in the truck and starts explaining the night to us. I handle it okay until he pulls out his phone and shows us the pictures of Kara’s face.

He shakes his head. “Her face has a couple of fractures, her ribs are bruised and no telling what all else. I didn’t stay in the room with them. She was really upset and embarrassed. Sloan knows we are going to get Kara some girl crap. Dr. Reynolds won’t release her to go home alone so she needs some stuff. Plus, I’m going to kick that mother fucker’s ass.”

My heart feels like it’s about to pound out of my chest. We pull into Kara’s driveway and before I know what I’m doing, I’m out of the truck and across the yard. Luckily, the door is still open, I’m guessing from earlier. Walking in Kara’s living room is an eye opener, but after making my way down the hallway to her bedroom, I feel sick.  There are holes in the walls, glass broken everywhere and that fucker is lying in her bed.

I’m across the room and snatching that fucker up before anyone can say a word. I know I repeatedly hit his face until he’s unconscious. Huck and Lox pull me off of him and I wipe the blood from my knuckles. “Did I fucking kill him?”

Lox shakes his head. “No, he’s still breathing. Huck, throw his ass out in the yard. Sly, help me find her some clothes and shit.”

I start gathering some clothes for her and step into her bathroom. Seeing the blood all over the floor smeared around breaks my heart. I sit on the commode and drop my face into my hands. Kara is a gorgeous, vivacious girl, she could have anyone she wanted. Why did she hook up with this douche bag?

I don’t know what happened between us that night. I know I was a little loopy from the pain meds and then she got off of me pissed. Maybe I couldn’t get it up from the drugs, but it’s never been a problem before. I passed out and when I woke up, she was gone. I don’t know why, but she acted like we hooked up and I’ve just went along with it. Hell, I don’t want to hear my brothers giving me shit about striking out.

Huck sticks his head in the bathroom. “You ready, man?”

I throw her toothbrush and shit in the bag. “Yep. Let’s go.”


After finally getting a few hours of sleep, I decided to hit the gym. Now I’m still here a few hours later, alternating between beating the hell out of something and doing cardio.

Marco comes in the room. “Sly.”

I turn to see him and two uniformed cops. They both drip
I’m a cop so I have big balls and I’m fresh out of the program.

“These two guys need to talk to you.” Marco gives me a look. He knows something went down last night, but I don’t think anyone has told him all of it yet. We were all too exhausted this morning.

I take off my gloves and walk over. “Sorry, guys, our ladies self-defense class is all full at this time. We’d be happy to add you to the waiting list, though.”

The one that has a haircut that looks like someone held a bowl on his head and cut around it steps over, holding out his hand cuffs. I look down at them and almost laugh, until he says, “Sylvester Webb, you are under arrest for assault and battery on one, Drake Willis.” He puts my hands behind my back. I see the other little one with his hand on his gun. Does he think I’m going to go all rogue on them? “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you…”

I space out. That pussy ass mother fucker went to press charges on me. I knew I should’ve killed him and rid the world of a problem like him. He presses charges on me, but broke bones on his girlfriend. I hope I really fucked him up. I hope Sloan can talk Kara into pressing charges and someone ass rapes him in prison.

I turn around, basically dragging the cops with me. “Marco, call Lox and Huck. Let them know what’s going on.”

Marco touches my arm. “I’ll call my attorney. Don’t say anything, we’ll get you out ASAP. You keep your head on straight. No bullshit.” I nod as the cops lead me out the door. I almost laugh when they realize they aren’t tall enough to put their hand on top of my head to push me into the car.

After they shut the door, I glance back at the gym.
God, I hope Marco gets me out soon.

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