In Sly's Eyes: In Sly's Eyes Marco's MMA Boys Book 2 (10 page)

BOOK: In Sly's Eyes: In Sly's Eyes Marco's MMA Boys Book 2
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The sunlight shines through my bedroom window waking me and I have the urgency to pee. I swear I’m in the bathroom more hours of the day than not. I feel Sly’s massive erection poking me in the ass and one of his hands is caressing my swollen belly.  I try to move his hand so I can get up but he groans behind me, “Mmm, don’t go.”

“If I don’t get up I’m going to
all over the bed. I have to pee, like now.” I push up off the bed as he finally releases me.

“Okay, but hurry back.” He rolls onto his back and as the sheet drops around his waist, I run my eyes over his beautiful chest in appreciation.

As I sigh, my bladder reminds me of why I am out of bed in the first place. I drudge to the bathroom to take care of business.

Looking at myself in the bathroom mirror, I rub my hands over my stomach. I’m glad we decided to tell everyone when we did about my pregnancy. After the cookout 6 weeks ago, it seems like I swallowed a basketball overnight. I wouldn’t have been able to hide it much longer. Everyone keeps saying the reason I’m already showing so much is because Sly is such a big guy.

Most of them haven’t caught on to the fact that I’m about a month further along than we’ve told them. Sloan read between the lines, she knows. Huck knows, he pretty much told me when he was grilling the other day. He’s funny when no one is paying attention. He told me he’s ‘not as dumb as his brother looks’ about the baby being Sly’s. He always makes me laugh when he acts like they don’t look alike.

I’m also glad I didn’t have to see Drake during his sentencing. I was showing a little more by then and the thought of him possibly figuring it out made me nervous. I won’t have to see him for a little while. He was sentenced to a minimum of twenty-four months and a maximum of seventy-two months. He also has to take anger management and rehabilitation classes while incarcerated, so I won’t have to deal with him for a little while.

Walking back into the bedroom, I look over Sly again.

“You should really quit eye raping me. I feel so violated,” he says, peeking one eye open.

I walk back over to the bed and crawl in beside him. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I was simply walking back to my bed.”

He runs his hand over my belly and up to my breast. “Something tells me you know
what I’m talking about.” He rolls on his side and leans up over me, kissing me on the lips. “You’re beautiful, you know that?” He rubs his hand back down my belly. Suddenly we both feel something flutter around. His eyes pop open and he jerks his hand back. “What the fuck?!”

My hands fly down to my belly. “Oh my God. The baby kicked.” I grab his hands and snatch them back to my belly. “Feel right here.” The baby starts kicking again.

His eyes light up. “Wow. That is amazing.” The baby kicks more as he speaks.

“I think it likes it when you talk. It kicked more.”

He rubs his hands over my belly. “How much longer until we can find out what this baby is? I don’t like saying ‘it’.”

“Our next appointment. In real life, I’ll be a few days short of 20 weeks, but we can just tell everyone else that we found out early.” It’s funny how I live my life by weeks now instead of days or months. I guess pregnancy will do that to you, especially when you’re trying to fudge the weeks.

“That’s next week, right?” He keeps rubbing my stomach. “I don’t think I can wait much longer. We need to decide which room we’re turning into the nursery.”

“I know, but are you sure you’re up for this?”

He pops me on the ass. “I told you the next time you asked me that I was going to spank that ass. That was a warning. Next time, there won’t be one. I’m in this all the way. I’m a man of my word and I love you, woman.”

I rub the spot he smacked. “What about Huck? Is he gonna be okay with having a baby here? I was just supposed to be a temporary roommate. He’s sort of become my friend and I don’t want to mess that up.”

He rolls onto his back and laughs. “That was never my intention. I intended to keep you here if I had to tie you to the damn bed.” He pulls me on top of him so that I’m straddling him and runs his hands up to my breasts. “I knew the night I beat the hell out of Drake that I needed you.” He rubs my nipples. “God, I love how sensitive your body is now.” I start rocking back and forth on him. He pulls my sleep shirt over my head and leans up, taking my nipple in his mouth.

I cry out, “Oh God!”

He lets go and gives me his signature sexy grin. “Nope, not God, just Sly, baby. Now, let’s not waste my morning wood on a dry hump.” He rolls me off of him, pulling my panties off then he slides his boxers down. He runs his lips up my leg and when he gets to my core, he sighs, “Damn, baby, this pussy is already soaked.”

When his tongue hits my clit, I lurch up from the bed. “Oh, Sly.”

He mumbles against my sex. “Mmm baby, that’s right. It’s Sly.”

“I need you inside me now.” I tug at his hair as he slips a finger inside of me and I cry out again.

He climbs up my body. “Sexy is impatient this morning.” He thrusts inside of me. “Damn, baby, you feel sooo good.” He rocks into me over and over.

I love Saturday morning sex, it’s sensual, slow and sweet.

He rubs his thumb over my clit and the intensity grows inside of me. “Oh God, harder, Sly.”

He picks up his speed, thrusting into me harder and faster.

“Oh God, Sly! Oh oh oh oh fuck! AAAAHHHHHH! I’m coming!”  As I come, I feel his body tighten and he thrusts into me three more times before he explodes inside of me.

We roll to the side so he’s not on top of me. He grins, “Damn, sexy, you sure know how to wake a guy up.”

I giggle but before I can say anything, we are both startled by the door being banged on. “If you don’t stop, I swear to God I’m going to make you soundproof this damn room. It sounds like someone is shooting a fucking porn in here.”

I giggle and Sly yells toward the door, “We might be. There is money in pregnancy porn.”

I hear Huck grumbling as he walks off.  “I want a fucking cut since I have to listen to it.”

We hear the front door close signaling that he’s going out for his morning run.

“Come on, let’s go get a shower before he gets back, sexy. I wanna make you scream my name at least one more time before he gets back. I should be good and relaxed for my fight tonight.”

I shake my head, getting back out of bed and following him to the bathroom.

An hour later, we are sitting in the kitchen and I’m eating eggs, bacon and toast. Sly is eating Greek yogurt, granola and a banana. We both stare at Huck eating his five egg omelet, which contains spinach, goat cheese and bacon.

He looks up at us staring. “What? I gotta make sure I stay in my weight class. I have to eat a little heavier on fight days now.”

Sly glances at me. “Did you take your vitamin?”

“I’ll take it after I finish eating. I don’t like taking it before, it makes me wanna hurl.”

Huck shakes his head and laughs. “Man, you sound like a pussy.”

Sly bites into his banana and with a full mouth says, “Suck my balls, man. I’ll show you I ain’t no pussy. Never mind, you’ve already heard this morning.”

I decide to change the mood between the two. “Um. So, Huck, I wanted to talk with you about something.”

He looks up at me. “You’ve decided you’d rather have me than pussy willow over there?” he says, pointing with his fork to Sly.

Sly chews and flips him off at the same time, trying to mumble ‘fuck you’.

“No. I just wanna know if you’re okay with all of this. You know, me and the baby staying here. This was your house first, I don’t want to overstay my welcome. Then to add a baby on top of that, I don’t want you to think that I’m taking the situation for granted.”

He shakes his head. “No, I’m good. I figure the baby won’t be near as annoying as Sylvia over there.”

I have realized they all talk shit to each other all day on fight day.

I put my hand on Huck’s. “Thank you. It means a lot to me that you’re okay with this.” I reach down and touch my stomach where the baby has decided to start kicking again.

Huck’s eyes get big and he looks down. “You okay?”

Sly is already moving around the table in my direction. I put my hand up. “I’m fine, the baby is kicking again. It decided to start this morning and it’s been going crazy ever since.”

Sly puts his hand on my belly. “Feel this, man. It’s awesome.”

Huck shakes his head. “No way. I’m not touching your woman’s belly.”

I snort and grab his hand, putting it on my stomach. His eyes get huge again and he grins. “That is the coolest thing ever. I think we’ve got a kick boxer on our hands in there.”

Sly squats down by my stomach and starts talking into it. “Hello, little one. Are you going to be a kick boxer?”

Huck takes his hand away and sits back in his chair. “Are you coming to the fight tonight?”

I sigh. “I’m not sure. I’d like to go, Sly got my doctor tickets and all, so I’d like to go. It’s just the last one scared me.”

Sly puts his arm over my shoulders. “Baby, I told you we have a security system in check now. Also, every time you, Sloan and Slick will get escorted in and out.”

Huck nods in agreement. “That last time freaked us all out a little bit so Marco got on top of shit. Although I can also understand you being hesitant. You’re looking out for more than just you.”

I look over at Sly. “I’ll think about it, okay? I’m gonna call and talk to Sloan, check her plans out.”

Sly smiles. “Okay, just let me know so we can set up your escorts.” He kisses the side of my face. “I love you.”





“You’ve got this, man,” I say to myself in the mirror. Lox’s fight is going on right now so I’m getting in the zone. I shadow box in the mirror, watching my own moves, studying them. I like to look at myself as if I’m my own opponent. I’m happy I was able to talk Kara into coming tonight. I understand now why Lox always says he feels better if Sloan is in the stands. He feels like he’s fighting for someone.

Gibbs sticks his head in the door. “You ready, man?”

I tip my chin up. “Yeah.”

Walking through the hallway leading out to the arena, I hear my song start up.

Some people call me the space cowboy.

Some call me the gangster of love.

I make sure to blow Kara a kiss when that part plays. She laughs and shakes her head. Her mood has lightened up so much since Drake’s sentencing.

The crowd is going nuts tonight. Since it was announced that Bellator had us under contract now, our following has grown even more.

Stepping into the brand new cage, I glare at my opponent, Stokes. He is glaring right back at me as we step to the middle. “You sure you still know how to fight,
? With your big contract, I wasn’t sure if you’d show.”

I step to him. “Oh I’ll do more than show.”

The official steps in between us. “All right, I want a good, clean fight. I won’t put up with any bullshit. Now, touch gloves and let’s get it on.”

We both go back to our corners. The official looks at both of us and we nod. He drops his arm and we go at it.

In fifteen minutes this will be over.
I mentally calculate each move. I hear Huck yelling from the side of the cage since he’s not fighting tonight. “Jaw! Sly! Jaw!”

I glance over at the area Kara is sitting in. She’s up screaming with her fist in the air. I keep moving, giving him little jabs and trying to wear him down. He thinks he has all of this speed but he doesn’t. What he does have is a hellacious punch.


Whew, Round 1 over. Marco looks me over. “You look good, kid. Keep it up, wear him down.”

I nod and look over to Huck. “Remember the video. His jaw.”

I nod again, not speaking, just taking it all in.

I look back over to Kara and give her a nod. She smiles and blows me a kiss.


We both come barreling out of our corners.

Stokes dances around. “So, it seems the gangster of love has been tamed by the chubby on the front row. I wonder how she’d like a real man to take care of her.”

I don’t ever want to hear another man talk about my woman, my Kara, that way. I come at him like a crazy man. Everything is a blur, until I get a haymaker in on his glass jaw. He goes down like a paper weight.

The official drops to the mat and starts counting.

The next thing I know, the bell rings and the official is holding my arm in the air, declaring me the victor.

I make my way out of the cage and down the hall to the locker room. Once I’m inside, I strip down and walk to the showers. I hear giggling in one of the shower stalls. 

“Oh that feels so good. Oh God. Right there. Right there, Lox!”

“Fuck, baby, I’m coming.”

I hear them both groan. I start my shower in the next stall and Sloan yelps. “Oh shit. Someone is in here, Lox.”

I can’t help it, I bust out laughing. “It’s okay, guys, it’s just me.”

I have my towel around my waist when they step out. Both of them are wrapped in towels and Sloan is blushing.

I stand there with my arms crossed over my chest. “What, pray tell, has gotten into you two kids? Sloan, what would your mother say?”

Lox laughs with his arms protectively wrapped around Sloan. “Sorry, man. We thought you had another round. We were trying to get a little action in. It’s hard with a six year old in the house.”

I laugh. “It’s okay, guys. I knocked the guy out in round two.” I hold my hand up. “Your secret is safe with me. Where is Slick anyway?”

Sloan smiles shyly. “Out there with Kara.” She buries her face in her hands. “I’m so embarrassed.”

I shake my head. “Don’t be embarrassed, girl. We all have needs, it’s okay.”

She hightails it to the dressing room.

“So you finally decided to give locker room action a try?” I shove Lox on the shoulder.

“Shut it, ass face. Don’t say anything,” he growls at me.

I shake my head. “Man, I’m not going to say anything. I wouldn’t embarrass Sloan that way.” As I’m about to step into the shower, I glance back at him. “I’m serious, man, tell her no worries here.”

He nods before he starts walking toward the dressing room. “Thanks, man.”

I chuckle and get in the shower. I’m gonna have to get my girl to join me in here one night. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had random girls in here, but Kara’s nice round ass bent over in front of me…damn, that’s what dreams are made of.

After rubbing one out in the shower, I know it’s only a temporary fix. I dress quickly, I need to get my woman home and have my way with her.

I grab my bag and make my way out into the arena. Walking down the hallway, I see a mousy looking girl staring in my direction. Her hair is blonde, she looks pale and frail, like she’s sick or something.

“Ma’am, are you okay?” I call out to her.

As if she wasn’t just staring at me, she jumps. She turns and runs out of the hall. I follow her but as soon as I reach the inside of the arena, she turns to me one last time. I know her face from somewhere. I try following her but I lose her in the crowd.

Shrugging it off, I walk over to Kara. “You ready to go, babe?”

Looking up at me, she smiles. “Yeah, are you ready? You sure you don’t want to stay and watch the rest of the fights? I don’t mind.”

I kiss the top of her head. “No, babe, I got other plans.” I lean down to her ear. “Let’s just say something came up while I was in the locker room. Something only you and that luscious ass can help with.”

She giggles and looks up at me. Boom, there it is, something I now refer to as
horny eyes
. I always knew my voice had the power to make women’s panties explode, but with pregnancy hormones, my voice has the power to set her whole body on fire. Her hand rubs down my chest and she discreetly brushes it across my dick that’s already hardened on sight. “Hmm. I think I can help with your problem. Are you sure you don’t want to take care of it before we leave here? It could be a long ride home. There could be traffic.”

I grin. “You little minx, come on.”

Grabbing her hand, I pull her behind me down the hall to a storage room. As soon as we are in the room, I push her against the door. “This is going to be quick. Just to take the edge off. I’m not taking you in the locker room where people can walk in, but you’re right, I don’t think I can wait until we get home.”

She nods and I reach under her dress, pulling down her panties. Spinning her around, I bend her over and run my finger through her already soaked pussy. “Damn, baby. You’re ready.”

“Yes. Between this and watching you fight, I’ve been turned on for an hour already,” she pants out.

Sliding my boxers and shorts down, I grasp my cock. I rub the head up and down her slit as she moans. “Oh please, Sly. I need you inside me.”

As much as I want to slam into her, it worries me about the baby. Sliding into her until she’s filled with my cock, she moans and I start thrusting. There is an intensity between us, I can tell she’s dying just as much as I am. “Oh fuck, Sly, faster, I’m about to come.”

I pick up my speed, feeling her greediness milking my cock. I smack her ass as she cries out and I feel her clench tight around me. I know she’s about to come.

I thrust into her a little harder, grabbing her hips hard. “Oh God. I’m coming, I’m coming. Ah ah ah aaahhhh.”

I thrust into her hard three more times before I go off, filling her with my come. Slowly, I pull out and watch as my seed spills out of her onto the floor. “Damn, baby, that is sexy.”

She laughs. “That’s gross, we need to clean up.”

She picks her panties up off the floor and slides them back on. After I tuck myself back in, I pull her in and kiss her. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

As we climb in my truck, it hits me. The girl’s face. “Holy shit!”

Kara looks at me. “What?”

“The girl at the courthouse, I know who she was and she was here tonight. I know who she is.”

“Who is she?”

I shake my head and grab my phone, sending a group text to Marco, Lox and Huck.

Me: Meet me at the gym ASAP. Will explain then.

Marco: Almost there now.

Lox: Be there as soon as I drop Sloan and Slick off.

Huck: Wrapping up a little something ;) then I’ll be there.

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