In Sly's Eyes: In Sly's Eyes Marco's MMA Boys Book 2 (5 page)

BOOK: In Sly's Eyes: In Sly's Eyes Marco's MMA Boys Book 2
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Dressing in a pair of my dark jeans with a long peasant top and boots, I check my hair one more time in the mirror. I’m ready for the fight. Sloan’s parents and brother are coming in for it, too, so I finally agreed to go with them. Friday’s are always busy for me when I get off at lunch and today was no exception. I had to go to the grocery store since the guys have pretty much eaten us out of house and home this week. I had to get my car serviced and go get my girly business checked by Dr. Coleman, aka Dr. Coldhands. Being a girl is so much damn fun. The doctor’s office was running behind, then I went ahead and had myself tested for all kinds of shit because of Drake. The doctor said I look pretty well healed up down there after I filled him in on current events. Whatever the fuck “pretty well healed” means. They couldn’t get those results back to me today since they were backed up and it was Friday, so I get to sit here this entire weekend wondering if my damn crotch is going to rot away because of the asshole I was dating.

Damn, I’m angry. Maybe I do need to hit the gym tomorrow.

This past week hasn’t been that bad. I’m kinda growing on having male roommates and I haven’t gotten any more texts from random numbers. I think I’ve gained like fifteen pounds living with these guys on fight week, though. Sly and I watch
True Blood
every night and
on the nights that Huck is home. They’ve almost caught up to the current season. I’ll be glad when they do. They’re so damn serious about spoilers and all I want to do is tell them.

I did finally call the therapist Detective Harmon told me about. I’ve had one meeting with Robin. She’s great, she really listens and she’s not a twig so she’s understanding about my weight issues. I’m glad I went and I’m actually looking forward to going back.

I hear a horn and run outside to meet Sloan and her parents. We’re all riding in their Tahoe tonight. I can always catch a ride back with one of the guys.

When she opens the door, I see my sister is already in the very back seat with Sage. “Hey, I didn’t know you were coming, too.”

“Yeah, Sage asked me to come. Who am I to turn down a Friday night with a really cute guy?” She winks. “And he offered to buy me candy.”

I laugh and get in next to Sloan and her mom. I lean forward and touch the seats. “Hey, we got two hot drivers tonight. The male Foster duo.”

Meredith laughs. “Yeah, honey, maybe when we get to the arena, you guys can get out and open the doors for us.”

Everyone in the car laughs. I look at Sloan. “Well, I mean after all, we do have a prize fighter’s fiancée in here. She should get the red carpet treatment.”

We make light jokes the rest of the way to the arena. As soon as we turn in the parking lot, I’m shocked. “Whoa. How are they going to fit all of these people in here tonight?”

Sloan’s eyes are huge. “They won’t, there is no way. I guess since word has gotten out that the guys signed with Bellator, people are coming out of the wood work to see them.”

“You better call the guys or we aren’t getting in,” I say, still in shock at the amount of cars and people.

A minute later, she hangs up. “Pull around the building through the gate, Marco is coming out to meet us.”

Her dad pulls the SUV around the corner and Marco directs him to park next to Lox’s truck and locks the gate behind us.

After everyone gets out, Marco walks us through the back of the building. Sloan walks beside him. “It’s crazy out there tonight.”

“Yeah, everyone heard about Huck’s rematch with Sergio and people came out from everywhere,” he says, quickly walking toward the front of the building. Once we are on the main floor, he leads us over to a roped off section. “You guys sit here. There is a lot of money on some of the fights tonight amongst the fans so please stay in this area. The guys said they’d meet you out here when they’re done.”

We all thank him and he walks back to the locker room. All of the other times I’ve been here, I was so excited and confident. Sloan was the one who looked like she was going to run away pissing her pants. Tonight, the way my heart is pounding in my chest, I feel like that’s me.

Sloan looks around. “Damn, Kara. I’m a little nervous about having Sage here. I had no idea it was going to be like this.”

I shake my head. “I don’t think the guys did either. Neither one of them said anything.”

“Okay, well Sage is sitting between my dad and brother. Lox is going to freak out. He doesn’t like these big crowds around Sage.” She speaks close to my ear so I can hear her with all of the noise.

“I just hope they come get us after the fights. It’s going to be hell getting out of here.”

She nods and then the lights go down.

“The Joker” by The Steve Miller Band comes blasting through the crowd. That means Sly is up first tonight. He even has to have a light-hearted walkout song.

I hear the crowd scream out, “
Some call me the gangster of love.”
Look at Sly smirking, he’s eating this shit up.

A couple of minutes later, the fight is going strong and I find myself on my feet leaning further and further in. “That’s it, Sly!” I scream right as he lands another punch. “Go! Sly, get him again!”

Whew, round one over. Thank God!

Sly talks to Marco during the little break thing they do. The bell dings and they are back at it.

The guy Sly is fighting tonight is about the same height as him but this guy just looks bigger. Sly is faster, though. The guy has Sly hemmed up, shit. “Come on, Sly!”  He does some move that could rival most professional dancers in skill and reverses the move on the guy.

Sly is so damn hot. He’s too hot for his own good. Now I remember why I wanted to go home with him that night. Funny how I’m going home with him tonight but in a completely different way.

I look up again just as Sly delivers a knockout punch.

Ding Ding Ding.

I scream and cheer as the official holds up Sly’s arm to declare him the winner.


The matches go pretty quickly for the night, until we get to Huck’s. When “Simple Man” by Lynyrd Skynyrd blares out of the sound system, the crowd is on their feet. His fight practically turns into a blood bath. I can see Sly and Lox, along with Marco, ringside. Elizabeth is sitting by Jade and I can see she’s on edge just watching this. Everyone swears those two will have one of those fucking or fighting relationships. I don’t know, Elizabeth seems full of secrets. They could already be fucking and no one knows it. Hell, I live with Huck and I don’t know where he wanders off to. There’s just something about those two.

The ringing of the bell brings me out of my daydreaming. The roaring goes off like a bomb in this place. Holy shit! Huck just won!

Our section is going crazy when we hear a gun go off. We all hit the floor. I look over at Sloan and she is pale with fear. The rest of the building is going nuts. People are being ran over and trampled. I look up and I can’t see any of the guys. I look over again at Sloan. “We need to get to the dressing rooms where the guys are.” Her mom is crying, Sage is terrified, and we’ve got to move. The people in this place are going to trample us to death if we don’t.

“Yeah,” she turns to the rest of the group and motions for everyone to follow us. Her dad and brother nod in agreement.

“Sloan, you go first and I’ll make sure everyone gets to the right place. Besides Elizabeth, we’re the only people who know this place.”

Jacob, Sloan’s brother, grabs up Sage. We start making our way to the dressing room as madness unfolds around us.

We finally reach the hall leading to the dressing rooms and I stop to make sure everyone is ahead of me going in. As I reach for the door, a hand grabs me and spins me around, backing me into the wall. It’s one of the fighters from tonight. He’s big and sweaty. “Hey there. You shouldn’t be back here, you know.” I can feel it in my chest. It’s tightening and I can feel my breathing getting harder.

I release a breath, “Um, my friends are back here. I’m allowed.” Not to mention I don’t think rules matter right now, dude.

He leans in close to my face. “Oh yeah, who are your friends?”
Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out.

Another hand grabs me. “I fucking am!” Sly says as he snatches me out of the guy’s grip.

The guy shrugs. “Sorry, man, didn’t know she was yours. Just trying to line up some ladies for tonight.”

“Are you fucking stupid?! There are people getting hurt out there and you’re trying to line up ass? Get your shit and get the fuck out of here before I kill you!” Sly roars.

The guy spins around and storms down the hallway.

Sly slides his arm around my shoulders and we go in their dressing room. “Are you okay?” he asks.

I nod a little. “Yeah. I’m fine, just a little freaked out by everything,” Taking the breaths Robin talked to me about, I calm myself by counting in my head.

“Okay, I’m gonna shower since I didn’t get the chance to earlier and then we’ll go.” He starts pulling off his shirt and shorts, leaving him in a pair of athletic boxer briefs.

“Wait, don’t we have to talk to the cops or something? A gun went off out there.” I stand there trying to take in everything. It was all happening so fast. I get a little lightheaded so I take a seat on the bench.

He shakes his head, grabbing his towel. “No, security grabbed the guy, he was just pissed or something at the guy next to him about money. Most of the problem was everyone panicking.” He starts walking toward the showers and for some reason, I follow. “Huck left out of here with some big haired blonde chick. Lox didn’t shower, he just grabbed his crew and left. Jade is catching a ride home with Gibbs. I told them I’d take you home, not to worry, you know we’re going to the same place anyway.” He winks. “Slick was pretty scared so I figured they needed to go.”

I follow him to the edge of the shower. “Yeah, that was pretty fucking frightening for a second out there. They tried to keep him shielded but I’m sure it was a little too much for him.”

He waggles his eye brows. “You gonna come join me?”

“HA! I’m going to sit down on the benches.” I walk over to the dressing bench.

“Come on. Invite only, you get to see me naked!”

“Newsflash, I’ve seen you naked several times now. Once up close and personal, the rest of the times were because you like to run around naked in our house.”

He laughs while getting into the shower.

Jeez! He’s so damn hot.


I can’t help but laugh at him. I grab my phone and hit record. The guys are going to love this shower concert. A big ass fighter singing the wrong lyrics to “Purple Rain” in the shower.





I really wish she would’ve taken a shower with me. I know it’s crazy. I mean hell, we aren’t like that, but tonight when I saw Cliff with his hands on her, I wanted to kill him. I knew she was about to have a full blown panic attack. I tried to lighten the mood and joke around with her but in my heart, I knew I was serious about the shower thing.

We arrive home and it’s not long before she heads off to take her own shower. I’m fixing something for us to eat. Originally, the plan was for everyone to go out to eat after the fight, but that didn’t work out obviously.

After I hear the shower cut off, I walk back to her bedroom. The door is cracked open so I tap as I walk in, thinking she’s already dressed. “Shit! Sorry.” She’s not though, she’s rubbing lotion on her beautiful naked body.

She screams, “Sly, damn it!”

I start to laugh. “I just saw you naked.”

A pillow hits me as she wraps a robe around herself. “You’re an asshole.” She turns away from me like she’s ashamed or something.

“So, I’ve seen you naked. Like you said earlier, you’ve seen me several times now.” I step closer to her and she hugs herself tighter, “Hey, sexy, what’s wrong?” I smell her body wash and it’s intoxicating. I lightly touch her shoulder. “I’m sorry about coming in, I thought since the door was cracked you were dressed. I was just going to say supper is ready.”

“Well, you saw my body so you can pretty much tell I don’t need supper.” She pulls the robe tighter, still not looking me in the face.

I turn her around. “Hey, what just happened here? You’re gorgeous, who made you feel this way? Don’t ever be ashamed of your body.”

Shaking her head, she turns away again. “It’s a long story. I’m sure you don’t want to hear it.”

I turn her back to face me. “If I didn’t want to hear it, I wouldn’t ask, and all I’ve got is time. Tell me what’s wrong, who made you feel this way? Please?”
Why does she keep pulling away from me? What asshole made her feel this way? I know she’s been through so much lately but I just want to hold her and comfort her. I want to show her she’s mine.

She sinks down in the chair, “The first guy I ever let see me naked was my first high school boyfriend. After months of him pestering me, I finally gave it up to him and he told me that I was chubbier than he expected and that my tits were too bouncy. He broke up with me.” She swipes a tear from her face. “The next guy was my senior year in high school. After we had sex a couple of times, he broke up with me and told me that he just didn’t like my body. He talked about it at school and my body became something that people laughed and talked about.” She shrugs, “So after that, I decided I’d be the one to dump people. Until Drake, I’d only had one night stands for almost six years. Don’t think I’m a slut, it was still a relatively low number of people, but I figured out guys are a lot nicer to you if they knew they didn’t have to worry about the fat girl calling them again. Drake acted like he loved me, like he only wanted to be with me. He called me pet names and I fell for it. Eventually, he made jokes about how my body jiggled when we had sex. How if he didn’t love me, it would gross him out.” She buries her face in her hands.

I reach down and lift her up, pulling her into my chest. I walk her over to the mirror on the back of the door. “Open your eyes.” She does. “I’m going to take this off and show you something.” I say while pulling at her robe. She shakes her head and sniffs. I wipe the tears away from her face. “I want to show you something.” I turn her around so that she’s facing the mirror. Standing behind her, I open her robe slowly, sliding it down her shoulders and letting it drop to the floor. “These tits,” I caress the sides of her boobs while I run my lips on the top of her shoulder, “are the most beautiful tits I’ve ever seen in my life.” I slide my hands down her sides to her ass. “This ass does things to me, I want to caress it, I want to spank it and I want to grab it when I’m slamming into your pussy from behind.” I run my hands up and down her body. I hear her breath catch when I graze my finger over her clit, and I work her clit with my finger. “I told you I love women, but you are one of the most genuine, beautiful women I’ve ever laid eyes on.”
I intend to prove it to her every day as long as she’ll let me.

Finally, I see a smile come across her face and she turns around facing me. Her naked body is brushing against me and I can feel her nipples through my shirt. She looks up at me with hooded eyes. I brush my hand down her face. “You’re so beautiful. Those other assholes just didn’t know true beauty.”

I feel the chill bumps break out on her skin with my hands. She looks up at me with heavy eyes, “Thank you.”

I can’t hold back anymore, my dick is about to bust out of my shorts. I slam my mouth onto hers. She moans and puts her arms around my neck. I kiss down her neck and then back up, as she giggles I reach under her ass to lift her legs around me. “Stop, I’m too heavy.”

“Nope. This has been a long time in the making.” I sit her down on the bed and reach behind my neck to pull my shirt over my head. “If you really want to stop because you don’t want to, I will, but I think you want this as much as I do. So I’m going to ask again. Do you wanna stop?”

She shakes her head. “No.”

I dip my head between her legs and blow against her pink glistening center. She squirms on the bed. I kiss the inside of her thighs, finally running my tongue up her wet pussy. “Damn, girl, you’re intoxicating.”

“Sly,” comes out of her mouth in a moan.

I take my time licking, kissing and sucking, making her cry out. I add a finger to assist my tongue. I feel her contract around my finger as she screams out my name. I move up her body, sliding my shorts and underwear down. As soon as I’m settled over her, I remember. “Shit.” She looks up at me. “Do you have a condom in here?”

“Bedside table.”

I reach in the table and grab one, tearing the foil package. I roll it on. Back over her, I look into her eyes. “Are you sure?”

“More than anything.”

I slide into her, “Are you okay?” She nods. I lean down, taking her nipple in my mouth. Sucking hard on it, I let it pop out of my mouth as I slowly rock in and out of her.

“Oh Sly, harder,” she pants out.

Oh yeah, I’m going to make her keep crying out my damn name for the rest of her life.

I bring her legs up over my shoulders and slam into her harder. “Like that, baby?”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah.”

Twisting my hips as I thrust, she screams and I pick up my speed. I flip us over so she’s on top. “Ride me, baby.”

She rolls her hips and starts to move faster. I reach up and grab her tits, tweaking the nipples.


Her pace picks up and I grab her hips, slamming harder into her. “Fuck, baby. I’m coming.”

She nods as she moans my name again. I slam into her one last time. She drops down on top of me and I wrap my arms around her, rolling on to our sides. “Oh shit, baby. That was crazy.”

She nods. “Yeah.”

I laugh. “You can’t say much right now, can you?”

“I’m catching my breath.”

I look down. “I gotta go take care of this.”

She laughs as I jump up and run to the bathroom. Cleaning up, I grab a washcloth and wet it with warm water. Walking back in the room, I see she’s about to fall asleep. I reach down and press the warm cloth to her center. “I know we got a little crazy, I just don’t want you to be sore.”

She gives me a soft smile. “Thank you.”

I toss the cloth into the laundry hamper and lie down beside her. “Is this okay?”

“Yeah. Do you wanna sleep here?”

“Yes, but I’m hungry. I’ll be right back.”

I run to the kitchen and grab the chicken alfredo I made and dump a bunch of it into a bowl, grabbing two forks and a couple of waters.

She laughs when I come back in the room. “So you thought room service was needed?”

I notice that she’s slipped a sleep shirt on while I was gone. This irritates me, I want her naked always, but I’m not going to push my luck tonight.
“Yes, I’m starving and I may wake you up for round two in a little bit so you need your energy,” I say, setting the bowl between us and we both dig in.

She groans. “So Huck isn’t the only one with killer culinary skills?”

“Nope, Elaine taught us all how to cook. Yes, Huck is a little better than Lox and me, but we’re both still pretty good with certain dishes.”

She winks, “Did I ever tell you a guy that can cook is hot?”

“Nope, but I’m very happy to see that your inner flirty girl has made a return. I missed her.” I wink at her.

After we finish the pasta, she takes the dish to the kitchen and comes back to bed with me.

“Thanks for tonight, Sly.”

“I should be the one thanking you.” I kiss her nose.

“No, I needed to hear all of the things you told me tonight. I saw a therapist years ago for depression, my body is a trigger, and the one night stand thing was my way of coping. I didn’t give anyone a chance to hurt me. The insecurities lessened, or well, they were buried a little deeper. Drake was the first person I’d let in in a long time. Then he said awful things to me about my body and brought all of those insecurities to the surface, along with so many other things he did. Tonight, you made me feel beautiful. I needed that.” If that son of a bitch wasn’t in jail, I’d go kick his ass again.

I caress her hair in my hand. “I shouldn’t need to make you feel beautiful because you are beautiful, but I will.” I pull her into me, “Good night, sexy.”

She sighs. “Mmm hmm.”

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