In Sly's Eyes: In Sly's Eyes Marco's MMA Boys Book 2 (6 page)

BOOK: In Sly's Eyes: In Sly's Eyes Marco's MMA Boys Book 2
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“Sly! Seriously, what in the fuck is your problem?” I am jolted awake by Huck’s angry voice. I then realize Sly is in the bed beside me and Huck is standing in my doorway.

Sly sits up. “Dude, what the fuck is
problem? We were sleeping.”

Huck points his finger at us. “Sly, you know she’s going through shit, she doesn’t need your bullshit.”

The sound of Huck yelling makes me panic. The harsh tone has me tense. Calming quickly as I realize it’s Huck and he’s just looking out for me, even against his brother, I settle a little.

Sly goes to say something but I stop him. “Huck, I appreciate you worrying about me, but this was both of us.” I move my finger between us. “It may be something, it may have just been sex, I don’t know, but it was right at the moment. We didn’t do anything wrong.”

Huck storms out, slamming the door. Sly looks over at me. “This was more than just sex, but we’ll go slowly. Huck’s right, you’ve got shit to deal with.”  He stands up, slipping back on his shorts from last night. He leans over and kisses my lips. “I’m gonna go fix us some breakfast.”

After he walks out of the room, I look at the clock and see it’s past nine. Shit, I never sleep this late, but Sly did wake me up one more time last night so I guess we were both kinda tired. My phone is blinking with a message.

I hit the voicemail icon.

“Ms. Chambers, this is Vicky, Dr. Coleman’s nurse, he’d like for you to come in today. We’re here on Saturday’s from nine to one. We got your blood work back and there are some things he’d like to discuss with you. Just stop by, today is mostly walk in appointments.”

I break out into a cold sweat as my mind races. Oh God, I have something. Drake gave me something.

I grab my trash can and throw up last night’s late dinner.

Sly comes in the door. “Are you okay?”

I shake my head back and forth.

“What’s wrong?”

I hold up my phone, still shaking. Sly takes the phone and hits replay on the message. He automatically turns and grabs some clothes out of my dresser. “Come on, let’s get you in the shower.” He walks me to the shower and takes care of me. I dress quickly, still not saying anything.

Once we’re in his truck, he looks over at me. “Where is this doctor’s office?”

“It’s in the doctor’s building on Mahan, by the hospital.”

I don’t know what he told Huck, if he told him anything. I can’t do anything on the ride over but stare out the window. My life is over, or it’s just going to be miserable, because I wouldn’t be lucky enough for Drake to give me something that antibiotics would kill, he probably gave me a disease that will kill me.

When we pull into the parking space, Sly gets out and walks around the truck. “Come on.”

Once I sign in, we walk into the lobby and he looks around, then back to me. “Shit. I didn’t know it was this kind of doctor.”

I can’t help but snort because he looks like he’s either going to run away or pass out.

“Sly, it’s just a doctor’s office.”

He shakes his head. “Yeah, but there are pictures of weird shit on the walls.”

“You said women are beautiful, just remember that in here.” I pat his chest.

“Kara Chambers,” the nurse calls out. My heart starts pounding.

He looks at me. “Do you need me?” All I can do is nod. I feel like I’m walking to my execution, but I feel like if Drake gave me something, Sly needs to know. We used a condom last night but I’d rather he know.

As soon as I get to the exam room, Dr. Coleman walks in behind me. “Kara, I’m so sorry. We had a mix up with the blood work yesterday. We think we got all of the units straightened out but we’d like to be sure. I’m sorry to seem so unprofessional and the person who caused the mess was terminated. I’m just glad we caught the mix up.”

“Okay, so what do I need to do?”

“We are going to draw your blood again and run all the tests before you leave. It was just the blood vials that got mixed up so we won’t need to redo your pap smear.” I look over and see that Sly is turning red. At least my heart rate has slowed down.

I look back to the doctor. “Okay, let’s get this done.”

The nurse walks in with the blood kit. She sits down, wrapping the strap around my arm. She pokes at my vein, “Okay, squeeze this.” She places a foam ball in my hand. “Okay, big stick.” She sticks the needle in and releases the strap, “All right, now open your fist.” She draws a couple of vials and removes the needle, then folds my arm up. “Sit here and we’ll get this done as quickly as possible.”

I tip my head to the side. “Thank you.”

I look over at Sly. “Are you embarrassed to be in here?”

“Don’t tell the guys I accidently ended up in your gyno appointment. They’d never let me live it down.”

I smile. “Well, look on the bright side, at least my pap was okay and I don’t have to redo that.” I shove his shoulder lightly.

“Why were you so scared?” He touches my shoulder.

“Well, I had the doctor do tests for STDs and everything since Drake was, well, crazy.”

He nods. “Yeah, I get that. I’m always careful, but we get tested every six months for work.”

“I mean I think it’s okay, but when I got that message, I felt like my world was being snatched out from under me.” I climb up on the exam table.

He looks around at the walls. “You guys have a lot of shit going on inside there.”

I laugh. “Yeah, we do.”

“So how does this table work?” He starts looking at stuff and pulls out the stirrups. His eyes light up. “Oh this could be fun.”

“Dude, that’s sick. I don’t need to think like that while I’m in here.” I laugh and Dr. Coleman comes back into the room.

He chuckles. “Son, you know they can get you for practicing without a license.”

Sly looks like he was caught with a hand in the cookie jar. “I’m purely recreational.”

The doctor laughs. “Okay, well I need to discuss some stuff with Kara.”

Sly and the doctor both look at me. “Sly is my friend, he’s my support system, he can stay.”

The doctor sits back in the chair. “Well, I know given your recent experiences you were worried about STDs, that all came out negative and generally, like I said yesterday, you’re healing great.” I notice Sly tense, worried about what we did last night. “As a routine, we went ahead and ran a pregnancy test. It came back positive.”

I look at him like he’s crazy. “Excuse me? I have that implant thing. I can’t get pregnant.”

“It’s not very common but some people do get pregnant while the device is in.” I see Sly sit down. “Now, if we hadn’t done bloodwork you probably wouldn’t have known for a few more weeks. We need to get that implant out and do an ultrasound to see how far along you are. Then I’m sure you need time to let this sink in. For your safety, we need to go head and get that implant out today.”

All I can do is nod. He stands up. “Okay, well the nurse will be in to prep you. We can take the implant out right here, then I’ll have them bring in the portable ultrasound.”

Again I nod, that really must be all my body is letting me do. I must look like a fucking bobble head.

Once he walks out of the room, Sly wraps me up in a hug. The dam breaks and I start sobbing. He just keeps stroking my hair saying, “Shh, shh, shh, shh. It’s going to be okay. Whatever you decide, we’re behind you.”

I look up at him. “Sly, you don’t have to stay. You didn’t sign up for this much crazy.”

He smirks. “No, I didn’t, but this is just an added bonus.” He raises his eyebrows. “Here, the nurse said to use this.” He hands me the small sheet. “I don’t know what you’re going to do with a sheet that small, but whatever.”

“I guess you get to see how things work in here today after all,” I say softly, trying to lighten the mood, but it’s not working for me.

I slip off my pants and underwear, sliding back up on the table.

Sly looks at me. “So what are they going to do?”

“Well, it only took a second to put this thing in, so it’ll probably take a second to pull out.”

A soft knock on the door alerts me that the doctor is coming in. He and his nurse come in with the ultrasound machine. He sits down on the stool. “Okay, Kara, slide down for me.” He places my feet in the stirrups.

Sly is standing next to my head and is squeezing my hand. I would say holding, but he’s squeezing.

“Sly, you can ease up a little.”

I feel the little pinch from the removal. “Okay, that’s out. Now, let’s see what we can see.”

He pulls out the vaginal ultrasound wand and Sly’s eyes bug out. “What in the hell is that?”

The doctor laughs. “Son, I’ve been doing this for twenty years. That reaction never gets old. She more than likely isn’t far enough along to see the fetus in a traditional ultrasound, so we use a vaginal one this early. Most men get a little uncomfortable when I bring it out.”

Sly looks at me. “Are you okay with that thing? I mean I know I’m big, but that damn thing is huge.”

I shake my head. “Yes. I’ve had one done before for other reasons.”

The doctor inserts the wand and moves it around. “Okay, so you’re almost five weeks. Like I said, it’s still pretty early, but it’s there. I don’t see any problems from the implant so everything should be good.” He turns the sound on and I hear a steady thump. “That’s a good heartbeat right there.” He clicks some stuff on the screen and takes out the wand. “I’ll print these out for you.”

He prints them out and hands them to me and I start crying.

Dr. Coleman hugs me and rubs my back. “Kara, I know this isn’t what you planned and I’m fairly certain it’s not with the person you wanted it to be, but it’s all going to be okay. You’re a grown, intelligent woman, you know your options so call my office when you decide. If you want to keep the baby, we’ll see you in a month. If you have any questions or concerns, you call me.”

He leaves the room for me to get dressed. Sly swallows hard. “So this is Drake’s baby?”

I nod. “Yeah.” I shake my head. “He just keeps fucking with my life.” I stand up, not caring that I don’t have pants on. “He took this joy away from me. The joy of finding out I was pregnant, by a man who loved me. I want kids, I want kids so bad.”

Sly stops me. “Hey, calm down, this isn’t good for the baby. Don’t let him take this away from you. This is yours, you be happy and have that baby.”

“That’s easy to say, Sly. He’ll never leave me alone once he finds out I’m pregnant. I can’t share this baby with him. He’s dangerous.”

Sly shrugs. “So tell him it’s not his.”

I shake my head. “He’ll know.”

“No, he won’t, we’ll say it’s mine. It’s not like you are going to have a meter on the side of your belly showing your due date. If it ever comes up, you just say you’re five weeks behind what you are.”

“Oh everyone is going to think I was cheating on him, just like that cop said the other day. He was wondering if I was playing you two against each other.” I cover my face.

“Like I said, we won’t tell anyone for a while, then we’ll tell them we hooked up later. I mean Huck saw us this morning and he knows there was nothing before. We won’t tell anyone anything for a little while, okay? I’m going to take care of you and this baby.”

Sly holds out my pants to help me put them on. “You can’t claim this child, Sly.”

He pulls up my pants and buttons them. “Well, I just did.”





What in the hell did I just do? I just claimed a kid that I know isn’t mine. She needs me though. Kara needs me and if I’m being honest with myself, I need her.

We’re still sitting in the parking lot of the doctor’s building and she’s shaking her head. “You can’t do this, Sly. This is just crazy. I- we- a baby-. It’s just. Oh my God.” She starts crying again and buries her face in her hands. “No, this can’t be happening. I can’t do this. I can’t be a mom to a kid of a crazy person.”

“Sweetie, you need to calm down. It isn’t good for the baby,” I say as I reach across the console to hold her hand.

She snatches it back. “Damn it, Sly! I’m being fucking serious. Even if we do pull this off and Drake never knows, how will we eventually explain this to the baby? How are you going to explain this to the girls you wanna hook up with?”

I glare at her, “I told you this morning that this was more than just sex.”

She rolls her eyes. “I’m sure you didn’t think that would mean a kid right off the bat. I’m not holding you to all of this.” She pulls out her phone.

“Wait. What are you doing?”

“I’m calling Sloan.” She starts swiping stuff on her phone.

“Don’t do that.” I try to reach for her phone. “Look, let’s get back to the house and talk about this, like seriously talk about it. Okay?”

She looks down at her feet and then out the window, laying her phone in her lap. “Okay,” she says just above a whisper.

We stay quiet the rest of the way home and as I pull in the driveway, I notice she’s asleep. I get out and go around to her side, lifting her gently and taking her inside. As we walk through the foyer, she wakes up. “Sly?”

“Hey, sexy, you fell asleep. You need your rest so I’m going to put you in your bed, then I’m gonna fix us some lunch and we’ll talk later.”

She just nods her head as I lie her down. She is beautiful. I look at her sleeping so peacefully, so soft. Why would someone purposely hurt her? Why would she believe the things he said about her?

In the kitchen, I pull out what I’ll need to make us a couple of wraps for lunch. Shit. What can pregnant women eat?

Pulling out my phone, I Google it.

Holy shit! This is scary. Okay, I get the no raw meat, but deli meat? No fish, no seafood, and the list goes on and on. What in the hell do they expect her to eat? One website says it’s okay and another says it’s going to kill her or the baby.

Okay, so grilled chicken with thoroughly washed vegetables it is.

After I finish making our wraps, I take them to her room with a glass of milk. She is sitting up in bed staring off into space.

“Hey, I thought you were sleeping?”

She picks at the pillow in her lap. “I was, but I’ve got a lot on my mind.”

“Here, I made you some lunch and brought you a glass of milk,” I say while handing her the plate.

She sighs. “Thanks. I’m not really that hungry.”

“Hey, you’ve got to eat. The baby needs it. I even Googled to see what you could and couldn’t eat so please, just try.”

She nods and takes a small bite.

“Kara, let me help you with this. Look at Huck and me. Elaine isn’t our blood relative, but we’d do more for her than our own mother. Look at Lox and Slick, he and that kid are over the moon for each other.”

She stops chewing. “Look, Sly, I know you would be good to this baby. That isn’t the issue. I need some time to make up my mind about everything. I’m glad you stopped me from calling Sloan. I don’t want everyone knowing just yet, I’ve got enough of a circus going on. Just keep this between you and me for a little longer, okay?”

“Yeah, I get it. Just know that I’m here. Just be careful, okay? We don’t need Drake finding out. The no contact order is in place, but we both know that a piece of paper is just that - a piece of paper. It won’t stop him.”

She nods her head, taking another bite of her wrap. After she chews she looks at me. “That is the scariest part to me. A child would never survive with him. Never. If he found out I was pregnant with his child, he’d make my life a living hell or try to kill me. At that point, I think I’d rather be dead.”

I grab her hand. “Don’t say shit like that. If I have anything to do with this, he’s not going to find out.”

I see the tears rolling out of her eyes again. “I just feel like my life is so fucked up. How am I going to take care of a child? I don’t have a place to live. I have a decent job, but not a great one. My mom can’t help me the way Sloan’s parents helped her. My sister is leaving for college in a few months. I have no one. I just feel lost and helpless. And I’m really pissed off that I feel like I did this to my damn self.”

I reach over and pull her into my lap, wrapping my arms around her. “Hey, it’s all going to be okay. You have a place here as long as you want it. All of us will help you with the baby. You’re part of the family, we’ve tried to tell you this.”

She lays her head on my shoulder and speaks. “I’m just really scared. All of the
‘what ifs’
are playing out in my head.”

“I think you’ll be fine. I mean look at Huck and me. Our mom is an honest to God crack head and we turned out okay. I mean Elaine helped and so did Marco, but we were on our own a lot. We probably saw a lot of shit kids shouldn’t see and we can’t un-see, but we are okay.”

“I know what you’re saying, it’s just very overwhelming right now. I never intended to have kids outside of marriage. That was my whole reason for having the implant.”

I rub my hand down her hair. “Well, you know the road to hell was paved with good intentions.”

She looks up at me like I’ve lost my mind. “What does that have to do with anything?”

I shrug and laugh, “I don’t know. Also, while you’re busy making plans, God’s laughing and saying ‘now here’s what is really going to happen.’”

She shakes her head. “I think you got hit too many times in the head and you’ve lost it.”

“Nah, I was just trying to be inspirational and shit.”

She laughs and pats me on the arm. “Stick to fighting.”

“Got you laughing, didn’t I?”

She tries to cover her mouth. “Yeah, you did.”

I’ll make her laugh for the rest of my life if I can.  I always try to be the calm jokester on the outside, on the inside I’m scared out of my mind.


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