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Table 1 V-22. Lipid-Lowering Agents

Indication: Lipid disorders

Mechanism of acrion: Decrease levels of low-density lipoproteins,

triglycerides, or both

General side effects: Constipation, diarrhea, nausea, liver function

abnormalities, skin rashes, increased bleeding time

Anion exchange resins/bile acid sequestrants ( generic name [trade namel):

Chalestyramine (Quesrran), calestipol (Coiestid)

Fibric acid derivatives: Clofibrate ( Atromid-$), gemJibrozil ( Lopid)

HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor/statins: LOVaSt3tin (Mevacor), prav3st3rin

(Pravachol), simvastatin (Zocar), flu vasta tin (Lescal), arocvastatin

(Lipitor), cerivastatin (Baycol)

Niearonic acid: Niacin

Fish oils: Omega-3 fatty acid (SuperEPA, many other over-the-counter


HMG-CoA = hepatic 3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A.

Source: Data from K Grimes, M Cohen. Cardiac Medications. In EA Hillegass, HS

Sadowsky. Essentials in Cardiopulmonary PhYSical Therapy (2nd ed), Philadelphia:

Saunders, 2001 ;570.

Table VI-23. Mucolyrics

Indication: Viscous bronchopulmonary secretions associated with chronic

bronchopulmonary diseases

Mechanism of action: Act directly to split molecular mucoprotein

molecular complexes, resultin g in 3 depolymerization and viscosity

General side effects: Nausea, vomiting, fever, drowsin ess, bronchoconstriction

Generic name (trade name): Acerylcysteine (Mucomyst, Mucosil), dornase

alpha (Pulmozyme)

Source: Data from Drug Facts and Comparisons 2000 (54th ed), St. Louis: Wolters

Kluwcr, 2000.



Table l V-H. Nitrates

Indication: Ischemia

Mechanism of action: Decrease myocardial oxygen demand and increase

myocardial oxygen supply; venodilation by promoting smooth muscle

relaxation on both the venous and arterial side and therefore reducing

preload and afterload

General side effects: Headache, hypotension

Generic name (trade name; roure of entry): Amyl nitrite (Aspirol, Vaporole; inhalation), nitroglycerin (Nitro-Bid, Nitrostat; sublingual, spray, percutaneous ointment, oral, sustained release, i.v.) (Nitro-Our, Transderm-Nitro, Nirrodisc; transdermal patch), isosorbide dinitrate (Isordil, Sorbirrate; sublingual, oral, chewable), isosorbide mononitrate (lSMO),

penraerythritoi tetranitrate (Peritrate; sublingual, pentrinitrol, Pentafin;

oral Vasitol; sustained release), erythrityl tetranirrate (Tetranitrol, Erythrol tetra nitrate; oral) (Cardilate; sublingual) Source: Data from K Grimes, M Cohen. Cardiac Medications In EA Hillegass, HS Sadowsky (eds), Essentials of Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy. Philadelphia: Saunders, 2001;493.

Table rv-2S. Nutritional Agents for Anemia

Indication: Iron deficiency anemia

General side effects: Nausea, vomiting, constipation, dark stools

Generic name (brand name): Ferrous fumarate (Femiron, Feostat, Hemocyte,

Ircon, Nephro-Fer, Vitron e), ferrous gluconate (Fergon), ferrous sulfate

(ED-IN-SOL, FeSO, Feosol, Fer-gen-sol, Fer-In-Sol, Fer-Iron, Ferarab), iron

dextran (Imferon)·

Indication: Vitamin B\2 deficiency anemia

General side effects: Itchy skin or rash, pain at injection site, diarrhea,

pulmonary edema, congestive heart failure, peripheral vascular thrombosis

Generic name (brand name): Cyanocobalamin crystalline (Crystamine, Crysti

1000, Cyanoject, Cyomin, Rubesol-IOOO), hydroxocobalamin (Hydro

Cobex, Hydro-Crysti-12, LA-12)

Indication: Folic acid anemia

General side effects: Mild allergic reaction, otherwise nontoxic

Generic name (trade name): Folic acid (Folacin, Folvite), leucovorin (Wellcovorin)

- For severe iron deficiency anemia.

Sources: Data from Drug Facts and Comparisons 2000 (54th ed). St. Louis: Wolters

Kluwer, 2000; and Drug Facts and Comparisons 2001 (55th ed). St. Louis: Wolters

Kluwer, 200 I.

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