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Gag reflex, 291 t, 297

esophagogastric tamponade tube


1I1, 797t

evaluation of, JOOt

of esophagus, 524-526

six·minute walk test in, 9 1 5-918,

gastroenteritis, 630-63 1

9 1 7t

gastrostomy/jejunoslOmy tubes in,

timed get up and go test in, 902,

percutaneous endoscopic,

90BI, 90B-909


lineni mobility assessment in,

hemorrhage, S lOt, 5 1 4t, 526, 527,

9 1 1-9 1 5, 9 121-9151, 9 1 61


in Parkinson's disease, 321

herl11a, 53 1-532


irritable bowd syndrome, 534--535

cholccysteclOmy of, 548

ischemia of intestines, 533-534

cholccysritis of, 544--545

of liver, 540-544

evaluation of, 5 1 1 , S I 6t-522t

malabsorption syndromes in, 535-

function of, 505t


referred pain in disorders of, 502t

management of, 547-552

Gallium scans in gastrointestinal disornasoenteric feedtng tubes tn, 799t-

ders, 5 13t


Gallstones, 544--545

nasogasnic tubes in, 800t

Gardcn classification of femoral frac·

obsrrucnon of intestines, 532-533

rures, 1 77, 1 78f, 24 1 r

pain management in, 551-552


pain referral pafterns in, SO l , 502t

in arterial blood

of pancreas, 545-547

in cardiac evaluation, 3 1

pathophYSIology in, 523-547

interpretacion of, 1 1 2-1 1 6

peritonitis, 536-537

normal values for, 1 12

phYSIcal therapy ,", 550-552

10 respiratory evaluation, 1 I 1 -

polyps, 539-540

1 1 6

positioning precautions m, 551

exchange in ventilation, 94--96

postoperative, 874

assessment of, 129t

in prolonged bed rest, 754t

transport of. 96--97

rectal pouch or rube in, 802t

GastrectOmy. 549

of stomach, 527-529

Gastrin levels, 509t

surgery m, 547-550, 552

Gastritis, 527-528

tumors, 348-349, 349t

Gastroenteritis, 630-63 1

ulcc:rative colitiS, 538-539

Gastroesophageal reflux, 525-526

esophagus in, 502t, 504t, 524-526.

diagnostic procedures 10, 5 1 3t, 5 I 4t

Set! also Esophagus

drug therapy in, 862r

c:valuallon of, 503-522

Gastrointestinal system, 501-552

diagnostic studies in, 507-522

biliary tract in, 502t, 505t, 544--545.

imaging procedures in, 5 1 2t-

See also Biliary tract

5 1 51

disorders of, 523-552. See also spe-

laboratory tests in, 508t-5 1 Ot

cific disorders

histOry taking tn, 50S, 506t

anorectal, 540

physical examination in, 503-507

appendicitis, 530

abdommal quadrants in, 505,

ascitcs in, 552


biliary, 544-545

in hematologic disorders, 378t

in burns, 441 t, 444

large intestine 111. See Large tntestine

chest pain in, 525, 921, 922t

liver in, S02t. 505t, 540-544. See also

Crohn's disease, 537-538


diverricubr disease, 530-5 3 1

pancreas functions in, 50St, 545-547

drug therapy in, 547, 862t-864t

small Intestine in. See Small intestine



sromach in, 502t, 504t, 527-529. See

Get up and go rest, timed, 902, 908t,

also Stomach


structure and function of, 502, 503f

Gianr cell arteritis, 397

accessory organs in, 505t

Gigantism, 663

primary organs in, 504r

Girdlesrone procedure, 207, 208f, 209

GastrostOmy, percutaneous endoscopic,

Glasgow Coma Scale, 283-284, 284t


Glenohumeral joint

Gauze dressings, 490t

arthroplasry of, 202-204

Gehrig, Lou, diseasc, 3 1 9

dislocation and fracture of, 1 85

Genetic factors

Glomerulonephritis, 574-577

in cancer risk, 333

chronic, 576-577

in cystic fibrosis, 136

in immunoglobulin IgA nephropathy,

in emphysema. 136


in hemophilia, 4 1 1

postsrreptococcal, 575-576

in sickle cell anemia. 408

rapidly progressive, 576

in thabssemia, 4 1 2

Glossoph:lfyngeal nerve, 2 9 1 t

Genitourinary system, 557-600

Glucocorticoids, 668, 669-670

bladder m. See Bladder

rarget sites and 3crions of, 669r

disorders of, 570-600

therapy with, 842t. See also Corticosof bladder, 582-583, 597

teroid therapy

in burns, 44 1 t


in calculi, 566, 579-580, 583-

blood levels of, 67 1


in diabetes mellitus, 673-674,

percutaneous ncphroscopic

6751, 677, 679

removal of, 596

and hypoglycemia, 685

surgery in, 596-597

in liver failure, 7 1 4r

cancer, 348-349, 349t

in liver transplantation, 7 1 5

diagnostic rests in, 337t

i n pancre3s rransplanmtion, 7 1 8-

risk factors for, 335t

7 1 9

catheters in

tolerance test, 67 1

Foley, 805,

urine levels of, 565r

suprapubic, 802t

in diabetes mellitus, 675t

Texas, 803r

Glut3mate pyruvate [ransamin3se, 5 1 I,

dIalysis in, 587-592

5 1 6r

of kidneys, 570-582

Gluramic-oxalo3ceric trans3min3se, 5 1 1 ,

rnanagemcnl of, 587-600

5 1 7t

pain referral patterns in, 557,

y-Gluramylrransferasc levels, 5 1 8t


Gluteal nerves, 279t

pathophysiology in, 570-587

Glycosidcs, cardiac, 867r

physical therapy in, 599-600

Glycosuria, 565t

In prolonged bed rest, 754t

Goirer, 657r

of prostate, 584-587

Graft-verslls-hosr disease in bone marsurgery in, 595-599, 600

row rransplantarion, 737

evaluation of, 561-570


diagnostic procedures in, 563-570

amnion, in burns, 456t

history taking in, 561-562

3neriovenous, for hemodialysis, 590,

physical examination in, 56 1-563

59 1 f, 795,

in hematologic disorders, 378t

bone, in spin31 surgery, 2 1 2, 2 1 4

kidneys in. See Kidneys


prOstate in. See Prost3te

in burns, 455-459, 456t, 464, 465

structure and function of, 558-56 1 ,

in rumors, 340

559f, 560f

in vascular bypass surgery

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