Starlight (The Dragonian Series Book 5)

BOOK: Starlight (The Dragonian Series Book 5)
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Starlight: The Dragonian Series #5

Copyright © 2016 Adrienne Woods

Illustration: Joemel Requeza


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This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real locales are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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First Fire Quill publishing edition September 2016






To all my fans….

What a wonderful journey and you all made it complete and so worth while. The time I spend with these characters are finally coming to an end but thank God that I still have a couple more stories to tell.

I can’t say thank you enough to all of you. I wouldn’t have been anywhere without all your love and support for my dragons and their riders.
































































I have cried while writing this book as it is the end of a long emotional journey.

My first thanks, as always is to the Greatest King of all times, He is still alive and watches over all His children. Thank you for blessing me with this story, that I was chosen to tell it. It has given me such great pleasure and to know that it was something I could do with You at my side. The times that I didn’t know which way to take it, You guided me and showed me a solution. I would always believe in You till the end of time.

To my family, for giving up their precious time with me so that I could write this story, and keep writing all of the others that is still yet to come. I love and treasure you for ever and ever.

To my editors. I can’t believe this is the end of one tale, you have loved this world as much as I have, you have unraveled my sentences, made the descriptions and the characters stronger, each of you are so unique in their special way, Hillery, you are like my limp, as I can’t write any of my novels without you. Monique, you made Elena stronger, set her emotions straight when it wonders and didn’t sound like Elena. Thank you so much for always being honest. Zoe, my British girl, I know this has been a challenge for you as you cringed at every British English word that you had to change to American English. I laughed so many times at that, and treasure your input.

To Joemel. Joemel, Joemel, Joemel. You are a bright star, just like the Southern star in this book. Your talent is beyond words and you will get noticed real soon, that is a promise. Your compassion, not just to me but to the fans has really proof that I made the right decision choosing you as one of my life long working partners. You are above and beyond and always go the extra mile, you made the image in my head come to life and still found away to blow my sock off my feet. You are just so incredible talented and I’m so glad that I have found you. We will meet one day, that is a promise.

To Fire Quill Publishing, my home for all my novels. You will grow into a beautiful company as all the people at Fire Quill publishing go above and beyond with everything they do. Their passion for novels is what drives them and passion always conquers experience.

I couldn’t have done this without the love and support of any of the above people. It takes a team to make a book comes to life and if anyone out there think they can make a success without the help of others, seriously are mistaken. Thank you all for being in my life, I am one of the luckiest people alive.

A huge acknowledgement goes out to the winners of the Battle of the poets contest: Leandri, Ursula and Abby, your poems gave voice to Blake’s soul. Thank you so much for them. I would never be able to do what the three of you had done. It is a gift, a talent all by itself.

Last but definitely not the least. My Fans. Your kind words, your comments on my website, the overflow of interaction on the Facebook page, your love for these characters has put me where I am today. I couldn’t make this without you as word of mouth starts with you. Thank you for loving this story as much as I do, and I hope you will treasure it for years and years to come.

It’s a very sad moment in my life as it is the ending of one journey, a journey that is so close to my heart and now I have to find another to fulfill this space that was created by Elena and all of her friends.

Thank you so much for treasuring this, I can’t say enough thank you and it will never be enough, and hope that one day we could see this coming to live in any form of visual.


Lots of hugs and kisses















I learned that courage was not the absence for fear, but the triumph over it. The Brave man is not her who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers the fear.


Nelson Mandela










The mysterious Bermuda Triangle.

If you asked a normal person what the Bermuda Triangle is, they will tell you all sorts of things, like it’s the gateway to hell. Planes and ships, they disappear. Humans disappear too. What it actually is, well many people wonder about it, but none can really tell you. If they can, well then they are technically not human, they are dragons, and to be honest, you wouldn’t believe them either. For those of us whose curiosity is too great, we discover the truth. The Bermuda Triangle is far from a gateway to hell. Planes and ships don’t get lost, and humans, well, they are still alive in another realm.

Most of them live in an asylum on the other side since their minds can’t perceive the reality of that realm. It’s filled with magic, dragons and technology that one can only dream of.

The other side of the veil is home to a world called Paegeia, and I am one of its royals.

I was born with a special mark, the mark of the Dragonians, or what humans call dragon riders. It’s not a myth, they truly exist, and I do happen to have a dragon of my very own.

He is the Rubicon, one of a kind and also the meanest dragon who has ever lived. So if you mess with me, well, you will have to deal with him too.

My father is the king of Paegeia, the greatest king that ever ruled this part of the world. Paegeia used to be part of the human realm, but with a world full of magic and dragons, their greed grew too great and the people of this world had no choice but to protect it. So, over nine hundred years ago they wielded an invisible wall to protect Paegeia from the darkness of humanity. Humans that enter the wall, even by accident, can never return unless they are dragons.

However, Paegeia has its own demons to face. My father is trapped behind deadly Creepers—giant beanstalk leaches that tear people apart if they walk too near.

Everyone thinks my father is dead, that he died the night the Creepers consumed Paegeia’s capital, Etan, but he didn’t, and the only people who know this are myself, my dragon and the ten people we rescued from Etan a couple of days ago.

Through an act of pure luck, we discovered that my blood is the only way through the Creepers to Etan. And we were able to deliver some of those trapped from that hell they’d lived in for the past seventeen years.

The Council, the group of dragons and royals who ruled Paegeia, had wanted to put them in quarantine. Well, actually the Ancients did, which is a board ruled by five dragons and Dragonians, the oldest there are.

I wasn’t going to have that and told them they would never imprison them again while my body still drew breath.

That night something amazing happened. Most of the Council members stood by me, and we took a stand against the Ancients.

I became a princess that day, stepping into my father’s and mother’s shoes and showing everyone that if they messed with innocent people, they would answer to me.

It also brought me to my final decision.

The day I ascended, my father begged me not to free Etan.

It wasn’t going to be easy, and the need to find the missing ingredient to kill the Saadedine, a small revelation that Blake saw in a vision, was lying heavy over our shoulders. Without the ingredient, one of us was going to die saving Etan.

What the missing ingredient was, well, none of us had a clue. I guess time will tell and I hope when it does, it won’t be too late.

My decision was final.

My father was going to come home.

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