Hungry for Love (7 page)

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Authors: Nancy Frederick

BOOK: Hungry for Love
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Dr. Kevin Flicker liked his little projects.  Always vaguely bored and disenchanted with the status quo of his daily life
Kevin regularly had one or two going simultaneously.   It was what kept life interesting for him and held at bay the encroaching idea that his best years were possibly behind him. At the moment
Chrissy was his number one project.  They talked on the phone nearly every day
sometimes more than once—i
t was titillating.  There was nothing like finding a woman

s soft spot and pressing it repeatedly until….

Koush Koush
he asked her.

Her voice was filled with the sort of beguiling desperation he most adored in a woman. 

I have to have it.

Chrissy was by this time doing Yoga
and as she talked into the Bluetooth headset
she was free to move into the various poses that were so beneficial for limberness and peace of mind.  At least she had achieved the limber part.  She lay on her back
hips raised
repeatedly touching knee to shoulder
knee to shoulder
alternating sides.

I could stop by the Moroccan restaurant and bring you some. With lamb or beef
Kevin asked smoothly.

Chrissy had dropped both knees down to her shoulders and she lay in a contented little ball. 

she said.


s voice grew more heated.  He stroked two of the dangling balls in his

s Cradle desk toy
weighing them in his hand. 


s gonna happen for us
you know.  It

s gonna be so hot
so sweet.

Still on her back

s legs were extended straight up in the air and she opened them widely
then closed them tightly
only to open them yet again.  Her breath remained steady but her voice had an odd rasp to it. 

she asked expectantly.

Kevin smiled.  He

d found the soft spot. 


m going to start with hot fudge.  And raspberries.

  He paused for effect
long enough for her to gain a mental picture
something he anticipated might take a few seconds
considering all.  Then he said

Have you ever really looked at my tongue

Chrissy was on her feet
bending over
reaching down to her toes.  She hung there in the air a long while
her backside way above her head. 

she said sincerely


cooed Kevin

Those little marshmallows that I can…. And nuts.  Almonds

  The silver balls clanked in his hand until he jumped at the sound and let up the pressure a bit.

Chrissy stood serenely
her palms raised as if in prayer and she pressed them gently and then harder
flexing her
repeatedly. She quickly interrupted him and said

rich nuts
like Macadamias.


Kevin smiled
his voice seductive yet coyly amused. 

nibbled out of….

Chrissy had climbed up onto the Stairmaster and was frenetically stepping up and down
up and down
up and down.  Her pace was frenzied despite all the Yoga
and she looked flushed and agitated.  Marching even more swiftly
she said

And whipped cream
blasting out of the can.

Kevin closed his eyes briefly
then said

Have you ever seen my….


s breath was raspy
her heart thundering.  She touched her wrist and then with eyes wide with shock
dropped her arm as though she

d burned herself.  Her eyes bulged—her pulse was racing—this wasn

t good
not good at all—her heart rate was the one thing she counted on to be ever steady.  She jumped off the Stairmaster and began doing Yoga again
raising her arms high overhead
touching palms together and bringing them down straight in front of her body
touching her belly button
then gracefully separating her palms and fluttering her arms out to the sides to make a big circle back to the top of her head where her palms once again met.  She focused on her breathing
attempting to normalize her heart rate.

You have to stop doing this to me
Kevin.  I

m serious.  We can talk about…

she paused for a long moment
her eyes getting glassy
and then she said


And she paused once more
coming into focus again and continued

But you know Bill is my rock.  He

s not a player like you.  He

d never cheat on me.  I

d go crazy if he did


Kevin laughed.  He had her. It was just a matter of time. 

Oh c

mon.  Bill is no saint.  He

s just never been improperly tempted….

  Kevin laughed again
lowered his voice to its most seductive register
then said

We didn

t even get to salty.

Chrissy was down on her knees
raising her hands over head and leaning forward
her arms stretched outward as her body folded down over her knees and out against the floor. 

she repeated
tantalized by the thought.

Kevin started raking his little sand pit
making swirl after swirl in the sand with the tiny rake. 

I could pack you in popcorn….Eat my way in.

Chrissy sat flat on the floor
her legs open widely.  Arms behind her head
she leaned first left then right
touching elbow to knee and up again. 

she said adamantly. 




At last.  They were together at last.  Angie sat on the examining table
attempting to make her paper gown seem as seductive as possible.  Ignoring Nurse Leona
who stood silently in the corner of the room like one of those eunuchs who guarded the harem
Angie shrugged her shoulder subtly
but gazing into Dr. Flicker

s eyes as she did it
allowing the gown to slip down a bit so he could have an eyeful of the sexy bra she

d just bought. 

Glancing at his nurse
Kevin casually lifted the gown back up onto her shoulder and patted her paternally on the back. 

you can dress now and meet me in my office
he said.

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