Hungry for Love (10 page)

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Authors: Nancy Frederick

BOOK: Hungry for Love
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Bill listened silently as Laura continued her harangue and he wondered was she talking completely about smoking or was something more personal under the surface working its way up.

Think about it
she implored

Now is the time to break those nasty habits
not to get sucked in too deeply into something you

ll regret later on. 
  Give it some thought.  Here
take this.  Take two.  It

s not too late to change now.  You can do it.  You really can.

Silently the young couple each accepted the flyers and nodded to Laura wordlessly then turned to walk off in the other direction.  Bill put a kindly hand on Laura

s arm and together they walked forward.  He glanced back
noting that the kids had tossed the flyers in the nearest trash can.  Shaking his head
he refocused on what Laura was now saying.

You know
she said wistfully

Last night I dreamed George came back.  I didn

t even tell Kevin about it.  You know how he felt.  Such a competition.

Bill nodded.  Kevin was quite insane on the subject of George.

You remember it all
asked Laura
murmuring softly

George and me
walking along
and out of nowhere that jerk
and he swerved and I pulled on George
but he didn

t move fast enough.

  Suddenly she began to weep
very intensely Bill thought
considering how long it had been
and he faced her
his hand on her arm
stroking it softly.

He was reaching for a cigarette
did you know that
she asked


s why he didn

t see us.


Her tears grew stronger and Bill just wrapped his arms around her
hoping it would help and she would feel a little better.  He patted her kindly on the back.

I didn

t know that last part
he said.



Despite having pretty much every workout gadget any girl could ever want right there at home in the den
Chrissy often liked to vary her days and that usually meant a trip to her favorite spot
a super high tech gym called Zero Tolerance.  It gave her energy to work out alongside other motivated people and if she wanted to talk
there was always someone to chat up on the treadmills.  At this moment

d finished a workout
had showered
and was carrying her gym bag as she walked toward the parking garage nearby.  Just as she was about to cross the street
she noticed something shocking.  There in the middle of the sidewalk was her Bill
embracing Kevin

s Laura—right out in public.

She gasped audibly and then with much astonishment
clapped her hand over her mouth
as though her gasps could cause her to be noticed when she wasn

t the one committing a flagrant act of infidelity
right there on the sidewalk.  She stood frozen for a while
for as long as their nauseating embrace continued
but then as they began walking
so did she.

Like a character in a movie trying to outsmart a sniper
she serpentined along
darting into doorways
sidling around corners
expecting at any moment that Bill would turn around and spot her.  Quick thinking—that was what she needed.  Reaching into her gym bag
she extracted her hoodie and tied it around her head with the arms linked under her chin. That would surely provide some cover.  Unconcerned that she looked a bit like someone from the old country about to exit
Ellis Island
Chrissy was determined to follow them.

They walked half a block or so and she continued her covert stalking.  Were they going to a hotel
  What would they think when she burst into the room
after a suitable pause of course. She would catch them in the act and then who would have the power
  But no
they entered a small jewelry store
one with very beautiful pieces in the window
and that only made Chrissy sadder.  Lurking outside the store
she tried to see all without being seen.  If only she could hear
but no
not a word.  But hey
a picture was worth a thousand cheaters

t it
  As she saw what came next
her stomach dropped and she thought she

d lose it all
right there in the street.  Bill had fastened a diamond necklace on Laura
who held up her hair and looked in the mirror.

Chrissy raised her hands
shaking them back and forth as though she were at some peculiar religious revival meeting. 

she mumbled again and again.  She pulled her cell phone out of her pocket and slowly punched in the numbers as she whispered each one
something she did every time she made this call. 


s the damn number
  Oh crap. 1-800-what-wait—oh 1-800-s-h-r-i-n-k.  Wait that

s not enough numbers.  What

s the last one
  Every freaking time.  Another K
  No wait

s not it

s the racist group.  Oh crap and double crap.  Wait

  Finally she remembered
and triumphantly dialed 1-800-s-h-r-i-n-k-U.

  It rang several times but at last Ben picked up the phone.  Thank goodness.

she said


s Chrissy.

  She took a deep breath as he was speaking
then answered quickly

Very upset.

  With each pause her shrink said something to which she would respond.

cheating on me with his partner

s wife.

  Ben was talking then and she waited politely
only half hearing what he was saying
then she continued

She was in his arms

s proof

t it
  I saw them.



Bill and Laura had by this time exited the jewelry store but carried no packages.  Spotting them
Chrissy quickly turned her back
angling her face into a wall.  Momentarily Bill noticed her
looked quizzically
then shook his head dismissively and continued walking with Laura who was asking him a question.

Just how serious are you about this girl

Bill shrugged.

Once you start buying diamonds

s really only one direction in which to go.  Is that where you really want to go
  Can you see yourself with her ten years down the road

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