Hungry for Love (3 page)

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Authors: Nancy Frederick

BOOK: Hungry for Love
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Already at the Beverly Hills Wellness and

s partner
Dr. Kevin Flicker
was in his office but not at his desk.  Patients sat outside
either impatient to be congratulated on the week

s current slimmer status or morose about the lack of same.  Soon enough they would be weighed in and sent on their way
hopefully to return a little lighter the following week.  Kevin and Bill had a good practice
mostly consisting of die hard dieters but also the occasional patient who wasn

t fat and had the flu. 

  Inside Flicker

s office there were stacks of unopened medical journals piled in a corner.  An impressive mahogany desk was centered in the room and on it sat a collection of the desk toys Kevin favored.  There was a nice tufted leather couch
so standard medical office that it was almost a cliché
and it would have been perfectly suitable for Kevin

s current activity
except because his partner lacked the good grace to knock before entering his office
Kevin had become furtive
which actually added to the cheap thrills.

At the back of the office was a small closet
with a fairly solid wood door
a door which now shimmied rhythmically with a thud-thud-thud sound that was the backdrop for the muffled moans coming from behind it.  Moan-thud-shimmy was the cadence.  Slowly the sounds began to subside and the door opened.  Nurse Caryn exited first
jiggling her breasts back into her bra and zipping up her uniform top.  Kevin followed her
zipping up his fly with a flourish that was comical in its grandeur. 

As Caryn turned to exit the office
Kevin reached out and pulled her toward him for a kiss.  Then they both giggled.  Life was good in
Beverly Hills



Not far from the Beverly Hills Wellness and Weight Loss Center
Kevin Flicker

s most devoted—and determined—patient
a formerly fat
very fat
moderately fat
and now barely fat girl of twenty-six named Angie sat in a hairdresser

s chair having microscopic slivers snipped off the ends of her lush and tastefully streaked hair.  Next to her was Ben
her oldest friend
squeamishly squirming as though he were about to have a vasectomy rather than a dye job.  What was being done to him didn

t match his image at all.  He

d worn cords almost since birth
even in the summer
and his thick glasses gave him a sort of
New York
intellectual look which in
Beverly Hills
made him resemble an actor in costume for a role.

Peering up hopefully
like a death row inmate waiting for that governor

s reprieve
Ben mumbled

This is a bad idea.  Maybe we should stop.

  Looking more complacent than aghast
the hairdresser stepped back from Ben

s chair and raised her arms in a gesture usually reserved for one of those contestants on a timed cooking competition
until Angie signaled to her to resume working.  Ben

s hair was enrobed in tin foil
and dye was painted on as he watched in the mirror with a grim look that suggested his next stop would be at an appliance store that sold beard and head trimmers that could cue ball him back into acceptability.

Nobody will trust a shrink with streaky hair
he said solemnly.

You see all your clients on the Internet or the phone
so why not.  For all they know you wear a bozo wig and consult them naked.

Ben gasped
then returned his worried glance to the mirror.  Haltingly he said

And you don

t think I

m gonna look silly

Angie smiled at him in the same way adults do when placating a difficult child. 

No silly
I think you

re gonna look hot and studly.


Ben perked up instantly then braved the subject he really wanted to discuss

I feel like I should make you stop seeing him.

Ahh Ben
sighed Angie
sweetly reaching out and squeezing his hand


re such a good pal
but I

ll be just fine
so don

t worry about me

But how can you just ignore your history
  If you don

t remember

m right here to remind you.  Do you really want another incendiary incident
more embarrassment

mon.  Remember Chef Raul


s mind was lost then
floating back in time to culinary school.  She was so desperately in love with this man
the chef of whom all the students were most in awe.  Even though at the time she was terribly fat
she liked to believe that she was the teacher

s pet
the one student he responded to as a woman
not just a cook.  They were alone in the teaching kitchen and a pot simmered on the stove next to a counter filled with the ingredients for Paella.  There were baskets of shellfish
bouquets of herbs
bowls of rice
tiny vessels of prized saffron.

Raul was not a tall man
but his swagger made up for his size.  He spoke with a vivacious animation
his heavy Spanish accent exaggerated often
and his waxed Dali moustaches bouncing in time to his speech.  He stood that day chopping
causing Angie to sigh with pleasure
the sight of him mincing garlic into oblivion
the rat-tat-tat of the knife under his steady and confident hands pure poetry in motion.  He was like a great swordsman
and it made Angie swoon.


ll never be able to do it so fast
she sighed.

Everything in time
Raul lisped.  She jumped as he reached toward her
running his fingers under her nose. 

Smell the garlic.  Perfume.  So beautiful
he said. 


s eyes watered
so she closed them
the pungent garlic wafting from his fingers into her nostrils.  Raul drew a piece of basil across her lips
tickling her
and causing her to smile and open her eyes.  Grabbing an unopened clam from a steamer basket
Raul held it up.

Look at this
my little Crème Caramel. What do I have here

As though being quizzed in class
Angie opened her mouth to answer but Raul touched her lips with his finger


t speak.  I know what it is.  It is a rock
nothing more.  Cold as a stone.  But in the hands of a man—a man with a tool—a very excellent tool—it can be opened
and savored.

  Grasping a shellfish knife
Raul began to wedge it into the clam

s hinge
but he turned to look deeply into Angie

s eyes
and in a foppish gesture of seduction
he raised his shoulders toward his ears
closed his eyes
and blew Angie a kiss
then screamed as though he were being carried out to sea by a man eating shark.

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