Hungry for Love (6 page)

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Authors: Nancy Frederick

BOOK: Hungry for Love
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Hmm.  This was something Kevin didn

t know. 

She isn

he asked.


t you ever stop to talk to your wife any more

Kevin laughed. 

Not if I see her coming first.

I guess it wouldn

t hurt to ask her.   Chrissy

s going through something and I figure a party might be a nice surprise for her
show her we care.

Kevin shrugged.  Why not
he thought.

Bill rose and turned to leave the office but then turned back again. 

Better lay off the nurses and especially the patients.  Our insurance is high enough already without sexual harassment claims.

Kevin grimaced.  Maybe Bill wasn

t as much of a zombie as he

d thought. 

That would never happen
he said
summoning as much confidence as his voice could project.  He watched as Bill just looked at him silently.  And waited for Bill to leave but Bill didn

t move
so he said placatingly




ll call her now
said Bill.



asked Ben uncomfortably as Angie pulled him into

s Secret and began showing him bras as he alternately blushed and looked for a mirror to examine the blond streaks in his already sandy hair.  She held up a bra so minimal it surely wasn

t meant to encapsulate adult breasts
but what Ben knew about lingerie was about equal to what he knew about female anatomy.

she cooed
strangely excited

Look at this one….

Ben looked
glanced around to see if anyone spied him looking
looked down at his shoes
then went on talking. 

I just don

t see it that way.  He

s just another old
married guy isn

t he

ve never even gone on a date with him
have you


m not buying this underwear to strain spaghetti
am I

s coming

ll see.  This is just not like one of those incidents you keep reminding me of.  I

m a grown up now
a woman
not some kid with a crush on the guy she babysits for.

But Angie

t you get it

s just another version of the same thing.  Remember that creepy guy with that weird kid….

Angie remembered only too well
but she was fifteen then
and that was a long time ago.  Justin

s dad was the cutest guy
sort of geeky but cute and he always had that baseball cap on
even in the house.  Gee
maybe he was balding
  She never thought of that before.  Anyway he was cute
and even though she was significantly overweight it was clear he thought she was special.  They always stopped to talk as he dropped her off at her dad

s after babysitting.

Eventually it escalated and one night he actually kissed her.  They both moaned at the same time. 

Oh Mr. Robinson
Angie had sighed.

he yelped
his voice muffled and his lips still pressed to hers

Ow ow ow.

  He sounded so orgasmic.  That was what she did to him
ow thrilling.

Wanting to enjoy the moment
Angie sighed
but then she jumped and Mr. Robinson yelped once more as a scary police officer rapped on the window of the car.  She leaned away and Mr. Robinson wailed.  Finally she wrenched her mouth away from his
as he grabbed his pinched lip
bloodied from having been caught on her braces.

The police officer had a scornful look on his face
causing Angie to blush. 

Everything all right in here
he asked
looking at Mr. Robinson as though he might actually take him into the police station.  Wouldn

t that be just horrible

d have to spend all her babysitting savings to bail him out.

just to make things even worse

s dad turned on the lights and looked out the door. 


s going on here
is that you

The police officer seemed to know her dad and waved


t worry
I have it under control.


s dad waved and yelled

Frank.  Send her in.

Angie had no choice then but to exit the car and trudge back toward the house.  Her father had already gone back inside but it still felt humiliating.  She turned toward Mr. Robinson
trying to show him some support
but he was busy with the cop
handing over his driver

s license and all.

What was wrong with Ben
  He had this nervy talent for making her remember stuff nobody would want to recall.  What was the point anyway
  Why did he have so little faith in her
  He was always saying that her choices were mistakes.  Didn

t she have enough people in her life to do that already

Ben knew by the expression on her face precisely what she was thinking.  If only she had a clue about what was on his mind
but no
as she had been since the third grade
Angie was oblivious.  He stood there then
loitering outside the dressing room
discretely looking at all the frilly stuff
wondering if ever Angie would buy that stuff for him to enjoy
when she opened the dressing room door and flashed him the bra she

d been trying on.  He could see it only for a moment and then his glasses got a little steamy.  Was there no air conditioning in this blasted place
  Were they trying to replicate the Victorian lack of modern devices
  What the devil anyway. 
never had stuff like this.  This whole day had gone to hell.  Why did he let Angie drag him to all these places
  He wasn

t Paris Hilton

so why did he let her treat him like that
  He felt relieved that her doctor

s appointment was imminent and he could soon flee.



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