Hungry for Love

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Authors: Nancy Frederick

BOOK: Hungry for Love
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Hungry for Love
Nancy Frederick
Heart and Soul Press (2012)
Bill is a heartbroken Beverly Hills diet
doctor who yearns for one thing--the life he had before his true love died.
Bill's kids want a new mom, but not the food-phobic, exercise-obsessed live in
girlfriend Bill chose because she resembles his dead wife. Angie, a young chef,
is determined that Bill's philandering partner Kevin is her destiny and can't
even see that Ben, her best friend since grade school, is mad about her. When
Bill's girlfriend Chrissy complains about him to some exercise pals, Kevin
becomes the frazzled victim of their misguided attempts at revenge. Will anybody
find love? Is Sunset Boulevard as dangerous as it seems? A poignant, laugh until
you cry story filled with sweet sentimentality, love starved women, road rage,
and fudge.
About the Author

Nancy Frederick was born in Brooklyn, New York, raised in New Jersey and Florida and has been an uneasy California transplant for the last couple of decades. She’s an internationally acclaimed astrologer who is the author of thousands of articles and six New Age books. When she’s not doing readings for clients across the globe, she’s writing novels, of which this is her most recent. She enjoys strolling outside in the beautiful California sunshine, going to movies, and cooking. She’s @NancySussan on Twitter.





Also by Nancy Frederick



A Change of Heart

Touring the Afterli


The Sportin’ Life



The Astro Tutor

Love and Sex Under the Stars

The Lover’s Dream

Love Games: Psychic Paths to Love

Palmistry: All Lines Lead to Love

Tarot: Love is in the Cards





Special Edition!


This edition contains a bonus—the first half of
’s best-selling novel,
A Change of Heart.
  Hope you enjoy!

Copyright 2012 by Nancy Frederick

ISBN 978-1-4524-2850-5


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Print version:


978-0615615615 (Heart and Soul Press)





All rights reserved.  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.


This is a work of fiction.  Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of this author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


Heart & Soul Press








Thanks so much to my editorial black belt friends Jack Pettey and Steven Darancette for offering suggestions
and advice about this manuscript.  I appreciate all your Ninja stealth in ridding me of my lamebrain mistakes. 






Hungry for Love



Nancy Frederick






The kids were fighting as they did every morning at the car. There were screams about who was to ride up front
words like shotgun
insults like poptart.  Candy
who was only eight
was screaming

When is it my turn to be older
  I want it to be my turn.

Normally by now Dr. Bill Masters would have focused on the fracas and broken it up but he didn

t even hear his son Will chortle and cruelly say

Never.  Exactly never is when you

ll be older.  Not even when we

re both dead.

  Normally Bill would have stepped between his warring children and made a joke to set their minds at ease.  By now he would have hugged Candy
who was weeping
and he would have set a stern but kind hand on his son

s shoulder.  But he was distracted.  There was a woman coming out of his house in running clothes and she carried two brown lunch bags.  That wasn

t JoEllen.  It looked like her though.

Bill shook his head like a dog tossing off some water.  It didn

t work.  He still felt damp and fuzzy.  The woman locked the door—she had a key—and walked over to him.  Suddenly his brain snapped awake.  This was Chrissy and she was his live in girlfriend.  For a year.  What was wrong with him today

Forget your lunches
  Chrissy smiled and tossed the lunches in the front seat
kissed Bill casually
and ran down the street
her voice floating back like music over a fence

Have a slender day!

said Bill.  He turned to watch Chrissy run off and saw his dumpling of an old lady neighbor waving at him.  Bill walked toward Sophie Gold as the kids continued to struggle over who would get to sit up front.

Check me out
Dr. M.

said Sophie
striking a pose in her velour sweat suit. 


m back down to fighting weight
thanks to you.  Made it all the way around the block today.

Great work
Mrs. G.  Where

s Mr. G
  Why isn

t he walking with you

If Bert were here how could I flirt with you
she laughed. 


m planning to bring you some of my strudel later today.  Gotta sneak it in when that one isn

t looking.

She gestured toward where Chrissy was disappearing into the distance.  She patted Bill

s cheek and sighed

Oh so cute.  If only I were a week or two younger.

Bill laughed. 


d be too much woman for me
Mrs. G
we both know that.

She nodded in agreement. 


d take it easy on you
but only at first.

Oh you

re just shameful.  And what would Mr. G say

s not a gun collector is he


d say go on
take my wife.  But leave the strudel.

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