Hungry for Love (13 page)

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Authors: Nancy Frederick

BOOK: Hungry for Love
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Nobody wants to hear that
said Candy. 

So I was wondering if you

d take this lasagna off my hands
asked Sophie.  Maybe we could sit together and have a meal.  Is Bill home yet

Bill is off with Wally at a father-son ballgame
said Chrissy.

said Sophie with some emphasis
looking right at Chrissy

Is a very nice boy.  With a good appetite.  So—get some plates and let

s sit.  I think you girls could use a talk.

Chrissy threw up her hands in submission. What was she to do
  Maybe she could hide the food in a napkin and toss it later.  She handed the plates to Sophie
who took them to the kitchen table

Cozier right here. We don

t need to mess up the dining room.

said Candy sardonically

You don

t want to see what

s in there.

Sophie made three plates of food with the giant lasagna she

d brought as well as a salad and some garlic bread and watched happily as Candy began eating with enthusiasm.  She looked at Chrissy
who clearly was miserable
and so she said in her usual motherly way

Something bothering you

Chrissy burst into tears. 

I had a big shock today
she said. 

Something I never believed I

d witness
I saw.  My whole world is upside down.  Migraine all afternoon.

Sophie patted Chrissy

s hand. 

It can

t be as bad as all that.

Chrissy sobbed. 

All I ever wanted was to make Bill happy.  For Cindy and Wally to be happy too.  For us to be a family.  I never had a real family of my own you know.  I just want to be the beautiful wife Bill wants me to be.

Her mouth full of food
Candy spoke up. 

You see what I

m dealing with
she asked Mrs. G.

As she dried her eyes
Chrissy began gazing at the lasagna
and almost involuntarily
her hand reached out
her fork dug into the pasta and into her mouth it went.  Her eyes closed and simultaneous expressions crossed her face
orgasmic pleasure and utter revulsion.

Sophie turned her attention to Candy. 

what a good eater you are.  You did a great job with your dinner.  And you stayed so neat too.  Do you think it

s safe to eat dessert with your princess gown on
  That strudel can be drippy.

Candy smiled at Mrs. G.  Then she rose from her seat and hurled herself into the old lady

s arms. 

If I had a gram

d want her to be just like you
she said sincerely.

sighed Sophie
thinking of her grandkids
up in the Bay Area and seldom around to see her when she visited. 

I can be your honorary gram any time you want.

Candy hugged her more tightly
then said

If you think I should change
I will
and she ran off to her room.

Sophie reached out to Chrissy and touched her hand. 

Listen to me
deary.  I knew Bill

s wife very well.  She was a happy person.  She ate real food.  She cooked.  Sometimes she baked cookies.  She planted flowers.  She knew the kids

names.  She lived.  If you want to be the wife Bill wants
be like that. Live.  Stop all this nonsense with the working out all day and dieting until your brain is addled.  Be reasonable.

Chrissy looked at her as though she were being attacked.

And you know what else about Bill

s wife
she asked while Chrissy miserably shook her head
wishing this old lady would leave already. 

She looked like you.  So you know what that means

Chrissy gazed mournfully down at her sneakers and said almost inaudibly

Yes.  That I

m a stand in.  What do they call it in the movies
  A stunt double.

Sophie smiled knowingly
shook her head and said

It means you

re his type.

Finally Chrissy smiled.  But she knew something Sophie didn

something that was not a hopeful sign.  And as she began to whisper what she

d seen
Candy returned
wearing play clothes
so she couldn

t say a word.

said Sophie


s have dessert.  Where

s that ice cream I tucked into the freezer



Laura sat at the small desk in her kitchen
papers piled everywhere.  She worked with total absorption
the anti-smoking campaign always at the forefront in her mind.  Her hand raced across a small pad as she listed a number of ideas to explore in more detail later.  There were so many folders on the small space that you could barely see the beloved picture of George
and obliterated was all but the top of the silver frame where his name was engraved.   But George wasn

t on her mind at the moment.  She wanted to come up with a really big idea
something that would finally reach the people who were most resistent to prior campaigns. 

As she flipped the page and began to fill the next with additional jottings
the ink ran out in her pen.  She gave it a shake and tried again
but no
nothing.  She pawed at the folders on the desk
moving everything
looking for another pen and in the process
revealing the beautiful picture of George
with his toothy grin
his strong
sharp teeth prominent in his mouth.  He had been so wonderful.  She gently touched the frame and smiled softly. 

Then Laura rose and walked toward Kevin

s den.  It was his home office and he had a similar setup to what was at work
with duplicates of all the desk toys.  In the room were other
larger items
a mini putting green
a mini basketball hoop.  Basically it was a college dorm room but with fewer books and no pictures of pro cheerleaders or minor actresses.

Before she could enter the room she heard his voice
at a whisper
but nevertheless audible.  He was talking to someone he shouldn

t be.  Laura knew what to expect but she stopped anyway
waiting to hear what he was saying.

All I have to do is think of you and it happens
he whispered.  Then after a pause
he continued

No it

s you.  I

ve never wanted a woman this much.


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