His Mistress’s Voice (5 page)

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Authors: G. C. Scott

BOOK: His Mistress’s Voice
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When they were finished he stacked the dishes in the sink and opened another bottle of wine. Washing up seemed a waste of time when his lady in waiting was – well, waiting. ‘Something to sustain us for the rest of the frolic,’ he remarked with a smile as he got fresh glasses.
‘That sounds promising, but I’ll have to go to the loo pretty soon unless you want to clean up after me. Afterwards you can work your evil will upon me.’ Beth smiled widely and, he thought, wickedly at this idea.
Tom untied the rope around her waist that held her to the chair. He did not, however, free her hands. Instead he escorted her to the bathroom and helped her to pee, which she did copiously. ‘Must have been the combination of wine and sex,’ she remarked. Indicating her bound wrists, she asked, ‘What now?’
‘Something’s bound to come up if we allow enough time,’ Tom replied. ‘In fact I believe I’ve got just the glimmerings of an idea that will amuse you and while away an hour or two. Come on into the front room and we’ll watch TV before the next round. Too much dessert and you lose the taste for it.’
Beth sat down on the edge of the settee in front of the TV. Tom went back into the kitchen and returned bearing the bottle of wine he had opened earlier and the rest of the rope she had found. ‘Yes, you’ve guessed what’s next. But contain yourself for a bit yet. There’s a programme I’d like to see.’ Using the remote control, Tom adjusted the set and then settled back on the couch next to Beth. He poured a glass of wine and offered her a drink. Then he took a swallow himself and pulled her closer to him.
She didn’t resist. And he wasn’t all that serious about watching TV. Not many people have the chance of an evening’s viewing in the company of an attractive woman wearing nothing but stockings, suspenders and heels. And even fewer have the opportunity to tie her up beforehand.
Tom wore his ever present jeans and shirt. ‘Aren’t you a bit overdressed?’ she asked. ‘A gentleman should never try to upstage a lady.’
Wordlessly Tom got up and took off his clothes. Then he settled down again on the couch. ‘Where were we?’ he asked. ‘Was I after your tits or your legs? I forget so easily.’
‘You mean we aren’t going to watch telly? I was getting interested in the programme.’ Beth squirmed about in an attempt to find a comfortable position – not easy with both hands bound.
That produced some interesting seismic effects in her wobbly bits, an effect not entirely lost on Tom. He moved to the end of the settee and braced himself against the armrest. Then he lifted Beth and arranged her so that she lay in his lap. This had the additional effect of bringing her into easy reach. He began to stroke the backs of her thighs, enjoying the warm feel of the firm flesh beneath the smooth nylon of her stockings. Beth grunted contentedly and settled herself in. He ran his hands up and over her stocking tops and then back down again, gradually paying more attention to her bottom and the smoothly curving cheeks. From there he worked his way around to her vulva and the crack immediately adjacent thereto. He found her already moist, and when Tom very gently insinuated a finger into her cunt she became even wetter. The button of her clitoris hardened beneath his probing.
About then Beth’s attention began to stray from the TV and onto more immediate matters. Her breath began to catch in her throat whenever his fingers touched a particularly sensitive spot. She squirmed a bit more and must have felt the hard evidence of his own arousal against her back. She pressed backwards against his erection. Her hips undulated gently. When he began to tease her nipples into erection, Beth could wait no longer. ‘Now, Tom. Take me now. Please. I can’t hold back much longer.’
Tom lifted her quickly to a sitting position on the couch and shifted himself so that there was some space on either side of him for her legs. His cock stood at full stretch, and Beth seemed hypnotised by the sight. She couldn’t take her eyes off it. Hampered by her bound hands, Beth struggled awkwardly to her feet and moved until she could stand astride his knees. Tom grasped her bottom and guided her down onto his cock. As she felt herself impaled, her knees buckled, but he supported her.
As he slid into her, Tom imagined he was sliding into a heated cave. He gave a short gasp as he felt the slight resistance change to a liquid sliding. Beth knelt astride him with her legs spread wide to help keep her upright. She braced her knees against the back of the settee. Tom slid forward to meet her urgency with his own, sliding fully into her, and she swayed as if dizzy and fell forward against his chest. Her head rested on his left shoulder and her breath was loud in his ear. Tom put his arms around her and pulled her fiercely forward and down onto his erect cock.
Beth gasped once more as her taut nipples made contact with the crisp mat of his chest hair but recovered quickly and began to thrust herself up and down on the spear between her legs. He moved to meet her thrusting and the world contracted to contain just two people.
Her whimpers gradually became full-throated inarticulate cries that rose in pitch as she came. She shuddered as the waves of release swept through her, but he felt as if he could go on forever. Tom continued to slide in and out of her with single-minded purpose, and Beth was swept away toward yet another climax, almost without pause. How lucky, he thought fleetingly, that she was one of those women blessed with multiple orgasms.
But there was no more time for thought. Tom’s hands were on her bottom, teasing the crack and finding their way unerringly to her anus. He pressed the bud of her contracting arsehole as she rose on each up stroke. It was a new idea to him, one that he had never tried with any other woman. Beth seemed to enjoy the friction and pressure on her tight ring. He pushed a bit harder and felt the tight muscles yielding to the insistent pressure. Suddenly they relaxed as she reached the bottom of her stroke and his finger slid into her back passage. Beth yelped in surprised pain and made as if to rise off him, but his free hand was around her shoulders holding her down.
‘No, Tom. It hurts. Take it out,’ she gasped.
‘Relax,’ he replied, ‘and wait a minute.’ He kept the finger inside her as she squirmed and bucked. And gradually he felt her muscles relax so that his finger slid fully inside. He waited so that she could get used to the feeling, and then began to thrust again with his hips and hand. Beth picked up the rhythm and was soon back in full cry. She seemed to be excited by the novelty of the double penetration, and the earlier discomfort was forgotten. He no longer had to hold her down, and he put his other hand to use in teasing and hardening Beth’s nipples. ‘Ohhhhh!’ she exclaimed. Tom could feel her vaginal muscles in spasm around his cock, until it felt once more as if she were milking him and he knew he couldn’t stop himself from coming. Just as well that she was coming too. When he ejaculated inside her she was still in full cry. It seemed an age after he had come before Beth finished. But finish she did, and she lay limply against his chest as they regained their breath.
Tom withdrew from her and helped her to sit down on the couch, then got a towel from the bathroom and wiped them both down. Then he untied her hands, which were numb from having been tied for so long, and she couldn’t move them for a while. He rubbed her wrists and hands until the circulation returned, and she groaned with the pain of it. But she never complained, apparently accepting the pain as a natural consequence of her own actions. When he apologised she reminded him that it was she who had asked to be tied. And then they went to bed. This time to sleep.
They made love several times before she had to go, late on Sunday evening. Neither kept count, the hours passing in a haze as they woke, ate, screwed and slept again. And this time it was Beth who took the lead, inventing new delights for them both. She seemed to be a thousand women. When it was time for her to go, Beth got up straight from the bed and put on her stockings and shoes. She buttoned her coat and bent to kiss Tom goodbye. He had watched her dress, feeling the return of dreary reality as she covered up the body he had enjoyed so much.
‘Do you want me to see you home?’
He was reluctant to let her go and hoped she’d let him enter the hitherto closed portion of her life; across the boundary of Sunday evening into the rest of her week. Tom felt jealous of the time she spent with others, wanting all of her time for himself, and the thought of his lover travelling through the streets naked under her coat made him uneasy. And excited. Someone else might detect her state, or she might reveal herself to another. Instant jealousy mixed with real concern, but she was firm. She left and he went to take a shower.
Chapter Three
A note from Beth, posted on Wednesday, arrived early on the Thursday morning:
I want you to come over to my place on Friday afternoon as usual, but you needn’t bring anything to eat
Tom wondered briefly what she had in mind, but forgot the last part of the instructions as he contemplated the first part. Another weekend with Beth was on the cards. That made the rest of the week worthwhile. Thursday went by normally but Friday dragged badly. He couldn’t wait for quitting time. When he left the office, Tom drove directly to Beth’s flat, not even pausing to change his clothes.
‘My, we are eager, aren’t we?’ Beth said when he presented himself at her door. ‘But I have to disappoint you slightly this weekend. You won’t be staying here, at least not the whole time. I will be here alone most of the time.’ Seeing the puzzled expression on his face, Beth explained, ‘I want you to leave me here bound and gagged over the weekend. You will leave me here alone, and I want you to be sure to tie me well so that I can’t escape. I’ll tell you beforehand that I shall try, and you lose points if I get free unaided. As a reward for doing what I ask, you can come back at odd times, but it’s important that I don’t know when, or even if, you will come. You’ll have to check up on me – to see that I’m all right, or if I need to eat or drink anything, but when you go for the last time in the evening I don’t want you to come back until the morning. It’s an important part of the game that I am left helpless through the night.’
Tom was taken aback by the request, though it was no more bizarre than many of her other whims. He wanted to spend the weekend with her, and now it looked as if he wouldn’t be able to. He wouldn’t refuse her request. He never did that. But he did try to dissuade her. ‘What if you have to go to the loo? And what about losing circulation in your hands while you’re tied up?’
She smiled. ‘You don’t talk me out of it that easily. If I have to go, it’s up to me to hold it in. If I can’t, you’ll have a mess to clean up. Don’t worry,’ she said, seeing the sudden look of alarm on his face. ‘I’ll hold myself. I don’t like the idea of lying in my own mess any more than you like cleaning up after me. But that’s another part of the game. There’s always the danger that I will have an accident to add spice to the act. Just make sure I go before you leave me in the evenings.’
He tried again. ‘But there might be a fire. Or a burglary.’
‘All part of the risk I’ll be taking. Don’t you ever want to tempt fate? You can’t play it safe all of your life.’ When he didn’t reply she continued, ‘Now that you mention it, I might not mind a burglar so much. It’s part of every girl’s rape fantasy. You can leave the door unlocked if you like. I won’t be able to stop you.’
Once again he felt a stab of alarm, which must have shown on his face.
Beth said, ‘Oh, go ahead and lock me in all secure then. But there’s nothing I can do to prevent you from doing the burglar act yourself. You mightn’t be able to sleep very well imagining me lying here helpless for anyone to find.’ She laughed. ‘But please don’t come back at night. I want to be alone. Should I write all this down, or can you remember it?’
‘I’ll remember. Anything else?’ Tom knew he would do as she asked. He always did. He had tried the objections for form’s sake, but now that he knew she was determined to go ahead with her scheme, he began to think of how to aid her. Thinking positively, as she would say. And as he thought out the implications and possibilities before him, he realised that Beth had once again opened another avenue of sexual adventure to him. Several refinements and improvements on the original idea began to occur to him and more would probably come later, making the weekend another time of discovery.
‘There are a few more things, but we can work them out as we go along. I don’t want to do everything. You should be free to work out some variations of your own within the broad scenario. Just remember that you can’t let me loose until Sunday evening. The later the better. I like the idea of not knowing in detail what you are going to do. I just want you to be sure to avoid the things I’ve mentioned. Once the gag goes in, you’ll be in charge of me. I won’t be able to tell you what to do next or stop you from doing what you like to me.’ At that idea Beth gave a little shiver of delight. She smiled wickedly at Tom. ‘I’m sure you can think of something to keep up your interest and prevent the weekend from being a total bust. Shall we begin? I’m really looking forward to this.’
Without waiting for his reply, Beth led the way into the bedroom and waited for him. Indicating a coil of quarter-inch nylon rope lying on the bed, she said, ‘I’ve been busy today. That little lot came from the yacht store down at the harbour. I rather fancied being tied with something nautical.’
Tom followed her into the room. ‘I guess this will be the best place for it. You can lie on the bed and be as comfortable as possible. Unless you’d prefer to be left in the front room? Or I could tie you to one of the kitchen chairs,’ Tom mused. ‘How do you fancy yourself?’
‘I’m in your hands, Tom. Do what you think best.’ Beth’s voice had lost the edge of command and she averted her face.
A quite remarkable change had come over the usually self-possessed woman he had come to know. It was strange to have Beth seem so passive. An air of abstraction had settled over her. She seemed detached from the scene she had so carefully constructed, as if it had nothing more to do with her, or she with it. Did she regret speaking so plainly, Tom wondered. She never had before. It was hard to see how he could have proposed the idea to her, even if he had thought of it. He decided that it was time for him to take charge. ‘Here then. The bed.’

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