His Mistress’s Voice (31 page)

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Authors: G. C. Scott

BOOK: His Mistress’s Voice
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But Harriet wasn’t finished. ‘I will decide who sleeps with whom, and when. And I will sleep with either – or both of you whenever I wish.’
Better and better, thought Tom. He had never been part of a
ménage à trois
, but if the French had taken the trouble to invent the phrase for three in a bed, it must be worth the effort. He found himself nodding in agreement, even before he had thought out the implications.
Harriet noticed, and smiled at him. ‘I’m glad you agree. I’ve grown rather fond of you in the time you’ve been here. It would be a shame to have to break things off. And,’ she continued with a mock serious look, ‘getting good servants these days is always a problem. A person needs to hang onto those she’s got. I’m sure we can work out the day-to-day routine as we go along. I just wanted to have general agreement on the broad principles. I think that closes the business meeting. I vote we adjourn to the directors’ suite upstairs for the business of pleasure. I think I’ll make it mutual.’
Harriet led Tom up the stairs. It looked as if school was over. It was now prize-giving day. She led the way to her bedroom, Tom following more slowly in his leg-irons. Harriet turned on the bedside lamp and gestured for Tom to lie down on the bed.
He lay on his side watching Harriet draw the curtains and then brushing out her brown hair. In the lamplight it shone with highlights as she counted out the strokes.
‘We girls were taught at school always to brush our hair two hundred strokes every night. It was supposed to be good for us – a wholesome discipline. And I’ve learned since that it can be good discipline for assistants who have nothing but sweaty sex in mind. It does them good to wait. They didn’t tell us girls about that at sohool. One of the many short-comings of the education system.’
Tom thought of the way she had teased him the first evening he had spent at her house. She seemed fond of the technique, and he was responding to it.
Harriet laid the hairbrush down and picked up a key from the dressing table. With it she unlocked Tom’s handcuffs and told him to lie on his back. When he did so she drew his hands up to the headboard and locked the cuffs again, leaving him chained as Beth had done at their first meeting. And as Beth had done, Harriet stood in full view and slowly removed her nightgown. Her sturdy body glowed softly in the subdued lighting as she knelt over Tom with her open mouth poised over his cock. She straddled him so that her sex was in range of his mouth and said, ‘We’ll begin together on the count of sixty-nine.’ She took his cock in her mouth.
Tom strained upward to reach her cunt, and Harriet sighed in satisfaction as his tongue found her clitoris at the first attempt. He was getting some extremely pleasant reports from further down as well. Harriet’s tongue, teeth and lips were teasing and hardening his cock as he aroused her. Tom could smell the odour of her sex as she became moist.
Tom heard the door open and close. Beth called up the stairs, ‘Harriet? Tom?’
Harriet replied, ‘Up here. Come into my bedroom.’
Tom was chagrined. It seemed that Beth had come at just the wrong time again. She seemed to have a talent for it. But Harriet wasn’t annoyed by the interruption, in fact she paid no further attention to it. She resumed work on him straight away. She seemed to expect him to continue as well, so he did.
Beth didn’t come up immediately. She allowed them time to arouse one another more fully, to the point where it would have been difficult to stop, or it may have been that she was simply going to the loo or taking off her clothes. In any case she was wearing nothing but a smile when she finally did come into the room.
Harriet broke off long enough to tell her, ‘You’ve come just in time. Rearrange his leg irons so he can’t move around quite so vigorously.’ She returned to the task in hand – and mouth.
Beth studied the tableau for a moment as if making up her mind what to do. Tom glanced at her when she came into view. Beth used the key to unlock one of the irons on his ankles, then Tom felt her spread his legs slightly, and heard her threading the chain through the footboard of the bed. When she refastened the iron on his ankle he found he couldn’t move his legs.
Beth came nearer to the head of the bed where he could get a better look at her. Her nipples were erect and crinkly and she was breathing rapidly. In the soft diffused light her skin glowed as Harriet’s had. She seemed to have some definite ideas in mind. Or maybe Harriet the Thorough had briefed her. In any case she placed herself so that Harriet’s bottom was within easy reach. Tom was busy at the front door, but the back passage was not in use just then. Beth began by massaging the pink rose of Harriet’s arsehole. Harriet responded with a little gasp and a renewed zeal in dealing with Tom’s cock. When the finger went in Harriet bit down on him sharply.
Tom let out a yip of pain and alarm.
Harriet broke off long enough to say a hurried ‘sorry,’ then Beth moved her finger in and out slowly. Tom was fascinated by the way the surrounding flesh changed from concave to convex and back again. Harriet seemed to be fascinated by the internal effects, if what she was doing to Tom’s cock was any indication. Between times she found time to breathe heavily and groan every so often, and exhibited other signs of enjoying the experience.
Tom began making similar noises. He was approaching the crisis point, driven by Harriet’s attention to his cock and the sight of what Beth was doing to Harriet’s arsehole.
Just at the right moment Harriet broke off and shifted so that she could kneel astride Tom with her cunt just above his stiff cock. She delayed the penetration until Beth could shift also.
Beth never took her finger from Harriet’s arsehole, so there was a slow-motion quality to their movements, Harriet turning and Beth moving down toward the foot of the bed to stay in touch. It was Beth who guided him into Harriet as she sank down onto the shaft, and Tom could feel her finger moving teasingly inside Harriet through the thin wall that separated her anus and vagina. Presumably Beth could feel his cock in the same way. That mutuality of touch was setting up disturbing currents among the three players.
Harriet placed her hands on Tom’s shoulders and began a slow rise and fall, braced on her knees and her arms and centred on the shaft inside her. Her breasts rose and fell rhythmically right before Tom’s eyes. He wanted to reach up and touch them, tease her erect nipples and cup her tits in his palms. But the handcuffs held him firm.
As Harriet moved up and down, so Beth moved her finger in and out to the same rhythm. Harriet gave a shudder as she came, tightening her vaginal muscles around Tom’s cock. He had to clamp down hard to avoid losing it at the same time. Even more than he had with Beth, Tom felt he wanted to give this self-sufficient woman the best he could, make (or let) her have as many orgasms as he could before he lost control. And he now found himself being helped unexpectedly by the training she had given him in waiting. Maybe that was why she had held back, kept herself out of his reach, until he was ready.
Tom was jerked from the realm of speculation as Harriet shuddered again, more strongly this time. She closed her eyes and groaned softly. Then she resumed her steady up and down movement. Tom glanced down to where his cock disappeared inside her. He could see it sliding in and out as she rose and fell, and he could feel the sliding and the squeezing as she tightened herself around him. And there was Beth’s finger, keeping time with both of them.
Harriet seemed to be holding back as well, as if reluctant to surrender to the pleasure that was building up. Or maybe that was how she reached her own peak. Her whole approach seemed to be based on holding back until it was no longer possible to do so. She was breathing rapidly and shallowly now, and there was a faint sheen of perspiration on her body. Now and again a drop of sweat would gather on her nose or her breasts and fall onto Tom as he lay beneath her elastic weight.
Tom shifted his glance from her body to her face just as she opened her eyes wide in surprise. He could feel Harriet bearing down on his cock, and then she came explosively, gasping and shuddering as the waves of pleasure swept over and through her. Her muscles tightened and relaxed, tightened and relaxed and she ground her clitoris against his pubic bone. Tom couldn’t hold on any longer. Nor did he want to. It was time for the bed, if not the earth, to move. And it did. Tom could feel himself pulling against the chains that held his hands and feet fast, trying to throw all of himself into the warm tight cave that surrounded him.
When they both subsided, Harriet lowered herself until she was resting on Tom’s chest. He could feel the weight of her all along his body. Her breath was loud in his ear as she rested face down on the pillow. Her breasts were crushed beneath her, against his chest. Again he wanted to hold her on top of him as she came down, but his handcuffs prevented him. In the comparative stillness that followed their wild ride he became aware of Beth once more. Her finger was still inside Harriet, and she didn’t stop moving it. Tom could feel it against his own cock, and imagined Harriet could feel it just as intensely. But she was not in any condition to respond to it just then.
Beth’s moving finger was making Tom hard again. And Harriet was beginning to feel its effects as well. Tom felt her vaginal muscles clench around his cock, and there was an occasional catch to her breathing. He was not averse to another ride like the last one, but Harriet apparently had other ideas.
She raised herself to her hands and knees and glanced down between her thighs to where she was impaled on Tom’s cock. With a sigh of regret she slid off him. The air in the room felt cold on his cock after so long in the warmth of her sex. Harriet patted it affectionately as she rose. She said to Beth, ‘If you would like to remove that finger from my arsehole, I think we can find a better use for it – and maybe for its sisters.’
Beth withdrew. She didn’t resist when Harriet drew her down beside her on the bed. It was a little cramped with Tom occupying the middle, but there was just room enough for Harriet to lie beside him, head to his feet and with her hip fondly touching his. She arranged Beth the opposite way, and the two women fitted themselves to one another so that they could use their mouths to the best effect on each other. Beth straddled Harriet’s face and brought her sex down to her mouth. At the same time she lowered her own face between Harriet’s open thighs.
Beth’s arms were in use supporting her above Harriet, but Harriet’s hands were free. She reached out and groped for Tom’s cock. When she found it (it wasn’t easy to miss), she gave him a firm squeeze and began to fondle his cock and balls as the two women used their mouths on each other. Tom had been thinking he was going to be an idle spectator. He had even begun to feel a bit left out, though he had planned to watch closely what the two women were doing, but with Harriet’s hand on him he was brought into their circle. So this was what three people in a bed did. Well, one of the things. If he hadn’t been chained hand and foot, he might have taken a more active part, but at least he didn’t have to make any decisions. Everything would have to be done to him.
A last observation came to him before he lost interest in everything except what they were doing to one another: Harriet wasn’t showing any signs of her previous annoyance.

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