His Mistress’s Voice (8 page)

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Authors: G. C. Scott

BOOK: His Mistress’s Voice
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He was erect (had in fact been painfully erect since they began), and Beth made admiring noises when she saw him. ‘Is that on account of little old me?’ she asked coquettishly.
Her words reinforced his urge to prolong the foreplay. Normally he would have been on her in an instant, but he was entering into the game she had proposed: postponing the pleasure and making her wait as she was making him wait. When he was naked Tom sat down on the floor with his back against the settee once more, but at some distance from Beth. She must have had something in mind, and he wanted to let her reveal it to him without any urging.
She looked quizzically at him. When he still did nothing, Beth appeared to reach a decision. She shrugged her shoulders and began to inch across the floor to him. At the first movement she must have felt the cucumber slide inside her and she gasped at the sensation. The friction and the sense of being stuffed full were probably arousing her again even after the extended stimulation she had already undergone.
Tom watched her slow progress, admiring the play of muscle beneath her skin as she inched across the floor. There was something intensely arousing in watching this bound woman crawl towards him. His cock stretched itself until it felt as if it would break the taut skin. His breath came harshly as he tried to control it.
She too was breathing heavily by the time she reached him. Her thighs were clenched tightly around the cucumber and he imagined she felt it massaging her clitoris as it moved inside her. She raised herself and manoeuvred herself until her head lay in his lap. From there she could reach his cock with her lips and tongue. Beth leaned toward him and kissed the underside of the shaft. The sharp intake of his breath told her she had found a sensitive spot. She kissed him there again, using her tongue as well this time.
Moving down slightly, Beth used her tongue to lick his balls. That brought a groan from Tom. Encouraged, she continued to use her lips and tongue to arouse him. Tom responded, gripping her hair tightly in his hand and pressing her face against his scrotum. He could smell the odour of his musk and he guessed the same smell was strong in her nostrils as she gasped for breath. She tried to draw back and catch her breath but he held her firmly against him.
Finally, sensing her difficulty, Tom relaxed his grip slightly and she was able to breathe again.
Tom lifted her shoulders until she could reach her goal. Beth took his erect cock inside her mouth and Tom felt himself surrounded by the wet warmth. She teased with her tongue, licking him gently. With his free hand he pinched and rubbed her breasts and nipples. Beth continued to arouse him with her lips and tongue. She must have felt him swelling until he seemed to fill her mouth, but she made no effort to avoid what was sure to follow. When he came, she was forced to swallow quickly to prevent herself from choking on his semen. He held her tightly against him for a long moment as he shuddered and emptied himself into her mouth. Then he relaxed and loosened the grip on her hair.
Beth rolled slightly away from him and he watched her face. He guessed he would remember this day for a long time. He hoped she would too. She tried to sit up without success. As she wriggled and heaved, the cucumber must have been sliding about inside her. Tom wondered how long he could leave her like this. If he went away now, she would be in a state of continual sexual arousal. Not an unpleasant prospect, but he guessed it would be very tiring if it lasted all day. He lifted her off him and stood up. Then he bent to lift her back onto the settee.
When she was comfortable Beth reminded him of his promise to call Valerie.
‘If you insist,’ Tom said. ‘Will it make you hot to hear me talk to her while you’re here? Though you might well burst into flames if you get any hotter.’ Even as he spoke Tom found himself once more marvelling at how natural it seemed to do whatever Beth asked. If he had his way, he would spend the time with her, but she had ruled that out most firmly. He went over to the telephone and reluctantly dialled Valerie’s number. He heard the phone ringing. It rang for a long time, and Tom knew she was out. He was relieved. But he had to keep up the act, so he engaged in an imaginary conversation with the absent Valerie, hoping he sounded as if he weren’t talking into a dead phone.
Finally he put the phone down and turned back to Beth. She was sitting up on the settee and showing every sign of interest in the evening’s arrangement. Her lips were parted and wet. Her nipples were half-erect. ‘Do you get turned on just by listening to me talk to someone else?’ he asked.
‘Some people do,’ she answered. ‘I like to imagine you and Valerie together. I want you to tell me what you do when you see her.’
Tom heard this but didn’t understand it. Not for the first time, he thought that Beth was a very complicated woman. He was very lucky to have found her, but he wished she wouldn’t disturb him quite so much as she did with her novel schemes. In fairness, he reflected that he always enjoyed her bizarre behaviour, after he had got used to the idea. She led him into unfamiliar territory again and again, opening him to ideas and acts he had not considered before. That was the basis of his fascination with her.
‘Where will you and Valerie go tonight while I lie here helpless?’ Beth asked with mock dismay. ‘I expect you’ll forget all about me.’
‘Well, if you want me to I can bring her with me when I come to look in on you.’ Tom walked back and sat on the floor next to the settee where Beth lay. Idly he fondled her breasts as they talked. She heaved herself around until she was lying conveniently to hand and looked steadily at him. He didn’t meet her gaze, pretending to be preoccupied with other areas of her anatomy. She managed to look both helpless and appealing at the same time. He knew why he felt so attracted to her.
He lifted Beth from the couch to the floor and arranged her so that she was kneeling with her back to him and her upper body resting on the seat. Her bottom was presented invitingly to him. Then he went through into the kitchen and searched until he found the olive oil. With this he lubricated her anus and the divide of her bottom. Then he slowly stroked the area, noting Beth’s reactions. She seemed to be happy enough. From time to time she sighed contentedly, especially when he paused to prod the pink rose of her arsehole. When she shuddered and drew in a particularly deep breath he knew she was coming along nicely.
At the same time he was noting his own reaction, which became more and more pronounced as he fondled Beth, When he was erect he used some of the olive oil to lubricate his shaft before rising to his knees behind Beth. He eased forward until he could press the head of his cock against her arsehole. Gradually he increased the pressure, working silently. It was a tight fit with her legs bound together, but Tom finally managed to slide his prick into her anus. Beth jerked in surprise and tried to get away, but he held onto her until she quieted down and began to respond. He could feel the cucumber inside her cunt through the thin wall separating her two entrances. He used his other hand to caress her nipples and breasts. Doubly penetrated, Beth was heaving under him and crying out. But she wasn’t asking him to stop. The situation was new to both of them, and Tom found himself trying to hold back until Beth reached orgasm. She didn’t take long. Her orgasm was acccompanied by loud moans and low strangled cries. Tom came as she did, and Beth’s body seemed to leap beneath him.
He slipped from her body and leaned back against the front of the couch. He waited while his breathing slowed and the sweat dried on his body. Beth lay face down, half lying on the settee and half kneeling on the floor. Her skirt was up over her hips and she was breathing in gasps. From time to time she shuddered. Tom thought of the aftershocks that followed an earthquake, and was tempted to ask her if the earth had moved for her. But he said nothing. By now he knew enough about her reactions to judge how she had enjoyed it. After a few more minutes she was breathing normally and he lifted her down until her head rested in his lap.
‘I’m not complaining, mind you,’ Beth remarked as she stared at his prick just in front of her face, ‘but isn’t this where I came in earlier? I hope you’re not expecting a re-run. You’ve worn me out, and I can’t say that about many men.’
Tom accepted the compliment with a smile. ‘Me too,’ he said. ‘We could use a break, but if I stay here we aren’t going to get one. You look too good to let alone. Ready to call it a day? Can I let you loose?’
Beth smiled and shook her head, the red hair sliding across her face. ‘Not until tomorrow evening. We agreed on that.’
Tom brushed her hair aside and looked into her face. He could read the familiar determination there. He knew there was no point in trying to change her mind, so he stood up and lifted Beth to her feet. He steadied her when her legs refused to bear her weight, setting her down on the couch. She lay back against the cushions as he untied her legs. The rope had left angry red marks in the flesh at ankles and knees. Apparently the circulation had been restricted, because Beth whimpered once or twice as she flexed her legs.
‘Pins and needles,’ she said when she saw Tom looking at her. ‘I’ll be all right soon.’ When he continued to look concerned, she told him, ‘Don’t worry. It’s a small price to pay for that experience. An occupational hazard among us B&D freaks. But it looks as if I’ve laddered my stockings. You’ll have to help me change them. I need to look my best at all times. Your average passing rapist just won’t look twice at a girl with ladders in her stockings.’ The lightness of her remarks made Tom feel easier. She really
enjoying all this.
Finally Beth made as if to stand. Tom helped her to her feet. He guessed she wanted to go to the loo. They went through into the toilet with Beth leading. There she asked Tom to unplug her so she could pee. She relaxed and he pulled the knobbly thing out of her. Beth sighed with regret, but it had to come out sometime. She said, ‘I don’t think I’ll be able to pass a greengrocer’s shop without thinking of cucumbers.’ She sat on the loo and let go at once. She shivered with the relief of it. Tom wondered if there was anything she didn’t enjoy. It was another facet of her attraction for him.
Tom wiped her dry and steered her back into the bedroom. Beth sat on the side of the bed. ‘I keep my tights and stockings in the top bureau drawer. There should be another pair like these somewhere near the top. Would you get them and help me change out of these?’
He opened the drawer and began to search through the contents. The faint aroma of Beth that clung to her underwear rose to his nostrils as he moved the neatly paired stockings to find the ones she wanted. Tom was amused by her neatness. Not every woman, he guessed, took such pains with her lingerie. It was another of the small touches that made Beth special. When he found what she wanted he took them across to where Beth sat docilely on the bed. Raising her skirt, now quite wrinkled and damp from their lovemaking, he unclipped the laddered stockings and stripped them from her legs. As he smoothed the new stockings up her legs and secured them to her suspender belt, Tom thought that there was something especially erotic in performing this intimate service for a woman. Beth helped him as much as she could, lifting her feet or raising her leg for him to get at the suspenders that came from the rear of her belt.
When he was done, Tom paused for a moment to admire the effect. Then he stood up to replace her gag. Beth opened her mouth obediently and he thrust the damp ball of tights and stockings inside, making her cheeks bulge. With the scarf he secured the gag in place. He retrieved the rope from the front room and once more tied her legs at the ankles and knees. When she was bound he turned and left without another word. Let her sit or lie down as she wished. He thought the abrupt and silent exit might add to the air of mystery and menace she seemed to relish. A few weeks ago he would never have thought of that touch. Tom drove home to shower and invent the story of the date with Valerie for Beth’s titillation.
There was plenty of time for the task. In fact there wasn’t much else for Tom to do at home. Since meeting Beth he had dropped out of most of his social habits, preferring to spend the weekend with her. So now he was high and dry. He made a few notes, watched TV and went to sleep in the armchair, but not before he had set the alarm to wake him in time to get to Beth’s place.
In the early morning darkness the streets were quiet as he drove to her flat. It was dark, but there were lights beginning to show in several of the surrounding buildings. Terminal insomniacs, Tom thought. Or the inveterate early risers. He let himself into the silent flat and headed straight for the bedroom. Beth lay bound and gagged as he had left her, but he caught the sharp odour of urine as he bent over her. She was a damp, untidy mess, as he had suspected she would be. He had been trying to give the impression that he had spent the evening with Valerie, and had left it a bit too long. Beth hadn’t been able to hold out.
First things first, he thought as he took off her gag. If she was going to be angry, he’d deal with that later. ‘We’ll have to get you cleaned up. I’ll have to let you loose for a bit. It’s almost morning and you need a shower. A proper one, I meant; not the golden shower you’ve already had.’
When she could speak, Beth made it clear that she wasn’t angry about the mess. ‘I knew this might happen. It’s one of the risks you take when you get into long-term bondage. We groupies call it humiliation, and I’m now finding out how it feels. A large part of the fun is the attempt to hold off when you are almost sure you won’t be able to. And then when you wet yourself you can imagine you’ve been forgotten and that no one will come.’
This was something Tom had heard of without believing. But Beth seemed all right. Damp and smelly but not reproachful. He untied her and helped her into the bathroom, where he had her stand in the shower with her clothes on, rinsing away the worst of it. Then he helped her undress and take a proper shower. Tom got undressed himself for that bit, and joined her in the shower. He scrubbed her clean and shampooed her hair, admiring once more the rich red sheen and the weight of it. Beth began to dry her hair but Tom took over. He enjoyed the task, and Beth sat quietly as he worked at it. Then Beth asked Tom to get a clean skirt and blouse for her.

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