Beth brought her face down to his and they kissed with the water running down their bodies. Her mouth was open and her tongue darted into his when their lips met. She planted hot kisses over his lips and eyes and chin. He kissed her with equal fervour, and when they broke he nuzzled her ears and the sides of her neck. Beth’s legs around his waist held her straining body against him. Tom lost track of her orgasms. Once again he was concentrating on holding his own back for as long as possible. When he could wait no longer he spent inside her, barely managing to keep to his feet and support her weight as she bucked and heaved in her own climax.
They spent the weekend at Beth’s flat, dressing only to go out for the newspapers. They didn’t get around to eating much beyond the odd sandwich. Somehow there never seemed to be enough time to devote to cooking a meal, though once or twice they made half-hearted offers. Tom hadn’t expected anything like this encounter when he met the stranger at the market. Her eagerness matched his own, which was rare in his experience. He had never made love so often with any other woman he had known in such a short space of time, nor been so absorbed by the bizarre sex games she introduced to the encounter.
In the early hours of Sunday morning Tom woke up needing a drink of water. Beth slept on as he got carefully out of bed. When he was done he made his way over to the bureau where she had laid the handcuffs. He examined them to see how they operated. He went carefully back to the bed and got in beside Beth with the handcuffs. He waited a few minutes more to be sure she was asleep. When she rolled over Tom caught one of her wrists. She grunted sleepily as he locked one of the cuffs on her. He waited until she settled down again. There was no way to accomplish the next step without waking her, but he wanted to give himself as much time as possible. He rolled her over onto her stomach and pulled both her arms behind her, locking the cuff onto Beth’s other wrist. As he had expected, this brought her fully awake. Beth tried to bring her hands up and failed. She grunted in surprise as she realised that she was now Tom’s prisoner. Tom was ready to clap his hand over her mouth in case she screamed, but she didn’t cry out. On the whole she seemed to take the whole thing rather calmly. He was surprised. Most women, he guessed, would make panicky noises and thrash about if they woke up in the dark in handcuffs. Since she didn’t, Tom wondered if this was a commonplace event for her.
‘What do you plan to do now?’ she asked. There was no fear in her voice.
Tom hadn’t thought about that. His plans had gone no further than making her helpless. Now he had to think of something else. He realised that the next move had to come from him but had no experience to guide him.
Beth came to his aid when she saw him hesitate. ‘I don’t suppose you have much experience with bondage, do you? Is this your first time?’
‘I thought so. How are you at rape fantasies? I have several in which a man overpowers me and has his way with me when I can’t resist. Like now. Or if you haven’t recovered from our last bout, we can lie here and talk. Or sleep. I can wait until you feel up to something more athletic. And by then you may have developed some ideas of your own. I can play the role of the captive beauty for you. Or the slave girl waiting for her master to free her, or take her. Name your fancy.’
Tom could think of nothing more imaginative than to manoeuvre Beth until she sat astride him. He reached up to fondle her breasts and squeeze her nipples. He found himself enjoying the idea that she couldn’t stop him from doing what he liked with her. Before very long his erection was rubbing suggestively against her bottom and Beth was beginning to look preoccupied with inner matters. She lifted herself off him so that he could guide himself inside her, then sat back down with a sigh of satisfaction. Tom knew by the ease with which he glided in that she was already wet and aroused. They made love for what seemed like hours, at first with Beth sitting upright and later lying on him with her breasts pressed against his chest.
And then they slept. And woke up to repeat the process. Beth never complained about the handcuffs or the pace of his lovemaking. She had placed herself in his hands and she allowed him to do what he wanted with her. This was something new as well. In his encounters with other women Tom had found that they wanted certain things, and resisted other things. Beth went along uncomplainingly, encouraging him to try whatever took his fancy when he showed signs of slowing down. And she didn’t engage in the verbal put-downs he had heard from others, no matter how well they fitted together in bed. Almost always there were implied comparisons. Sometimes these were more than implications, and always in the background was the notion that the woman was granting an undeserved favour.
Chapter Two
After making love to Beth during that stay-at-home weekend Tom found it hard to concentrate on business on the Monday morning. And in the following weeks the condition worsened – if that is the right word. There were frequent reveries of a particularly erotic nature. He imagined what Beth was doing at that moment: shopping; eating; visiting; waiting for him. Since she had not told him what she did, he could imagine almost anything he wished. He would form a mental image of her dressed in lacy underwear with her stunning legs sheathed in sheer nylon. Her lips were parted and there was an unfocused stare in her eyes as if she were thinking of making love. The erection these thoughts produced made it embarrassing to stand up too abruptly, but more important he found it hard to wrench his thoughts back to the task in hand. The naked body of his strange new lover seemed to come between him and everything he had to do, so that he began to see everything else as something devised by a perverse reality to keep him from her.
The weekdays stretched out endlessly before him. The time from Monday to Friday was entirely too long to contemplate as a single span of time: an eternity before he could lose himself once more in her body and their wonderful sex games. For she seemed to take a special pleasure in devising new ways for them to enjoy one another. Her willingness to dress erotically and her skilful use of the slow strip made her the fantasy goddess that inhabits the dreams of even the mildest of men. Her alternation between dominatrix and slave, and his own similar alternation, confused and delighted him at the same time. Never before had he been with a woman who tied him helplessly and then used him so thoroughly. Nor one who urged him to bind her, gag her, ravish her. She fulfilled his rape fantasies, and when she took charge of him she took all responsibility from him. When he was tied to Beth’s bed he gladly relinquished all control over his body and his actions to her. All responses were provoked by her. He had nothing to do with the process of his arousal or with his satiation. He became an instrument upon which she played, evoking some very strange harmonies and discords he had never suspected lay in him. And when it was his turn to play the master she gave herself, as completely, over to his control. Each time he saw her they did something different.
At first he had to be shown how to pose her, how to bind her. When at length he found his own inspiration, he began to do things to her he had never dreamed possible while she urged him on to make ever greater use of her body. Her helplessness under his hands and the abandoned writhing of her body drove both of them to new heights. It wouldn’t be inaccurate to say that he saw her through a haze of lust. In everything he did the image of Beth bound hand and foot and heaving under his hands as he teased her or pleasured her was before him. And he as often found himself imagining how she dealt with him. It seemed to him that he had a permanent erection. Certainly his mental erection was permanent. In the increasingly fewer calm moments he wondered at the power she exerted over him. But he never considered that they should be, or do, anything different. He was losing himself in her. The aroma of her perfume, her body, her sweat, her musk would return to haunt him at any time throughout the age-long time when he had to be away from her so that he couldn’t be sure if it was an actual smell or merely the memory of one.
But there was one thing Tom couldn’t help noticing. As their games unfolded he found himself more often the one in charge. Beth never complained about that. In fact she seemed to become more and more the submissive partner as he assumed the active role. The change was slow, but it was there.
One Friday, as he was preparing to leave his flat to go to her, there had been a knock at his door. Annoyed, he had gone to answer it, thinking that he would have to deal quickly with whoever it was so that he could return to that darkened bedroom which was such an important part of his world – indeed the centre of his world. When he opened the door Beth was standing in the hall. She was wearing a long coat buttoned up to the neck. Beneath the hem, which reached to her knees, Tom saw that she was wearing his very favourite pair of high heels and a pair of sheer glossy black stockings. He remembered that it had been a cool day, but certainly not cold enough to wear such a heavy coat. Before he could recover from his surprise, she said, ‘Well, aren’t you going to ask me in? A girl could get the idea that she was unwelcome standing out here. Cat got your tongue?’
In the end he simply stood aside and motioned her to come in. He closed the door and was about to turn to Beth when she told him to lock it. He felt surprised and happy because she had come to him. Up until now it had been the other way around. All the confusion of the past days faded from his mind as he turned to face Beth as naturally as a sunflower follows the course of the primary across the daytime sky. And then he stopped abruptly. Beth had unbuttoned her coat and stood before him: she wore nothing under the coat save her stockings and suspenders. The idea of Beth travelling across town to meet him in this state gave him an immediate erection.
‘I planned it as a special treat for my first visit to your place.’ Beth slipped out of the coat and let it fall to the floor at her feet. She smiled wickedly at him as she opened her arms. ‘See anything you like?’ she teased. Tom nodded dumbly and they kissed for what seemed like forever, standing there in the entrance way. His senses swam with the combination of her woman smell and the heat of her body as she pressed herself against him. He held her tightly to himself with one hand while the other roamed over her naked body. She gasped in pleasure when his hand slid down her back and cupped her bottom, lifting her onto tiptoe and pushing those magnificent breasts more firmly against his chest. She put her face close to his ear and whispered, ‘Why don’t you take your clothes off too? Then we can start equal.’
She began to unbutton his shirt and pull it out of his jeans. He let go of her long enough to let her slip it off. Beth took the opportunity to unbuckle his belt. The zipper of his trousers purred open and he felt her warm eager fingers grasp him and tug him free from the confines of his clothing. Tom felt himself hardening under her skilled fingers. He felt the cool air of the room on him and found that a stimulant. When he spoke of it later to Beth as they lay upon the disordered bed, she observed that almost anything turned him on. This was said with a curious, proprietary smile as she caressed his face and breathed softly into his ear. The warmth of her breath made him shiver in anticipation. She had always been able to arouse him by almost everything she did.
But on this occasion Beth tugged him towards the bedroom by the cock, holding him firmly and squeezing gently as he hardened under her hand. Somewhere between the entrance hall and the bed his jeans disappeared so that when they lay down he was naked.
He felt the cool brush as her stockinged leg touched his hip. Then she was kneeling astride him and guiding him into herself. That must be the shortest foreplay on record, he thought fleetingly as he was surrounded by warm moist flesh. Beth had learned the trick – from an Indian woman, she once said laughingly – of contracting her vaginal muscles. Tom felt himself being squeezed by that warm tunnel in which he was buried to the hilt. He reached up to fondle her breasts as she sat back on her haunches and fondled his balls in her turn. Beth’s nipples were hard and crinkly already.
Later she admitted that she had been in a state of almost constant arousal as she rode across town. She described the looks she got from the men who passed her. Most men look assessingly at women they pass in the street or ride with on a bus, but she had felt their gaze much more acutely in her novel state. ‘If some men mentally undress you, I must have been very easy to disrobe,’ she commented. Tom gazed in admiration at the glory of her bent knees and the swell of her thighs beneath the smooth stockings.
Beth lifted herself up his pole and slid down again with a sigh of pleasure. Tom watched the play of her leg muscles and the changing highlights on her stockings as she wriggled herself more fully down onto him. He had to think of something else – almost anything would do – if he wasn’t to lose it in the first instance.
Tom considered himself a gentleman because he tried to make sure his partner had a good time too, but as always with Beth he was having a hard time holding back. She had that effect on him. The very unexpectedness of her arrival and her nudity under her coat had raised his blood almost to boiling point. He had felt himself about to explode from the first time her fingers had found him, and he suspected that Beth knew it, and was enjoying the effect she had on him. He loved to give her pleasure, because she was so uninhibited in showing him all of herself – all sides of her personality. And this time it looked as if Beth was having almost as much trouble holding back as he was. But of course she didn’t have to wait. Nor did she. She raised herself and slid back down again and again as he continued to cup her breasts and squeeze her taut nipples. Her breath became ragged and shallow with the onset of orgasm. She arched her spine and threw her head back, eyes closed as she concentrated on what was happening between her legs and in her belly. She clenched herself tightly around him and began to pant – a steadily increasing ‘Hahh! Hahh! Haaaaahhh! Heeeaaahh!’ She shuddered as she came. Tom could feel the dampness of her skin as sweat broke from her. Her eyes were closed tightly and she slumped forward suddenly so that the weight of her upper body was supported by his arms as he cupped her breasts.