His Mistress’s Voice (2 page)

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Authors: G. C. Scott

BOOK: His Mistress’s Voice
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Abruptly she shifted onto the bed, kneeling astride him with her face poised above his erection. She spread her thighs on either side of his head and lowered herself until his mouth met her cunt. When she felt his tongue on her sex she leaned forward to take him into her mouth. She ran her tongue around the head of his cock and he stiffened in pleasure. His tongue found her clitoris and he licked eagerly away at it, now and then nipping it gently between his teeth as it became engorged. She bit back a groan as he worked over her cunt. Apparently she was holding back so as not to find her release too soon. She applied herself to his cock as he applied himself to pleasuring her. It may have been her way of taking her mind off what was happening between her own legs, but she was only capable of so much resistance. He could feel her warmth, and there was no hiding how wet she had become.
There was another abrupt shift and Tom felt the cold air on his cock as she turned around to position herself over it. She took it in her hand and guided him into herself, and the renewal of warmth around that most sensitive part of himself almost made him lose control. It required all his will to tear his thoughts away from the warm slickness that engulfed him. He thought of going to work, taking a walk – anything but what was uppermost in his mind. But try as he might, Tom was only too aware of the handcuffs and the musky smell of the body that was moving to its own rhythm atop him. Beth was now grinding her breasts against his chest, and her hips were describing a tight circle as she swooped and dived on the spike of flesh embedded in her. With a strangled cry Beth came. Tom felt her clamp down on him. He clamped down on himself just in time. He wanted to give her as many orgasms as he could before he reached the point of no return himself. The smooth brushing of her nylon-sheathed thighs against his flanks didn’t help his self-control.
One of his – indeed many men’s – fantasies involved making wild abandoned love to a beautiful woman in stockings and suspenders, and this was exactly what he was doing. Ordinarily he would have been using his hands to caress those legs and savour the feel of the smooth nylon beneath his fingers. That Beth had handcuffed him so that he couldn’t touch her made him even more aware of her erotic appeal. He wanted to reach up and touch everything – every part of her. This was the first time he had been unable to touch his partner, and that made him want to touch her all the more. Was Beth aware of the effect she had created by making him her prisoner? He didn’t know then, but later, when they had become lovers, she told him she had used the handcuffs quite deliberately to tantalise him with her body.
She shifted once more above him, stretching her legs down along his so that their whole length of nylon-sheathed flesh was rubbing on him as she came again. She groaned deep in her throat and squeezed her legs together convulsively around him. She slid her arms around his neck and pulled him fiercely against her as she came again and again. Tom lost count of her orgasms. When he could hold himself no longer he lost all interest in counting. Beth rode him as he spent himself inside her. His growl and her groan of completion blended nicely. Beth lay atop him for a long time, the sweat drying on their bodies as their breathing slowed. Eventually she stood up and he could see the dark patches where the sweat had soaked through her sheer blue stockings. She looked almost indecently sated as she stared down at him in sleepy contentment. ‘Don’t you think there’s something deliciously decadent about making love in the afternoon?’ she asked.
The question didn’t seem to require an answer. Once again he felt the urge to stroke her and rouse her to her earlier passion but the handcuffs ensured that he was still playing by her rules.
She went to fetch a towel from the bathroom and came back drying herself in all of the places he wanted to touch himself. Beth seemed to be well aware of his desire. She took her time, letting him see all of her as she dried her legs and her crotch. The smell of her still filled his nostrils. She turned around so that she faced him fully and stretched her arms above her head, lifting her magnificent breasts with the nipples looking all crushed and flat after their lovemaking. Her eyes were half-closed as she looked at Tom lying on the disordered bed. She finished drying between her legs and moved over to the bed. Idly she reached out to touch Tom’s now flaccid cock. He felt a stirring almost like an electric shock as she dried him off, using the towel one-handed and holding him with the other.
‘I’m not complaining, mind you, but you don’t have to do that,’ he heard himself saying. ‘I’ll do it myself if you’ll just unlock these,’ nodding toward the handcuffs.
‘I’m not ready to let you go yet. I have to go out for a bit. The car has to go into the garage and I’d like to find you still here when I get back.’
‘You needn’t worry about that. I was hoping you’d suggest something like that anyway.’
‘Still, I think I’ll keep you as you are,’ Beth replied as she began to take off her damp stockings. ‘The thought of you waiting here for me will be pleasantly stimulating. Don’t you think so?’
Tom didn’t answer her question. He wasn’t sure he knew the answer. This situation was entirely new to him, and he couldn’t say just what he felt. He watched as she chose a dry pair of stockings from the bureau and put them on. When she had clipped the suspenders to her stockings, Beth picked up the damp sweaty pair and a scarf. With these she approached the bed. ‘Open wide.’
Tom did as she asked. It never occurred to him to demur. She then gagged him with the stockings and tied them in place with the scarf. He could taste her perfume faintly, and the salty tang of her sweat more strongly, in his mouth.
He watched while Beth finished dressing. As she left, she said casually, ‘I’ll be back as soon as I can. You’ll be all right here. No one will be coming in. And I’ll have a special treat for you when I get back. Try to get some rest.’ And she was gone. Tom heard the door close, and the rattle of her keys as she locked it behind her. Then, her footsteps receded along the hall and silence filled the room. Tom couldn’t do anything else, so he tried to take Beth’s advice. He dozed and woke several times. There were footsteps coming and going from time to time, and the late afternoon turned into early evening. Still no Beth. Tom began to see the down side of the situation he’d let himself get into. When she had handcuffed him, Tom had felt a new excitement. And the sex afterwards had been great, made all the more enjoyable by his inability to influence the action. Having to leave all the initiatives to the woman had been a great turn-on. But now he was just a bit worried about the consequences.
The room darkened as night fell. Tom began to wonder if he’d have to try to break the bars of the headboard to get loose. He wondered if they’d break. The thought crossed his mind that maybe Beth was not coming back. He had met her only this afternoon. He didn’t even know if this was her flat, although she appeared to know where everything was. Suppose a stranger came back and found him? Briefly he toyed with the idea of another woman like Beth coming in. Suppose no one came and found him? Tom tugged experimentally at the headboard of the bed. It was solid.
Footsteps came down the hall, the rapid tattoo of high heels. They stopped outside the door. There was the sound of a key in the lock and the footsteps entered the flat. The light in the front room was turned on, but Tom couldn’t see who was there. And whoever it was said nothing. There were sounds of someone moving about in the front room and kitchen, but if it was Beth she was prolonging the suspense by staying out of sight.
Tom thought that if she prolonged the suspense much more there would be a messy accident. Thoughts of the toilet were beginning to occupy him almost as much as thoughts of yet another sexual encounter with the startling Beth. As if reading his mind, Beth herself chose that moment to make her entrance. She said cheerily, ‘Glad you decided to stay. Everything all right?’ Tom grunted. She continued, ‘I imagine you’ll be wanting to get to the loo about now. I had intended to get back sooner but there was an awful crowd at the shops.’ So she had been casually shopping while he waited for her to come back to release him! Tom felt a momentary flash of annoyance at her cavalier treatment, but it faded when he remembered the earlier encounter. And besides, he realised at that moment, he was really enjoying the novel situation. It was a relief for once not to have to make all of the moves. If things went wrong, there was nothing he could do about it. But things showed no sign of going wrong so long as he got to the loo soon.
‘I got us something for tea. I thought you’d be hungry by now,’ Beth continued as she removed his gag. She bent to fondle his erect cock. ‘Is that for me? How thoughtful!’
Before he could reply, Tom worked his tongue around to wet his dry mouth. When he could speak he said, ‘That one is for the toilet, but I promise to work up another one just for you as soon as I’ve taken care of the other business. Not that it will take all that much effort,’ he continued gallantly while Beth moved to unlock the handcuffs.
She stepped back and put them on the bureau. Tom rolled out of the bed and stretched stiffly. Then he made his way into the bathroom. The relief was wonderful. He poked his head around the door when he was done. Beth was putting the bed to rights. ‘Okay if I have a shower?’
‘Good idea,’ she replied. ‘In fact I’ll join you in a minute. I can point out the towels – and some of the other features of the place.’
‘Are you one of them?’
‘I could be one if you’d like,’ she replied.
‘I’d like. Get out of those clothes and get in here.’ Tom stepped into the shower stall and adjusted the water temperature. While he was soaping himself Beth came in and got undressed. Again Tom watched closely.
She got into the shower and took the cloth from him. ‘Turn around. You can ogle me later.’ She began to do his back.
‘Wouldn’t it be nicer if I faced you and let you reach around? That way we could rub the interesting bits together.’
By way of reply Beth reached around him and used her soapy hand to caress his cock. That got his attention. His cock came to attention as well. He could feel her breasts pressing against his back – a most agreeable sensation. Altogether a most remarkable and agreeable woman, he thought. When she finished his back, Beth put the soap down and used both hands on him. She cupped his balls with her left hand and used the right to very good effect on his stiff cock. Before too long he began to wonder if there could be too much of a good thing. If she carried on much longer he was going to lose it in the shower.
Beth sensed the same thing, and she let go of him with a terse, if enigmatic, ‘Do me now.’
‘Your back, or some of the more interesting bits?’
‘You can start with the back, and if you’re good enough I’ll let you try somewhere else.’
Tom soaped her back and let his hands trail suggestively over Beth’s round, tight bottom as he worked down her legs. Tom considered himself somewhat of a leg man. He had read somewhere that the mark of a discerning lover was a preference for legs over breasts: those men who were fascinated by women’s breasts were put down as immature – mother-fixated, as the shrinks would say. He liked breasts well enough. He had never disdained them. But the subject now was legs. Beth’s were long and well shaped: not the spindly type so prevalent among models and famine victims. The delicate veins in the hollows of her knees seemed made to be kissed. He did, surprising both of them. He had never showered with anyone who permitted or encouraged such attentions. Showering was just a means of getting clean, something you did after sex, a way to wash out the memory, the stigma of it. No matter how liberated his other lovers claimed to be, they were still their mothers’ daughters. They could never quite shake off the idea that sex was dirty. Wasn’t that what their mothers had taught them? And who were they to doubt?
Beth was surprised, but enjoyed the attention to this hitherto neglected area of her anatomy. Her fingers wound into his hair and he was acutely aware of their gentle weight on his head like a benediction. There was a trace of her perfume lingering in the delicate hollows. He had read somewhere that truly discerning women put a dab of perfume in the hollows of their knees, just in case someone happened to be in that area, he guessed. Beth seemed to be a very discerning woman, amongst her other, more obvious attractions. Tom’s hands were on her thighs, holding her steady while he nuzzled. Beth’s pleasure was made evident by the small tremors that travelled her legs. He could feel them come and go.
She turned and Tom found himself facing an entirely different proposition. As he knelt he was on a level with her vulva. The dark reddish hair was glistening with drops of water and streams were running down the front of her thighs. Beth shifted her stance slightly and parted her legs – an invitation he couldn’t mistake, and certainly didn’t want to refuse. ‘Venus rising from the shower tray,’ he remarked as he shifted his hands to squeeze her bottom and draw her closer to his lips.
Beth smiled at the sally. ‘I’m not sure this is what Botticelli had in mind.’
Then once again he found his face buried in the fragrant cavern at the apex of her thighs. What he did there made her tremble even more. And heave. And pant. She gripped the back of his head with both hands, holding on to him and pressing him tightly against herself. Tom’s tongue was very busy indeed. He interspersed the licks with gentle nips at strategic points. When he took the time to look up quickly, Tom could see that her nipples had erected and her areolae were crinkly with excitement once more.
Tom beavered away and presently Beth shuddered and clasped his head tightly against her crotch. Her breath was loud and ragged and her face was flushed. Her knees threatened to give way, and Tom supported her with his arms around her hips as she came. When Beth stopped gasping she raised Tom to his feet. His cock rubbed against her belly and she reached down to guide him into her. When he was aimed in the right direction Beth wrapped her arms around his shoulders and whispered, ‘Lift me up.’ Tom lifted her and slid fully home. Beth gave a small gasp of pleasure and twined her legs around his waist, crossing her ankles behind his back as he braced her back against the opposite wall of the shower cubicle. Their bodies were all slick with the soap and the sliding sensation as they made love was a rare pleasure.

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