High Score (15 page)

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Authors: Sally Apple

Tags: #Erotic Romance

BOOK: High Score
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Feeling empty, she realized she must be hungry. She had no energy for preparing a full meal, so she opted for a protein shake, chocolate flavored with a frozen banana to give it the substance of a milkshake.

Dreams and fantasies were stupid, she realized, as she ran the blender at top speed. Especially dumb ones that never came to fruition. But how did one go about eliminating them from the mind and heart? What would she have to do to stop wishing and yearning for something she couldn’t have? Expunge all expectations? That might work if she only knew how.

She poured her shake into a tall glass and took it into the living room where she could drink it while clicking through the channels on TV. What if she had actual
buttons built into her system, she wondered, with on and off toggle switches? Would she gladly flip them all off?

They only brought disappointments, didn’t they?

What is it you want so badly
You have to know what it is before you can push the correct button and switch the desire off.

She gave up finding anything on TV worth watching and set it to a music channel with soothing New Age music. Slurping the last of her shake, she wondered whether she really wanted Dickie’s undying love and faithfulness. That thought didn’t bring complete satisfaction. Something was missing.

Would she be happy if he came to her tonight and offered a night of lovemaking? Strangely, that no longer sounded as appealing as it should. Why not? What was wrong with her?

Had she told Rita the truth when she said she didn’t care what Dickie was doing tonight? Somehow, talking it over with Rita had brought a measure of calm. For the first time, the image of a hooker trying to get Dickie to perform made her want to laugh.

If you could have anything you wanted, what would it be?

She wished she had a chance with someone like Thor. No, not someone
Thor—only Thor. The realization stunned her. Fantasies didn’t have a place in real life, she reminded herself. Now that was a button that needed to be toggled off quick!

A relationship with Thor was totally out of the question for several reasons. Number one, he was never meant to be anything more than a one-night stand—or as it turned out, a short fling—a way to get even with Dickie. Number two, as if she needed more than one reason, he’d offered a prenuptial course in practical sex, nothing more. No promises had been made. Number three, he was leaving town for several months. More than two reasons was overkill. Number four, as Rita had pointed out, men could screw anything in a skirt and not give their hearts away. The eagerness with which Thor had jumped her bones before he even knew her proved that theory.

The phone rang, and Shelley lethargically picked it up on the third ring. The number flashing on the caller ID identified Rita.

“Hi, Rita. What’s up?”

“I’m your friend, right?”

“Yes, you’re my friend. If that’s what you called to tell me—”

“Shut up and listen. As your friend, I think you deserve to know. I got home in time to see Dickie drive away with a blonde woman in his car.”

“A blonde woman? What did she look like?”

“Lots of makeup. Big hair. Plunging neckline on a stretchy red top that looked like it was painted on.”

“Ha! Why should I worry about a floozy like that?”

“She had humongous boobs and a waist tiny as a wasp.”

“Shit! I gotta go, Rita. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

Chapter Seven


Shelley walked into High Score with two minutes to spare. A quick glance around revealed no other customers. Thor, behind the counter to her right, swiveled his head toward her. Their eyes met and held. His lips curved into a knowing smile.

He thinks he’s got me pegged
, she thought.
He may be right.

His gaze shifted to the clock on the wall. “You’re early.”

“I almost didn’t come at all.” She kept her expression bland to hide a sudden surge of mortification. How shameless she must appear!

His grin widened. “But you’re here. And early, too. I like an eager student.”

She almost turned and ran out of the store. Almost.

He moved out from behind the counter, his gaze never leaving hers. “I think we’ll begin by closing up early for the day. It’s Saturday night, but what the hell. I’ve got better things to do. That’s the joy of being the proprietor. I can do whatever I want.”

Do you have the same attitude toward women? You can do whatever you want?

As he brushed by her to flip the OPEN sign in the window over to CLOSED, every cell in her body responded to his proximity, his male scent, his palpable virility. The lock clicked loudly in the door.

She took a deep breath. “I don’t know why I came tonight. I shouldn’t be here.”

He walked back to her and pulled her into an embrace. “You came because you’re curious.” He spoke softly, warming her ear with his breath. “You want to know what more I can teach you. Right?”

He was right—she did. Yet, there was more to it than that. An inexplicable bashfulness kept her from admitting what that was.

“And you’re a walking sex bomb. Do you have any idea what you do to me?” He nuzzled her ear and flicked his tongue over her earlobe. “I’m very glad you’re here. I would have been disappointed if you’d talked yourself out of this. We’re going to have a good time tonight, you and me.”

Feeling his strong arms around her and the firmness of his chest and belly pressed against hers, she realized she couldn’t get enough of his brand of excitement.

He leaned away from her in order to unbutton her coat, shove it off her shoulders and down her arms. He tossed it on the countertop. His hands slipped around her waist, pulling her close.

She absorbed his body heat through her white angora sweater and navy slacks. The massive lump in the front of his jeans swelled on contact with her lower belly. Her heart started to race at the thought of getting more intimate with him, of opening her legs and sliding down his thick shaft. Already, her body was creaming for him.

He slanted his mouth over hers. The tip of his tongue teased her lips until they parted. He kissed her deeply, slowly, thoroughly. Her breathing quickened. His tongue moving in and out of her mouth reminded her of intercourse, and a jolt flashed through her body to sizzle between her legs.

His big hands cupped her buttocks, pulled her hard against his erection. “I want to fuck you,” he said in a husky voice. “And I will, in good time. First, I want to play a little cat and mouse game. I’m going to show you all the ways I know to bring you to the edge and hold you there until you’re begging me to finish you off.”

She whispered, “Sounds like sexual torture.”

“You could call it that. A good name for what I’m going to do to you. Come on, I’ll show you the tools of my trade.”

Taking her by the hand, he led her down the center aisle, flanked on either side with display tables heaped with sex toys, as identified by placards propped on tiny easels among them.

He picked up a clear plastic box with a bright label.
Discover the ultimate in oral sex!
“You need one of these—it’s basic.”

She took the package from him to inspect the contents. Short rubber fingertips in three sizes nestled in slots designed to hold them. They reminded her of the page-turners sold in stationery stores for people who need to thumb through stacks of paper, only these were thicker, heavier. “I don’t quite understand…”

“They’re mini-vibrators. I’ll show you.” He took the box from her and pulled it open. “You insert the watch battery here, so it’s wireless and compact. Or you can attach it to this unit which has buttons to vary the speed.” He slipped it over his finger and demonstrated how to make it vibrate remotely by pushing buttons on the base unit.

“The label mentions oral sex,” she said.

“For that you use the largest one. Stick your tongue inside and drive your partner up the wall. First, let me show you how the finger model works.” He turned her facing away from him, then pulled her back against his body firmly, with his left arm clamped around her waist. She trembled as he unbuttoned the waistband of her pants in front, lowered the zipper, and slipped his right hand inside.

“Spread your legs,” he ordered.

She caught her breath as his fingers caressed her. He stroked the length of her slit.

“Oh, baby, you’re hot as a pistol already,” he murmured in her ear, “and I haven’t even started. I’d better be careful not to overdo this, or you’ll go off before I want you to.”

His fingertip with the rubberized gizmo in place pressed against her clit. Cradling the remote control in his left hand while holding her snugly within the crook of his arm, he manipulated the buttons. Suddenly, the mini-vibrator sprang to life, humming against her sensitive nerves.

Out of reflex, she grabbed for his wrist, but he tightened his arm around her, pinning her against his body.

“Stimulating, isn’t it?” He grinned and stroked her clit with his power-driven finger.

Uncontrollable mewling sounds escaped her throat. Never in her life had she felt anything like it.

His vibrating finger shifted toward her vagina. “Notice how these are waterproof, so I can insert this inside you.”

As he demonstrated, she began to shake. “Ahh, God! That feels—indescribable!” She spread her legs as far apart as her pants, now bunched around her hips, would permit.

“Feels good, huh?” He withdrew his finger. “Later, we can try out the tongue model. I look forward to that.”

She moaned. “You’re getting a real kick out of driving me crazy, aren’t you?”

He chuckled. “Yes, I am. And the next order of business is to get you into something more comfortable. I love the way those pants fit your long legs and hips, but what I have in mind for you tonight, I need better access to your bare skin and nerve endings. Erogenous zones, if you will.”

As he turned away, she yanked her pants up. If she ran like hell, she might escape to the parking lot yet. She was in way over her head with Thor. Recent revelations indicated she was falling in love with him, and that meant trouble with a capital T. Yielding to her impulse to keep this appointment had been a big mistake. Suddenly overcome with the dread of a broken heart and a ruined life, her instincts urged her to get the hell out of Dodge.

“Come here, babe.” He beckoned, and her legs carried her toward him.
Treacherous feet!
Her brain, vainly clinging to reason by a thread, was being overruled by the more rebellious parts of her body.

He bent, searching through a built-in closet near the back of the store. Diaphanous gowns and sheer lingerie hung suspended from hangers. “I think this will look lovely on you.” He selected a long, pale blue peignoir with creamy lace edging.

He thinks I would look lovely!
She couldn’t help smiling at his eagerness.

He hung the sheer dressing gown on a hook next to the closet. “I’ve been trying to imagine you wearing this.”

The admiring look on his face, as his gaze traveled over her body, did more for her self-esteem in that one moment than Dickie’s awkward attempts at paying compliments had accomplished in the last several months. Her urge to flee dissipated like smoke.

“Take your clothes off, love,” he said softly.

Her hands trembled as she raised the hem of her sweater, tugged it above her bustline, and then peeled the whole thing off over her head. Without taking his eyes from her breasts, now threatening to spill out of the top of her sexiest bra, he caught her sweater and dropped it on the nearest table. He made a sound of appreciation deep in his throat and reached for her, cupping her breasts in both hands.

“Beautiful!” His thumbs rubbed back and forth across her nipples, bringing them to hard points under the satin. Leaning down, he kissed one nipple, then the other, leaving moist spots on the satin fabric. “Sweet, very sweet. Take it off.”

She reached behind her to unhook the bra. He took it, tossed it atop her sweater, then reached for the button on the waistband of her slacks. Once the zipper slid down, he tucked his thumbs inside the band and pushed her pants down her thighs, taking her panties with them. She stepped out of them, leaving her sandals on the floor beneath. Arriving without pantyhose or socks had been her concession to convenient sex.

“No, don’t cover yourself,” he said, pulling her hands outward from her body. “Let me look at you.” For a moment, he studied her with a look of quiet rapture. “Gorgeous! Here, slip this on.”

He thinks I’m gorgeous!
No wonder she had developed an addiction to him. She could listen to that kind of talk forever.

She slid her arms into the sleeves of the gown and closed the front of it around herself. Glancing down, she realized the sheer fabric left nothing to the imagination. “A lot of good this does.”

“Yeah,” he chuckled. “Great, isn’t it?” He bent to gather her clothing off the floor and deposit it on the table with her sweater.

With a flutter in her stomach, she slipped her feet back into her sandals and awaited his next command.

“Okay, let’s find you some more toys.” He moved around the room, gathering up an armload of boxed merchandise. “This will do for a start. Follow me to the fitting room, please.”

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