High Score (16 page)

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Authors: Sally Apple

Tags: #Erotic Romance

BOOK: High Score
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Fitting room!
She giggled nervously at the image that term conjured in her mind and followed him through a narrow doorway across which hung a curtain of threaded beads. As those swung back into place behind her, she glanced around the interior of the back room. A small round table between two overstuffed chairs occupied one wall, while a state-of-the-art entertainment center faced them from the opposite wall. A perfect setup for previewing adult videos, she thought.

“Sit down there,” he said, gesturing toward one of the chairs, and dropped the boxes on the table.

The huge leather chair, covered with a navy blue fleece throw blanket, swallowed her up like a cozy nest.

Thor opened the boxes and arranged them on the table. “Let me introduce you to the Sex Slave Kit.” He wrapped studded leather cuffs around her wrists and ankles, secured with heavy-duty Velcro.

“Wait a minute!” A touch of apprehension made her sit up straight. “I don’t know about this…”

Without replying, he calmly threaded chains through the rings sewn into each strap. Two of them he looped over hooks set in the wall behind the chair, suspending her hands at shoulder level. He linked her ankles to hooks on the chair legs. She didn’t want to know how or when the hooks had gotten there. Had the former owner of the store installed them, or had Thor done it? And did he routinely put them to use?

Alarm surged through her. “Tell me what you’re going to do!”

“Immobilize you. It will be interesting to see if bondage turns you on, as I suspect it will.”

“I don’t think so!”

“I won’t hurt you, I promise. I’m not into S& M.”

She relaxed marginally. “That’s good.”

“If I was, this is where I’d leave you alone for a few hours and let you get used to captivity.”

“I wouldn’t like that.”

“I didn’t think you would. I have no intention of doing anything you don’t enjoy. So if you want me to stop what I’m doing at any point, all you have to do is say
Dark Angel
. That’s the magic word—
Dark Angel
. That way, you can get into the role of resisting me—and your own libidinous nature—by saying no and begging me to stop. But if you
want me to stop, you must say
Dark Angel
. Understand? Then I’ll know you mean it.”

Dark Angel
. Like
Open Sesame
. A magic word.”

“Right. Now what do you think of this strawberry-scented cream? It’s edible, so after I lubricate you, I can enjoy licking it off. Sound like fun?” He waved it under her nose.

Oh, yes, definitely!

He released a catch and lifted one of her feet up on the chair, then the other one, linking her ankle straps together. Her knees were bent, her heels near her rump. “Spread your knees. Just let them fall apart.”

Feeling inexplicably shy about exposing herself, she hesitated. He loomed over her, squirting a dab of pink aromatic cream on his fingertip.

With his elbows, he wedged her knees apart. “That’s better.”

What amazed her about him was how well he understood her nature, her need to resist and put up a fight. Without that release valve, she would fall victim to her shame. Her inhibitions were in constant battle with her yearning for adventure, for excitement and ultimate satisfaction. Because he comprehended that, allowed for that, she was putty in his hands.

He understands me!

She rested her head against the back of the chair and closed her eyes, focusing on the coolness of his callused fingertip as he spread the cream between her legs. He took his time massaging it into every part of her sex. It felt so good, she didn’t care if he ever quit. Maybe he was right about the bondage. After the episode with the spanking chair, she should have remembered how much it excited her to be at his mercy.

How could she not know herself any better? Why did it take a man like Thor to demonstrate what really triggered her sensual responses?

“Now,” he said. “Let’s try this remote-control egg. You’ll love it.”

Her eyes popped open as he brought a small rounded object from the table. “What kind of egg?”

He pressed the rubbery sphere firmly against her opening. “Remote control. This part goes inside you.”

Instinctively, she tried to resist by straightening her legs, but her ankles were bound and his elbows still wedged her knees apart.

“Trust me.” As he eased it slowly inside her, his thumb landed on her clit where it gently rubbed back and forth. “Relax.”

She tried to comply, but had to fight her nervousness. “I don’t know what to expect.”

“Go completely limp. Allow the tension to leave your muscles. Trust me, Shelley. This is going to turn you into jelly. It will feel wonderful.”

With her knees spread wide, she couldn’t prevent the intrusion, no matter how rigid her muscles. The little oval ball filled her, and still he kept a steady pressure on it until he was satisfied with its placement. The sensation of being invaded that way sent heavenly tremors through her body.

He strapped the remote control onto his wrist like a watch and stabbed one of its buttons with the index finger of his other hand. “Feel that?”

“Whoa!” She came off the seat of the chair as the egg started vibrating inside her.

“Maybe it’s set too high.” He made an adjustment. “We’ll start slowly and gradually speed it up.”

The egg’s vibrations spread through her lower body, raising her sexual thermostat by degrees. She wondered how long it would take for the egg to bring her to climax. Not long, probably. For a vibrator, it really got to the heart of the matter.

“I knew it!” he said. “You love it, don’t you?”

“It’s very nice,” she agreed.
What an understatement!

As the languor of full-blown arousal spread through her body, relaxation no longer posed a problem. In fact, she didn’t think it would be long before the fever pitch of excitement would block conscious thought and provide her with only one compelling drive. Her eyelids drooped to half-mast. With an effort, she shifted her gaze toward the table.

She asked languorously, “What else do you have over there?”

He held up a bulky glove and read the printing on the back of the package. “
The TurboGlove has a mini-vibrator at each fingertip. It comes with a variable speed control, and is also waterproof. Useful in bath or shower. Batteries included.

He slipped his hand inside it and stroked her left breast.

As the vibrations raised her nipple awareness to a new level, she laughed out loud.

“What’s so funny? Sex is serious business.” His voice was solemn, but the twinkle in his eye belied his tone.

“I don’t know… I’m just feeling so good right now…” She panted for air.

“Oops! I forgot about the egg!” He pressed a button on the remote control strapped to his wrist. “I’d better turn it off for now. You can’t have an orgasm until I give you permission.”

“You’re kidding! Have mercy, Thor!”

He grinned. “As your Master, I have final say in what happens to you tonight. You are under my total command. How does it feel?”

“A little scary. But very exciting.” She squirmed in the chair, wishing he’d turn on the egg again. “What else do you have?”

He peered at the label on another box. “
The high-tech ultra-powerful micro-Bullet will blow your mind. The remote control features vibrations to escalate, throb, pulse, or to combine in random sequence.
” He smiled at her, wagging his eyebrows suggestively. “I could insert the Bullet up your back door. That and the egg could run simultaneously. No, better not—that would knock you out in no time, I bet.”

“Oh, Lord! I don’t know if I could take much more.” A wave of anticipation rocked her body.

He turned back to the table. “Let’s try out the Dual Nipple Stimulators.”

“I’m afraid to ask.”

He read the label. “
Supple rubber cups with an attached suction pump guaranteed to pleasure you beyond anything you’ve ever experienced.

He placed one on each of her nipples and squeezed the rubber bulb to create a strong suction.

“Oh, wow!” Under the pressure, her nipples became ultra-sensitized in seconds. They had already been erect, but the suction hardened them into little knobs.

“It comes with a suction cup for your clitoris, too.”

“Unbelievable!” She sucked in air as he slapped it onto her vulva and pumped it up. If she hadn’t been secured hand and foot, she would have writhed in ecstasy. “Oh, oh! Heaven have mercy!”

He reached over and pushed the remote control for the egg, turning it on again. “Take that, wench!”

The internal buzzing, together with the gentle, yet relentless, sucking of the Clit Pump and nipple stimulators, not to mention the vibrating glove stroking her body, sent her spiraling into outer space. She screamed as wave after wave of orgasmic contractions rocketed through her.

When she sagged limply into the nest-like chair, Thor casually thumbed the quick release catches and removed the suction cups. “Well, I guess these were a success. Sooner than I expected.”

“Oh, Lord, that felt good!” Utterly spent, she dropped her head back and closed her eyes.

“We’re not through yet,” he said, scanning another label. “You haven’t tried the amazing Dynamo Tongue
. The sensuous vibrating tongue with suction cup base allows for almost any angle of stimulation. This multi-orgasmic pleasure toy will drive your clit crazy

“My clit is already out of its mind.”

He leaned over her, applying the device to her most sensitive place. “Gotta try it once.”

The sensations were stronger than the other suction cup, and different in that it lapped at her clit like a real tongue. “Omigod! Here I go again!”

His smile was pure evil as he pulled on the Turbo Glove. “Do you regularly have multiple orgasms?”

“Never…never have…before.” She threw her head from side to side, bypassing nirvana and bliss to go for rapture.

He ran the glove over her ultra-sensitive breasts, pausing to stimulate each nipple. Stroking downward from waist to hip to thigh, he kept Shelley’s awareness on her body. Sensations from every direction assaulted her nervous system, pushing her ever nearer to another orgasm.

“Overload!” she cried, sinking her nails into the arms of the chair.

“You’ll know it is overload when you reach your next climax. Hopefully, one of many.” He ran the vibrating glove over what he could reach of her buttocks and pressed two of the fingers against her anus. “By the way, are you anal erotic? Lots of people are.”

“I don’t know! God, I don’t know anything anymore! Give me whatever you’ve got. More of it, and faster!” She was puffing like the Little Engine That Could.

He removed the Glove from his hand and reached for something else on the table. “
Soft Jelly Beads in graduated sizes attached to a flexible stalk provides deep pleasure. Work your way up!

When he unsnapped the chains from her cuffs and peeled back the Velcro to release her, the realization barely registered. Still under the spell of the Dynamo Tongue, she could barely open her eyes or move. In fact, she didn’t attempt to resist his manipulations as he switched places with her in the chair. Utterly cooperative, without a will of her own, she allowed him to fold her body facedown across his knees. She had no idea what jelly beads were until he began sliding them up inside her ass. “Oh, my Lord!”

It felt like a long stalk, and by the time he pushed the final, largest bead into her, she was shuddering with a second climax so powerful it surpassed any she had ever experienced. Her spasm verged on a uterine charley horse. “Oh, God, oh God!”

She twitched and jerked for what seemed an eternity. After she drifted down, Thor disengaged all the sexual peripherals from her body, except the egg inside her vagina.

“Enjoy that?” He sat her up and cuddled her on his lap.

“The mother of all climaxes? Why…why wouldn’t I?” It took several minutes for her breathing to return to normal. “I can’t believe you’ve got a table laden with sex toys, and not one dildo!”

He shook his head. “If you need a big dong, I carry one in my pants for all occasions.”

She gave a long contented sigh. “When are you gonna fuck me? Sure, sex toys are great, but you can’t do better than a real live cock.”

“I’m glad you feel that way.” He rose to his feet, set her down in the chair, and then grabbed a duffel bag off a shelf. It had a Viking logo and the High Score street address on it. He gathered up her sex toys and packed them inside. “Let’s go home so we can stretch out and rock my waterbed together, okay? I have a compelling need to shove said cock as far up inside you as it will go. I’m betting you’ll have a third climax before we’re through.”

“I’ll take that bet,” she said with a grin. Nothing like a bit of a challenge to keep her hormones pumping. “But I’m not sure I have the strength to get dressed.” She climbed stiffly out of the chair.

“No need to get dressed. Your coat is all you need. It’s hip-length, if I recall.”

“I’ll be indecent!” She staggered to the doorway with the bead curtain, weak in the knees. Her peignoir floated around her bare legs.

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