High Score (17 page)

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Authors: Sally Apple

Tags: #Erotic Romance

BOOK: High Score
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“Oh, yeah. No doubt about that.” He looked extremely pleased with himself. “Speaking of getting dressed, there is one thing here I want you to put on.”

When she turned back, he handed her a pair of black thong panties. They were not sheer, but made of rather heavy material.

“You want me to wear these?”

“If you don’t mind.”

She shrugged and climbed into them. Anything to please her Master.

He picked up yet another remote control and zapped a button. The thong panties vibrated in all the right places.

“Holy smokes! You’ve got to be kidding!” she cried, doing a fidgety little dance.

“I don’t want you to cool off going home. When we get there, I want you piping hot.” Carrying the duffel bag, he headed for the front of the store, pausing on his way to toss her stack of clothing inside.

He shrugged into a fleece-lined leather vest and helped her into her coat. “Let’s take your car. You can drop me off here in the morning.”

She had never felt more weird in her life than she did walking out to the lot in the dark wearing a filmy peignoir under her coat and a perennial buzz in her panties.

Chapter Eight


Thor Ryersson steered Shelley’s convertible down High Street, sneaking glances at her whenever he encountered a stop sign or the traffic thinned out. Shelley sat slumped against the passenger door, watching him with a steady gaze, as though waiting for his next command.

What have I created?

The streetlights glowed intermittently on her light hair, creating a halo effect. Any angelic illusion was countered by the sultry look in her blue-green eyes, giving her the allure of a temptress. The filmy gown trailing below her car coat reminded him she was naked under those layers. If he wasn’t afraid he’d wrap the vehicle around a power pole, he would make her pull her knees higher and spread her thighs so he could toy with her as he drove. As it was, his cock was on the verge of bursting out of his pants.

To keep the playing field even, he pressed the random button on his wrist control to send occasional unexpected jolts to the vibrator egg inside her. After a few seconds, she twitched and chirruped like a bird.

He felt a little bad, seducing her a week before her wedding, but she’d come to him, after all. She could have stood him up tonight—he’d more than halfway expected it—but here she was. And he couldn’t resist her offer.

His motto held firm—
all’s fair in love and war

Problem was, she had grown on him. He’d spent hours just today thinking about her, wondering if she would meet him tonight or not, agonizing over whether he ought to call her and confirm. When she’d walked through the front door of his store, his heart had expanded with joy.

But time was running out. This weekend was their last chance to be together before her relatives started arriving in town and things got real hectic.

“Are you sure you want to get married?” he asked. “What’s the big rush?”

“What? I, uh—we’ve been planning the wedding for months.”

“But why him? What’s-his-face—Dickie?” Just the sound of the babyish name made Thor want to kick his butt.

“Well…nobody else has made me an offer lately.”

He snorted in disgust. “Do you have any idea how lame that sounds?”

“I like Dickie.” Her voice sounded rebellious. “He’s kind, he’s polite, he’s never moody. We’re very compatible.”

“Except in bed!”

“I’ll change that. With what I’m learning this weekend—”

“Shit! Who are you trying to convince? You don’t want to marry that clown!” Thor downshifted and stomped on the gas, trying to dissipate the surge of jealousy. His body pressed into the seat as her spunky little car leaped forward. Leaving the city limits behind, he roared through the farmland on a secondary road. “Never mind. Sorry I mentioned it.”

Why had he initiated that conversation? After tiptoeing around the subject through the time he’d spent with her, why bring it up now? Was he a glutton for punishment?

She fell silent, except for the occasional squeak when the egg randomly switched on.

He was still fuming when he turned into his driveway and parked in front of the house.

“Thor, is something wrong?”

“Not a damn thing.” He switched off the ignition, but didn’t move to open the door.

“Did I upset you? Because, if I did—”

“It’s not you, it’s me. I hate the thought of you marrying someone who won’t make you happy.” He filled his lungs with air and let his breath out slowly, struggling to suppress his fury.

A combination of depression, frustration and rage had been fermenting inside him for days, building to impossible proportions as the deadline of her wedding day loomed. He wasn’t going to get a chance to woo her properly before someone else snatched her away—someone who didn’t fully appreciate what he was getting.

Thor had never before realized just how precious time could be. In fact, he had been extravagant with it in the past, lavish in his wasteful expenditure. Now the grains of sand were slipping through the hourglass in a rush. And it was killing him.

If only he’d met her sooner. He’d only met her a week ago, not enough time to develop a relationship. Why he cared about her as much as he did was the biggest mystery of all time.

A future with Shelley was forbidden, beyond his reach, unattainable.
For my own good, I’ve got to let her go!

“You’re right, of course,” he said. “It’s none of my business, anyway.”

She murmured something that sounded like she wished it was.


“Nothing. I was just…wishing things were different. I wish I had more time to get to know you.”

“What more do you need? You know I’m selling my store so I can manage the Bad Boys. You know where I live. You know I can give you a climax whenever you want one.”

She smiled at that. “True. And I know you’re hung like a horse. But I don’t know whether you’ve ever been married. Have you?”

“Once. For a year. It didn’t work out.”

“Did you have any children?”

“Never had a chance. She didn’t want any.”

“You were with me last weekend, and brought me home with you tonight. Does that mean you don’t have anyone else in your life right now?”

“You could say that.” He turned toward her. “Shelley, I find you very attractive. You’re a lovely person. In fact— I wish to hell you weren’t getting married next week. That purely sucks!”

“Even if I weren’t, I don’t see how it would change anything between us. You’re going on the road with the Bad Boys, and you won’t be around for quite a while. I wouldn’t fit into your life—”

“I know, I know.” He shook his head, feeling confused and out of sorts. He gritted his teeth to keep a rein on his temper. No sense taking his wrath out on her. “I just wish— What the hell, let’s go in the house. I’m going to give you something to remember me by.”

She smiled and reached for the door handle.

He grabbed her duffel bag out of the backseat and followed her up the sidewalk to the porch. Just for kicks, he lifted his wrist, selected a button on the remote and raised the vibration level on her egg. She did a little two-step jig going up the steps.

Pausing in the entry to shut the door behind him and peel Shelley out of her jacket, he felt a rising urgency to get her to the bedroom. He tossed her coat onto the coat tree, shrugged out of his leather vest and threw it in the general direction of the tree, as well.

She glanced over her shoulder at him, obviously waiting for direction. With one stride, he closed the space between them. With his hands on her ribs, he swiveled her toward him and pulled her tight against his body.

“Give me a kiss.” He didn’t wait for her to comply, but tipped her chin up and lowered his mouth to hers. Cupping her head with his left hand and sliding his right one around her waist, he held her firmly as his tongue slipped between her parted lips and teeth. He explored her mouth and tangled his tongue with hers. His breath grew deeper and heavier, anticipating what he would do to her once he got her naked.

He crowded her, stepping past her a little, causing her to stagger backward off balance. Step by step, he continued inching toward the bedroom, kissing her all the way. Held upright in his arms, she had no choice but to cling to his neck and stumble along.

Inside the doorway, he halted. Gazing into her eyes, he pushed her gown off her shoulders and down her arms. It pooled on the floor at their feet. He gathered her in his arms and lifted her onto the king-sized waterbed. Her panties hummed against his forearm as he laid her down.

“Let’s get those off you.” He pushed buttons on his wrist control, as well as the smaller remote in his pocket. “You don’t need ‘em now. You’ve got me.”

He opened the duffel bag and dropped both remotes into it, then pulled her double-duty thong panties down her long legs. Those went into the duffel bag, too.

“Pull your knees up.” He placed his hands on her thighs to nudge them wider. Gently, he removed the vibrator egg and set it aside. “I’m going to fuck you like you’ll never be fucked again.”

She watched his every move as he stripped out of his clothes. He didn’t believe he’d ever seen a more beautiful sight in the world than this woman lying on his bed, vulnerable, waiting for him. Her blonde hair fanned around her head on the bedspread. Her lithesome body shifted restlessly, as though she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

He’d been intrigued with her from the first moment she’d entered his store a week ago, young and innocent. Now, having experienced sex in all its glory, she had the utterly intoxicating look of a vamp. His intrigue had doubled.

As he pushed his jeans and shorts down, his cock leaped free. Her gaze focused on his swollen shaft.

She smiled like a kid with a hundred dollar bill in a toy store. “I can’t get over how big you are!”

“And it’s all yours—every inch.” He lowered himself to his hands and knees on the bed, moved into position over her. An overwhelming desire to take her and claim her as his own burgeoned out of control. “You’re mine, baby. Tonight, you are all mine.”

She spread her legs, cradling his hips. He had fallen a little short of covering her, a deliberate move on his part, so his mouth could sample her breast. He suctioned her nipple between his teeth and teased the tip of it with his tongue.

She moaned and writhed.

He pressed his belly against her mound and rubbed forward and back.

Breathing deeply, she closed her eyes.

He cautioned himself not to push her to the brink too soon, and raised himself on his elbows and knees. He liked coming simultaneously with her, experiencing her inner spasms around his cock, enjoying a wonderful boost toward his own orgasm.

Shifting himself further up her body, he aligned his shaft between her legs, probing her soft wetness with the blunt tip of his cock. “You’re hot, baby,” he breathed. “You don’t need any extra lubrication tonight.”

“I’m ready for you, Thor,” she agreed. “I can’t wait any longer. Take me, please. Deep and hard!”

He sank into her, feeling her tightness impede his progress, holding him back. Waves of pleasure radiated outward through his body as he pushed beyond that minor constriction, putting his weight behind his thrust. His craze for more of her made him lightheaded and slightly delirious. Beset by the familiar tunnel vision, his only thought was of possessing her, absorbing her essence and making her a part of himself. For this moment in time, they were one.

She whimpered her pleasure.

He pumped twice, three times, seating himself as deeply inside her as he could. God, he loved the sensation of invading her like that, of pinning her to the bed, immobilizing her with his superior weight and strength. She lay beneath him, surrendering all, offering the ultimate prize.

And he took it greedily. In return, he was driven to give her all he had.

“Oh, yes, Thor! Yes!” she cried.

He shoved himself deep and ground his pelvis against hers. In this position, she would never be able to stir, let alone get away from him. What would it be like, he wondered, to have her captured like this forever?

With one hand he pulled her right leg higher and slid his palm over her hip, following the contour of her rounded buttock until his fingers encountered the tender flesh between her cheeks. He drenched his fingertips in the lavish juices collecting below her vagina. So thick and slippery, it was made to order for overcoming any resistance. Probing her anus, he slipped one finger inside, craving nothing more than to invade her every way there was.

Her mouth latched onto his neck, kissing and sucking his flesh like a frustrated vampire.

He began moving inside her again, wanting to prolong the ecstasy, yet unable to lie still for long.

She trembled in his arms, breathing hard. Little spasms inside her squeezed his cock, fueled his passion and sent exquisite shockwaves through his system.

As he repeatedly sank his length into her, the tension built to an unbearable level. Exhilarated, intoxicated, driven to the point of inevitable release, he teetered on the brink for an excruciating moment.

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