High Score (12 page)

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Authors: Sally Apple

Tags: #Erotic Romance

BOOK: High Score
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Mine, all mine!

He didn’t know where the thought came from—somewhere deep inside himself. His brain, incapable of censorship, had spilled his not-so-secret desire.

* * * * *

There’s nothing cozier, Shelley thought, than waking up on a chilly autumn morning in the embrace of a sexy man. His legs were twined with hers, his arm curled around her waist. The hairs on his forearms tickled her flesh. In fact, the mat of hair on his torso prickled her back from nape to tailbone. He’d tucked his head next to her shoulder, and his breath warmed her neck. His golden hair brushed her ear. The unaccustomed intimacy caused her nipples to harden.

She yawned and stretched carefully, trying not to wake him. His leg shifted, slid between her thighs to bump against her crotch. She squirmed, rubbing herself against his leg.

God, was she never satisfied? The two memorable climaxes he’d given her last night ought to have lasted her awhile.

His hand slid up to cup her breast. His cock sprang to life and prodded her hip.

“You’re awake,” she said, smiling. “I can tell.”

He teased her earlobe with the tip of his tongue.

“I hate to interrupt,” she said, truly regretful, “but I have to use the bathroom.”

He released her and, as she slid out of bed, he slapped her on the butt. She ran, giggling, out the door.

The bathroom, though chilly, had thick carpeting that felt good underfoot. Once she had relieved herself, she decided to hop in the shower. Perspiration from all the sex had accumulated on her skin, and she wanted to start the day fresh.

She wasn’t too surprised when the shower door opened and Thor stuck his head inside.

“Mind if I join you?”

“Enter at your own risk.” She grinned giving him a top-to-toe scrutiny. His nude body, furred with golden hair, reminded her again of the Viking posters in his shop. His broad shoulders, muscular arms and legs, and firm ass were enough to make any woman drool, she thought.

Oh, my!
Under her gaze, his cock grew larger.

“Poor baby!” she said, taking his distended organ in her hand. “Look at you. So neglected, so unloved. Let Shelley see what she can do for him.” Kneeling, she took the head of his penis into her mouth and began sucking as she’d seen the women do on the video.

“Lord!” he groaned, bracing his arms against the sides of the shower stall. “You’re good!”

With her mouth full, she could only hum a response. He seemed to like the vibration of that, too. The melody from the Bad Boys’ theme song had been echoing in her mind most of the night, so she continued humming and sucking, gaining satisfaction from his pleasure.

Warm water sluiced down his body and splashed over her shoulders and breasts. She cupped his testicles in one hand, and gripped the base of his shaft with the other to keep his extraordinary length from gagging her. The blunt tip of him bumped the back of her throat.

He groaned his pleasure.

Closing her eyes to the spray, she sucked for all she was worth. Such a huge man, her Viking, outweighing her and rearing above her, yet hers to command. A sense of power surged through her. She stroked the underside of his penis with her tongue, while moving her head forward and back to increase the suction. Her hands stayed busy, too, squeezing and tugging—gently on his scrotum, firmly on his shaft.

He braced his feet wide and brought his hands down to clench in her hair. She could tell he didn’t have far to go. She wrapped both hands tightly around the base of his cock for her own protection and held on. He came violently, filling her mouth with cum juice. She swallowed his semen in several gulps, sharing in his euphoria, as he jerked and swore deliriously.

Releasing him, she rocked back on her haunches. Reaching up, she stroked his flat belly and torso, and squeezed his pecs. His nipples stood out, so she pinched them gently. “What a sexy hunk!”

“The better to seduce you,” he said, wickedly, and drew her to her feet. He cranked off the water and herded her out of the shower. The thick towel he rubbed her down with served to heighten her sensitivity. Her skin hummed with awareness.

He handed her a smaller towel for her hair, then dried himself quickly with the larger one. When she bent from the waist to wind her towel around her wet head, he moved behind her.

“No fair!” she protested, as she allowed him to take liberties with her unprotected behind.

“Come here, you!” he growled and scooped her up in his arms. He strode into the bedroom and tossed her on the bed. The waves rocked her gently. “I can’t fuck you right this minute, but I’ll bet I can still make you come.”

She grinned. “I’ll take that bet.” It wasn’t as though she doubted his ability, but she sure didn’t want to discourage him from trying. If he needed a challenge, she’d give him one.

When he put his weight on the bed, the motion rocked her like a cradle. She watched him stalk her on hands and knees with an intent look in his steady gaze. At that moment, his crouched position, as well as his shaggy hair and beard reminded her more of a lion than ever.

A tingling sensation started up in her lower body, anticipating what he planned to do. His hands, like massive paws, parted her thighs, and he lowered his head to feast on her. Her muscles betrayed her by going limp and not putting up the least resistance. She opened herself to his service, greedy for the pleasure he could give her. His tongue invaded her moist softness, seeking out her firm clit. When he found it, he closed his lips over it in a suctioning kiss that nearly shorted out her circuits.

She babbled incoherently, begging for more.

His whiskers brushed her sensitive inner thighs. As he growled deep in his throat, he gently tugged her bud back and forth with his lips. His fingertips collected moisture from her ever-ready vagina, and transferred it to the sensitive area around her anus. One finger slipped inside.

“Oh, God! Oh, God!” She moaned helplessly in the grip of a series of paroxysms. Relentlessly, he drove her higher and higher. Sensations of pleasure rippled through her body.

He didn’t release her until she was spent. Then he crawled up beside her and pulled the covers over them both. “Take that, wench!”

* * * * *

Thor didn’t realize he’d dozed off until he woke with a start. Squinting at the clock, he noted the passage of time. “I’ve got to get up.”

“I’m so relaxed, I could sleep forever,” Shelley murmured contentedly.

“Me, too. But I need to go to work.” He thought about swinging his legs over the side of the bed and sitting up, but couldn’t find the energy. “I’d better think about fixing breakfast.”

“You have to work today?”

“Yeah. Saturdays are often my best days.”
Just a few more minutes… Breakfast can wait.

Instead of rising, he snuggled closer to Shelley’s warm body and buried his nose in her neck, inhaling her scent.
Commit the sensations to memory, boy. Soon, this will be all behind you.

“If you’re doing well with the shop, why are you selling it?” she asked, as her fingers toyed with his hair.

“Because I think I can make more money managing the Bad Boys.” He kissed her on the neck, then forced himself to sit upright. This morning, getting out of bed by degrees was the best he could accomplish. “Especially if we go on tour. I can’t do both. Joe wants the shop, and I think he’ll do okay with it. To be frank with you, I never expected to keep the store this long.”

She rolled on her side and gazed up at him. “Why not?”

After plumping his pillow against the headboard, he leaned back. “Well, it belonged to my partner before we started our booking agency. Later, when we went our separate ways, I ended up with the store.”

“So your partnership didn’t work out?”

“Not for long.” He felt the old bitterness grow heavy as a stone in his belly. “He was good at managing talent, but better at balancing books. Or I should say, better at doctoring books. I found out he was skimming, but it was too late. He’d blown the money he took. No way to get it back. Our shaky finances caused our business to go down the tube.”

She shifted her pillow next to his and scooted up to sit beside him. “So what did you do about it?”

He hesitated. This wasn’t a subject he enjoyed speaking about, but here was a woman who seemed to truly care. She was a good listener, as evidenced by the little frown of concentration.

“I could have brought him up on criminal charges,” he said, “but you know what they say about blood and turnips. He didn’t want to go to jail, so he offered me his store—the only thing he had left of any value. He wound up going bankrupt. I haven’t seen him in years.”

“What a shame your partnership had to end like that.”

He shrugged. “I put it behind me. No sense letting him ruin my life.”

“True, but that doesn’t explain why you don’t want to keep the shop.”

“It isn’t really my cup of tea. Ties me down too much.”

“So you’re definitely selling out and going on tour?”

“That’s the plan.”

She looked away and her shoulders sagged. The posture made her look forlorn.

“Shelley,” he said, “I need to ask you something, but I don’t want you to take it the wrong way. Because I can’t remember when I’ve been so attracted to a woman. You’re very special. But I just have to know… Why are you really here?”

Chapter Six


Sitting beside Thor in his cozy waterbed, her back against the headboard, Shelly suddenly felt uncomfortable. She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Her first impulse was to take Thor’s words the wrong way, but he’d asked her not to do that. He wasn’t giving her a hint to leave, she knew that. He wanted the answer to a deeper question.

“I thought I knew what I was doing,” she said, “but now I’m not so sure.”

“What did you think you were doing?”

“At first, I was mad because Dickie planned to sleep with a prostitute after his bachelor party. Oh Gosh, that’s tonight!” She grimaced. “His pals all pitched in. So I guess I was motivated by revenge. At least in the beginning. He said we should wait until marriage before having sex. Whenever I tried to change his mind, he resisted. So when I found out he planned to sneak behind my back and sleep with a call girl, I felt betrayed.”

“I would imagine so.”

“I hate double standards more than anything. When you sent me home with those books and the video, I was like a kid with a bag of candy.” She almost smiled, recalling the hormonal frenzy that followed. “Problem was, they made me so horny I didn’t know what to do. I came on to Dickie, but he exercised self-control. I’m talking
control. When I propositioned him, he walked out.”

“You’re kidding!” Thor snorted derisively. “What an idiot! Him, not you.”

“He made me feel less than desirable,” she admitted, wondering why the incident no longer distressed her as much as it did.

“Such a fool!” Thor shook his head. “Are you sure he’s straight?”

“Why would he want to marry to me if he wasn’t?” She considered again whether Dickie had a problem and, if so, exactly what sort.

“Maybe he’s in denial,” Thor suggested.

“About not being straight? I don’t think that’s it. I believe he sincerely wanted to wait for marriage before having sex, but his friend Skeeter put him up to breaking the agreement. Either way, it made me furious when Dickie refused to touch me.”

“Weird! I never met a real man who could turn down good pussy.”

“At any rate, I decided if he was going to sleep with a hooker, I deserved a stud of my own. So, then I remembered you said you would tutor me.” She ducked her head self-consciously and watched him from under her lashes. “I thought probably you were joking when you said it, but you had a serious expression on your face.”

“Oh, I was plenty serious.” His slow grin radiated pure sin. “Something your friend said led me to understand you wanted to learn more about sex, but I never dreamed you’d take me up on my offer. Why did you? I mean, why me?”

She dropped her gaze. “Because you have a shop full of sex toys. I figured that made you an expert.”

“Sex toys! That’s what brought you? And I thought it was my charm.”

“You are charming! But I didn’t know that then. At least, I hadn’t guessed how charming.”

“I see. And the sexual instruction? Has it been what you’d hoped for?”

“More than I’d hoped for. Of course, I understood the basics, but I’d never indulged in anything as kinky as, well, you know.”

“I’m surprised. You being such a hot-blooded little thing.” He lifted her chin and smiled into her face.

“I never before met anyone who really turned me on.” Impulsively, she kissed him. “Not until you.”

He embraced her warmly and returned her kiss. Sitting back, he gazed into her eyes. “Where were we? I forget.”

“We were discussing why I have so much to learn. No offense, but most men act like jerks. Immature, self-centered boys. I got so tired of them!”

“But you found someone you liked well enough to marry?”

“Yeah. I met Dickie—who is a very nice man, by the way. Except that he’s planning to double-cross me tonight.” The thought irritated her, but didn’t cut as deep as it had before. “I wanted to even the score, so I picked someone who knew more about sex than the average guy.”

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