Heritage (13 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Walton

BOOK: Heritage
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“As I was saying, she was once in love with a mortal. She would sit up in heaven and watch her love. One day she wondered if she could go down to earth and see him, all she wanted was one kiss. She went to Zeus and pleaded with him to give her a chance to meet him, just once. Zeus granted her the wish, but said to her that if she could make the mortal fall in love with her in two days, he would let her stay with him on earth. If he didn’t fall in love with her by midnight on the second day, she would be forced to stay in heaven for ever and never be able to watch her love, or see him ever again.” 

“That’s reasonable.” I interrupted, as he took a breath.

“If they were meant to be then he would fall in love with her” That’s what every fairytale said anyway. Prince meets girl, and they fall forever in love because they were meant to be.

“Reasonable? How could she possible make him fall in love with her in 48 hours?” He asked. His face seemed bemused by my opinion to his story.

“She’s a goddess, she could use her powers” I suggested.

“That’s not fair it’s like tricking the poor man” He protested.

“All’s fair in love and war”


“That is true” He searched the graveyard with his eyes for a few seconds, before he began again.

“Anyway, Merial accepted this and went down to earth and tried to seduce her love. This she did and they spent the two days together being lovers. At the end of the second night,  she asked him if he loved her and you know what he said?” He asked.

“I’m hoping this is a happy ending, but I’m guessing not, so he said No?”

“He said you are more beautiful than the first flower in spring but how can I love thee, for I do not know thee. She began to cry as he spoke, and as he said I do not love her, Zeus brought her back to heaven. As she sat in heaven every day thinking of how this man broke her heart. She vowed never let another man hurt her, so even to this day she is alone. Spending eternity entirely alone and obviously her broken heart made her concentrate on her powers making her very, very powerful ” He finished with a glance to the sky for effect,  like he had told the story to someone up in the sky.

“That was a great story. I don’t know how it has any relevance to why you’re standing in a graveyard and by the way how can you be here, it's holy ground” I asked. Demons can’t be on holy ground unless they are cinders of one that’s been burnt.

“I have ways”


“Right? Anyway as much as I enjoy our conversations, really I do. I have to go” I spoke sarcastically. Why had he come here just to tell me that story, this boy was so confusing.

“What to your mortal friends with the mop of blonde hair on his head and one with seriously ginger hair” He asked pointing in the direction of my friends,who had gathered outside the church and were now looking at us. Great I’ll have to figure out something to explain to them whom this guy was. I’m pretty sure Poppy would be the first to ask questions. I could just imagine her face looking at him dreamily. Coming out from my day dream I turned to where Logan had been sitting and noticed his seat was empty. Turning into the direction of the church, I only saw my friends, he’s done a disappearing act again.

“I needed to talk to you, that’s why I’m here” His voice whispered in the air like the wind.

“Ok that’s just spooky” I answered turning around trying to find him. “And what about”

My attempt to find him failed and I’m pretty sure my friends thought I was talking to myself and doing a peculiar dance.

“You look like a fool” He chuckled from nowhere. This was annoying the hell out of me. “Lorias is here”.

“What!” I yelled. If my friends hadn’t noticed, they defiantly heard that.

“Why didn’t you tell me? Where is he?” I question, searching the graveyard for any sign of a demonic presence.  Standing there I listened for his reply, but he didn’t answer. What a dick telling me I’m in danger then running for the hills.


Well time to face the music whilst enduring this amazing fete and keeping an eye out for a demon, oh the joy.  Taking a deep breath I made my way to the awaiting crowd of friends that had accumulated outside the church.

“Hey guys I was just……”

“Oh My God!” Poppy interrupted, whilst getting a side glance from the vicar for her blasphemy.

“Sorry Vicar” She smiled one of her sweet butter wouldn’t melt smiles, that usually got her off the hook with anyone and turned back to me. Ignoring her inquisitive glare I made my way into the church. Inside the four walls,  everything seemed old and haggard unlike outside there was nothing amazing about this church, it looked like it needed a load of repairs. What a fete this is, four tables full of cakes and ten people placed around drinking tea. At least I now know I can’t be struck by lightning I suppose maybe there is hope for me yet.

“Elle who was that guy?, He was gorgeous with a capital G” Poppy babbled. Ignoring her, I carried on through the church gripping a cake and cup of tea. What am I going to say to her, maybe he could be a cousin, yeah that sounds believable.

“Elle will you stop avoiding answering please” Poppy whined. Flicking her hair over her shoulder in annoyance, she purposely stood right in front of me.

“He’s my cousin” I lied, stepping to the side, so my personal bubble was no longer being invaded.

“Maybe you could introduce us sometime” she smiled dreamily, making my stomach turn.

“Yeah Maybe” I mumbled. Maybe if, hell froze over. This fete was a dead, there was hardly anyone here, and I needed some excitement. Maybe an encounter with Lorias is what I needed to get my blood pumping.

“Let’s get out of here, it’s boring” I suggested. All my life I thought churches were safe places, but as Logan has now proven to me, there not and they are a tad dull, well this one is at least. I now know never to go to one in an attempt for protection.


Before I could leave the sound of crying stopped me in my tracks. I was never one to leave someone crying. I turned towards the sound of sobbing and saw a lady in the front row of the church, with her head in her hands crying small sobs.

“What are you doing?” Poppy asked, as I began to walk towards the crying woman. As I placed my hand on her shoulder she stopped her tears and turned her head to stare.

“Are you really here?” She asked choking back her tears.

I could hear the mutters from my friends as I stood in front of the woman.

“Yes Matilda, I’m here” Kneeling down in front of her and stroking her tear stained cheeks, I kissed her on the forehead.

“Why did you take her from me? She was so young? So beautiful, she could have done so much in this life, so much!” She cried unable to hold back her tears. She sobbed heartbreaking sobs as I continued to hold her hands in mine.

“Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal” I breathed, sending a healing wind through her body. She shuddered as it passed through her. For a second,  she stopped her tears and stared silently into the empty space between the two of us. I turned her hands face upwards and placed them both into one. Tracing the lines in her palm I traced the triquetra symbol on her hand.

“Father, son and holy spirit” I chanted as a silver pendant formed in her hand.

“She wants you to have this” I smiled draping the black cord around her neck. She cradled the pendent in her hand as a single tear escaped from her eye.

“This was her favourite necklace. Her grandfather gave it to her...”

“On her tenth birthday” I finished “ I Know she told me, She also told me that she wants you to stop crying as it's upsetting her brother Derek” I whispered.

“I know it’s hard and it will be for some time, but you will find peace and Abigail will help you that” I smiled.

“Thank you, Can I know your name Angel” She asked taking my hand as I turned to walk away.

“Adabelle Gabriel” I whispered kissing her on the forehead again and walking away towards my friends.  My father always said that an angles work is never done. No angel can leave a crying person crying, when we can help them to move on.

“Did you know her” Poppy asked as I joined my group of friends.

“Sort of” I smiled “I’m a friend of her daughters”

Taking one last look at the woman, I could see the little girl with her arms tucked in hers. If only she could see her, then she would know for sure that she was fine.


As we walked out of the church my mood didn’t improve. I spotted a dark muscular man wearing nothing but shorts, lingering by the entrance gate, staring at me as we continued to walk up the cobbled path. His eyes turned as soon as I was in jumping distance. The atmosphere turned as dark as his eyes when the others saw him. I could feel Oscar tense beside me as the space between us and him shrunk.

“He looks dangerous” Carrie whispered behind me.

“Maybe we should turn and take a different path, come on Elle” Oscar pulled my arm in the direction of a different path. I didn’t want to cause a scene, so I followed, the man’s eyes followed to. As we turned I glanced back and he was gone. I think something is going on, Demons don’t usually follow me, I find them. Something has changed, and I don’t like it.

“Elle?” Carrie’s voice chimed through my thoughts, bringing me back into reality. I smiled and followed them as we left the graveyard. Glancing back at the church, the glass window I had seen before became more distinctive. Above the heads of the three lords on the panelling, was a circle with six symmetric arrows. That’s unusual, staring at the brick as I began walking backwards, I lost my footing and fell to the ground. I heard my friend’s giggles as they rushed to my side, but my mind was concentrating on the symbol. I’ve seen it somewhere before I know I have but where. My eyes searched the windows and found several others.

“What the?”  Confused, I looked closely at the windows.

“Isn’t that, OH MY!”  I yelled jumping up. Damn, that’s the symbol for chaos, the symbol that was burnt on the floor next to the bodies. What was that doing on a church here, but it’s definitely a Chaos symbol. If that’s on a church, that’s why Logan could come in the graveyard, Oh my days. If the demons put that on a church then they could do anything. A church was a sacred magical place for the good magic, the fact that it had been tampered with was a sin, and it broke the rules of everything magical. Taking out my phone from my pocket I took a picture of the symbol, no one is going to believe this without evidence. What is it with this symbol.

“Elle you ok?”Oscar asked sounding puzzled. I blanked for a couple of seconds before being able to breathe, never mind speaking.

“I…I…Have to go” I stuttered running down the street.

“ELLE!” I heard them cry after me. I was in too much of  confusion to care. What was I going to say to explain my departure. As I turned the corner, checking no one was about I orbed.


Before my feet even touched the ground, I was running down the castle corridor towards the library. Swinging the doors open much to the alarm of a few residents. I ran through the huge room, filled with old books and rows and rows of book cases. The wooden floorboards creaked as I ran, everything was a blur. I knew exactly where I needed to go, what section I wanted to look at. Running up the staircase and onto the reading balcony, I continued to run through rows and rows of shelves until I reached it. The demonic power section, dad would kill me if he knew I went here. I hope none of the geeks elves in the library tell him or ill have to give them wedgies. I ran my finger over the books, reading the titles as I went. Demonic tragedies, demonic traits, How to kid a demon and Demons for dummies. The last book made me chuckle as I moved a row down. The first book my eyes laid on was dark black leather bounded and covered with gold symbols. Written in the same gold thread were the words, the ruins of our souls. Catchy title, shoving the book under my arm, I continued looking through the different coloured elegantly binded books, until I found it.

“Demonic symbols and their meanings” I read. Holding the two books in my hands and making my way back down the stairs and through the library. I felt my phone vibrate and my ringtone Ashley Simpsons song autobiography, filled the library with music, creating a stir between the elves. Apologising, I ran out the door as fast as I could with the books clutched to my chest so nobody could read the titles. Everyone was too nosey in this place.


Closing the door behind me, I dropped the books as soon as I reached the corner of the corridor and pulled out my phone.

“Hello” I panted.

“Are you ok?” Poppy whispered through the phone.

“Yes sorry about rushing off” I muttered. What was going to be my excuse this time, time of the month? I remembered I need to do something for Beth or just for fun. How about I say I saw a demonic symbol on a church, now I don’t know what’s going on with the magical world that I will one day own half of. I don’t have a clue, my mind is too boggled over more important things.

“Sorry Poppy I have to go, see you tomorrow” I hung up before she could argue and picked up the books I dropped on the floor. Raising my head as I stood up properly, Josh’s confused expression stopped my thoughts.


“Why do I have to live in this world full of lies?” I asked. I have no idea how I’m going to explain anything to her. To anyone, how was I going to explain anything. Ok mental break down, let's pull this together and try and gain some self control, flipping heck.  Taking a deep breath and twisting a stray hair behind my ear. I removed the blanket of stress that had begun to cover my head and smiled. Pulling out my phone I showed him the symbol on the church.

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