Heritage (11 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Walton

BOOK: Heritage
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“Icarus needs some authority; otherwise we may have an uprising to deal with,” Conrad tried to reason.

“An uprising? Conrad the whole reason of being neutral is that they don’t get involved in any wars or as you put it. Uprising, so unless you know otherwise then you must be mistaken,” My father leaned further on to the table and stared directly at Conrad.

“I’m never mistaken Eric, nor do I know otherwise,
we shouldn’t be waiting for it to happen. They are large in numbers, and as we are aware
powerful, we have no knowledge of why these recent murders are happening. It could be the work of someone who has decided to go against their neutral nature.” He spoke with a deep voice that made me feel like he was hiding something. I could tell my father, and Ethan felt it to.


The candle flickered and turned a menacing red which seemed only to alarm Logan, Ethan and myself. We gasped as Conrad, and my father continued to stare at each other.
’s sigh broke the silence as he stood up.

“What my father is trying to say, is that Icarus is like a ticking time bomb, they may be neutral now but what if something happens or is happening that will change that,” He finished as my father rose from his seat.

“And what do you suppose could happen to change this? Young one,” My father questioned.

“A rebel angel maybe?”

“My people would never do that,” My father yelled slamming his fist on the table making it shake.

“How well do you know your people,” Logan challenged.

“How well do you know yours?” I questioned, rising from my seat so that I was at the same level as him.

“What makes you so sure it would be one of ours? By the way, you are speaking it appears that it would be the work of a demon,” I stared at him emotionless for a couple of seconds, before he began again but before he could start Ethan interrupted him.

“It seems to me that you know more about upcoming situations than you are letting on,” I took my seat and gave Ethan a smile, it was good that he was getting involved in the meeting.

“My son has a valid point Conrad,” My father said proudly.

“As does mine Eric,” Conrad replied calmly.

“As you would like to dust the situation under the carpet Eric, we shall leave it be. But if the situation arises I will be the first to say I told you so,” He chuckled. The candle regained its earlier colour of moss green as the mood in the room calmed.


Rolling his eyes, my father sighed and straightened up in his chair.

“I have no problems to add to this meeting, other than the contacting of my daughter through her mortal life,” I gasped at the fact my father had known about Lorias visit to the college, I hadn’t told him about it so how had he known. Unless he had been spying on me, that’s it, some boundaries of our own are going to have to be made.

“That was a mistake,
on their behalf I apologise, the demon in question is under observation,” Logan confessed.

“Logan!” Conrad bellowed slamming his hand on the table.

“I’m sorry father, but I forgot to mention that Lorias went against our orders, and cornered Elle and her friends, I was only just in time,” He informed. Only just in time? I think I had it covered.

“In that case I also apologies, the demon in question will be dealt with Eric, I assure you of that,” Conrad apologised and gave Logan a stern look, I almost felt sorry for him.

“Very well, this meeting is over,” My father and Conrad both stood up and rearranged their arms as before.

“We bid you farewell,” They cried in unison and let their arms fall.


Well that was that over with. I thought I was going to drown in testosterone, another couple of seconds more and I would have. We all stood up and exited through another door, much taller than the one we entered in. Conrad and my father walked ahead, and we children lagged behind.

“Well done Eth, you actually spoke out back in there, I’m proud of you,” I praised ruffling his spiked fair hair.

“Thanks,” He replied and walked further ahead, turning in a different direction to us as we came out on to the main corridor.

“Cute Kid,” Logan stopped in front of me, stopping me from passing.

“Thanks, he takes after his sister obviously,” I smiled sweetly and stepped to the side, he followed continuing to block me. This boy was going to drive me insane, I can just feel it.

“What is it that you want?” I asked, stubbornly folding my arms.

“I want to know why Lorias wants you so much,” He looked at me intently for a few seconds, I think he was searching my face for answers.

“You’re his prince, you should know,” I held his glance and could feel his annoyance as he sighed and let me pass. Following the corridor round before I turned back to see if he was still standing there, he wasn’t he’d obviously followed his dad like the obedient boy he should be. Sighing I carried on down the corridor which was empty. That’s odd there should be servants bustling around at this time. What time is it, Geez never mind Ethan needing a watch I needed one.


Making my way towards my room and listening out for any sound of life, I stumbled over something on the floor. Landing on my backside, I grunted, what the hell was that. Awkwardly standing up and looking at the object I had stupidly fallen over. It was black all over with a red sort of tail. It looked like something out of a toy box with its beady brown eyes. I backed away slowly from it as it stood up and followed me. It's four paws padded on the stone flooring, I backed up against the wall and stretched out my palm in defence mode. The creature stopped in front of me and bowed its head, it wasn’t a dog or a cat, I had no idea what it was.

“It’s a

“A what?” I asked as Josh made his way around the corner. Bending down and stroking the creature in front of me. He picked it up and presented me with it. Taking a closer look at it, I could see its rabbit like nose poking out underneath a hell of a lot of hair.

“A Korta. It’s a Demon pet, sort of like a Dog” He explained.

“Gandel, Oh Thank you so much you’re found her!” A little girl exclaimed running down the corridor, her blonde curls bouncing as she reached us.

“No problem, Elle this is Maisie” He gave the girl back her Korta, and she attempted to shake my hand whilst juggling the animal.

“It’s a pleasure to meet
. Do you know what way my brother went?” She asked sweetly. Her rosy cheeks grew rosier as I looked at her. They seemed odd on her pale face.

“Her brother is Logan. She is the second child to Conrad Night even though at the age of nine she’s a lot cuter than her brother” Alex chuckled as she appeared next to us. She stroked the creature in Maisie’s arms and the girl smiled at being complemented. She really was cute and completely different to her brother in looks, and it seemed personality as she laughed at Josh’s lame joke about a donkey.


“I’m really sorry…Maisie was it, I was in a world of my own” I apologised and stroked the creature that had escaped her arms and was now bounding around our legs.

“I have a world of my own to, Logan says I go to it too often” She giggled tossing her hair.

“But I really need to find him, he told me not to wander but Nanny was sleeping, so I took a walk and then got lost but then Josh found me, and we played games” She babbled.

“Okay well it sounds like you two have had a lot of fun, But your brother went that way” I pointed down the corridor.

“Come on ill help you find him, but knowing your brother he will find me first” I smiled and led her back where I had come from, she called to Gandel as we walked. As she bounced along beside me I felt a sudden erge to laugh at how sweet this little demon seemed to be. Her laughter filled the corridor as she chased after her pet, great I was going to lose her. I ran after her and reached out for her as she reached the end.

“Maisie stop! You’re going to get lost again”

“Sorry but she keeps running away, I don’t know how to stop her” She mumbled looking at the floor. Ever heard of a leash.

“Here, I have an idea” I crossed the hall and pulled out a ribbon from the plants that it was wrapped around. Trying not to pull over the vase as Gandel bustled under my feet. Picking up the pet I threaded the ribbon through its collar and gave her back to Maisie’s awaiting arms.

“Your own personal Leash” I smiled, and she smiled back.


“Maisie! I told you to stay with Beatrice! When will you ever listen! You will be the death of me” Logan came running down the corridor towards us and picked up his sister, swinging her round he placed her on his hip.

“She’s boring Logan, and she smells like poo!” She exclaimed folding her arms.

“I don’t care! Next time you stay with her got it!” He looked at her and lifted her chin so that he could look into her eyes which were the same dark blue as his. He stuck out his tongue, and she giggled as he began to tickle her.

“Stop it Logan!” She squealed. I chuckled as she squirmed in his arms and he stopped to look at me as if he had forgotten I was there.

“Thank you for looking after her”

“Cute kid” I smiled, and he turned to smile back at me but stopped mid smile. He turned and with her still on his hip, he walked away dropping her half way down his body and catching her before she fell and she giggled in delight.


“Ok you know when you said he was cute “Alex appeared next to me.

“Yes” I answered.

“You were lying that boy is H.O.T hot” She stretched the letters of the hot. Trust Alex to make the situation worse with her boy fascination, she was as bad as Poppy. He was hot though I had to admit, even if he was a moron with his I know everything attitude.

“Oi! Dolly day dream” Alex nudged me in the ribs.

“Ouch! I wasn’t lying he’s just not my type that’s all, you know what I’m starving, let’s go get something to eat” I suggested. I grabbed her arm, and we both ran in the direction of Emeralds kitchen.


Chapter six



The small kitchen was packed high with dirty plates and cutlery from the feast. Emerald was busy washing up when we entered. She had changed out of her dress and into an old one that was torn at the edges. The sound of her voice singing single ladies by Beyonce, echoed throughout the room. She was so involved in her, if you could call it singing that she didn’t hear us come in. I’m so hungry I could eat a horse, the idea of everyone else eating before us was stupid when were we supposed to eat. Looking at Alex we both burst out laughing as we took a seat around the wooden table in the centre of the room.

“How long till she notices us do you think?” Alex whispered as Emerald started singing Hound dog by Elvis, which was her favourite singer. We had wandered into Emerald’s room when we were nine and saw all her pictures and tributes to him, it was like an Elvis haven.

“Well, she’s only at the first chorus so may be a while” I whispered back and chuckled.

“Hey pass one of them bread rolls, we may be here for some time”


I nibbled on the bread roll and listened to Emerald sing, very loudly not noticing our existence. Giving Alex a wink I threw a roll in her direction, it hit her on the head and she threw one back hitting me square in the eyes. I laughed and threw one back. It hit the side of a vase and bounced off the back of Emerald’s head. She turned around in shock. I looked at Alex, and her face mirrored mine, her mouth wide open and staring right back at me.

“I am so sorry Emerald” I gulped biting my tongue, trying not to laugh.

“You scared the life out of me children” She breathed clutching her chest.

“I suppose you will want something to eat, you and your brother”

“What about Dad” I asked. I know that man well, and he can’t go without food.


“He’s handling the guests and their quarters at the moment, he will eat later, and it’s only half eight, so there is plenty of time. I met that sweet girl Maisie earlier it’s hard to imagine that she is a demon” Emerald carried on babbling as she lit up the stove with a flick of her wrist. “Who’s for bacon?”

“Me!” The boys called as they barged through the doors and sat in front of us at the table. Ethan looked a lot more cheerful than he did earlier, sitting next to Josh he looked like such a child.

“Hello Boy’s, Ethan you’re looking gorgeous today” Emerald ruffled his hair and started to cook the bacon on the stove. It crackled and filled the room with a lovely aroma.

“What vegetable can you not take on a boat?” Josh asked.

“Oh Josh not another one, they are not even funny” Alex groaned picking up another bun.

“Leeks” He exclaimed, and a roar of laughter came out of the boys mouths.

“Oh Geez” Alex sighed throwing parts of the crumbs at Josh.


This is what I missed when being away from home, all the nights in Emeralds kitchen doing random things. We usually played poker. Ethan was very good at it for some reason. I remembered a couple of months ago he beat my dad at poker and won fifty quid and my dad’s respect for a whole two days.

“Here you go guys” Emerald placed four plates of bacon sandwiches in front of us and we all tucked in.


“Yes Dear.”

“Where’s Icarus?” Ethan asked with his mouthful.

“That my child I cannot tell you…”She sighed “Not that I don’t want to tell you that is. It’s that no one knows other than the leaders of the realms like your father and…..”

“Mine” Logan interrupted as him, and Maisie entered the now crowded kitchen.

“Yes Logan” She smiled and ushered them into empty seats. Typical that Logan would sit next to me. I squirmed in my seat. It was weird sitting next to my enemy like we were old friends or something.

“Thank you erm…”

“Emerald” She smiled politely.

“Thank you Emerald” He returned the smile and took a bacon sandwich that she offered.


I could feel Alex’s eyes on me.  I wasn’t shocked when I turned to see her staring at me and smiling a smile that meant she wanted to laugh.

“So Logan how you liking this place” Alex asked giving him a flirtatious smile.

“It’s amazing, Your Garden is spectacular!”Maisie exclaimed, her hair bouncing around her face. Gandel jumped on her lap as she spoke and she fed her some bacon, giggling as the animal licked her hand.

“It’s exquisite and as my sister said your Garden is amazing” He replied giving a flirtatious smile back to Alex, and she winked. Well if, she thought he was hot she should have him. I put down my sandwich and pushed the plate away, I was so not hungry anymore.

“What room are you staying in Logan?” Josh asked as he scoffed down his fifth sandwich. Logan looked at him, giving him a weird look he put down his sandwich.

“It’s in the west wing, Room 1290” He answered.

“That’s right next door to me” Ethan piped up, looking at the table as he spoke. Logan responded with a nod of his head and a smile.

“Also it’s a floor away from Elle” Alex mentioned, all of our heads apart from Emeralds who was busy washing up, lifted towards Alex. Smirking she went back to eating her bacon sandwich giggling to herself.


“On that note I think I’m going to go bed” Ethan sighed.

"I'll walk you there," Josh said standing up.” I can take Maisie to, if that’s ok” He asked looking in Logan’s direction for an answer, as he had before he nodded. Maisie bounced over to her brother and he gave her a kiss on the forehead before saying goodnight. The three of them left the room leaving me with Logan, Alex and Emerald.

“How about a game of poker” I asked awkwardly.

“You play poker” Logan smirked laughing under his breath.

“Yes I do, and I’m pretty good at it “I replied giving him a nudge.

“Alright then, let’s see how good you are”

“I think I’m going to pass and go bed to, Night guys” Alex had gone before I could disagree with the fact that I was now facing Logan, who had switched seats so we could play.

“Ok here kids, I’m going to take these up to your father, have fun” Emerald handed us the cards and chips and left the room. Why was everyone going, now I was definitely alone with Logan?

“What’s the matter scared of being alone with me” He smirked as he shuffled the cards.

“As if” I replied biting my lips “Just hand out the cards ok!”

He let out a chuckle and handed out the cards. Picking up the two cards in front of me I smiled. Two aces that has to be the luckiest hand I’ve ever had. I’m going to beat this guy, and it's going be good.

“You look like you have some good cards there” He laughed.

“They’re ok, but I’m sure you have better” I teased.

“Let’s make a bet shall we”

“That’s what the chips are for” I mocked.

“Duh, but no something better”

“Ok name your stakes” I smiled looking at my cards. I was so going to win, whatever he wanted he wasn’t going to get it.

“If I win, you hmm” He stared at me and smirked “If I win you have to take me to Icarus”

“Why? I can’t take you there. I’m sure that’s against some sort of rule” I muttered.

“It is, but I’m pretty sure you’re not one to stick to any rules” He mocked.

“Fine but if I win, you have to tell me everything you know about Lorias” My proposal seemed to bug him, he shifted in his seat with a thoughtful expression on his face causing his forehead to wrinkle.


I stared at him for a few seconds, tapping my fingers on the table. He lifted his head and smiled a cocky smile.


“Everything” I repeated.

“That’s reasonable, it is you he is after, after all” He pointed out.

He dealt out the five cards in front of me and said the number as he placed the cards down.

“King, four, seven, queen, Six” He showed me a charming smile and placed down his cards. He had a King and Five, I’d won, great I’m going to finally find out what was going on with Lorias and why it bugged Logan so. I placed my two aces down and watched as his face dropped from smug to surprise.

“So where do you want to start” I smiled smugly.  He let out a huff and stood up, mirroring him I walked towards the door that he was leaving out of.

“A bets a bet, you can’t back out!” I exclaimed catching up to him as he approached the end of the empty corridor.


“Sure I can, I’m a demon, I’m dishonest, I cheat, and I Lie!”He exclaimed as he picked up pace around the corner. I tried to keep up, this boy was fast if he got any faster I’d lose him, but I’m not going to let that happen. He’s not getting out of telling me everything I need to know.

“LOGAN!” I shouted my voice echoing in the hall, raising my palms I froze him in place. He groaned and dropped to the floor with a thud.

“Don’t use your powers on me!” He yelled attempting to pick himself up.

“Then don’t walk away, that’s not fair” I reasoned letting him go and helping him up, he shrugged my hand away. Maybe I shouldn’t have done that, maybe I didn’t want to know. It was obvious it was important though; otherwise he wouldn’t be so stubborn by not telling me.

“Life’s not fair Elle, Get used to it!” He exclaimed standing up and continuing to walk away.

“Oh no,  you don’t! , that line sucks, and get back here “I yelled running after him. Why was I running, this was desperate times. It was hard enough running in flat but the heels that I had on where not the running type. Stopping in front of him I place both hands out.

“It can’t be that bad, Please Logan, stop being a Jerk”

“Jerk” He chuckled making me feel uncomfortable. “No one’s ever called me that before”

“Maybe not to your face, are you going to tell me or not” I sulked.


“Fine” I sighed and turned away from him.

“Fine? That’s it? I say no, and you say fine”

“Pretty much, yes” I replied. What’s the point in begging this guy if he wasn’t going to tell me.

“Wow there’s me thinking you weren’t stubborn” He mocked.  I was starting to get tired, and I had to be up early to get back to the Bales tomorrow. Damn, I forgot to call Poppy to see the arrangements. I’ll have to do it tomorrow. I bet she will be annoyed with me.

“If you stop staring into space like a twit, I’ll tell you what you want to know” He sighed.


Rolling my eyes at him I opened my mouth to speak but stopped as I heard something from the end of the corridor, sounded like shouting. Actually it sounded like my dad’s voice. It won’t be good if he see’s us talking like this, damn. Gripping Logan’s arm I dragged him into the first door I found.

“What the?! If you wanted me alone all you had to was ask”

“Oh shut up, I heard someone” I stuttered.

“Shit!”I cried. We were in Katelyn’s room.

“Shit, Shit, Shit” I whispered, scared of the fact she may be in there somewhere.

“What? What’s wrong” He whispered mimicking me.

“Katelyn is a psychopath. She’s head of my dad’s book club” I tiptoed around the room checking every shadow. If she caught us in here we would be completely dead.

“Wait, your dad has a book club, ha that’s Pathetic” He bellowed. I gave out a huff and pushed him towards the window. Katelyn’s room was two floors up shit, what the hell was I meant to do, she would kill me. I could just see her blowing fire out her hairy nose and her grey hair flying in the wind. I’d be lucky if she didn’t turn us into stone.

“Calm your horses, there’s no one here” Logan who was now sitting on the end of her bed, ran his finger through his hair as he spoke.

“Are you crazy? Get off there” I whispered angrily, pushing  him off the bed and flattening out the creases on the floral print duvet.

Yes Katelyn I’ll talk to her about it tomorrow before she leaves
” My father’s voice trailed from the corridor.

“Time to go!” Gripping his arm I whistled then pushed open the window and jumped. The ground beneath us began to come closer. Just before, we hit it Peggy came flying underneath us and caught us on her back. I sat up straight as we flew around the castle. Feeling a tug on my back I turned to see Logan hanging on.


"You know we could have just orbed or shimmered out of there," He remarked as we landed in the courtyard.

“Alright smart arse but no we couldn’t, Katelyn had the room surrounded in crystals. No orbing in or out” I explained straightening my dress which now had a tiny tear at the bottom. Walking Peggy to the stables, there was nobody other than us around. The clock chimed nine as we entered the stables.

“Wow she sounds like a bundle of fun” He chuckled stroking his horse when we entered.

“You have no idea. When I was eleven she caught me chewing in the corridor, and I had to stand on one leg in the middle of her office for a whole hour. It was torture, let’s just say I haven’t chewed gum since” I exclaimed, the memories of how my leg ached for a week after made my leg hurt.

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