Heritage (15 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Walton

BOOK: Heritage
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“Emma called me last night” Oscar moaned as he stirred his yogurt.

“Why don’t you just ask her to the dance?” I asked.

“Because she’s not my type” He replied.

“And she’s insane” Harriet piped in taking a seat next to me. The courtyard was full of students, each sitting in their normal groups and chatting away. Every lunch was the same in Sainsdun. We would sit on the same circle table in the same place.

“Hey Oscar” Emma waved as she walked past, making us burst out in giggles.

“What did she say anyway?”Poppy asked checking out some lad that was walking by. That girl has no dignity, she would get off with anyone with a six pack.

“She basically spoke about herself for an hour” He sighed.

“Wow she sounds very self centred” Poppy laughed.

“Yes Poppy, she’s self centred” I replied sarcastically as my phone began to ring.

Standing up, I apologised and stood in the corner of the courtyard, away from everyone.

“Hey E! I’ve just done some research on that stone of yours. Do you still have it?” Alex mumbled through the phone.

still in my bag I was thinking that maybe

“Element stone? Yeah and witches used to use it for spells like over a hundred years ago” She interrupted.

“Yes but why…”

“Are demons using it. Well they steal most of our good ideas”

“Like you steal most of the ends to my sentences” I mocked.

“Har Har but Elle, it was used by demons to, they were creating a spell to turn people evil”

“What? Did they perfect it?”

“I don’t know I need to do more research, but Katelyn is in the library till four”

“Ok well I’ll phone you later then, got to go bye”


Before I could sit down my phone rang again.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Having fun are we? Your friends are quaint aren’t they. They would be fun to…play with” Lorias voice chilled me to the bone. I should have thought about checking caller Id before answering.

“I’m Sorry who is this?” He laughed and sent a shiver done my spine.

“Ah yes, the demon that is going to be killed by me personally…”

“Let’s not get cruel your highness” He interrupted sounding amused.

“What do you want Lorias!” I yelled in a whisper.

“Meet me at the old mill on Harington farm, at eight tonight”

“Why…” He hung up before I could finish my sentence. The old mill where was that. He could have at least given me directions. Closing my eyes I took in a deep breath and opened them again. Shoving Lorias to the back of my mind I rejoined my friends. Poppy was talking about her two second glance from Blake Robinson to Carrie as I sat down. Taking my phone in my hand I texted Alex, telling her about the meeting with Lorias and then turned to Oscar, who was making a model out of straws.


“So chap, you going to ask this wonderful girl to the dance or what?” I asked. Taking a straw from my coke and turning it into a triangle to hang from his model. Shrugging his shoulders he glanced over at Emma who flipped her hair at him.

“It is next Saturday Oscar” I reminded. Looking at Emma as she flickered her hair back and forth, as if she was having a seizure.

“Yeah I know…who you going with?” He asked staring at me intensely.

“I’m not going Oscar remember, I’m visiting my dad that weekend” My friends knew the Bales weren’t my real parents, and they thought I visited my dad every month. I usually used it as an excuse to get out of anything stupid, like college dances.


“Elle your Necklace is gorgeous, where did you get it?” Poppy asked. Standing up and coming to sit next to me, pushing Harriet out the way.

“My dad sent it me”

“What’s it say on the back? Aw forever in my heart. That is so cute.” She smiled. Thanking her, I took my pendant out of her hand and stood up beside her.

“We best be getting to class, it starts in five minutes”

They all stood up and followed me out of the courtyard. Just two more hours of this charade and it’s to the old mill to walk to my death or god knows. Double Math’s or getting beaten to death, don’t know what sounds like the most fun. 





Pulling into the driveway of the Bales house, my heart leapt into my throat. The dark blue land rover on the street meant one thing and one thing only. Grandma Bale was in town, which means full on pretending. She had been told that the Bales had adopted me and taken me into their home and cared for me as one of their own. Making them out to be real saints, which I suppose they are in away but I didn’t need her making me out to be a child with no real parents that loved me. It’s depressing if anything else. Locking up the car and taking a deep breath. I entered the house which was full of chatter.

“Hello Elle! Darling, How was college?” The old lady greeted as I walked through the living room door. Pulling me in to an embrace, the smell of peppermint and smoke filled my nostrils making me want to sneeze.

“It was great. Thanks Grandma” I replied. Not having a real grandma, I suppose having a fake one was alright. She always brought me chocolate and presents for Christmas, and I do appreciate them.

“That’s good, yeah that’s good. Don’t stand in the door way take a seat next to your brother and sister” She ushered me between the two of them. The sofa was a three seater, but one of the really small ones, So the three of us had to squeeze together. 


“Hey Grandma, do you have any gifts for us?” Marc asked greedily.  Before she could answer a high pitched noise entered my head. Crying in pain I put my fingers in my ears as they started to bleed. I collapsed onto the floor as the noise became louder and louder. I could feel everyone panic around me as the noise died down, until it had completely stopped.

“Elle are you ok?” Beth asked picking me up from the ground.

“I think so” I replied. Looking at my blood covered hands. What was that, I felt like someone had been screaming at me with an intense pitch.

“Oh Bruce she’s bleeding! She needs to go to the hospital” Beth cried checking over my head.

“I’m fine honestly. I just need to get washed up that’s all. Sorry grandma” I apologised and ran upstairs to the bathroom. Taking a look in the mirror the sides of my face were covered in blood. Turning the tap on I began to wipe the blood off with the cold water. As suddenly as it started before it began again the noise cracked the mirror as I cowered on the bathroom tiles. The noise grew louder as a woman lifted me from the floor by my neck. Chocking me, the women dressed all in black smiled as my vision began to blur. She reached towards the stone in my pocket, but a light flashed from her hand, and she jumped back, as if he had been burnt. I dropped to the floor gasping for breath as she disappeared.


I must have blacked out, as the next thing I saw was the plain walls of a hospital room. Beth hurried to my side as soon as my eyes were opened, she wasn’t the only one in the room.

“Oh Elle! I was so worried. When we heard you scream we ran upstairs to find you on the floor unconscious. What happened” She cried stroking my head.

“I don’t know. Beth do you mind if I have a quiet word with Alex?” I asked. She nodded and hurried off into the corridor. Alex didn’t move towards me, she was rummaging through my bag that Beth must have brought with her.


“It’s Gone Elle?” She muttered walking over to stand by the side of my bed. Lifting myself up my head began to spin. Fighting back the urge to be sick, I pulled the stone from my hoodie.

“I’m not stupid Alex, but the demon was. She was burnt when she tried to take it. Which doesn’t make sense” If demons had used them before, then why can’t they even hold them now.

“Unless it wasn’t a demon” Alex suggested looking puzzled.

“If it wasn’t a demon than who was it, I heard a high pitch noise before she appeared….”

“A banshee?” She asked even more confused.

“She was dressed in black so….” Before I could finish a nurse came in. Scurrying around checking all the monitors, she checked over my ears and told me Beth was in the corridor waiting to take me home. Thanking her, I waited till she had left before continuing.

“Maybe she wanted it to look like she was a demon?” I asked. Getting out of bed I reached for my coat and made my way to where Beth and Robin were standing. What was Robin doing here, probably checking if I was still alive and by the look on her face she was a bit disappointed.

“I’ll have a look into that Elle and meet you at the old mill in half an hour” assured Alex as she said goodbye and headed down the corridor.

“Does she not need a lift home?” Asked Beth.

“No,  she has her own transport” I giggled and followed them both down the corridor and out of the hospital.




“How do you expect me to do that and do my homework?” Alex shouted down the phone to her mother.

“I know but… FINE!” Alex sighed shutting her phone and slamming it onto the grass. The air was chilly, and I pulled my jumper tight around my body to keep in the heat. The field facing the old mill was covered in grass and filled with at least four cows. My father had ordered me not to attend the meeting with Lorias but how could I not go. This meeting could tell me everything I need to know about him and why he wanted me.  I had Alex with me so I wasn’t alone and I would go down fighting.

“Josh, please can you do this one thing for me… thank you I owe you one” She breathed a sigh of relief and lay down on her back, with her phone in hand.

“Josh has agreed to look after my dear little sister, so mum don’t know we are here”

“Awesome” I answered, the feeling of doubt suddenly dawned on me. This was stupid, he had a whole army of demons that he probably brought with him. This was a suicide mission.

“What?!” Alex sighed looking up at me.

“This is stupid”

“You want answers right?” She asked.


“Well then, if you’re scared of his demon army I’m here for you, as back up” She reassured.

“I’m not scared” I mumbled.


The sky grew darker as it turned eight o’clock and a mist began to surround the old mill, making it look like something out of a horror movie.

“You know how we usually shout at the screen when watching horror movies. When someone is about to go into a building and get killed?” I asked.

“Come on” Alex pulled me by the arm and we entered the broken down windmill.  The door creaked as we pushed it aside. Inside the horror movie theme continued. There was one winding staircase on the first floor, the floor was covered in broken baskets and pallets. Alex gestured me to follow her up the winding stairs into the darkness.

“That’s not at all scary” I whispered following her. The spiral staircase grew darker as we went further, until the only light was in the distance. Before we reached the top Alex suddenly stopped. I could only see the distant glow of a single candle. Listening carefully I could hear the faint conversation between two people. It was so faint I couldn’t pick up what they were saying.


Silently we climbed up to the top of the staircase. I glanced at Alex, and she gave me a nod. I took one deep breath and swung the wooden doors off its hinges with a swish of my finger.

“Evening boys. Now show me to your leader” I bellowed. The small wooden room was filled with four demons, who were casually sitting around. In the centre of the room was a small girl crying out in pain, she was tied to a chair with her head down looking at the floor. Taking a step towards her a demon stepped in front of me. The same demon from the graveyard earlier, he had the same muscular frame so it must have been him.

“Not so fast your highness” The deepness of his voice surrounded the room. As soon as I heard it my blood boiled.

“Lorias” I greeted calmly.

“Welcome your highness, I see you have seen our lovely Tiffany here” He lifted the girls head with his finger and made it drop again. Tiffany, the name rings a bell and her face was familiar. She was one of the maids that worked with Emerald around the kitchens.

“What have you done to her” I asked calmly.  Alex was still waiting in the shadows behind me, hiding from the demons until I needed her.

“She doesn’t matter, she was just some fun to amuse us while we were waiting for you. Shall we get started” He gestured for me to take a seat in a rotten dark leather chair.

“We can, when you let her go.” I bargained with him hoping it would work. The hairs on my arms stood on end when he took a step towards me. He glared at me and then turned to the girl, untying the ropes he picked her up and tossed her towards me. She landed at my feet with a groan. Bending down I could see the marks on her tear stained face.

“Go outside someone is there to help” I whispered into her ear and helped her up.

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