Heritage (8 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Walton

BOOK: Heritage
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He looked up which was the only thing he could do, being an elf an all, and looked shocked at our being there. Giving a sigh and mumbling under his breath, he scurried away inside, giving his door a little slam.


There’s something about that elf that doesn’t seem right. It might be the slicked back hair or the suit, but I really can’t put my finger on it. He looks like he has somewhere important to go.

“Is he a member of the government Gair?” I asked, that would explain the suit and the hair.

“He is, quite an important one to, the head of something, but I can’t remember what,” He bellowed, I’m not sure giants can speak at a lower volume than a megaphone. What he said made me think, what if Cedric was the next victim and that was why he was so nervous or, he could just be a neurotic weirdo.

“I think our best bet is to search the area where the last body was found, any idea where that is?” I asked Gair as my eye flickered towards Cedric’s house. His tiny head was poking through the nets watching us, his eyes squinting against the sun light.

“Sir Craig’s body was found in the sunflower field through the trees and past the river, the way you came. I’ll take you back there, saves you causing any more trouble,” He grumbled. Without a warning, he pulled us up by the collar of our t-shirts and placed each of us on a shoulder.

“A little warning wouldn’t go a miss,” Alex yelled readjusting herself with an annoyed expression on her face.

On the shoulders of the giant,  I could see the whole of Icarus as it stretched out for miles. The horizon glowed with a bright white light as the sun shone over glistening rivers and multi coloured fields of flowers. It’s the most beautiful place I’ve seen in a long while, and it took my breath away. The view looked as if someone had tipped out their entire crayon collection and used every type of colour to draw fields full of different beautiful flowers. It’s a shame no human could see this place, it would certainly shock them into seeing the beauty of a world that isn’t ruined by buildings and train lines. Gair took us out of the forest and into the bright sunlit sunflower field we had just come from. He carried on past where we had arrived and through fields of flowers that came up to the giants middle, so of course, they would tower over us if we had walked.


He stopped beside a bright blue bubbling river that was only a couple of meters wide. Further downstream stood an old shack with boarded up windows. It was odd and out of place against the beautiful scenery, maybe an old fisherman used to live there.

“Here is where he was found, Gabe a bud of mine found him, was an awful sight it was…”

“Here’s the mark Elle,” Alex interrupted jumping across the river and running towards the shack. Following her I jumped over the river followed by Gair who took a step to the other side.

Looking down at the scorched symbol, I couldn’t help but feel remorse for the person that died here. The symbol was circler with four lines cutting through the circle, creating eight arrow heads pointing out around the edge. It looked strangely like the steering wheel on a pirate ship.

“I’ve seen this before,” Alex announced tracing the burnt grass with her hand. “When Katelyn was teaching us about demonic traits and symbols. Chaos that’s what Leo said wasn’t it?” She asked searching the grass area around the old shack.

“Yes but it hasn’t been used for years,” I answered.

“Who says this is new?” She asked confusing me, what does she expect of course it’s new, surely other people would have noticed it before. The shack was right next to it, and it wasn’t something that could be missed.

“Look something was on top of this, it looks like a barrel of some sort. That’s what was burned, so there is the sense that the symbol had been remade, but it hadn’t,” She continued.

“So this was a set up? But how? Why?”

“I don’t know, Gair who does this shack belong to?” She asked looking through the windows. The shack was falling down,
the windows were in an inch of their life, a flick of a stone could probably make them crack. Walking up to the broken down porch, every step I took the wood beneath my feet creaked. Pushing the door with no effort it fell to the floor. Well this place really is falling apart because I know I’m not that strong.

“It been abandoned for years. I don’t remember anyone being here at all. I don’t even know why Mr. Ryany was down here, ain't a place for any officials.”He bellowed making the shack shake and a bucket fall off a shelf.


Looking around everything was run down and broken, nobody had been here in years Gair was right. But if no one had been here then why was Ryany here, unless he liked the smell of rotting wood and damp then I’m guessing this place wouldn’t appeal to him. The remains of a piece of paper blew rapidly in the breeze coming from the cracked window frame. Giving the window a nudge with my elbow, I picked out the paper.


Brothers of the dark

Magic forces far and wide,
Reaching out through space and light,
Come to me I summon thee

Settle here on this darkened night


A summoning spell, I guess that explains the symbol outside, Leo said that it was used to show other demons where a ritual was being held. Maybe the deaths are nothing to do with the symbols, but if that’s the case why are they all killed near one of them. This doesn’t make sense at all but maybe it wasn’t meant to. Shaking my head in confusion a scratch on the floor caught my eye.

“Is that a…”

“Altar?” Alex asked from behind me, One of Gair’s eyes poked through one of the windows. Kneeling down, I scratched at the dried on wax that was surrounding a gap in the floorboard. Brushing off dried up leaves and picking up the box beside the burnt out candles, the air began to cool, sending shivers down my spine. The box opened by its self and threw back its lid, revealing a burnt out crystal. It sent a ray of colours across the wooden ceiling.

“This is a Water stone, see the three squiggles on the back of it, but why is it burnt?” I questioned twiddling the pale blue stone in my hand.

“What’s that?” Alex asked picking up the box. Tipping it up the wooden panel that had seemed to be the bottom, fell to the floor, followed by a stone box. Making a crash onto the floor the box opened and the stone leaped from my hand and jumped into the opened stone box. A blast of light filled the shack and the sound of running water exploded into my head. It ended as suddenly as it had started, leaving the room quieter than it had been previously. The box leaped into my opened palm, the stone inside glowed as the lid snapped shut.


“Is it supposed to do that?” Gair’s voice broke the silence and brought me out of my shocked state.

“I have no idea,” I sighed. “But I think we should get back to the castle and look it up. Thanks for your help Gair and sorry about the whole tree thing,” I smiled making my way out of the shack, followed by Alex who did one last rummage of the already empty box.

“No problem you’re Highness.  If you’re ever in the neighbour again just give me a shout, I’m sure to hear ya.”

More like we will hear you if you ever shouted our name, his voice could shake birds from trees. Bidding him farewell and taking Alex’s hand, we appeared in the castle gardens. This orbing other people was getting a lot easier.

Pulling open my bag and shoving in the box, I realised how dark it was. It should have hit me a lot sooner, the brightness from Icarus was blinding compared to this.

“It’s Twelve, what is with this time difference of these realms,” Alex huffed heading towards the front doors. With a nod of their heads, two guards opened the doors for us.

“I’ll see you tomorrow morning, and we can look up this little mystery, night.”

“Night,” Alex waved goodbye and disappeared. With an exhausted sigh,  I made my way to my own room.














Chapter Four



“Good Morning!” The sound of Emeralds voice broke through my peaceful, if not comatose, sleep. My eyes opened to the sight of a blinding light, coming from the direction of a newly opened window.

“Rise and shine my dear. Now I know you have only had a couple of hours sleep, but it’s a Sunday, and you know what’s happening today don’t you….”Emerald babbled as she rummaged through my draws, picking out an outfit for me. I rose from my bed slowly, trying my best to sit up straight. My attempt to do so made my head spin and I had to lie back down again.

“Emerald I’m pretty capable of getting myself organised,” I sighed over her as she continued to babble on about the gardens.

“On a usual day maybe. But a day like today, I think you may need a little help,” she chuckled, pulling the covers off me as I’d just made myself comfortable. Groaning at the colder air now circling my body, I sat up and made my way across the room to where Emerald had neatly set out my clothes.

“What’s with all the pink?” I asked lifting up a truly pink fluffy dress.

“It’s gorgeous

Yes, Gorgeous
!” I replied sarcastically, placing the pink marshmallow dress back on the side.

“You are aware you are no longer my nanny, right Emerald?”

“Yes, I like to think of myself as your personal carer,” she smiled. Well that left me feeling like either an invalid or slightly retarded.

“Seriously though, what’s the occasion?” I asked sitting in an old armchair in the corner of the room. 

“You’re telling me you have forgotten the most important occasion that happens in this castle every twenty years,” She walked over to where I was sitting and put her hands on her hips. I noticed that she was wearing a green v neck dress that hugged her curves and showed her cleavage, her blonde hair was tied up in a bun. Emerald usually wore a blue pinafore covered in god knows what from the kitchen. The fact that she was dressed up should have been reason to think that something was going on, I was clearly still half asleep.

“Oh child you would forget your head if it wasn’t screwed on,” She sighed taking a seat on my ottoman at the end of the bed.

“At least then I’d be able to sleep,” I mumbled.

“Today is the coming together feast.” She continued, choosing to ignore my remark.

“The what?  Feast?” It rang a bell, but I couldn’t come up with a conclusion to what it was.


Emerald looked at me disapprovingly and stood up, continuing to find another dress for me while she spoke.

“I worry about you sometimes, too many blows to the head
what it is.”

“Or you dropped me on my head as a child,” I mocked and ducked as a pair of jeans came flying over to me.

“I’d never do that! Your father
on the other hand
,” she chuckled. “Anyway the coming together feast happens every twenty years and well…” She was interrupted by a knock on the door, it opened with a creak and in came a maid with a tray of tea and biscuits. Nodding our way, she placed the tray on the ottoman and left.  Emerald closed the drawer she was looking through and poured me a cup of tea. As she passed it to me, she crossed the room to my wardrobe.

“As I was saying, it happens every twenty years, it’s the coming together of your father the King of good magic and well the King of Evil,” she flicked through my clothes and picked out a blue silk dress.

“Did you say King of Evil” I spluttered standing up and walking to stand beside her.

“Yes dear, that’s what I said. This dress is perfect, absolutely perfect, and you will look just darling in it,” She muttered, picking out a couple of matching blue heels.

“But…But…He’s evil, that’s suicidal. Why would we even have something as stupid as a feast with them,” I exclaimed as I hastily followed Emerald out of my room and down the corridor towards the living room.

“Are you listening to me?!” I shouted.

“Young Lady calm yourself! I’ve told you about this before,” She replied sternly.

“Funny, that it is something I would remember, “I huffed and stormed away from her.


A demon in the house, that fricking fantastic. That is only going to end in tears, or death. I made my way down the stairs and had walked down two corridors before I reached the door to the grand hall, the hall where all feasts were held. Creaking open the door I checked to see if anyone was inside, the only sign of life was Boggle, Ethan’s Dalmatian and he wasn’t doing much. The room was decorated in red and gold banners, and each table had individual table settings. It seemed that we were having over five hundred guests from the look of the chairs that were stacked around the tables. The tables were arranged in a u shape, I presumed it was so everybody could see the head table that wasn’t connected to the others. It was situated in front of the u shape, further away from them.


The head table that’s where ‘they’ will be sitting, I circled the table and saw where I would be sitting. My name was written in gold writing on a name card. I glanced at the one on my right which would be my father and then Ethan and on my Left would be.

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