Her Alien Abductor (Aegarian Saga) (9 page)

BOOK: Her Alien Abductor (Aegarian Saga)
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J’Halle and Kaya walked down a short hallway, which had one side open to the outdoors. Kaya was able to catch sight of another segment of the village. There were mostly homes on this side, but each was so colorful and had such beautiful gardens surrounding them her eyes were searching everywhere around her. There were so many new things to see, her eyes didn’t know where to start.

Her maid urged her down a flight of stairs at the end of the hallway, her palm on Kaya’s lower back. They exited the building into the main thoroughfare of the village. She saw many carts and vendors with fruits and flowers, what she assumed was bread, exquisite gems and jewelry, and something she suspected was similar to dairy and meat products on Earth, as well as other various carts laden with goods.

As they walked, people turned to stare at her being led by the maid. She stuck out on the street because she was so small, and for the first time in her life, she felt dainty, petite, and for some reason, she loved the sensation. She’d looked eye to eye with many men on Earth, and it seemed to intimidate them. There was no way she would ever look down at the top of a man’s head here.

One point for the Aegarians.

J’Halle led her down the street and put her arm around Kaya in an obvious show of her protection. Not that anyone had made any threatening advances, but it still warmed her the female wanted to shelter her. They turned down a small street and walked a few more yards. This street was less busy, but the few people there did stop what they were doing to stare at Kaya. She felt incredibly self-conscious from the moment they had walked out of the building.

Thankfully, J’Halle soon led her to the doorway of the small building. Kaya escaped the staring masses and dove through it, nearly bumping into a tall white-haired woman with glowing red eyes. Was this the famous Meet Sook Nu? She turned to look for J’Halle, but the woman had left her, and Lord Fatel was close on her heel.

Had he not wanted to be seen with her in public?

Lord Fatel walked around her to greet the woman who was almost as tall as he. “So this is the woman for the General? She must be small, since she bumped into me at such a speed, yet did not move me from my spot.”

“She is an Earthling, Madame Sook Nu, and they are not as tall as we. But her grace and beauty more than make up for it.”

Kaya cringed at the comment. She’d never been good at accepting praise for her looks. Nor did she ever feel worthy.

“I am sure nothing less than great beauty would be given to our General. Come, little one, let me measure you and decide what I shall outfit you in.”

Kaya had kept quiet through the whole exchange, intimidated as hell of this huge woman, more so from her glowing red eyes than her overpowering height. They reminded her of monster movies, the demon chasing after the central characters. After a moment of hesitation, she followed the woman into a back room.

“Take off your clothes. I need to measure you.”

Kaya moved to the dais in the middle of the space and began to remove the twisted dress with difficulty. Lord Fatel came behind her and helped her unwind the crazy dress, but his motives were not totally helpful. He pulled her rear into his groin, and rubbed his hardened cock along the seam of her ass. Heat flooded her sex, and she almost moaned in front of the woman.
How dare he do this to her with a stranger in the room!

She pulled from his embrace only to have her breasts grabbed and her body pulled back into his arms. He lowered his head to her neck and licked her sensitive skin there. She could not help but groan.

“Lord Fatel, leave her be. I have much to do if I am to have many dresses ready for her in a few short days.”

He released her and pulled the fabric away in his hands. She was left standing in the middle of the small room filled with mirrors, with him watching her with desire clearly written on his face.

“Lord Fatel will get himself into great trouble if he abuses your body. He knows the law. If he is caught inside you he could be killed.” Madame Sook Nu spoke loud enough so both could hear, but Kaya knew she was speaking more to Lord Fatel than her. “You will have to help him stay away from your body.”

Kaya’s eyes flew open wider. She had not been seducing
, but the other way around. Surely, she did not have sense when the man was around, so how was she going to keep him at bay? If he knew the threat of death, why would he seduce her at all? She would keep the information in the forefront of her mind from that moment forward, but it may not be enough if he really pressed to get his hands on her.

He watched her with interest as the dressmaker started to measure. His hooded eyes still showed his desire, even after Madame Sook Nu’s words of warning. Kaya stared at him through the mirror in front of her, instantly imagining it was his hands on her skin, measuring her arms, her wrists, her stomach, her thigh. She grew warm thinking of his touch. Kaya had never been a wanton woman, but ever since she’d come to this planet, she’d been feeling nothing but sexual desire. It was almost as if she’d been drugged.
Had she?

Madame Sook Nu stood up, finished with her measurements, and then began to sift through the bolts of beautiful fabrics stacked along one wall, seeming to know exactly what she pulled from without the use of sight. The dressmaker had walked through her space, apparently knowing the layout so well she never stumbled. Lord Fatel came back through the doorframe to watch the woman pick the cloth. Madame Sook Nu brought several bolts over to Kaya and draped then over her, one at a time.

“Yes … yes … no … yes … absolutely not … maybe … yes…” She spoke out loud as she draped each cloth over Kaya’s shoulder.

“I know you said I would have dresses in a few days. Is it possible to have one today so I don’t have to keep wearing this one?”

“Of course, you will have one in a few moments. Wait right here.” The dressmaker left the room and came back seconds later holding a midnight blue piece of cloth in her hands. She pulled it over Kaya’s head, and it fit perfectly. How would she have had this, considering most of her dresses were probably for much taller women?

As if reading her mind, Madame Sook Nu spoke. “This dress was made for the daughter of Princess Em Wann of the Inoc D’Attar. She did not like it, as she is a spoiled child. But it will at least be something other than the puzzle you had on.”

Kaya looked into the mirror, amazed how beautiful the dress was and especially grateful it fit. It showed off her curves and was the same sheer fabric of the green dress, but since it was quite a bit darker, didn’t seem to expose quite as much. She was thankful for that, even knowing she needed to work on her modesty.

Madame Sook Nu came up behind her as she gazed at herself in the mirror. Kaya was standing on a pedestal in the middle the small room, so her head was nearly level with the dressmaker’s.

“Child,” she whispered into Kaya’s ear, “You must tread carefully with the man you are here with. I can sense the desire you both are feeling for each other, and if you are not strong, he will not be able to hold back.”

A chill stroked down Kaya’s spine as Madame Sook Nu turned her to face her with glowing red eyes. “If he is caught taking you before you are Joined with the General, he could be executed, regardless of how powerful a man he may be. Not all is well with the Empire, and he could be used to prove a point. He is too good a man to die because neither of you could control yourselves.”

Kaya looked at the woman, speechless for a moment. “I don’t want him harmed.”

“His life is in your hands.” The glowing of her eyes diminished as she stepped away from Kaya. “
must be strong.”

Lord Fatel stepped closer. “Strong? Why must she be strong?”

Madame Sook Nu looked him over from head to toe, as if she were not blind at all. “The dresses should be ready in a few days.”

Lord Fatel paused, as if determining whether it was prudent to push further or not. He bowed briefly. “Thank you for your time, Madame Sook Nu, and for the dress given today. I am sure the others will be as glorious.”

He then grabbed Kaya’s hand and led her to the door. J’Halle was there once more to take her back to her room. She was so shocked by what the dressmaker had told her that she did not even notice the hundreds of eyes upon her as they returned to her lavish prison.


Lord Fatel moved into her room just moments after she arrived. He watched as she ran into the bathroom, hearing the click of the lock being turned.

“Kaya, are you unwell?” He felt his heart beating rapidly in his chest. “You have been pale and quiet since we left Meet Sook Nu.”

Nothing came in response, and he placed his ear to the door, hoping to hear something, anything.

“Kaya, please, tell me you are alright?”

His voice echoed through the space behind the door, and no response came.

“Kaya, this is your last chance. Answer me now, or I will break down this door.”

Lord Fatel rammed the door at least a half a dozen times with his shoulder before he finally cracked through the hard surface, pushing it open with a jerk. He rushed into the room to find Kaya lying unconscious on the floor.


Chapter Five


Kaya opened her eyes to moonlight. She was lying in the middle of her round bed once again in her prison. How did she get there? The last thing she remembered was rushing to the bathroom and locking the door. She’d been trying to put distance between Lord Fatel and herself, scared for his life. She couldn’t be the one who caused his death. Could she request a new teacher? Was that allowed?

She sensed she was not alone. She lifted her head to see her dream man sitting in a chair to one side of the bed. Seeing might be going too far, considering his face was still out of focus, even though she saw the rest of him with perfect clarity.

“Are you alright, Princess?”

“Lord Fatel?”

“No, I am Besh.”

“Why can’t I see your face clearly?”

“I can’t answer that. I also can’t answer why these dreams feel so real. But they just are. You still have not answered my question.”

“Am I alright? As alright as I can be given the circumstances.”

“Our doctors have looked you over and found the reason for your fainting. Evidently when the wi’ mia improved your organs, they stimulated an area of your brain humans rarely use, which has caused irregular activity. It could be what is causing our moonlight meetings, which I’m not quite so sure are dreams. Was there anything which happened before you passed out? Pain or anything of that nature?”

“No. The last thing I recall is slamming the door closed to the bathroom. This is the only memory afterward. Is this brain activity a bad thing? Will it continue to cause me to faint or other side effects?”

“The wi’ mia feel certain you will become accustomed to the new activity. There is a possibility you will be able to do more as you learn to control your brain waves. For now, they suggested rest. Why did you rush to the bathroom after you left the dressmaker? Were you feeling unwell?”

“I guess you could say that.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I suppose I can tell you the truth, since I’m not even sure if this is real or not.  I’m attracted to Fatel, and he is attracted to me. And the dressmaker told me if he were caught having made love to me then he could be killed. I cannot be the reason for his death.”

“Do you care for this man?” Besh didn’t sound mad. He actually sounded intrigued, which was odd considering his earlier show of jealousy in claiming her body as his own.

“I don’t know the answer. I’ve only known him for a few days, but I know enough of him to know I do not want to cause him harm.” She looked at where his face was supposed to be, a tremor running through her at the eerie visage. “Are you General Besh, the one who is supposed to be my mate?”

“Yes. I am. I
your mate. I will be your lover and your husband. You will stand at my side and mother my children.”

“I’ve made no promises of staying.”

“I know, but I am ever hopeful you will choose to stay with me. Our people have mated this way for eons, all have been happy and found love in their mates. I wish you could open your heart and mind to me. I could make you happy.”

“I won’t know you when it is time to Join you in the ceremony. How can I guess my future without knowing you at all? Aegarian women might accept this for themselves because it is accepted throughout your world. If I were to marry a man I’d met the day before, I would be called crazy on Earth.”

“Forget Earth. This is not Earth. You would become an Aegarian once you Joined with me, and you would be accepted as my wife. I will bring you joy. You will never want for anything. I will do everything in my power to make you love me.”

“What happens if I say no?”

“What happens to whom?”

“To you?”

“Don’t concern yourself with that.”

“Why not? If I’m your mate and I decline, will that cause you to live a life alone? Can one have two mates?”

“I don’t know; it has never happened. You have to make the choice you feel is right. I will not force your hand. But I know I can make you happy beyond all your dreams.”

BOOK: Her Alien Abductor (Aegarian Saga)
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