Her Alien Abductor (Aegarian Saga) (5 page)

BOOK: Her Alien Abductor (Aegarian Saga)
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“The Emperor decided if you were of our people, you needed to be in our Empire and under our protection. We have been battling the Bel Tak on and off for almost a century, and we were afraid if they learned of your world and its relation to us, your planet would be unsafe. A lot of Aegarians did not want to use force, but rather peaceful measures; but our Emperor is more a … man of action. He figured we could answer all those questions and sort everything out once the planet was in his control. I believe you have a saying, it is easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission. Well, it fits our Emperor fully.

“Fortunately though, the Regent who oversaw the entire invasion is more a diplomat than warrior and he had other tactics in mind, so we found a balance to this offensive.”

“You invaded to spread peace. Peace to a world you claim you basically created. That’s a large pill to swallow.”

“I would not expect any less than for you to question my version of your history. I have just asked you to rewrite your whole perspective on everything you know.”

“I feel more like I have fallen down the rabbit hole. Hell, I don’t see me anymore when I look in the mirror.”

“Rabbit hole?”

“It is from an old novel on Earth. It means you feel like your world has gone topsy-turvy.”

“I suppose it has. But what did you mean you don’t recognize what you see in the mirror?”

“I’m me, just a little different.”

“What have you noticed?”

“My hair is longer. Nails stronger and longer. My freckles are gone, and my body is slimmer and firmer. Was I not good enough for your precious general?”

“It is a decision we had to make and quickly. There were passing Boogdasharians moving through the galaxy when you were brought to this planet. These beings are very private and rarely leave their planet unless it is impossible not to. They are master wi’ mia, or in your language they would equate to something between a magician and a doctor. Boogdasharians have been members of the Empire since its inception and their skills in the medical arts have allowed our people to live a longer life than humans.

“Aegarians live well over two hundred Earth years, and we have even had some live to be upwards of three hundred. You, if you were lucky, would last about seventy-five years. The General would long outlive you. We asked the visiting wi’ mia to treat you in hopes of elongating your life as much as possible, to strengthen your body and hopefully allow you to live as long as he.”

“So I’m going to live over two hundred years?”

“That is the hope. The wi’ mia strengthened your organs, repairing any damage you have done so far. By the way, your diet is horrible, if your kidneys were any sign.”

“I don’t need you or your kind judging my body and its chubbiness, and then deeming me unworthy.”

“By diet, I meant what you eat daily, and I never said you were unworthy. I thought your curves were extremely pleasant to the eye, but the wi’ mia said you needed to be slimmed to put less strain on your heart and lungs. Considering you are a chef, you would think you could have cooked yourself healthier meals. Now, your freckles were taken off by accident; the wi’ mia assumed they were a cancer of some sort before they investigated further, but it was impossible to replace them, which saddens me. They gave your face character.

“Your hair was strengthened for health and lengthened for ceremonial reasons. Your nails strengthened and elongated for your benefit, as working with your hands daily damaged your fingers and nails.”

“So you just decided to take advantage of the passing aliens and fix me to your standards without me being allowed to choose? And what if I go back home? I’ll outlive everyone around me. You had no right.”

“You were still unconscious from the drugs the soldiers gave you to bring you here. You are much smaller than we are, so they overloaded you a bit and you slept four days. We waited, but were scared if we waited longer, we would miss the opportunity. And we only made you healthier and stronger in hopes of lengthening and enriching your life, not to have you fit any standards you seem to think we have. I have studied your society, and I see the pressures your people place on perfect bodies, but we have no such standards. We do strive for healthy minds and bodies, but we love our mate, no matter what our mate looks like. We are kindred spirits and when we meet, the attraction causes us to love the face and body we see.

“We had one reason and one reason alone for lengthening your life. Your soul mate is only thirty-two Earth years old. You are twenty-eight Earth years old. If you were to die at seventy-five, he would live another hundred or more years without you and that would crush him. If you choose to Join with him, of course.”

“What if I don’t choose him? I will be sent to earth to live out my long two hundred plus year life? No, you assume too much. You assume I will say yes and accept this man with open arms. I’m supposed to believe all this hooey and give in to what you tell me?”


“Nonsense. Tall Tales. Bullshit. You understand those?”

“Such fire. Makes my blood boil.” His sly grin and sarcasm just pissed her off all the more. “You will be granted access to the archive information which we uncovered and the research we did in the ten years which followed. You will be given access to this village, escorted by myself, or your lady’s maids of course, for your safety. You can ask any questions you may have. We have nothing to hide, and you can make the decision for yourself whether you believe the ‘hooey’ I have told you.”

For my safety
, more like so you can keep an eye on me. What if I choose to travel the village alone?”

“That will be your choice. But an Earthling wandering the streets of the village will surely be a sight for them to behold, even though you look so much like us it is apparent you are not Aegarian and there will be questions, I am sure. Their curiosity may get the better of them. And if the truth came out, some may not be happy an Earthling is the mate of the General.”

The glimmer of threat in his tone worried her. “They would harm me?”

“I should hope not. But I can’t say the answer is no. You are different. And not all our people may be glad you are here.”

“So exactly where is here?”

“You are in a village on Planet Dsh’Attar, the closest planet in our Empire to Earth. This is an Inoc planet, but this is a small settlement of Aegarians who have lived here for about 400 years.”

“I thought you said the Inoc were the enemy you fought in the civil war?”

“You follow along very well. After everything I just told you, I am surprised you remember.”

“Be careful of what you tell me. Your words may come back one day to haunt you.”

“The Inoc
our enemy, but that was almost two million years ago. We have lived peacefully with the people of the Inoc D’Attar for hundreds of thousands of years. Many Inoc are now on the Emperor’s council.”

“For a civilization which has been around for millions years, I expected many more technological advances, yet this village looks very simple from what I see over the balcony.”

“Actually, this colony was created by a group of our people who were tired of the pace of our cities and decided to make a quiet community on the outskirts of our Empire. They created a simple village with few of our technologies. Believe me, our cities can be quite overwhelming, another reason you were brought here. It is the closest planet to Earth in our Empire, and its quiet nature was a good place to introduce you into our society.”

“You said there were subtle differences between our people. What are they?”

“Well, for one, height and build. As you have probably noticed, our soldiers are all very tall. Most men stand around seven feet. Our women are all tall as well, most at least six feet. As such, our builds are thicker and stronger. Other things are larger on us, longer fingers and larger feet, but it is proportional to our heights, of course.”

“Larger feet, hmm?” Kaya felt the red tide rush across her face, not believing she had even uttered the stupid, immature remark.

“Yes, which is actually something I need to talk to you about as well.” Lord Fatel lifted a large case resting by his feet. “Your mate is indeed larger in all ways than what you are accustomed to in a human man. You will need to prepare yourself, in the event you do accept this life.”

He opened the case and turned it to face her, and she nearly passed out with embarrassment. The case was filled with what looked like varying sized phalluses. Her blush crept over her again, and she felt like she would sink into the pillow she was sitting on. Or at least she hoped the thing would shallow her whole.

“What in the hell are those for?”

“Preparing your body, unless of course, you enjoy pain ripping through your vagina. Your Daya N’goul is quite large, equal in size to the largest B’itakke in this case. I suggest you find the one which fills you with the least amount of pain and stretching, and wear it at night. And when you get accustomed to the size, go to the next, until you are comfortable filled with them all.”

“I only agreed to wait the month in order to learn and meet him; I did not say I would agree to have sex with him.”

“If you choose to stay at the end of your month, if you choose to stay with your mate, you will take part in the Joining ceremony the very next day. In the Joining, you will have the blessing cast over your joined bodies, and he will fill you with his seed. I know you have not made a decision, but there is nothing wrong with preparing yourself, just in case. I would not want to see you hurt.”

“I’m not going to go to bed wearing these. How would I sleep? There is no way.” More heat flooded her face, but she wondered if it was from the embarrassment, or the sexual need which began to quake within her core. The thought of being impaled with the large phalluses was enough for her nipples to tighten and her breathing to grow shallower.

“Well, I will leave them, and you can make the decision for yourself later. You have been given a lot of information to ponder, and I will drop the subject for now.” Lord Fatel moved the case from view and smiled at her, a knowing look swirling in his eyes. “Would you like to see the village? I can show you around. We also need to deliver you to the dressmaker for measurements so she can create clothing for your stay.”

“I would love to see the village, but I can’t go outside wearing this.”

“You look beautiful in anything, but I agree about the sheet. What is wrong with your dress?”

“You can see through the material. I don’t make a habit of exposing myself in public.”

“This is the garb of our women, and you will become accustomed to it in time. Your body is a work of art. Why shouldn’t the people see what splendor you have?”

Kaya blushed again, her eyes dropping and catching a glimpse of his erection again. Curiosity winning over embarrassment, she had to ask. “I felt you against my stomach yesterday, and now I see you’re erect again. I thought my mate was the one who was attracted to me?”

“Your mate becomes erect once smelling your pheromones and feeling the effects of Daya N’goul. But that does not mean another man cannot find you attractive.”

“But you’re my teacher, whatever that means. If I am to see you regularly for this month, I would hope you would control yourself.”  A part of Kaya hoped he would lose control, but fear spiraled through her at the thought of where it could lead.

“I will try to curb my passion, but looking at you makes it difficult to do such. You should take my erection as a compliment. I desire you. That does not make you feel good? To be wanted?”

Yes … it felt wonderful to have this handsome, intriguing, arrogant man desire her
. She felt the heat rise across her face once more and another heat blaze down to her pussy, thinking about him using his wondrous body to give her the pleasure he so obviously wanted to rend from hers.

“No, I don’t see it as a compliment. I see it as you not being able to control your lascivious nature, but why should I be amazed Aegarian men were not so different from Earth men and their lack of control over their sexual appetites.”

Her blush apparently showed him the truth, when she spoke a lie.

“I can smell your wetness from all the way over here.”

Kaya visibly blanched.

“Which is another difference. Our sense of smell is more greatly attuned than humans, as is our hearing and sight. So do not try to lie to me, I will know it for what it is.”

“I’ve not lied to you.”

Lunging over to her pillow, Lord Fatel pinned her down beneath him, pulling her arms above her head and holding them with one large hand. Her back arched instinctively to take the pressure off her arms and back, bringing her breasts in tightly to his muscular chest. Her heartbeat escalated; part in fear, part in desire. She felt the thrumming of it in her chest and could hear the noise within her ears. His weight on her made it difficult to breathe, but it also made her want … made her need … in a way she could not describe.

He lowered himself down a bit and took a hard nipple into his mouth through the fabric of the sheet and suckled it, bringing a harsh moan from her mouth.
How dare my body betray me like this?
She did not want him to overpower her, but oh goodness; she didn’t want him to stop. He moved the sheet away and suckled her nipple, laying swirling circles around the tight bud with his tongue, and with each pull to the aching skin, a shot went straight to her womb. The pleasure building there became overwhelming, and she rubbed her groin to his, feeling his hardness rub against her mound.

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